Python pandas groupby object apply method duplicates first group The Next CEO of Stack OverflowIs Pandas 0.16.1 groupby().apply() method applying function more than once to the same group?Strange groupby behaviour in pandasWhy pandas group by call a function for a group twice?pandas dataframe: groupby will give duplicate groupbypandas groupby output not correct?Apply a algorithm by group to populate a new data frameStrange behaviour in pandas.groupbywhy df.groupby().apply() calculate the first group twiceWhy is pandas.DataFrame().groupby().apply(func) called more often than there are groups?Applying a function to a pandas groupby object result in the function running more time then there are groupsSelect first row in each GROUP BY group?Converting a Pandas GroupBy object to DataFrameAdding new column to existing DataFrame in Python pandasreturning aggregated dataframe from pandas groupbyIs it possible to do applymap using the groupby in pandas?pandas - create key value pair from grouped by data frameHow do I convert upgrouped Data to Grouped Data in Pandaspandas - Apply mean to a specific row in grouped dataframeHow to get the first group in a groupby of multiple columns?Pandas data frame: groupby and plot with two different columns

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Python pandas groupby object apply method duplicates first group

The Next CEO of Stack OverflowIs Pandas 0.16.1 groupby().apply() method applying function more than once to the same group?Strange groupby behaviour in pandasWhy pandas group by call a function for a group twice?pandas dataframe: groupby will give duplicate groupbypandas groupby output not correct?Apply a algorithm by group to populate a new data frameStrange behaviour in pandas.groupbywhy df.groupby().apply() calculate the first group twiceWhy is pandas.DataFrame().groupby().apply(func) called more often than there are groups?Applying a function to a pandas groupby object result in the function running more time then there are groupsSelect first row in each GROUP BY group?Converting a Pandas GroupBy object to DataFrameAdding new column to existing DataFrame in Python pandasreturning aggregated dataframe from pandas groupbyIs it possible to do applymap using the groupby in pandas?pandas - create key value pair from grouped by data frameHow do I convert upgrouped Data to Grouped Data in Pandaspandas - Apply mean to a specific row in grouped dataframeHow to get the first group in a groupby of multiple columns?Pandas data frame: groupby and plot with two different columns


My first SO question:
I am confused about this behavior of apply method of groupby in pandas (0.12.0-4), it appears to apply the function TWICE to the first row of a data frame. For example:

>>> from pandas import Series, DataFrame
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame('class': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'count':[1,0,2])
>>> print(df)
class count
0 A 1
1 B 0
2 C 2

I first check that the groupby function works ok, and it seems to be fine:

>>> for group in df.groupby('class', group_keys = True):
>>> print(group)
('A', class count
0 A 1)
('B', class count
1 B 0)
('C', class count
2 C 2)

Then I try to do something similar using apply on the groupby object and I get the first row output twice:

>>> def checkit(group):
>>> print(group)
>>> df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(checkit)
class count
0 A 1
class count
0 A 1
class count
1 B 0
class count
2 C 2

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Edit: @Jeff provides the answer below. I am dense and did not understand it immediately, so here is a simple example to show that despite the double printout of the first group in the example above, the apply method operates only once on the first group and does not mutate the original data frame:

>>> def addone(group):
>>> group['count'] += 1
>>> return group

>>> df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(addone)
>>> print(df)

class count
0 A 1
1 B 0
2 C 2

But by assigning the return of the method to a new object, we see that it works as expected:

df2 = df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(addone)

 class count
0 A 2
1 B 1
2 C 3

share|improve this question

  • 10

    This is checking whether you are mutating the data in the apply. If you are then it has to take a slower path than otherwise. It doesn't change the results.

    – Jeff
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:40

  • @Jeff: Could the result of the first call be saved so it is not called again? This might help if the function called by apply takes a long time... (along with being more intuitive, since this question comes up a lot.)

    – unutbu
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:43

  • @Jeff: Or maybe the function could be wrapped in a memoizer...

    – unutbu
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:48

  • its actually tricky; the fast-path is in cython (usually), so right now it doesn't pass it back to python space (it could I suppose). transform DOES do this however (where it choses a path and then uses that result to move on ). Its just a little bit tricky in code. Welcome to do a PR !

    – Jeff
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:51

  • Wouldn't it make more sense to just bite the bullet and make an explicit mutating/non-mutating parameter, defaulting to non-mutating? [Somewhat silly additional comment deleted, but my first question stands.]

    – DSM
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:54


My first SO question:
I am confused about this behavior of apply method of groupby in pandas (0.12.0-4), it appears to apply the function TWICE to the first row of a data frame. For example:

>>> from pandas import Series, DataFrame
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame('class': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'count':[1,0,2])
>>> print(df)
class count
0 A 1
1 B 0
2 C 2

I first check that the groupby function works ok, and it seems to be fine:

>>> for group in df.groupby('class', group_keys = True):
>>> print(group)
('A', class count
0 A 1)
('B', class count
1 B 0)
('C', class count
2 C 2)

Then I try to do something similar using apply on the groupby object and I get the first row output twice:

>>> def checkit(group):
>>> print(group)
>>> df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(checkit)
class count
0 A 1
class count
0 A 1
class count
1 B 0
class count
2 C 2

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Edit: @Jeff provides the answer below. I am dense and did not understand it immediately, so here is a simple example to show that despite the double printout of the first group in the example above, the apply method operates only once on the first group and does not mutate the original data frame:

>>> def addone(group):
>>> group['count'] += 1
>>> return group

>>> df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(addone)
>>> print(df)

class count
0 A 1
1 B 0
2 C 2

But by assigning the return of the method to a new object, we see that it works as expected:

df2 = df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(addone)

 class count
0 A 2
1 B 1
2 C 3

share|improve this question

  • 10

    This is checking whether you are mutating the data in the apply. If you are then it has to take a slower path than otherwise. It doesn't change the results.

    – Jeff
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:40

  • @Jeff: Could the result of the first call be saved so it is not called again? This might help if the function called by apply takes a long time... (along with being more intuitive, since this question comes up a lot.)

    – unutbu
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:43

  • @Jeff: Or maybe the function could be wrapped in a memoizer...

    – unutbu
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:48

  • its actually tricky; the fast-path is in cython (usually), so right now it doesn't pass it back to python space (it could I suppose). transform DOES do this however (where it choses a path and then uses that result to move on ). Its just a little bit tricky in code. Welcome to do a PR !

    – Jeff
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:51

  • Wouldn't it make more sense to just bite the bullet and make an explicit mutating/non-mutating parameter, defaulting to non-mutating? [Somewhat silly additional comment deleted, but my first question stands.]

    – DSM
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:54





My first SO question:
I am confused about this behavior of apply method of groupby in pandas (0.12.0-4), it appears to apply the function TWICE to the first row of a data frame. For example:

>>> from pandas import Series, DataFrame
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame('class': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'count':[1,0,2])
>>> print(df)
class count
0 A 1
1 B 0
2 C 2

I first check that the groupby function works ok, and it seems to be fine:

>>> for group in df.groupby('class', group_keys = True):
>>> print(group)
('A', class count
0 A 1)
('B', class count
1 B 0)
('C', class count
2 C 2)

Then I try to do something similar using apply on the groupby object and I get the first row output twice:

>>> def checkit(group):
>>> print(group)
>>> df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(checkit)
class count
0 A 1
class count
0 A 1
class count
1 B 0
class count
2 C 2

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Edit: @Jeff provides the answer below. I am dense and did not understand it immediately, so here is a simple example to show that despite the double printout of the first group in the example above, the apply method operates only once on the first group and does not mutate the original data frame:

>>> def addone(group):
>>> group['count'] += 1
>>> return group

>>> df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(addone)
>>> print(df)

class count
0 A 1
1 B 0
2 C 2

But by assigning the return of the method to a new object, we see that it works as expected:

df2 = df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(addone)

 class count
0 A 2
1 B 1
2 C 3

share|improve this question

My first SO question:
I am confused about this behavior of apply method of groupby in pandas (0.12.0-4), it appears to apply the function TWICE to the first row of a data frame. For example:

>>> from pandas import Series, DataFrame
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame('class': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'count':[1,0,2])
>>> print(df)
class count
0 A 1
1 B 0
2 C 2

I first check that the groupby function works ok, and it seems to be fine:

>>> for group in df.groupby('class', group_keys = True):
>>> print(group)
('A', class count
0 A 1)
('B', class count
1 B 0)
('C', class count
2 C 2)

Then I try to do something similar using apply on the groupby object and I get the first row output twice:

>>> def checkit(group):
>>> print(group)
>>> df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(checkit)
class count
0 A 1
class count
0 A 1
class count
1 B 0
class count
2 C 2

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Edit: @Jeff provides the answer below. I am dense and did not understand it immediately, so here is a simple example to show that despite the double printout of the first group in the example above, the apply method operates only once on the first group and does not mutate the original data frame:

>>> def addone(group):
>>> group['count'] += 1
>>> return group

>>> df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(addone)
>>> print(df)

class count
0 A 1
1 B 0
2 C 2

But by assigning the return of the method to a new object, we see that it works as expected:

df2 = df.groupby('class', group_keys = True).apply(addone)

 class count
0 A 2
1 B 1
2 C 3

python-2.7 pandas group-by

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Jun 17 '16 at 12:48




asked Jan 27 '14 at 19:37

NC maize breeding JimNC maize breeding Jim



  • 10

    This is checking whether you are mutating the data in the apply. If you are then it has to take a slower path than otherwise. It doesn't change the results.

    – Jeff
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:40

  • @Jeff: Could the result of the first call be saved so it is not called again? This might help if the function called by apply takes a long time... (along with being more intuitive, since this question comes up a lot.)

    – unutbu
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:43

  • @Jeff: Or maybe the function could be wrapped in a memoizer...

    – unutbu
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:48

  • its actually tricky; the fast-path is in cython (usually), so right now it doesn't pass it back to python space (it could I suppose). transform DOES do this however (where it choses a path and then uses that result to move on ). Its just a little bit tricky in code. Welcome to do a PR !

    – Jeff
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:51

  • Wouldn't it make more sense to just bite the bullet and make an explicit mutating/non-mutating parameter, defaulting to non-mutating? [Somewhat silly additional comment deleted, but my first question stands.]

    – DSM
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:54

  • 10

    This is checking whether you are mutating the data in the apply. If you are then it has to take a slower path than otherwise. It doesn't change the results.

    – Jeff
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:40

  • @Jeff: Could the result of the first call be saved so it is not called again? This might help if the function called by apply takes a long time... (along with being more intuitive, since this question comes up a lot.)

    – unutbu
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:43

  • @Jeff: Or maybe the function could be wrapped in a memoizer...

    – unutbu
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:48

  • its actually tricky; the fast-path is in cython (usually), so right now it doesn't pass it back to python space (it could I suppose). transform DOES do this however (where it choses a path and then uses that result to move on ). Its just a little bit tricky in code. Welcome to do a PR !

    – Jeff
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:51

  • Wouldn't it make more sense to just bite the bullet and make an explicit mutating/non-mutating parameter, defaulting to non-mutating? [Somewhat silly additional comment deleted, but my first question stands.]

    – DSM
    Jan 27 '14 at 19:54



This is checking whether you are mutating the data in the apply. If you are then it has to take a slower path than otherwise. It doesn't change the results.

– Jeff
Jan 27 '14 at 19:40

This is checking whether you are mutating the data in the apply. If you are then it has to take a slower path than otherwise. It doesn't change the results.

– Jeff
Jan 27 '14 at 19:40

@Jeff: Could the result of the first call be saved so it is not called again? This might help if the function called by apply takes a long time... (along with being more intuitive, since this question comes up a lot.)

– unutbu
Jan 27 '14 at 19:43

@Jeff: Could the result of the first call be saved so it is not called again? This might help if the function called by apply takes a long time... (along with being more intuitive, since this question comes up a lot.)

– unutbu
Jan 27 '14 at 19:43

@Jeff: Or maybe the function could be wrapped in a memoizer...

– unutbu
Jan 27 '14 at 19:48

@Jeff: Or maybe the function could be wrapped in a memoizer...

– unutbu
Jan 27 '14 at 19:48

its actually tricky; the fast-path is in cython (usually), so right now it doesn't pass it back to python space (it could I suppose). transform DOES do this however (where it choses a path and then uses that result to move on ). Its just a little bit tricky in code. Welcome to do a PR !

– Jeff
Jan 27 '14 at 19:51

its actually tricky; the fast-path is in cython (usually), so right now it doesn't pass it back to python space (it could I suppose). transform DOES do this however (where it choses a path and then uses that result to move on ). Its just a little bit tricky in code. Welcome to do a PR !

– Jeff
Jan 27 '14 at 19:51

Wouldn't it make more sense to just bite the bullet and make an explicit mutating/non-mutating parameter, defaulting to non-mutating? [Somewhat silly additional comment deleted, but my first question stands.]

Jan 27 '14 at 19:54

Wouldn't it make more sense to just bite the bullet and make an explicit mutating/non-mutating parameter, defaulting to non-mutating? [Somewhat silly additional comment deleted, but my first question stands.]

Jan 27 '14 at 19:54

2 Answers





This is by design, as described here and here

The apply function needs to know the shape of the returned data to intelligently figure out how it will be combined. To do this it calls the function (checkit in your case) twice to achieve this.

Depending on your actual use case, you can replace the call to apply with aggregate, transform or filter, as described in detail here. These functions require the return value to be a particular shape, and so don't call the function twice.

However - if the function you are calling does not have side-effects, it most likely does not matter that the function is being called twice on the first value.

share|improve this answer


    you can use for loop to avoid the groupby.apply duplicate first row,



    my code snippit

    grouped = df.groupby("guestid")

    for guestid, df_group in grouped:



    [2, 2]
    [3, 3, 3]
    [4, 4, 4, 4]

    share|improve this answer

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      This is by design, as described here and here

      The apply function needs to know the shape of the returned data to intelligently figure out how it will be combined. To do this it calls the function (checkit in your case) twice to achieve this.

      Depending on your actual use case, you can replace the call to apply with aggregate, transform or filter, as described in detail here. These functions require the return value to be a particular shape, and so don't call the function twice.

      However - if the function you are calling does not have side-effects, it most likely does not matter that the function is being called twice on the first value.

      share|improve this answer


        This is by design, as described here and here

        The apply function needs to know the shape of the returned data to intelligently figure out how it will be combined. To do this it calls the function (checkit in your case) twice to achieve this.

        Depending on your actual use case, you can replace the call to apply with aggregate, transform or filter, as described in detail here. These functions require the return value to be a particular shape, and so don't call the function twice.

        However - if the function you are calling does not have side-effects, it most likely does not matter that the function is being called twice on the first value.

        share|improve this answer




          This is by design, as described here and here

          The apply function needs to know the shape of the returned data to intelligently figure out how it will be combined. To do this it calls the function (checkit in your case) twice to achieve this.

          Depending on your actual use case, you can replace the call to apply with aggregate, transform or filter, as described in detail here. These functions require the return value to be a particular shape, and so don't call the function twice.

          However - if the function you are calling does not have side-effects, it most likely does not matter that the function is being called twice on the first value.

          share|improve this answer

          This is by design, as described here and here

          The apply function needs to know the shape of the returned data to intelligently figure out how it will be combined. To do this it calls the function (checkit in your case) twice to achieve this.

          Depending on your actual use case, you can replace the call to apply with aggregate, transform or filter, as described in detail here. These functions require the return value to be a particular shape, and so don't call the function twice.

          However - if the function you are calling does not have side-effects, it most likely does not matter that the function is being called twice on the first value.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Sep 8 '14 at 1:39





              you can use for loop to avoid the groupby.apply duplicate first row,



              my code snippit

              grouped = df.groupby("guestid")

              for guestid, df_group in grouped:



              [2, 2]
              [3, 3, 3]
              [4, 4, 4, 4]

              share|improve this answer


                you can use for loop to avoid the groupby.apply duplicate first row,



                my code snippit

                grouped = df.groupby("guestid")

                for guestid, df_group in grouped:



                [2, 2]
                [3, 3, 3]
                [4, 4, 4, 4]

                share|improve this answer




                  you can use for loop to avoid the groupby.apply duplicate first row,



                  my code snippit

                  grouped = df.groupby("guestid")

                  for guestid, df_group in grouped:



                  [2, 2]
                  [3, 3, 3]
                  [4, 4, 4, 4]

                  share|improve this answer

                  you can use for loop to avoid the groupby.apply duplicate first row,



                  my code snippit

                  grouped = df.groupby("guestid")

                  for guestid, df_group in grouped:



                  [2, 2]
                  [3, 3, 3]
                  [4, 4, 4, 4]

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Apr 4 '18 at 3:17




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