
Showing posts from March 24, 2019

Unable to fetch some links using list comprehension within scrapyGenerator Expressions vs. List ComprehensionList comprehension vs mapCreate a dictionary with list comprehension in Pythonlist comprehension vs. lambda + filterif/else in Python's list comprehension?if else in a list comprehensionScrapy - parse a page to extract items - then follow and store item url contentsScrapy: Get data on page and following linkHow to keep track of a request in scrapyPython Scrapy and yielding

Could solar power be utilized and substitute coal in the 19th century? Reply ‘no position’ while the job posting is still there (‘HiWi’ position in Germany) Visiting the UK as unmarried couple Is it improper etiquette to ask your opponent what his/her rating is before the game? Why did the EU agree to delay the Brexit deadline? How to get the similar sounding words together Why has "pence" been used in this sentence, not "pences"? Using a siddur to Daven from in a seforim store Is camera lens focus an exact point or a range? Find last 3 digits of this monster number Engineer refusing to file/disclose patents Can somebody explain Brexit in a few child-proof sentences? Does the Mind Blank spell prevent the target from being frightened? Do Legal Documents Require Signing In Standard Pen Colors? Could the E-bike drivetrain wear down till needing replacement after 400 km? Melting point of aspirin, contradicting sources How do I extrude a f

How do I format Format invoice_date like this: July 19, 2014 IN SQLHow can I prevent SQL injection in PHP?How do I perform an IF…THEN in an SQL SELECT?Add a column with a default value to an existing table in SQL ServerHow to return only the Date from a SQL Server DateTime datatypeParameterize an SQL IN clauseHow can I do an UPDATE statement with JOIN in SQL?How do I UPDATE from a SELECT in SQL Server?Finding duplicate values in a SQL tableSQL select only rows with max value on a columnHow to import an SQL file using the command line in MySQL?

In Star Trek IV, why did the Bounty go back to a time when whales were already rare? How do I implement a file system driver driver in Linux? Did arcade monitors have same pixel aspect ratio as TV sets? Flux received by a negative charge How do I repair my stair bannister? Is there a word to describe the feeling of being transfixed out of horror? Divine apple island Would it be legal for a US State to ban exports of a natural resource? Do Legal Documents Require Signing In Standard Pen Colors? Diode in opposite direction? Should I stop contributing to retirement accounts? Can the Supreme Court overturn an impeachment? Is XSS in canonical link possible? THT: What is a squared annular “ring”? A Permanent Norse Presence in America Freedom of speech and where it applies Why has "pence" been used in this sentence, not "pences"? How should I respond when I lied about my education and the company finds out through background check? Can a