Testing recursive IO prompt in rspec2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow do I test a private function or a class that has private methods, fields or inner classes?Unit Testing C CodeIs Unit Testing worth the effort?How do you unit test private methods?JavaScript unit test tools for TDDWhat is Unit test, Integration Test, Smoke test, Regression Test?Unit tests vs Functional testsWriting unit tests in Python: How do I start?RSpec - generic failure message instead of useful outputError after rake test, ruby on rails

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Testing recursive IO prompt in rspec

2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow do I test a private function or a class that has private methods, fields or inner classes?Unit Testing C CodeIs Unit Testing worth the effort?How do you unit test private methods?JavaScript unit test tools for TDDWhat is Unit test, Integration Test, Smoke test, Regression Test?Unit tests vs Functional testsWriting unit tests in Python: How do I start?RSpec - generic failure message instead of useful outputError after rake test, ruby on rails


I am writing a connect-four game for more OO and rspec practice. As part of my program, I would like to prompt the user to choose a column that they would like to put their game piece in. Here's that method:

def get_col_choice(input, output)
output.print "Player #@player, choose a column from 0-6: "
input_string = input.gets.chomp
col_choice = Integer(input_string)
raise("The column you chose is out of bounds.") if out_of_bounds?(col_choice)
raise("The column you chose is fully occupied.") if unavailable?(col_choice)
return col_choice
rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
output.puts "Your choice of column is invalid. Try again."
rescue RuntimeError => err
puts err.message
get_col_choice(input, output)

In IRB, everything works as I planned. My hangup is in rspec where I am faced with a NoMethodError, which I think is coming from my recursive call to get_col_choice.

Can anyone help me understand what I can do to either improve get_col_choice or write the correct tests in Rspec? This is what my console output from my rspec file looks like:


1) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies users which player gets to choose a column
Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
# ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:52:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

2) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice returns the player's column choice
Failure/Error: expect($connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)).to eq(0)

undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
# ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:57:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

3) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces
Failure/Error: expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is fully occupied.")
expected "" to include "The column you chose is fully occupied."
# ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:62:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

4) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered
Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
# ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:67:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

5) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6
Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
# ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:74:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

6) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0
Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
# /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
# ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:80:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.02399 seconds (files took 0.1108 seconds to load)
12 examples, 6 failures

Failed examples:

rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:51 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies users which player gets to choose a column
rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:56 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice returns the player's column choice
rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:60 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces
rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:66 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered
rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:73 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6
rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:79 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0

Here are the tests I wrote for get_col_choice:

describe '#get_col_choice' do
let(:output) StringIO.new
let(:input) StringIO.new("0n")
it 'notifies users which player gets to choose a column' do
$connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
expect(output.string).to include("Player 2, choose a column from 0-6: ")

it "returns the player's column choice" do
expect($connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)).to eq(0)

it 'notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces' do
6.times $connect_four.board.add_game_piece_to(0, "u2468")
expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is fully occupied.")

let(:input) StringIO.new("!n")
it 'notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered' do
$connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
expect(output.string).to include("Your choice of column is invalid. Try again.")

context 'column choice is out of bounds' do
let(:input) StringIO.new("7n")
it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6' do
$connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is out of bounds.")

let(:input) StringIO.new("-1n")
it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0' do
$connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
expect(output.string).to include("The column number you chose is out of bounds.")

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New contributor

Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


    I am writing a connect-four game for more OO and rspec practice. As part of my program, I would like to prompt the user to choose a column that they would like to put their game piece in. Here's that method:

    def get_col_choice(input, output)
    output.print "Player #@player, choose a column from 0-6: "
    input_string = input.gets.chomp
    col_choice = Integer(input_string)
    raise("The column you chose is out of bounds.") if out_of_bounds?(col_choice)
    raise("The column you chose is fully occupied.") if unavailable?(col_choice)
    return col_choice
    rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
    output.puts "Your choice of column is invalid. Try again."
    rescue RuntimeError => err
    puts err.message
    get_col_choice(input, output)

    In IRB, everything works as I planned. My hangup is in rspec where I am faced with a NoMethodError, which I think is coming from my recursive call to get_col_choice.

    Can anyone help me understand what I can do to either improve get_col_choice or write the correct tests in Rspec? This is what my console output from my rspec file looks like:


    1) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies users which player gets to choose a column
    Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

    undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
    # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:52:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

    2) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice returns the player's column choice
    Failure/Error: expect($connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)).to eq(0)

    undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
    # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:57:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

    3) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces
    Failure/Error: expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is fully occupied.")
    expected "" to include "The column you chose is fully occupied."
    # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:62:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

    4) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered
    Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

    undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
    # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:67:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

    5) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6
    Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

    undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
    # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:74:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

    6) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0
    Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

    undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
    # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
    # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:80:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

    Finished in 0.02399 seconds (files took 0.1108 seconds to load)
    12 examples, 6 failures

    Failed examples:

    rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:51 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies users which player gets to choose a column
    rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:56 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice returns the player's column choice
    rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:60 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces
    rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:66 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered
    rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:73 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6
    rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:79 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0

    Here are the tests I wrote for get_col_choice:

    describe '#get_col_choice' do
    let(:output) StringIO.new
    let(:input) StringIO.new("0n")
    it 'notifies users which player gets to choose a column' do
    $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
    expect(output.string).to include("Player 2, choose a column from 0-6: ")

    it "returns the player's column choice" do
    expect($connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)).to eq(0)

    it 'notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces' do
    6.times $connect_four.board.add_game_piece_to(0, "u2468")
    expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is fully occupied.")

    let(:input) StringIO.new("!n")
    it 'notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered' do
    $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
    expect(output.string).to include("Your choice of column is invalid. Try again.")

    context 'column choice is out of bounds' do
    let(:input) StringIO.new("7n")
    it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6' do
    $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
    expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is out of bounds.")

    let(:input) StringIO.new("-1n")
    it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0' do
    $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
    expect(output.string).to include("The column number you chose is out of bounds.")

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.




      I am writing a connect-four game for more OO and rspec practice. As part of my program, I would like to prompt the user to choose a column that they would like to put their game piece in. Here's that method:

      def get_col_choice(input, output)
      output.print "Player #@player, choose a column from 0-6: "
      input_string = input.gets.chomp
      col_choice = Integer(input_string)
      raise("The column you chose is out of bounds.") if out_of_bounds?(col_choice)
      raise("The column you chose is fully occupied.") if unavailable?(col_choice)
      return col_choice
      rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
      output.puts "Your choice of column is invalid. Try again."
      rescue RuntimeError => err
      puts err.message
      get_col_choice(input, output)

      In IRB, everything works as I planned. My hangup is in rspec where I am faced with a NoMethodError, which I think is coming from my recursive call to get_col_choice.

      Can anyone help me understand what I can do to either improve get_col_choice or write the correct tests in Rspec? This is what my console output from my rspec file looks like:


      1) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies users which player gets to choose a column
      Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:52:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

      2) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice returns the player's column choice
      Failure/Error: expect($connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)).to eq(0)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:57:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

      3) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces
      Failure/Error: expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is fully occupied.")
      expected "" to include "The column you chose is fully occupied."
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:62:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

      4) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered
      Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:67:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

      5) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6
      Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:74:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

      6) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0
      Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:80:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

      Finished in 0.02399 seconds (files took 0.1108 seconds to load)
      12 examples, 6 failures

      Failed examples:

      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:51 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies users which player gets to choose a column
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:56 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice returns the player's column choice
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:60 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:66 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:73 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:79 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0

      Here are the tests I wrote for get_col_choice:

      describe '#get_col_choice' do
      let(:output) StringIO.new
      let(:input) StringIO.new("0n")
      it 'notifies users which player gets to choose a column' do
      $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
      expect(output.string).to include("Player 2, choose a column from 0-6: ")

      it "returns the player's column choice" do
      expect($connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)).to eq(0)

      it 'notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces' do
      6.times $connect_four.board.add_game_piece_to(0, "u2468")
      expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is fully occupied.")

      let(:input) StringIO.new("!n")
      it 'notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered' do
      $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
      expect(output.string).to include("Your choice of column is invalid. Try again.")

      context 'column choice is out of bounds' do
      let(:input) StringIO.new("7n")
      it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6' do
      $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
      expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is out of bounds.")

      let(:input) StringIO.new("-1n")
      it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0' do
      $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
      expect(output.string).to include("The column number you chose is out of bounds.")

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      I am writing a connect-four game for more OO and rspec practice. As part of my program, I would like to prompt the user to choose a column that they would like to put their game piece in. Here's that method:

      def get_col_choice(input, output)
      output.print "Player #@player, choose a column from 0-6: "
      input_string = input.gets.chomp
      col_choice = Integer(input_string)
      raise("The column you chose is out of bounds.") if out_of_bounds?(col_choice)
      raise("The column you chose is fully occupied.") if unavailable?(col_choice)
      return col_choice
      rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
      output.puts "Your choice of column is invalid. Try again."
      rescue RuntimeError => err
      puts err.message
      get_col_choice(input, output)

      In IRB, everything works as I planned. My hangup is in rspec where I am faced with a NoMethodError, which I think is coming from my recursive call to get_col_choice.

      Can anyone help me understand what I can do to either improve get_col_choice or write the correct tests in Rspec? This is what my console output from my rspec file looks like:


      1) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies users which player gets to choose a column
      Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:52:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

      2) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice returns the player's column choice
      Failure/Error: expect($connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)).to eq(0)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:57:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

      3) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces
      Failure/Error: expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is fully occupied.")
      expected "" to include "The column you chose is fully occupied."
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:62:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

      4) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered
      Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:67:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

      5) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6
      Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:74:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

      6) ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0
      Failure/Error: $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)

      undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:31:in `get_col_choice'
      # /home/learnsometing/Desktop/the_Odin_Project/ruby/connect-four/lib/connect_four_game.rb:42:in `get_col_choice'
      # ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:80:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

      Finished in 0.02399 seconds (files took 0.1108 seconds to load)
      12 examples, 6 failures

      Failed examples:

      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:51 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies users which player gets to choose a column
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:56 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice returns the player's column choice
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:60 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:66 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:73 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6
      rspec ./connect_four_game_spec.rb:79 # ConnectFourGame#get_col_choice column choice is out of bounds notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0

      Here are the tests I wrote for get_col_choice:

      describe '#get_col_choice' do
      let(:output) StringIO.new
      let(:input) StringIO.new("0n")
      it 'notifies users which player gets to choose a column' do
      $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
      expect(output.string).to include("Player 2, choose a column from 0-6: ")

      it "returns the player's column choice" do
      expect($connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)).to eq(0)

      it 'notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces' do
      6.times $connect_four.board.add_game_piece_to(0, "u2468")
      expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is fully occupied.")

      let(:input) StringIO.new("!n")
      it 'notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered' do
      $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
      expect(output.string).to include("Your choice of column is invalid. Try again.")

      context 'column choice is out of bounds' do
      let(:input) StringIO.new("7n")
      it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6' do
      $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
      expect(output.string).to include("The column you chose is out of bounds.")

      let(:input) StringIO.new("-1n")
      it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0' do
      $connect_four.get_col_choice(input, output)
      expect(output.string).to include("The column number you chose is out of bounds.")

      ruby unit-testing testing tdd rspec3

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      Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

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      share|improve this question

      edited Mar 7 at 0:03

      Supa Mega Ducky Momo da Waffle



      New contributor

      Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked Mar 6 at 22:13

      Brian MonaccioBrian Monaccio



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      Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      New contributor

      Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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          1 Answer





          I was able to solve my problem by removing the input and output from get_col_choice:

          def get_col_choice
          print "Player #@player, choose a column from 0-6: "
          input_string = gets.chomp
          col_choice = Integer(input_string)
          raise("The column you chose is out of bounds.") if out_of_bounds?(col_choice)
          raise("The column you chose is fully occupied.") if @board.unavailable?(col_choice)
          return col_choice
          rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
          puts "Your choice of column is invalid. Try again."
          rescue RuntimeError => err
          puts err.message

          In my rspec file, instead of using StringIO to inject the behavior I expected into get_col_choice, I stubbed gets to return the values I needed to trigger expected behaviors:

          #code left out for brevity
          before(:each) do
          @game = ConnectFourGame.new

          describe '#get_col_choice' do
          before(:each) do
          allow($stdout).to receive(:write)
          @game.player = 1

          context 'valid input' do
          before(:each) do
          allow(@game).to receive(:gets) "0n"

          it 'notifies users which player gets to choose a column' do
          expect @game.get_col_choice .to output('Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: ').to_stdout

          it "returns the user's column choice as an integer" do
          expect(@game.get_col_choice).to eq(0)

          context 'invalid input' do
          output_expectation = Proc.new expect @game.get_col_choice .to output(output).to_stdout

          it 'notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces' do
          allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("0n", "1n")
          6.times @game.board.add_game_piece_to(0, "u2648")
          output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is fully occupied.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

          it 'notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered' do
          allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("foon", "0n")
          output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: Your choice of column is invalid. Try again.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

          it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6' do
          allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("7n", "0n")
          output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

          it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0' do
          allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("-1n", "0n")
          output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

          The reason I received errors in my previous implementation of get_col_choice was because after StringIO received my first input string, it closed, resulting in a value of nil that I tried to call gets on.

          share|improve this answer

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          Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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            I was able to solve my problem by removing the input and output from get_col_choice:

            def get_col_choice
            print "Player #@player, choose a column from 0-6: "
            input_string = gets.chomp
            col_choice = Integer(input_string)
            raise("The column you chose is out of bounds.") if out_of_bounds?(col_choice)
            raise("The column you chose is fully occupied.") if @board.unavailable?(col_choice)
            return col_choice
            rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
            puts "Your choice of column is invalid. Try again."
            rescue RuntimeError => err
            puts err.message

            In my rspec file, instead of using StringIO to inject the behavior I expected into get_col_choice, I stubbed gets to return the values I needed to trigger expected behaviors:

            #code left out for brevity
            before(:each) do
            @game = ConnectFourGame.new

            describe '#get_col_choice' do
            before(:each) do
            allow($stdout).to receive(:write)
            @game.player = 1

            context 'valid input' do
            before(:each) do
            allow(@game).to receive(:gets) "0n"

            it 'notifies users which player gets to choose a column' do
            expect @game.get_col_choice .to output('Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: ').to_stdout

            it "returns the user's column choice as an integer" do
            expect(@game.get_col_choice).to eq(0)

            context 'invalid input' do
            output_expectation = Proc.new expect @game.get_col_choice .to output(output).to_stdout

            it 'notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces' do
            allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("0n", "1n")
            6.times @game.board.add_game_piece_to(0, "u2648")
            output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is fully occupied.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

            it 'notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered' do
            allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("foon", "0n")
            output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: Your choice of column is invalid. Try again.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

            it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6' do
            allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("7n", "0n")
            output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

            it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0' do
            allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("-1n", "0n")
            output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

            The reason I received errors in my previous implementation of get_col_choice was because after StringIO received my first input string, it closed, resulting in a value of nil that I tried to call gets on.

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.


              I was able to solve my problem by removing the input and output from get_col_choice:

              def get_col_choice
              print "Player #@player, choose a column from 0-6: "
              input_string = gets.chomp
              col_choice = Integer(input_string)
              raise("The column you chose is out of bounds.") if out_of_bounds?(col_choice)
              raise("The column you chose is fully occupied.") if @board.unavailable?(col_choice)
              return col_choice
              rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
              puts "Your choice of column is invalid. Try again."
              rescue RuntimeError => err
              puts err.message

              In my rspec file, instead of using StringIO to inject the behavior I expected into get_col_choice, I stubbed gets to return the values I needed to trigger expected behaviors:

              #code left out for brevity
              before(:each) do
              @game = ConnectFourGame.new

              describe '#get_col_choice' do
              before(:each) do
              allow($stdout).to receive(:write)
              @game.player = 1

              context 'valid input' do
              before(:each) do
              allow(@game).to receive(:gets) "0n"

              it 'notifies users which player gets to choose a column' do
              expect @game.get_col_choice .to output('Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: ').to_stdout

              it "returns the user's column choice as an integer" do
              expect(@game.get_col_choice).to eq(0)

              context 'invalid input' do
              output_expectation = Proc.new expect @game.get_col_choice .to output(output).to_stdout

              it 'notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces' do
              allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("0n", "1n")
              6.times @game.board.add_game_piece_to(0, "u2648")
              output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is fully occupied.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

              it 'notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered' do
              allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("foon", "0n")
              output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: Your choice of column is invalid. Try again.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

              it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6' do
              allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("7n", "0n")
              output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

              it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0' do
              allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("-1n", "0n")
              output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

              The reason I received errors in my previous implementation of get_col_choice was because after StringIO received my first input string, it closed, resulting in a value of nil that I tried to call gets on.

              share|improve this answer

              New contributor

              Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
              Check out our Code of Conduct.




                I was able to solve my problem by removing the input and output from get_col_choice:

                def get_col_choice
                print "Player #@player, choose a column from 0-6: "
                input_string = gets.chomp
                col_choice = Integer(input_string)
                raise("The column you chose is out of bounds.") if out_of_bounds?(col_choice)
                raise("The column you chose is fully occupied.") if @board.unavailable?(col_choice)
                return col_choice
                rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
                puts "Your choice of column is invalid. Try again."
                rescue RuntimeError => err
                puts err.message

                In my rspec file, instead of using StringIO to inject the behavior I expected into get_col_choice, I stubbed gets to return the values I needed to trigger expected behaviors:

                #code left out for brevity
                before(:each) do
                @game = ConnectFourGame.new

                describe '#get_col_choice' do
                before(:each) do
                allow($stdout).to receive(:write)
                @game.player = 1

                context 'valid input' do
                before(:each) do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets) "0n"

                it 'notifies users which player gets to choose a column' do
                expect @game.get_col_choice .to output('Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: ').to_stdout

                it "returns the user's column choice as an integer" do
                expect(@game.get_col_choice).to eq(0)

                context 'invalid input' do
                output_expectation = Proc.new expect @game.get_col_choice .to output(output).to_stdout

                it 'notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces' do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("0n", "1n")
                6.times @game.board.add_game_piece_to(0, "u2648")
                output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is fully occupied.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

                it 'notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered' do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("foon", "0n")
                output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: Your choice of column is invalid. Try again.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

                it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6' do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("7n", "0n")
                output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

                it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0' do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("-1n", "0n")
                output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

                The reason I received errors in my previous implementation of get_col_choice was because after StringIO received my first input string, it closed, resulting in a value of nil that I tried to call gets on.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                I was able to solve my problem by removing the input and output from get_col_choice:

                def get_col_choice
                print "Player #@player, choose a column from 0-6: "
                input_string = gets.chomp
                col_choice = Integer(input_string)
                raise("The column you chose is out of bounds.") if out_of_bounds?(col_choice)
                raise("The column you chose is fully occupied.") if @board.unavailable?(col_choice)
                return col_choice
                rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
                puts "Your choice of column is invalid. Try again."
                rescue RuntimeError => err
                puts err.message

                In my rspec file, instead of using StringIO to inject the behavior I expected into get_col_choice, I stubbed gets to return the values I needed to trigger expected behaviors:

                #code left out for brevity
                before(:each) do
                @game = ConnectFourGame.new

                describe '#get_col_choice' do
                before(:each) do
                allow($stdout).to receive(:write)
                @game.player = 1

                context 'valid input' do
                before(:each) do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets) "0n"

                it 'notifies users which player gets to choose a column' do
                expect @game.get_col_choice .to output('Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: ').to_stdout

                it "returns the user's column choice as an integer" do
                expect(@game.get_col_choice).to eq(0)

                context 'invalid input' do
                output_expectation = Proc.new expect @game.get_col_choice .to output(output).to_stdout

                it 'notifies the user if the column they chose is already full of pieces' do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("0n", "1n")
                6.times @game.board.add_game_piece_to(0, "u2648")
                output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is fully occupied.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

                it 'notifies the user their input is invalid when a non-numeric string is entered' do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("foon", "0n")
                output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: Your choice of column is invalid. Try again.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

                it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is greater than 6' do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("7n", "0n")
                output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

                it 'notifies the user their column choice is out of bounds when col is less than 0' do
                allow(@game).to receive(:gets).and_return("-1n", "0n")
                output = "Player 1, choose a column from 0-6: The column you chose is out of bounds.nPlayer 1, choose a column from 0-6: "

                The reason I received errors in my previous implementation of get_col_choice was because after StringIO received my first input string, it closed, resulting in a value of nil that I tried to call gets on.

                share|improve this answer

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                Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

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                Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                answered 2 days ago

                Brian MonaccioBrian Monaccio



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                Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                Brian Monaccio is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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