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Evaluate boolean expressions from arrayList

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I generate a truth table from any boolean expression and store it into a 2D array. As a first step, I store my boolean expression in an object arrayList. I count noumbers of variables to deduct numbers of columns(variables) and numbers of rows(combinaisons).

 nbrVariables = variables.size();
nbrCombinaisons = (int)Math.pow(2,variables.size());
truth_table = new int [nbrCombinaisons][nbrVariables+1];

I declare nbrVariables+1 because I need 1 column which represents my output. Using a loop, I generate each combinaisons of my truth table.

I have this in my console :

---- Equation : [soccer, +, food]
---- Variables : [soccer, food]

variables : 2
combinaisons : 4

header : [food, soccer]

[0, 0, null]
[0, 1, null]
[1, 0, null]
[1, 1, null]

As you can see, each elements of my last columns is null. To complete this column which represents my output, I need to evaluate my boolean expression for each of this combinaisons. I reiterate that my boolean expression is a arrayList of Objects.

To complete it, I use a string buffer to use a script that evaluate my boolean expression for each combinaisons(=each row).

public void getOutput() throws ScriptException

StringBuffer sbExpr = new StringBuffer();
temp= new ArrayList<Object>();

for(int i=0; i<=nbrCombinaisons-1; i++)
for (int j=0; j<=nbrVariables-1 ; j++)
temp.set(equation.indexOf(variables.get(j).getName()), truth_table[i][j]);

truth_table[i][nbrVariables]= getResult(temp, sbExpr );

public int getResult(ArrayList<Object> temp, StringBuffer sbExpr) throws ScriptException

sbExpr.delete(0, sbExpr.length());
for(int i =0; i< temp.size(); i++)
else if(temp.get(i).equals(0))
else if(temp.get(i).getClass().equals(String.class))
case ".":
case "¤":
case "!":
case "(":
case ")":
System.out.println("no match");

// System.out.println("nsbExpr -----> " +sbExpr );

ScriptEngineManager sem = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine se = sem.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
if (se.eval(sbExpr.toString()).toString().equals("1"))
return 1;
return 0;

Well this works fine.

[PCU, Fuel circuit]

[0, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 1]
[1, 0, 1]
[1, 1, 1]

But I would like to know if there is an other way to do it because this way is, for me, not very sexy. It is heavy and more I have variables, more it is long. Also, I am asking me if using script can be use in other computer if I want share my application.

Thank you for yout help

share|improve this question

  • Why do you generate a script rather than evaluating the expression directly?

    – Alexandre Dupriez
    Mar 8 at 7:47

  • Because I do not know how to do it from an ArrayList... :/

    – Miigui_08
    Mar 8 at 8:12

  • Why not use an ArrayList<Boolean>?

    – Nicholas K
    Mar 8 at 8:38

  • Even if I use an ArrayList<Boolean> , I will need to parse my expression boolean which is into my ArrayList<Object> and identify which columns are which variables. Well, to be honset, at the beginning, my 2D array was typed HashMap<String, Boolean> . But I was due to create for each element, an HashMap. Too gourmet. So I prefer work with Integer and try to identify it. Furthermore, I want implements Quine Mc Cluskey method to minmise any boolean expression. To do that, I will use an 2D array with integer to work easly. But thats is an other issue ahaha. Thanks

    – Miigui_08
    Mar 8 at 8:46


I generate a truth table from any boolean expression and store it into a 2D array. As a first step, I store my boolean expression in an object arrayList. I count noumbers of variables to deduct numbers of columns(variables) and numbers of rows(combinaisons).

 nbrVariables = variables.size();
nbrCombinaisons = (int)Math.pow(2,variables.size());
truth_table = new int [nbrCombinaisons][nbrVariables+1];

I declare nbrVariables+1 because I need 1 column which represents my output. Using a loop, I generate each combinaisons of my truth table.

I have this in my console :

---- Equation : [soccer, +, food]
---- Variables : [soccer, food]

variables : 2
combinaisons : 4

header : [food, soccer]

[0, 0, null]
[0, 1, null]
[1, 0, null]
[1, 1, null]

As you can see, each elements of my last columns is null. To complete this column which represents my output, I need to evaluate my boolean expression for each of this combinaisons. I reiterate that my boolean expression is a arrayList of Objects.

To complete it, I use a string buffer to use a script that evaluate my boolean expression for each combinaisons(=each row).

public void getOutput() throws ScriptException

StringBuffer sbExpr = new StringBuffer();
temp= new ArrayList<Object>();

for(int i=0; i<=nbrCombinaisons-1; i++)
for (int j=0; j<=nbrVariables-1 ; j++)
temp.set(equation.indexOf(variables.get(j).getName()), truth_table[i][j]);

truth_table[i][nbrVariables]= getResult(temp, sbExpr );

public int getResult(ArrayList<Object> temp, StringBuffer sbExpr) throws ScriptException

sbExpr.delete(0, sbExpr.length());
for(int i =0; i< temp.size(); i++)
else if(temp.get(i).equals(0))
else if(temp.get(i).getClass().equals(String.class))
case ".":
case "¤":
case "!":
case "(":
case ")":
System.out.println("no match");

// System.out.println("nsbExpr -----> " +sbExpr );

ScriptEngineManager sem = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine se = sem.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
if (se.eval(sbExpr.toString()).toString().equals("1"))
return 1;
return 0;

Well this works fine.

[PCU, Fuel circuit]

[0, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 1]
[1, 0, 1]
[1, 1, 1]

But I would like to know if there is an other way to do it because this way is, for me, not very sexy. It is heavy and more I have variables, more it is long. Also, I am asking me if using script can be use in other computer if I want share my application.

Thank you for yout help

share|improve this question

  • Why do you generate a script rather than evaluating the expression directly?

    – Alexandre Dupriez
    Mar 8 at 7:47

  • Because I do not know how to do it from an ArrayList... :/

    – Miigui_08
    Mar 8 at 8:12

  • Why not use an ArrayList<Boolean>?

    – Nicholas K
    Mar 8 at 8:38

  • Even if I use an ArrayList<Boolean> , I will need to parse my expression boolean which is into my ArrayList<Object> and identify which columns are which variables. Well, to be honset, at the beginning, my 2D array was typed HashMap<String, Boolean> . But I was due to create for each element, an HashMap. Too gourmet. So I prefer work with Integer and try to identify it. Furthermore, I want implements Quine Mc Cluskey method to minmise any boolean expression. To do that, I will use an 2D array with integer to work easly. But thats is an other issue ahaha. Thanks

    – Miigui_08
    Mar 8 at 8:46





I generate a truth table from any boolean expression and store it into a 2D array. As a first step, I store my boolean expression in an object arrayList. I count noumbers of variables to deduct numbers of columns(variables) and numbers of rows(combinaisons).

 nbrVariables = variables.size();
nbrCombinaisons = (int)Math.pow(2,variables.size());
truth_table = new int [nbrCombinaisons][nbrVariables+1];

I declare nbrVariables+1 because I need 1 column which represents my output. Using a loop, I generate each combinaisons of my truth table.

I have this in my console :

---- Equation : [soccer, +, food]
---- Variables : [soccer, food]

variables : 2
combinaisons : 4

header : [food, soccer]

[0, 0, null]
[0, 1, null]
[1, 0, null]
[1, 1, null]

As you can see, each elements of my last columns is null. To complete this column which represents my output, I need to evaluate my boolean expression for each of this combinaisons. I reiterate that my boolean expression is a arrayList of Objects.

To complete it, I use a string buffer to use a script that evaluate my boolean expression for each combinaisons(=each row).

public void getOutput() throws ScriptException

StringBuffer sbExpr = new StringBuffer();
temp= new ArrayList<Object>();

for(int i=0; i<=nbrCombinaisons-1; i++)
for (int j=0; j<=nbrVariables-1 ; j++)
temp.set(equation.indexOf(variables.get(j).getName()), truth_table[i][j]);

truth_table[i][nbrVariables]= getResult(temp, sbExpr );

public int getResult(ArrayList<Object> temp, StringBuffer sbExpr) throws ScriptException

sbExpr.delete(0, sbExpr.length());
for(int i =0; i< temp.size(); i++)
else if(temp.get(i).equals(0))
else if(temp.get(i).getClass().equals(String.class))
case ".":
case "¤":
case "!":
case "(":
case ")":
System.out.println("no match");

// System.out.println("nsbExpr -----> " +sbExpr );

ScriptEngineManager sem = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine se = sem.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
if (se.eval(sbExpr.toString()).toString().equals("1"))
return 1;
return 0;

Well this works fine.

[PCU, Fuel circuit]

[0, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 1]
[1, 0, 1]
[1, 1, 1]

But I would like to know if there is an other way to do it because this way is, for me, not very sexy. It is heavy and more I have variables, more it is long. Also, I am asking me if using script can be use in other computer if I want share my application.

Thank you for yout help

share|improve this question

I generate a truth table from any boolean expression and store it into a 2D array. As a first step, I store my boolean expression in an object arrayList. I count noumbers of variables to deduct numbers of columns(variables) and numbers of rows(combinaisons).

 nbrVariables = variables.size();
nbrCombinaisons = (int)Math.pow(2,variables.size());
truth_table = new int [nbrCombinaisons][nbrVariables+1];

I declare nbrVariables+1 because I need 1 column which represents my output. Using a loop, I generate each combinaisons of my truth table.

I have this in my console :

---- Equation : [soccer, +, food]
---- Variables : [soccer, food]

variables : 2
combinaisons : 4

header : [food, soccer]

[0, 0, null]
[0, 1, null]
[1, 0, null]
[1, 1, null]

As you can see, each elements of my last columns is null. To complete this column which represents my output, I need to evaluate my boolean expression for each of this combinaisons. I reiterate that my boolean expression is a arrayList of Objects.

To complete it, I use a string buffer to use a script that evaluate my boolean expression for each combinaisons(=each row).

public void getOutput() throws ScriptException

StringBuffer sbExpr = new StringBuffer();
temp= new ArrayList<Object>();

for(int i=0; i<=nbrCombinaisons-1; i++)
for (int j=0; j<=nbrVariables-1 ; j++)
temp.set(equation.indexOf(variables.get(j).getName()), truth_table[i][j]);

truth_table[i][nbrVariables]= getResult(temp, sbExpr );

public int getResult(ArrayList<Object> temp, StringBuffer sbExpr) throws ScriptException

sbExpr.delete(0, sbExpr.length());
for(int i =0; i< temp.size(); i++)
else if(temp.get(i).equals(0))
else if(temp.get(i).getClass().equals(String.class))
case ".":
case "¤":
case "!":
case "(":
case ")":
System.out.println("no match");

// System.out.println("nsbExpr -----> " +sbExpr );

ScriptEngineManager sem = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine se = sem.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
if (se.eval(sbExpr.toString()).toString().equals("1"))
return 1;
return 0;

Well this works fine.

[PCU, Fuel circuit]

[0, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 1]
[1, 0, 1]
[1, 1, 1]

But I would like to know if there is an other way to do it because this way is, for me, not very sexy. It is heavy and more I have variables, more it is long. Also, I am asking me if using script can be use in other computer if I want share my application.

Thank you for yout help

java optimization boolean-operations javascript-engine

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share|improve this question

asked Mar 8 at 7:10




  • Why do you generate a script rather than evaluating the expression directly?

    – Alexandre Dupriez
    Mar 8 at 7:47

  • Because I do not know how to do it from an ArrayList... :/

    – Miigui_08
    Mar 8 at 8:12

  • Why not use an ArrayList<Boolean>?

    – Nicholas K
    Mar 8 at 8:38

  • Even if I use an ArrayList<Boolean> , I will need to parse my expression boolean which is into my ArrayList<Object> and identify which columns are which variables. Well, to be honset, at the beginning, my 2D array was typed HashMap<String, Boolean> . But I was due to create for each element, an HashMap. Too gourmet. So I prefer work with Integer and try to identify it. Furthermore, I want implements Quine Mc Cluskey method to minmise any boolean expression. To do that, I will use an 2D array with integer to work easly. But thats is an other issue ahaha. Thanks

    – Miigui_08
    Mar 8 at 8:46

  • Why do you generate a script rather than evaluating the expression directly?

    – Alexandre Dupriez
    Mar 8 at 7:47

  • Because I do not know how to do it from an ArrayList... :/

    – Miigui_08
    Mar 8 at 8:12

  • Why not use an ArrayList<Boolean>?

    – Nicholas K
    Mar 8 at 8:38

  • Even if I use an ArrayList<Boolean> , I will need to parse my expression boolean which is into my ArrayList<Object> and identify which columns are which variables. Well, to be honset, at the beginning, my 2D array was typed HashMap<String, Boolean> . But I was due to create for each element, an HashMap. Too gourmet. So I prefer work with Integer and try to identify it. Furthermore, I want implements Quine Mc Cluskey method to minmise any boolean expression. To do that, I will use an 2D array with integer to work easly. But thats is an other issue ahaha. Thanks

    – Miigui_08
    Mar 8 at 8:46

Why do you generate a script rather than evaluating the expression directly?

– Alexandre Dupriez
Mar 8 at 7:47

Why do you generate a script rather than evaluating the expression directly?

– Alexandre Dupriez
Mar 8 at 7:47

Because I do not know how to do it from an ArrayList... :/

– Miigui_08
Mar 8 at 8:12

Because I do not know how to do it from an ArrayList... :/

– Miigui_08
Mar 8 at 8:12

Why not use an ArrayList<Boolean>?

– Nicholas K
Mar 8 at 8:38

Why not use an ArrayList<Boolean>?

– Nicholas K
Mar 8 at 8:38

Even if I use an ArrayList<Boolean> , I will need to parse my expression boolean which is into my ArrayList<Object> and identify which columns are which variables. Well, to be honset, at the beginning, my 2D array was typed HashMap<String, Boolean> . But I was due to create for each element, an HashMap. Too gourmet. So I prefer work with Integer and try to identify it. Furthermore, I want implements Quine Mc Cluskey method to minmise any boolean expression. To do that, I will use an 2D array with integer to work easly. But thats is an other issue ahaha. Thanks

– Miigui_08
Mar 8 at 8:46

Even if I use an ArrayList<Boolean> , I will need to parse my expression boolean which is into my ArrayList<Object> and identify which columns are which variables. Well, to be honset, at the beginning, my 2D array was typed HashMap<String, Boolean> . But I was due to create for each element, an HashMap. Too gourmet. So I prefer work with Integer and try to identify it. Furthermore, I want implements Quine Mc Cluskey method to minmise any boolean expression. To do that, I will use an 2D array with integer to work easly. But thats is an other issue ahaha. Thanks

– Miigui_08
Mar 8 at 8:46





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