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Algorithm - Find the first missing integer in the sequence of integers

What is the best algorithm for an overridden System.Object.GetHashCode?Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s)Find the minimum element missing from sequence of non-negative integersFind an integer not among four billion given onesUkkonen's suffix tree algorithm in plain EnglishImage Processing: Algorithm Improvement for 'Coca-Cola Can' RecognitionFind running median from a stream of integersHow to find time complexity of an algorithmBomb dropping algorithmWhat is the optimal algorithm for the game 2048?


Find the first missing integer in the sequence of integers

[4,5,1,2,6,7] missing is 3

Then when there is repeated integers

[1,2,2,2,5,8,9] still missing 3

When you also have negative

[-2,0, 1,2,] missing -1

[1,2,3,4,5] missing 6 or 0

Can anyone help me find a good algorithm to cover all these cases. I have an algorithm which covers first 2 cases but not sure how to cover all the cases in effective manner.

share|improve this question

  • 3

    First of all, sort the sequence. Secondly, remove any duplicates. Thirdly, look for any "gap" between values. Lastly, if no gap is found, the "missing" is the next value after the last element in the (sorted) sequence.

    – Some programmer dude
    Mar 8 at 6:49

  • For the case 1 2 3 4 5 the missing number can also be a 0?

    – Samer Tufail
    Mar 8 at 6:50

  • 2

    Sort and look for diffs > 1, if you find a difference of 0 it's a duplicate and just continue.

    – Samer Tufail
    Mar 8 at 6:54

  • 3

    Before you can talk about things that are missing you have to talk about the rules for what you expect to be present. You say in a comment that the sequence 1 2 3 4 5 can be missing 0, then why isn't 0 the first missing integer from the first and second sequence in your question as well? Additionally, in the question you say 6 is the number that is missing. Well, is it 0 or 6? How do you define "first"? Please define the rules for which integers you expect to be present.

    – Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
    Mar 8 at 7:44

  • 1

    The second example is also missing 4, 6, 7. Also, isn't every sequence 'missing' the numbers just off the ends of the sequence?

    – Dave
    Mar 8 at 12:05


Find the first missing integer in the sequence of integers

[4,5,1,2,6,7] missing is 3

Then when there is repeated integers

[1,2,2,2,5,8,9] still missing 3

When you also have negative

[-2,0, 1,2,] missing -1

[1,2,3,4,5] missing 6 or 0

Can anyone help me find a good algorithm to cover all these cases. I have an algorithm which covers first 2 cases but not sure how to cover all the cases in effective manner.

share|improve this question

  • 3

    First of all, sort the sequence. Secondly, remove any duplicates. Thirdly, look for any "gap" between values. Lastly, if no gap is found, the "missing" is the next value after the last element in the (sorted) sequence.

    – Some programmer dude
    Mar 8 at 6:49

  • For the case 1 2 3 4 5 the missing number can also be a 0?

    – Samer Tufail
    Mar 8 at 6:50

  • 2

    Sort and look for diffs > 1, if you find a difference of 0 it's a duplicate and just continue.

    – Samer Tufail
    Mar 8 at 6:54

  • 3

    Before you can talk about things that are missing you have to talk about the rules for what you expect to be present. You say in a comment that the sequence 1 2 3 4 5 can be missing 0, then why isn't 0 the first missing integer from the first and second sequence in your question as well? Additionally, in the question you say 6 is the number that is missing. Well, is it 0 or 6? How do you define "first"? Please define the rules for which integers you expect to be present.

    – Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
    Mar 8 at 7:44

  • 1

    The second example is also missing 4, 6, 7. Also, isn't every sequence 'missing' the numbers just off the ends of the sequence?

    – Dave
    Mar 8 at 12:05




Find the first missing integer in the sequence of integers

[4,5,1,2,6,7] missing is 3

Then when there is repeated integers

[1,2,2,2,5,8,9] still missing 3

When you also have negative

[-2,0, 1,2,] missing -1

[1,2,3,4,5] missing 6 or 0

Can anyone help me find a good algorithm to cover all these cases. I have an algorithm which covers first 2 cases but not sure how to cover all the cases in effective manner.

share|improve this question

Find the first missing integer in the sequence of integers

[4,5,1,2,6,7] missing is 3

Then when there is repeated integers

[1,2,2,2,5,8,9] still missing 3

When you also have negative

[-2,0, 1,2,] missing -1

[1,2,3,4,5] missing 6 or 0

Can anyone help me find a good algorithm to cover all these cases. I have an algorithm which covers first 2 cases but not sure how to cover all the cases in effective manner.


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edited Mar 8 at 7:46

Hussain ali

asked Mar 8 at 6:44

Hussain aliHussain ali



  • 3

    First of all, sort the sequence. Secondly, remove any duplicates. Thirdly, look for any "gap" between values. Lastly, if no gap is found, the "missing" is the next value after the last element in the (sorted) sequence.

    – Some programmer dude
    Mar 8 at 6:49

  • For the case 1 2 3 4 5 the missing number can also be a 0?

    – Samer Tufail
    Mar 8 at 6:50

  • 2

    Sort and look for diffs > 1, if you find a difference of 0 it's a duplicate and just continue.

    – Samer Tufail
    Mar 8 at 6:54

  • 3

    Before you can talk about things that are missing you have to talk about the rules for what you expect to be present. You say in a comment that the sequence 1 2 3 4 5 can be missing 0, then why isn't 0 the first missing integer from the first and second sequence in your question as well? Additionally, in the question you say 6 is the number that is missing. Well, is it 0 or 6? How do you define "first"? Please define the rules for which integers you expect to be present.

    – Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
    Mar 8 at 7:44

  • 1

    The second example is also missing 4, 6, 7. Also, isn't every sequence 'missing' the numbers just off the ends of the sequence?

    – Dave
    Mar 8 at 12:05

  • 3

    First of all, sort the sequence. Secondly, remove any duplicates. Thirdly, look for any "gap" between values. Lastly, if no gap is found, the "missing" is the next value after the last element in the (sorted) sequence.

    – Some programmer dude
    Mar 8 at 6:49

  • For the case 1 2 3 4 5 the missing number can also be a 0?

    – Samer Tufail
    Mar 8 at 6:50

  • 2

    Sort and look for diffs > 1, if you find a difference of 0 it's a duplicate and just continue.

    – Samer Tufail
    Mar 8 at 6:54

  • 3

    Before you can talk about things that are missing you have to talk about the rules for what you expect to be present. You say in a comment that the sequence 1 2 3 4 5 can be missing 0, then why isn't 0 the first missing integer from the first and second sequence in your question as well? Additionally, in the question you say 6 is the number that is missing. Well, is it 0 or 6? How do you define "first"? Please define the rules for which integers you expect to be present.

    – Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
    Mar 8 at 7:44

  • 1

    The second example is also missing 4, 6, 7. Also, isn't every sequence 'missing' the numbers just off the ends of the sequence?

    – Dave
    Mar 8 at 12:05



First of all, sort the sequence. Secondly, remove any duplicates. Thirdly, look for any "gap" between values. Lastly, if no gap is found, the "missing" is the next value after the last element in the (sorted) sequence.

– Some programmer dude
Mar 8 at 6:49

First of all, sort the sequence. Secondly, remove any duplicates. Thirdly, look for any "gap" between values. Lastly, if no gap is found, the "missing" is the next value after the last element in the (sorted) sequence.

– Some programmer dude
Mar 8 at 6:49

For the case 1 2 3 4 5 the missing number can also be a 0?

– Samer Tufail
Mar 8 at 6:50

For the case 1 2 3 4 5 the missing number can also be a 0?

– Samer Tufail
Mar 8 at 6:50



Sort and look for diffs > 1, if you find a difference of 0 it's a duplicate and just continue.

– Samer Tufail
Mar 8 at 6:54

Sort and look for diffs > 1, if you find a difference of 0 it's a duplicate and just continue.

– Samer Tufail
Mar 8 at 6:54



Before you can talk about things that are missing you have to talk about the rules for what you expect to be present. You say in a comment that the sequence 1 2 3 4 5 can be missing 0, then why isn't 0 the first missing integer from the first and second sequence in your question as well? Additionally, in the question you say 6 is the number that is missing. Well, is it 0 or 6? How do you define "first"? Please define the rules for which integers you expect to be present.

– Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
Mar 8 at 7:44

Before you can talk about things that are missing you have to talk about the rules for what you expect to be present. You say in a comment that the sequence 1 2 3 4 5 can be missing 0, then why isn't 0 the first missing integer from the first and second sequence in your question as well? Additionally, in the question you say 6 is the number that is missing. Well, is it 0 or 6? How do you define "first"? Please define the rules for which integers you expect to be present.

– Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
Mar 8 at 7:44



The second example is also missing 4, 6, 7. Also, isn't every sequence 'missing' the numbers just off the ends of the sequence?

– Dave
Mar 8 at 12:05

The second example is also missing 4, 6, 7. Also, isn't every sequence 'missing' the numbers just off the ends of the sequence?

– Dave
Mar 8 at 12:05

4 Answers





What I consider the classic O(n) solution for this problem is to rely on the fact that the array can contain at most N unique numbers, where N is the input's length. Therefore the range for our record is restricted to N.

Since you seem to allow the expected sequence to start anywhere, including negative numbers, we can start by iterating once over the array and recording, L, the lowest number seen. Now use L as an offset so that 0 + L equals the first number we expect to be present.

Initialise an array record of length (N + 1) and set each entry to false. Iterate over the input and for each entry, A[i], if (A[i] - L) is not greater than N, set record[ A[i] - L ] to true. For example:

[-2, 0, 1, 2] ->
N = 4
L = -2

-2 -> -2 - (-2) = 0
-> record[0] = true

0 -> 0 - (-2) = 2
-> record[2] = true

1 -> 1 - (-2) = 3
-> record[3] = true

2 -> 2 - (-2) = 4
-> record[4] = true

record -> [true, false, true, true, true]

Now iterate over the record. Output the first entry at index i that is set to false as i + L. In our example above, this would be:

record[1] is false

output: 1 + (-2) -> -1

share|improve this answer


    I think, it will be easy to solve sort of problems using data-structure like TreeMap in JAVA, e.g:

    treeMap.put(array[i], treeMap.get(array[i]) == null ? 1 : treeMap.get(array[i]) + 1);

    So, you are putting key and value to the TreeMap the key represent the digit itself e.g, 1,2,3... and the value represent the occurrence times.

    Thus, and by taking advantage of this data-structure (Sort elements for us) you can loop through this data-structure and check which key is missing in the sequence, e.g:

    for key in treeMap
    if(key > currentIndex) // this is the missing digit
    if(loop-completed-without-missing-key) // it's not in the array.

    share|improve this answer


      Add the numbers to a running array and keep them sorted.

      You may also have optional minimum and maximum bounds for the array (to handle your third case, "6 is missing even if not in array"

      On examination of a new number:
      - try inserting it in the sorting array.
      - already present: discard
      - below minimum or above maximum: nullify minimum or maximum accordingly
      - otherwise add in proper position.

      To handle an array: sort it, compare first and last elements to expected minimum / maximum. Nullify minimum if greater than first element, nullify maximum if smaller than last element.

      There might be a special case if minimum and maximum are both above first or both above last:

       min=5 max=8 array = [ 10, 11, 13 ]

      Here 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12 are missing, but what about 9? Should it be considered missing?

      When checking for missing numbers include:
      - if minimum is not null, all numbers from minimum to first element.
      - if maximum is not null, all numbers from last element to maximum.
      - if (last - first) = number of elements, no numbers are missing
      (total numbers examined minus array size is duplicate count)
      - otherwise walk the array and report all missing numbers: when
      checking array[i], if array[i]-array[i-1] != 1 you have a gap.

      only "first" missing

      You still have to manage the whole array even if you're only interested in one missing number. For if you discarded part of the array, and the missing number arrived, then the new missing number might well have been in the discarded part of the array.

      However you might keep trace of what the smallest missing number is, and recalculate with cost of o(log n) only when/if it arrives; then you'd be able to tell which is it in o(1) time. To quickly zero on that missing number, consider that there is a gap between arr[i] and arr[j] iff arr[j]-arr[i] > j-i.

      So you can use the bisection method: start with i = first, j = last; if gap(i,j) then c = ceil(i+j)/2. If gap(i, c) then j = c, else i = c, and repeat until j-i = 1. At that point arr[i]+1 is your smallest missing number.

      share|improve this answer


        #include <stdio.h>
        #include <string.h>
        #include <math.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>

        int main()

        int n;
        int a[n],i=0;
        //Reading elements

        int min=__INT_MAX__,max=0;
        //Finding the minimun and maximum from given elements

        int len=max-min,diff=0-min,miss;
        int b[len];
        //Creating a new array and assigning 0
        //The corresponding index value is incremented based on the given numbers

        //Finding the missed value


        Code Explanation:

        1.Find the minimum and maximum in the given numbers.

        2.Create an count array of size (maximum-minimum) and iniatizing to 0, which maintains the count of the given numbers.

        3.Now by iterating, for each given element increment the corresponding index by 1.

        4.Finally iterate through the count array and find the first missing number.

        This might help you in solving your problem. Correct me if i'm wrong.

        share|improve this answer

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          4 Answers




          4 Answers











          What I consider the classic O(n) solution for this problem is to rely on the fact that the array can contain at most N unique numbers, where N is the input's length. Therefore the range for our record is restricted to N.

          Since you seem to allow the expected sequence to start anywhere, including negative numbers, we can start by iterating once over the array and recording, L, the lowest number seen. Now use L as an offset so that 0 + L equals the first number we expect to be present.

          Initialise an array record of length (N + 1) and set each entry to false. Iterate over the input and for each entry, A[i], if (A[i] - L) is not greater than N, set record[ A[i] - L ] to true. For example:

          [-2, 0, 1, 2] ->
          N = 4
          L = -2

          -2 -> -2 - (-2) = 0
          -> record[0] = true

          0 -> 0 - (-2) = 2
          -> record[2] = true

          1 -> 1 - (-2) = 3
          -> record[3] = true

          2 -> 2 - (-2) = 4
          -> record[4] = true

          record -> [true, false, true, true, true]

          Now iterate over the record. Output the first entry at index i that is set to false as i + L. In our example above, this would be:

          record[1] is false

          output: 1 + (-2) -> -1

          share|improve this answer


            What I consider the classic O(n) solution for this problem is to rely on the fact that the array can contain at most N unique numbers, where N is the input's length. Therefore the range for our record is restricted to N.

            Since you seem to allow the expected sequence to start anywhere, including negative numbers, we can start by iterating once over the array and recording, L, the lowest number seen. Now use L as an offset so that 0 + L equals the first number we expect to be present.

            Initialise an array record of length (N + 1) and set each entry to false. Iterate over the input and for each entry, A[i], if (A[i] - L) is not greater than N, set record[ A[i] - L ] to true. For example:

            [-2, 0, 1, 2] ->
            N = 4
            L = -2

            -2 -> -2 - (-2) = 0
            -> record[0] = true

            0 -> 0 - (-2) = 2
            -> record[2] = true

            1 -> 1 - (-2) = 3
            -> record[3] = true

            2 -> 2 - (-2) = 4
            -> record[4] = true

            record -> [true, false, true, true, true]

            Now iterate over the record. Output the first entry at index i that is set to false as i + L. In our example above, this would be:

            record[1] is false

            output: 1 + (-2) -> -1

            share|improve this answer




              What I consider the classic O(n) solution for this problem is to rely on the fact that the array can contain at most N unique numbers, where N is the input's length. Therefore the range for our record is restricted to N.

              Since you seem to allow the expected sequence to start anywhere, including negative numbers, we can start by iterating once over the array and recording, L, the lowest number seen. Now use L as an offset so that 0 + L equals the first number we expect to be present.

              Initialise an array record of length (N + 1) and set each entry to false. Iterate over the input and for each entry, A[i], if (A[i] - L) is not greater than N, set record[ A[i] - L ] to true. For example:

              [-2, 0, 1, 2] ->
              N = 4
              L = -2

              -2 -> -2 - (-2) = 0
              -> record[0] = true

              0 -> 0 - (-2) = 2
              -> record[2] = true

              1 -> 1 - (-2) = 3
              -> record[3] = true

              2 -> 2 - (-2) = 4
              -> record[4] = true

              record -> [true, false, true, true, true]

              Now iterate over the record. Output the first entry at index i that is set to false as i + L. In our example above, this would be:

              record[1] is false

              output: 1 + (-2) -> -1

              share|improve this answer

              What I consider the classic O(n) solution for this problem is to rely on the fact that the array can contain at most N unique numbers, where N is the input's length. Therefore the range for our record is restricted to N.

              Since you seem to allow the expected sequence to start anywhere, including negative numbers, we can start by iterating once over the array and recording, L, the lowest number seen. Now use L as an offset so that 0 + L equals the first number we expect to be present.

              Initialise an array record of length (N + 1) and set each entry to false. Iterate over the input and for each entry, A[i], if (A[i] - L) is not greater than N, set record[ A[i] - L ] to true. For example:

              [-2, 0, 1, 2] ->
              N = 4
              L = -2

              -2 -> -2 - (-2) = 0
              -> record[0] = true

              0 -> 0 - (-2) = 2
              -> record[2] = true

              1 -> 1 - (-2) = 3
              -> record[3] = true

              2 -> 2 - (-2) = 4
              -> record[4] = true

              record -> [true, false, true, true, true]

              Now iterate over the record. Output the first entry at index i that is set to false as i + L. In our example above, this would be:

              record[1] is false

              output: 1 + (-2) -> -1

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered Mar 8 at 11:47

              גלעד ברקןגלעד ברקן




                  I think, it will be easy to solve sort of problems using data-structure like TreeMap in JAVA, e.g:

                  treeMap.put(array[i], treeMap.get(array[i]) == null ? 1 : treeMap.get(array[i]) + 1);

                  So, you are putting key and value to the TreeMap the key represent the digit itself e.g, 1,2,3... and the value represent the occurrence times.

                  Thus, and by taking advantage of this data-structure (Sort elements for us) you can loop through this data-structure and check which key is missing in the sequence, e.g:

                  for key in treeMap
                  if(key > currentIndex) // this is the missing digit
                  if(loop-completed-without-missing-key) // it's not in the array.

                  share|improve this answer


                    I think, it will be easy to solve sort of problems using data-structure like TreeMap in JAVA, e.g:

                    treeMap.put(array[i], treeMap.get(array[i]) == null ? 1 : treeMap.get(array[i]) + 1);

                    So, you are putting key and value to the TreeMap the key represent the digit itself e.g, 1,2,3... and the value represent the occurrence times.

                    Thus, and by taking advantage of this data-structure (Sort elements for us) you can loop through this data-structure and check which key is missing in the sequence, e.g:

                    for key in treeMap
                    if(key > currentIndex) // this is the missing digit
                    if(loop-completed-without-missing-key) // it's not in the array.

                    share|improve this answer




                      I think, it will be easy to solve sort of problems using data-structure like TreeMap in JAVA, e.g:

                      treeMap.put(array[i], treeMap.get(array[i]) == null ? 1 : treeMap.get(array[i]) + 1);

                      So, you are putting key and value to the TreeMap the key represent the digit itself e.g, 1,2,3... and the value represent the occurrence times.

                      Thus, and by taking advantage of this data-structure (Sort elements for us) you can loop through this data-structure and check which key is missing in the sequence, e.g:

                      for key in treeMap
                      if(key > currentIndex) // this is the missing digit
                      if(loop-completed-without-missing-key) // it's not in the array.

                      share|improve this answer

                      I think, it will be easy to solve sort of problems using data-structure like TreeMap in JAVA, e.g:

                      treeMap.put(array[i], treeMap.get(array[i]) == null ? 1 : treeMap.get(array[i]) + 1);

                      So, you are putting key and value to the TreeMap the key represent the digit itself e.g, 1,2,3... and the value represent the occurrence times.

                      Thus, and by taking advantage of this data-structure (Sort elements for us) you can loop through this data-structure and check which key is missing in the sequence, e.g:

                      for key in treeMap
                      if(key > currentIndex) // this is the missing digit
                      if(loop-completed-without-missing-key) // it's not in the array.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered Mar 8 at 7:29

                      Ibrahim AliIbrahim Ali




                          Add the numbers to a running array and keep them sorted.

                          You may also have optional minimum and maximum bounds for the array (to handle your third case, "6 is missing even if not in array"

                          On examination of a new number:
                          - try inserting it in the sorting array.
                          - already present: discard
                          - below minimum or above maximum: nullify minimum or maximum accordingly
                          - otherwise add in proper position.

                          To handle an array: sort it, compare first and last elements to expected minimum / maximum. Nullify minimum if greater than first element, nullify maximum if smaller than last element.

                          There might be a special case if minimum and maximum are both above first or both above last:

                           min=5 max=8 array = [ 10, 11, 13 ]

                          Here 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12 are missing, but what about 9? Should it be considered missing?

                          When checking for missing numbers include:
                          - if minimum is not null, all numbers from minimum to first element.
                          - if maximum is not null, all numbers from last element to maximum.
                          - if (last - first) = number of elements, no numbers are missing
                          (total numbers examined minus array size is duplicate count)
                          - otherwise walk the array and report all missing numbers: when
                          checking array[i], if array[i]-array[i-1] != 1 you have a gap.

                          only "first" missing

                          You still have to manage the whole array even if you're only interested in one missing number. For if you discarded part of the array, and the missing number arrived, then the new missing number might well have been in the discarded part of the array.

                          However you might keep trace of what the smallest missing number is, and recalculate with cost of o(log n) only when/if it arrives; then you'd be able to tell which is it in o(1) time. To quickly zero on that missing number, consider that there is a gap between arr[i] and arr[j] iff arr[j]-arr[i] > j-i.

                          So you can use the bisection method: start with i = first, j = last; if gap(i,j) then c = ceil(i+j)/2. If gap(i, c) then j = c, else i = c, and repeat until j-i = 1. At that point arr[i]+1 is your smallest missing number.

                          share|improve this answer


                            Add the numbers to a running array and keep them sorted.

                            You may also have optional minimum and maximum bounds for the array (to handle your third case, "6 is missing even if not in array"

                            On examination of a new number:
                            - try inserting it in the sorting array.
                            - already present: discard
                            - below minimum or above maximum: nullify minimum or maximum accordingly
                            - otherwise add in proper position.

                            To handle an array: sort it, compare first and last elements to expected minimum / maximum. Nullify minimum if greater than first element, nullify maximum if smaller than last element.

                            There might be a special case if minimum and maximum are both above first or both above last:

                             min=5 max=8 array = [ 10, 11, 13 ]

                            Here 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12 are missing, but what about 9? Should it be considered missing?

                            When checking for missing numbers include:
                            - if minimum is not null, all numbers from minimum to first element.
                            - if maximum is not null, all numbers from last element to maximum.
                            - if (last - first) = number of elements, no numbers are missing
                            (total numbers examined minus array size is duplicate count)
                            - otherwise walk the array and report all missing numbers: when
                            checking array[i], if array[i]-array[i-1] != 1 you have a gap.

                            only "first" missing

                            You still have to manage the whole array even if you're only interested in one missing number. For if you discarded part of the array, and the missing number arrived, then the new missing number might well have been in the discarded part of the array.

                            However you might keep trace of what the smallest missing number is, and recalculate with cost of o(log n) only when/if it arrives; then you'd be able to tell which is it in o(1) time. To quickly zero on that missing number, consider that there is a gap between arr[i] and arr[j] iff arr[j]-arr[i] > j-i.

                            So you can use the bisection method: start with i = first, j = last; if gap(i,j) then c = ceil(i+j)/2. If gap(i, c) then j = c, else i = c, and repeat until j-i = 1. At that point arr[i]+1 is your smallest missing number.

                            share|improve this answer




                              Add the numbers to a running array and keep them sorted.

                              You may also have optional minimum and maximum bounds for the array (to handle your third case, "6 is missing even if not in array"

                              On examination of a new number:
                              - try inserting it in the sorting array.
                              - already present: discard
                              - below minimum or above maximum: nullify minimum or maximum accordingly
                              - otherwise add in proper position.

                              To handle an array: sort it, compare first and last elements to expected minimum / maximum. Nullify minimum if greater than first element, nullify maximum if smaller than last element.

                              There might be a special case if minimum and maximum are both above first or both above last:

                               min=5 max=8 array = [ 10, 11, 13 ]

                              Here 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12 are missing, but what about 9? Should it be considered missing?

                              When checking for missing numbers include:
                              - if minimum is not null, all numbers from minimum to first element.
                              - if maximum is not null, all numbers from last element to maximum.
                              - if (last - first) = number of elements, no numbers are missing
                              (total numbers examined minus array size is duplicate count)
                              - otherwise walk the array and report all missing numbers: when
                              checking array[i], if array[i]-array[i-1] != 1 you have a gap.

                              only "first" missing

                              You still have to manage the whole array even if you're only interested in one missing number. For if you discarded part of the array, and the missing number arrived, then the new missing number might well have been in the discarded part of the array.

                              However you might keep trace of what the smallest missing number is, and recalculate with cost of o(log n) only when/if it arrives; then you'd be able to tell which is it in o(1) time. To quickly zero on that missing number, consider that there is a gap between arr[i] and arr[j] iff arr[j]-arr[i] > j-i.

                              So you can use the bisection method: start with i = first, j = last; if gap(i,j) then c = ceil(i+j)/2. If gap(i, c) then j = c, else i = c, and repeat until j-i = 1. At that point arr[i]+1 is your smallest missing number.

                              share|improve this answer

                              Add the numbers to a running array and keep them sorted.

                              You may also have optional minimum and maximum bounds for the array (to handle your third case, "6 is missing even if not in array"

                              On examination of a new number:
                              - try inserting it in the sorting array.
                              - already present: discard
                              - below minimum or above maximum: nullify minimum or maximum accordingly
                              - otherwise add in proper position.

                              To handle an array: sort it, compare first and last elements to expected minimum / maximum. Nullify minimum if greater than first element, nullify maximum if smaller than last element.

                              There might be a special case if minimum and maximum are both above first or both above last:

                               min=5 max=8 array = [ 10, 11, 13 ]

                              Here 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12 are missing, but what about 9? Should it be considered missing?

                              When checking for missing numbers include:
                              - if minimum is not null, all numbers from minimum to first element.
                              - if maximum is not null, all numbers from last element to maximum.
                              - if (last - first) = number of elements, no numbers are missing
                              (total numbers examined minus array size is duplicate count)
                              - otherwise walk the array and report all missing numbers: when
                              checking array[i], if array[i]-array[i-1] != 1 you have a gap.

                              only "first" missing

                              You still have to manage the whole array even if you're only interested in one missing number. For if you discarded part of the array, and the missing number arrived, then the new missing number might well have been in the discarded part of the array.

                              However you might keep trace of what the smallest missing number is, and recalculate with cost of o(log n) only when/if it arrives; then you'd be able to tell which is it in o(1) time. To quickly zero on that missing number, consider that there is a gap between arr[i] and arr[j] iff arr[j]-arr[i] > j-i.

                              So you can use the bisection method: start with i = first, j = last; if gap(i,j) then c = ceil(i+j)/2. If gap(i, c) then j = c, else i = c, and repeat until j-i = 1. At that point arr[i]+1 is your smallest missing number.

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              edited Mar 8 at 7:46

                              answered Mar 8 at 7:40





                                  #include <stdio.h>
                                  #include <string.h>
                                  #include <math.h>
                                  #include <stdlib.h>

                                  int main()

                                  int n;
                                  int a[n],i=0;
                                  //Reading elements

                                  int min=__INT_MAX__,max=0;
                                  //Finding the minimun and maximum from given elements

                                  int len=max-min,diff=0-min,miss;
                                  int b[len];
                                  //Creating a new array and assigning 0
                                  //The corresponding index value is incremented based on the given numbers

                                  //Finding the missed value


                                  Code Explanation:

                                  1.Find the minimum and maximum in the given numbers.

                                  2.Create an count array of size (maximum-minimum) and iniatizing to 0, which maintains the count of the given numbers.

                                  3.Now by iterating, for each given element increment the corresponding index by 1.

                                  4.Finally iterate through the count array and find the first missing number.

                                  This might help you in solving your problem. Correct me if i'm wrong.

                                  share|improve this answer


                                    #include <stdio.h>
                                    #include <string.h>
                                    #include <math.h>
                                    #include <stdlib.h>

                                    int main()

                                    int n;
                                    int a[n],i=0;
                                    //Reading elements

                                    int min=__INT_MAX__,max=0;
                                    //Finding the minimun and maximum from given elements

                                    int len=max-min,diff=0-min,miss;
                                    int b[len];
                                    //Creating a new array and assigning 0
                                    //The corresponding index value is incremented based on the given numbers

                                    //Finding the missed value


                                    Code Explanation:

                                    1.Find the minimum and maximum in the given numbers.

                                    2.Create an count array of size (maximum-minimum) and iniatizing to 0, which maintains the count of the given numbers.

                                    3.Now by iterating, for each given element increment the corresponding index by 1.

                                    4.Finally iterate through the count array and find the first missing number.

                                    This might help you in solving your problem. Correct me if i'm wrong.

                                    share|improve this answer




                                      #include <stdio.h>
                                      #include <string.h>
                                      #include <math.h>
                                      #include <stdlib.h>

                                      int main()

                                      int n;
                                      int a[n],i=0;
                                      //Reading elements

                                      int min=__INT_MAX__,max=0;
                                      //Finding the minimun and maximum from given elements

                                      int len=max-min,diff=0-min,miss;
                                      int b[len];
                                      //Creating a new array and assigning 0
                                      //The corresponding index value is incremented based on the given numbers

                                      //Finding the missed value


                                      Code Explanation:

                                      1.Find the minimum and maximum in the given numbers.

                                      2.Create an count array of size (maximum-minimum) and iniatizing to 0, which maintains the count of the given numbers.

                                      3.Now by iterating, for each given element increment the corresponding index by 1.

                                      4.Finally iterate through the count array and find the first missing number.

                                      This might help you in solving your problem. Correct me if i'm wrong.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      #include <stdio.h>
                                      #include <string.h>
                                      #include <math.h>
                                      #include <stdlib.h>

                                      int main()

                                      int n;
                                      int a[n],i=0;
                                      //Reading elements

                                      int min=__INT_MAX__,max=0;
                                      //Finding the minimun and maximum from given elements

                                      int len=max-min,diff=0-min,miss;
                                      int b[len];
                                      //Creating a new array and assigning 0
                                      //The corresponding index value is incremented based on the given numbers

                                      //Finding the missed value


                                      Code Explanation:

                                      1.Find the minimum and maximum in the given numbers.

                                      2.Create an count array of size (maximum-minimum) and iniatizing to 0, which maintains the count of the given numbers.

                                      3.Now by iterating, for each given element increment the corresponding index by 1.

                                      4.Finally iterate through the count array and find the first missing number.

                                      This might help you in solving your problem. Correct me if i'm wrong.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      answered Mar 8 at 12:39




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