Rename files “The syntax of the command is incorrect” .batHow can I pass arguments to a batch file?Split long commands in multiple lines through Windows batch fileWindows batch files: .bat vs .cmd?How do I shutdown, restart, or log off Windows via a bat file?How to run multiple .BAT files within a .BAT fileHow do I rename the extension for a batch of files?How to rename a file using PythonRename multiple files in a directory in PythonHow do I run two commands in one line in Windows CMD?Renaming multiple files by name

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Rename files “The syntax of the command is incorrect” .bat

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I am trying to remove a string from multiple file names in multiple directories. This is the file as with a few files being created so that I can check what values are actually being SET.

When I get to the rename at the very bottom I get an error:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

I don't see anything amiss in the _intf and _fnlf text files that get created. Is there some trick to using variables as the file path in a rename?

@ECHO off

echo Delete dir.txt?

del dir.txt
del item.txt
del file.txt

::paths for all directories in root (where filerename.bat is run)
::get root dir path
SET "_c=%CD%"
SET /A "counter=0"
::get dir list and concats root dir path before
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('DIR /on /b /a:d /p %svnLOCAL%') DO (
SET "_dirp=%_c%%%A"
CALL :sub1
SET /A "_counter+=1"

::finds each file in dir
::make file to check dir path
ECHO "%_dirp%" > dir.txt
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%B in ('DIR /b %_dirp%') DO (
ECHO "%%B" > item.txt
SET "_item=%%B"
SET "_filep=%_dirp%"
CALL :sub2 %%~nB
ECHO "%_counter%"
EXIT /b 0

::builds file paths
set "str=%*"
set "str=%str:[1]=%"
SET "_intf=%_filep%%_item%"
SET "_fnlf=%_filep%%str%"
CALL :sub3
EXIT /b 0

::Renames each file
ECHO "%_intf%" > _intf.txt
ECHO "%_fnlf%" > _fnlf.txt
ren "%_intf%" "%_fnlf%.jpg"
EXIT /b 0

share|improve this question

  • 2

    Tracing %_fnlf% back to %_filep% which is set with value of %_dirp% . The 2nd argument of ren is a filename only, yet you have a backslash, which will make the argument invalid. See ren /?.

    – michael_heath
    Mar 9 at 10:40


I am trying to remove a string from multiple file names in multiple directories. This is the file as with a few files being created so that I can check what values are actually being SET.

When I get to the rename at the very bottom I get an error:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

I don't see anything amiss in the _intf and _fnlf text files that get created. Is there some trick to using variables as the file path in a rename?

@ECHO off

echo Delete dir.txt?

del dir.txt
del item.txt
del file.txt

::paths for all directories in root (where filerename.bat is run)
::get root dir path
SET "_c=%CD%"
SET /A "counter=0"
::get dir list and concats root dir path before
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('DIR /on /b /a:d /p %svnLOCAL%') DO (
SET "_dirp=%_c%%%A"
CALL :sub1
SET /A "_counter+=1"

::finds each file in dir
::make file to check dir path
ECHO "%_dirp%" > dir.txt
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%B in ('DIR /b %_dirp%') DO (
ECHO "%%B" > item.txt
SET "_item=%%B"
SET "_filep=%_dirp%"
CALL :sub2 %%~nB
ECHO "%_counter%"
EXIT /b 0

::builds file paths
set "str=%*"
set "str=%str:[1]=%"
SET "_intf=%_filep%%_item%"
SET "_fnlf=%_filep%%str%"
CALL :sub3
EXIT /b 0

::Renames each file
ECHO "%_intf%" > _intf.txt
ECHO "%_fnlf%" > _fnlf.txt
ren "%_intf%" "%_fnlf%.jpg"
EXIT /b 0

share|improve this question

  • 2

    Tracing %_fnlf% back to %_filep% which is set with value of %_dirp% . The 2nd argument of ren is a filename only, yet you have a backslash, which will make the argument invalid. See ren /?.

    – michael_heath
    Mar 9 at 10:40




I am trying to remove a string from multiple file names in multiple directories. This is the file as with a few files being created so that I can check what values are actually being SET.

When I get to the rename at the very bottom I get an error:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

I don't see anything amiss in the _intf and _fnlf text files that get created. Is there some trick to using variables as the file path in a rename?

@ECHO off

echo Delete dir.txt?

del dir.txt
del item.txt
del file.txt

::paths for all directories in root (where filerename.bat is run)
::get root dir path
SET "_c=%CD%"
SET /A "counter=0"
::get dir list and concats root dir path before
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('DIR /on /b /a:d /p %svnLOCAL%') DO (
SET "_dirp=%_c%%%A"
CALL :sub1
SET /A "_counter+=1"

::finds each file in dir
::make file to check dir path
ECHO "%_dirp%" > dir.txt
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%B in ('DIR /b %_dirp%') DO (
ECHO "%%B" > item.txt
SET "_item=%%B"
SET "_filep=%_dirp%"
CALL :sub2 %%~nB
ECHO "%_counter%"
EXIT /b 0

::builds file paths
set "str=%*"
set "str=%str:[1]=%"
SET "_intf=%_filep%%_item%"
SET "_fnlf=%_filep%%str%"
CALL :sub3
EXIT /b 0

::Renames each file
ECHO "%_intf%" > _intf.txt
ECHO "%_fnlf%" > _fnlf.txt
ren "%_intf%" "%_fnlf%.jpg"
EXIT /b 0

share|improve this question

I am trying to remove a string from multiple file names in multiple directories. This is the file as with a few files being created so that I can check what values are actually being SET.

When I get to the rename at the very bottom I get an error:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

I don't see anything amiss in the _intf and _fnlf text files that get created. Is there some trick to using variables as the file path in a rename?

@ECHO off

echo Delete dir.txt?

del dir.txt
del item.txt
del file.txt

::paths for all directories in root (where filerename.bat is run)
::get root dir path
SET "_c=%CD%"
SET /A "counter=0"
::get dir list and concats root dir path before
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('DIR /on /b /a:d /p %svnLOCAL%') DO (
SET "_dirp=%_c%%%A"
CALL :sub1
SET /A "_counter+=1"

::finds each file in dir
::make file to check dir path
ECHO "%_dirp%" > dir.txt
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%B in ('DIR /b %_dirp%') DO (
ECHO "%%B" > item.txt
SET "_item=%%B"
SET "_filep=%_dirp%"
CALL :sub2 %%~nB
ECHO "%_counter%"
EXIT /b 0

::builds file paths
set "str=%*"
set "str=%str:[1]=%"
SET "_intf=%_filep%%_item%"
SET "_fnlf=%_filep%%str%"
CALL :sub3
EXIT /b 0

::Renames each file
ECHO "%_intf%" > _intf.txt
ECHO "%_fnlf%" > _fnlf.txt
ren "%_intf%" "%_fnlf%.jpg"
EXIT /b 0

batch-file file-rename

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Mar 9 at 10:57




asked Mar 8 at 23:29




  • 2

    Tracing %_fnlf% back to %_filep% which is set with value of %_dirp% . The 2nd argument of ren is a filename only, yet you have a backslash, which will make the argument invalid. See ren /?.

    – michael_heath
    Mar 9 at 10:40

  • 2

    Tracing %_fnlf% back to %_filep% which is set with value of %_dirp% . The 2nd argument of ren is a filename only, yet you have a backslash, which will make the argument invalid. See ren /?.

    – michael_heath
    Mar 9 at 10:40



Tracing %_fnlf% back to %_filep% which is set with value of %_dirp% . The 2nd argument of ren is a filename only, yet you have a backslash, which will make the argument invalid. See ren /?.

– michael_heath
Mar 9 at 10:40

Tracing %_fnlf% back to %_filep% which is set with value of %_dirp% . The 2nd argument of ren is a filename only, yet you have a backslash, which will make the argument invalid. See ren /?.

– michael_heath
Mar 9 at 10:40

1 Answer





Your error is because you're not using the REName command correctly.

This can be noted by entering Ren /? at the Command Prompt, which shows the syntax as:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2

You however seem to be using:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 [drive:][path]filename2

…which will produce the error:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

As a simple fix for your script, you'd need to change the following line:

set "str=%str:[1]=%"


set "_fnlf=%str:[1]=%"

Then remove the line:

SET "_fnlf=%_filep%%str%"

If you wanted to tidy the code up you could probably change it to:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
Call Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "%%$:[1]=%%.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

Or Using DelayedExpansion:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "!$:[1]=!.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

In the two examples above, I've taken your comment, where filerename.bat is run, to mean the directory in which this script, filerename.bat, is located. If you meant the current working directory, which is not necessarily the same, you should replace the instances of %~dp0 above with %__CD__%.

Additionally, as is not clear from the information you've provided, I have assumed that %svnLOCAL% has already been defined.

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you Compo. I changed my original file, per your suggestion, to fit the needed syntax of the command and it work great. I pulled a bit of code from another post here which is where that '%svnLOCAL%' came from. It worked for some reason but I just changed it to '%CD%' and it functions the same as far as I can tell - am I missing something on how the 'DIR' works?

    – Isaact94
    Mar 11 at 12:41

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Your error is because you're not using the REName command correctly.

This can be noted by entering Ren /? at the Command Prompt, which shows the syntax as:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2

You however seem to be using:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 [drive:][path]filename2

…which will produce the error:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

As a simple fix for your script, you'd need to change the following line:

set "str=%str:[1]=%"


set "_fnlf=%str:[1]=%"

Then remove the line:

SET "_fnlf=%_filep%%str%"

If you wanted to tidy the code up you could probably change it to:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
Call Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "%%$:[1]=%%.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

Or Using DelayedExpansion:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "!$:[1]=!.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

In the two examples above, I've taken your comment, where filerename.bat is run, to mean the directory in which this script, filerename.bat, is located. If you meant the current working directory, which is not necessarily the same, you should replace the instances of %~dp0 above with %__CD__%.

Additionally, as is not clear from the information you've provided, I have assumed that %svnLOCAL% has already been defined.

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you Compo. I changed my original file, per your suggestion, to fit the needed syntax of the command and it work great. I pulled a bit of code from another post here which is where that '%svnLOCAL%' came from. It worked for some reason but I just changed it to '%CD%' and it functions the same as far as I can tell - am I missing something on how the 'DIR' works?

    – Isaact94
    Mar 11 at 12:41


Your error is because you're not using the REName command correctly.

This can be noted by entering Ren /? at the Command Prompt, which shows the syntax as:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2

You however seem to be using:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 [drive:][path]filename2

…which will produce the error:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

As a simple fix for your script, you'd need to change the following line:

set "str=%str:[1]=%"


set "_fnlf=%str:[1]=%"

Then remove the line:

SET "_fnlf=%_filep%%str%"

If you wanted to tidy the code up you could probably change it to:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
Call Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "%%$:[1]=%%.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

Or Using DelayedExpansion:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "!$:[1]=!.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

In the two examples above, I've taken your comment, where filerename.bat is run, to mean the directory in which this script, filerename.bat, is located. If you meant the current working directory, which is not necessarily the same, you should replace the instances of %~dp0 above with %__CD__%.

Additionally, as is not clear from the information you've provided, I have assumed that %svnLOCAL% has already been defined.

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you Compo. I changed my original file, per your suggestion, to fit the needed syntax of the command and it work great. I pulled a bit of code from another post here which is where that '%svnLOCAL%' came from. It worked for some reason but I just changed it to '%CD%' and it functions the same as far as I can tell - am I missing something on how the 'DIR' works?

    – Isaact94
    Mar 11 at 12:41




Your error is because you're not using the REName command correctly.

This can be noted by entering Ren /? at the Command Prompt, which shows the syntax as:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2

You however seem to be using:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 [drive:][path]filename2

…which will produce the error:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

As a simple fix for your script, you'd need to change the following line:

set "str=%str:[1]=%"


set "_fnlf=%str:[1]=%"

Then remove the line:

SET "_fnlf=%_filep%%str%"

If you wanted to tidy the code up you could probably change it to:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
Call Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "%%$:[1]=%%.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

Or Using DelayedExpansion:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "!$:[1]=!.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

In the two examples above, I've taken your comment, where filerename.bat is run, to mean the directory in which this script, filerename.bat, is located. If you meant the current working directory, which is not necessarily the same, you should replace the instances of %~dp0 above with %__CD__%.

Additionally, as is not clear from the information you've provided, I have assumed that %svnLOCAL% has already been defined.

share|improve this answer

Your error is because you're not using the REName command correctly.

This can be noted by entering Ren /? at the Command Prompt, which shows the syntax as:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2

You however seem to be using:

REN [drive:][path]filename1 [drive:][path]filename2

…which will produce the error:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

As a simple fix for your script, you'd need to change the following line:

set "str=%str:[1]=%"


set "_fnlf=%str:[1]=%"

Then remove the line:

SET "_fnlf=%_filep%%str%"

If you wanted to tidy the code up you could probably change it to:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
Call Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "%%$:[1]=%%.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

Or Using DelayedExpansion:

@Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%svnLOCAL%" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set /A i+=1
For /F "Delims=" %%B In ('Dir /B/A-D "%~dp0%%A*[1]*" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "$=%%~nB"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Ren "%~dp0%%A%%B" "!$:[1]=!.jpg"
Echo "%i%"

In the two examples above, I've taken your comment, where filerename.bat is run, to mean the directory in which this script, filerename.bat, is located. If you meant the current working directory, which is not necessarily the same, you should replace the instances of %~dp0 above with %__CD__%.

Additionally, as is not clear from the information you've provided, I have assumed that %svnLOCAL% has already been defined.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Mar 9 at 13:07

answered Mar 9 at 12:59




  • Thank you Compo. I changed my original file, per your suggestion, to fit the needed syntax of the command and it work great. I pulled a bit of code from another post here which is where that '%svnLOCAL%' came from. It worked for some reason but I just changed it to '%CD%' and it functions the same as far as I can tell - am I missing something on how the 'DIR' works?

    – Isaact94
    Mar 11 at 12:41

  • Thank you Compo. I changed my original file, per your suggestion, to fit the needed syntax of the command and it work great. I pulled a bit of code from another post here which is where that '%svnLOCAL%' came from. It worked for some reason but I just changed it to '%CD%' and it functions the same as far as I can tell - am I missing something on how the 'DIR' works?

    – Isaact94
    Mar 11 at 12:41

Thank you Compo. I changed my original file, per your suggestion, to fit the needed syntax of the command and it work great. I pulled a bit of code from another post here which is where that '%svnLOCAL%' came from. It worked for some reason but I just changed it to '%CD%' and it functions the same as far as I can tell - am I missing something on how the 'DIR' works?

– Isaact94
Mar 11 at 12:41

Thank you Compo. I changed my original file, per your suggestion, to fit the needed syntax of the command and it work great. I pulled a bit of code from another post here which is where that '%svnLOCAL%' came from. It worked for some reason but I just changed it to '%CD%' and it functions the same as far as I can tell - am I missing something on how the 'DIR' works?

– Isaact94
Mar 11 at 12:41

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