Docker file does not COPY files in subdirectories correctly when pushing to a local Balena device from Windows 10Import a file from a subdirectory?How to copy a folder from remote to local using scp?Copying files from Docker container to hostCopying files from host to Docker containerHow to copy Docker images from one host to another without using a repositoryHow to include files outside of Docker's build context?Docker COPY not updating files when rebuilding containerCan't complete npm install when directing Docker to local NPM packagesDocker: Using COPY when the Dockerfile is located in a subdirectoryFile copied to Docker image dissappears

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Docker file does not COPY files in subdirectories correctly when pushing to a local Balena device from Windows 10

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I am writing a Typescript app that I want to run on several Raspberry Pis managed and deployed using Balena. My dev computer is running Windows 10. I am fairly new to Balena and Docker.

I am trying to compile my typescript in the Docker file, but the COPY command does not seem to copy files in subdirectories correctly when pushing to a Balena device running in local mode.

I have a very simple file structure as I have just initiated the project:

- index.ts
- tsconfig.json

My Dockerfile looks as follows:

FROM resin/raspberrypi3-node:10.0.0
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json package.json
COPY package-lock.json package-lock.json
RUN npm i -g typescript
RUN JOBS=MAX npm install --production --unsafe-perm && npm cache verify && rm -rf /tmp/*

COPY . ./
RUN tsc -p src
CMD ["bash", ""]

When building and pushing the image to the Balena device in local mode I get the following error when the execution of the Dockerfile reaches the 'RUN tsc -p src' command:

[Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN tsc -p src
[Build] [main] ---> Running in b843b59050da
[Build] [main] error TS5058: The specified path does not exist: 'src'.
Some services failed to build:
main: The command '/bin/sh -c tsc -p src' returned a non-zero code: 1

Likewise I cannot cd to the subdirectory and just run the tsc command from there:

[Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN cd src
[Build] [main] ---> Running in 7620e8a516f3
[Build] [main] /bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to src

I inserted a 'RUN ls' command into my Dockerfile before 'RUN tsc -p src' to verify the files are being copied which prints out the following:

[Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN ls
[Build] [main] ---> Running in bf8b3c63454e
[Build] [main]
[Build] Dockerfile
[Build] node_modules
[Build] package-lock.json
[Build] package.json
[Build] srcindex.ts
[Build] srctsconfig.json
[Build] [main] Removing intermediate container bf8b3c63454e
[Build] [main] ---> 27ed6ea5eb9b
[Build] [main] Step 9/11 : RUN tsc -p src
[Build] [main] ---> Running in 6ac5f86b5637
[Build] [main] error TS5058: The specified path does not exist: 'src'.

At first glance it seems like the subdirectory is copied correctly but - correct me if I am wrong - ls should not be able to list files from subdirectories and it seems like the COPY command has somehow flattened the subdirectory. Honestly I am quit uncertain what happened.

Worth noting: the project compiles the TS just fine when just running 'tsc -p src' from the terminal of my dev computer and the files are copied correctly when pushing the project to a Balene device NOT running in local mode. It is when I push the project to a Balena device running in local mode it fails to copy files correctly.

Is there anything obvious I am missing?

share|improve this question


    I am writing a Typescript app that I want to run on several Raspberry Pis managed and deployed using Balena. My dev computer is running Windows 10. I am fairly new to Balena and Docker.

    I am trying to compile my typescript in the Docker file, but the COPY command does not seem to copy files in subdirectories correctly when pushing to a Balena device running in local mode.

    I have a very simple file structure as I have just initiated the project:

    - index.ts
    - tsconfig.json

    My Dockerfile looks as follows:

    FROM resin/raspberrypi3-node:10.0.0
    WORKDIR /usr/src/app
    COPY package.json package.json
    COPY package-lock.json package-lock.json
    RUN npm i -g typescript
    RUN JOBS=MAX npm install --production --unsafe-perm && npm cache verify && rm -rf /tmp/*

    COPY . ./
    RUN tsc -p src
    CMD ["bash", ""]

    When building and pushing the image to the Balena device in local mode I get the following error when the execution of the Dockerfile reaches the 'RUN tsc -p src' command:

    [Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN tsc -p src
    [Build] [main] ---> Running in b843b59050da
    [Build] [main] error TS5058: The specified path does not exist: 'src'.
    Some services failed to build:
    main: The command '/bin/sh -c tsc -p src' returned a non-zero code: 1

    Likewise I cannot cd to the subdirectory and just run the tsc command from there:

    [Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN cd src
    [Build] [main] ---> Running in 7620e8a516f3
    [Build] [main] /bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to src

    I inserted a 'RUN ls' command into my Dockerfile before 'RUN tsc -p src' to verify the files are being copied which prints out the following:

    [Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN ls
    [Build] [main] ---> Running in bf8b3c63454e
    [Build] [main]
    [Build] Dockerfile
    [Build] node_modules
    [Build] package-lock.json
    [Build] package.json
    [Build] srcindex.ts
    [Build] srctsconfig.json
    [Build] [main] Removing intermediate container bf8b3c63454e
    [Build] [main] ---> 27ed6ea5eb9b
    [Build] [main] Step 9/11 : RUN tsc -p src
    [Build] [main] ---> Running in 6ac5f86b5637
    [Build] [main] error TS5058: The specified path does not exist: 'src'.

    At first glance it seems like the subdirectory is copied correctly but - correct me if I am wrong - ls should not be able to list files from subdirectories and it seems like the COPY command has somehow flattened the subdirectory. Honestly I am quit uncertain what happened.

    Worth noting: the project compiles the TS just fine when just running 'tsc -p src' from the terminal of my dev computer and the files are copied correctly when pushing the project to a Balene device NOT running in local mode. It is when I push the project to a Balena device running in local mode it fails to copy files correctly.

    Is there anything obvious I am missing?

    share|improve this question




      I am writing a Typescript app that I want to run on several Raspberry Pis managed and deployed using Balena. My dev computer is running Windows 10. I am fairly new to Balena and Docker.

      I am trying to compile my typescript in the Docker file, but the COPY command does not seem to copy files in subdirectories correctly when pushing to a Balena device running in local mode.

      I have a very simple file structure as I have just initiated the project:

      - index.ts
      - tsconfig.json

      My Dockerfile looks as follows:

      FROM resin/raspberrypi3-node:10.0.0
      WORKDIR /usr/src/app
      COPY package.json package.json
      COPY package-lock.json package-lock.json
      RUN npm i -g typescript
      RUN JOBS=MAX npm install --production --unsafe-perm && npm cache verify && rm -rf /tmp/*

      COPY . ./
      RUN tsc -p src
      CMD ["bash", ""]

      When building and pushing the image to the Balena device in local mode I get the following error when the execution of the Dockerfile reaches the 'RUN tsc -p src' command:

      [Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN tsc -p src
      [Build] [main] ---> Running in b843b59050da
      [Build] [main] error TS5058: The specified path does not exist: 'src'.
      Some services failed to build:
      main: The command '/bin/sh -c tsc -p src' returned a non-zero code: 1

      Likewise I cannot cd to the subdirectory and just run the tsc command from there:

      [Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN cd src
      [Build] [main] ---> Running in 7620e8a516f3
      [Build] [main] /bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to src

      I inserted a 'RUN ls' command into my Dockerfile before 'RUN tsc -p src' to verify the files are being copied which prints out the following:

      [Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN ls
      [Build] [main] ---> Running in bf8b3c63454e
      [Build] [main]
      [Build] Dockerfile
      [Build] node_modules
      [Build] package-lock.json
      [Build] package.json
      [Build] srcindex.ts
      [Build] srctsconfig.json
      [Build] [main] Removing intermediate container bf8b3c63454e
      [Build] [main] ---> 27ed6ea5eb9b
      [Build] [main] Step 9/11 : RUN tsc -p src
      [Build] [main] ---> Running in 6ac5f86b5637
      [Build] [main] error TS5058: The specified path does not exist: 'src'.

      At first glance it seems like the subdirectory is copied correctly but - correct me if I am wrong - ls should not be able to list files from subdirectories and it seems like the COPY command has somehow flattened the subdirectory. Honestly I am quit uncertain what happened.

      Worth noting: the project compiles the TS just fine when just running 'tsc -p src' from the terminal of my dev computer and the files are copied correctly when pushing the project to a Balene device NOT running in local mode. It is when I push the project to a Balena device running in local mode it fails to copy files correctly.

      Is there anything obvious I am missing?

      share|improve this question

      I am writing a Typescript app that I want to run on several Raspberry Pis managed and deployed using Balena. My dev computer is running Windows 10. I am fairly new to Balena and Docker.

      I am trying to compile my typescript in the Docker file, but the COPY command does not seem to copy files in subdirectories correctly when pushing to a Balena device running in local mode.

      I have a very simple file structure as I have just initiated the project:

      - index.ts
      - tsconfig.json

      My Dockerfile looks as follows:

      FROM resin/raspberrypi3-node:10.0.0
      WORKDIR /usr/src/app
      COPY package.json package.json
      COPY package-lock.json package-lock.json
      RUN npm i -g typescript
      RUN JOBS=MAX npm install --production --unsafe-perm && npm cache verify && rm -rf /tmp/*

      COPY . ./
      RUN tsc -p src
      CMD ["bash", ""]

      When building and pushing the image to the Balena device in local mode I get the following error when the execution of the Dockerfile reaches the 'RUN tsc -p src' command:

      [Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN tsc -p src
      [Build] [main] ---> Running in b843b59050da
      [Build] [main] error TS5058: The specified path does not exist: 'src'.
      Some services failed to build:
      main: The command '/bin/sh -c tsc -p src' returned a non-zero code: 1

      Likewise I cannot cd to the subdirectory and just run the tsc command from there:

      [Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN cd src
      [Build] [main] ---> Running in 7620e8a516f3
      [Build] [main] /bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to src

      I inserted a 'RUN ls' command into my Dockerfile before 'RUN tsc -p src' to verify the files are being copied which prints out the following:

      [Build] [main] Step 8/11 : RUN ls
      [Build] [main] ---> Running in bf8b3c63454e
      [Build] [main]
      [Build] Dockerfile
      [Build] node_modules
      [Build] package-lock.json
      [Build] package.json
      [Build] srcindex.ts
      [Build] srctsconfig.json
      [Build] [main] Removing intermediate container bf8b3c63454e
      [Build] [main] ---> 27ed6ea5eb9b
      [Build] [main] Step 9/11 : RUN tsc -p src
      [Build] [main] ---> Running in 6ac5f86b5637
      [Build] [main] error TS5058: The specified path does not exist: 'src'.

      At first glance it seems like the subdirectory is copied correctly but - correct me if I am wrong - ls should not be able to list files from subdirectories and it seems like the COPY command has somehow flattened the subdirectory. Honestly I am quit uncertain what happened.

      Worth noting: the project compiles the TS just fine when just running 'tsc -p src' from the terminal of my dev computer and the files are copied correctly when pushing the project to a Balene device NOT running in local mode. It is when I push the project to a Balena device running in local mode it fails to copy files correctly.

      Is there anything obvious I am missing?

      docker copy dockerfile subdirectory

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Mar 11 at 9:52

      Tobias Emil Harbo

      asked Mar 8 at 11:17

      Tobias Emil HarboTobias Emil Harbo







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