mlr package - Trying to integrate a new clustering learner. Default values in par.vals are being ignored (within makeRLearnerCluster method)Is there any difference between default (package) and public access level of methods in class with default (package) access level?mutable default package values in RR (and R Studio) ignoring Environment variables (default package library)R error when trying to cluster data using pam (package cluster)R function values without default that are ignoredtrying to call a method within a methodR package mlr Multilabel Text Classification: how to classify new dataS4: Use class attributes as default input values for class methodsIncrementing values within methods?Spatial-temporal clustering method or package in R?

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mlr package - Trying to integrate a new clustering learner. Default values in par.vals are being ignored (within makeRLearnerCluster method)

Is there any difference between default (package) and public access level of methods in class with default (package) access level?mutable default package values in RR (and R Studio) ignoring Environment variables (default package library)R error when trying to cluster data using pam (package cluster)R function values without default that are ignoredtrying to call a method within a methodR package mlr Multilabel Text Classification: how to classify new dataS4: Use class attributes as default input values for class methodsIncrementing values within methods?Spatial-temporal clustering method or package in R?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty height:90px;width:728px;box-sizing:border-box;


I am trying to integrate the MiniBatchKmeans function of package ClusterR to mlr. As per the docs, I have made the following changes:

  1. Created makeRLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

  2. Created trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

  3. Created predictLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

  4. Registered the above S3 methods (as described here)

At this point, I am able to create the learner, and call train and predict on them. However, the problem occurs when trying to create the learner without any value of "clusters" provided.

The underlying package (in ClusterR) does not have a default value defined for argument "clusters". As per the mlr approach, I have attempted to provide a default value of "clusters" using par.vals argument. However, this default argument is ignored.

My code:

#' @export
makeRLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function()
cl = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans",
package = "ClusterR",
par.set = makeParamSet(
makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "clusters", lower = 1L),
makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "batch_size", default = 10L, lower = 1L),
makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "num_init", default = 1L, lower = 1L),
makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "max_iters", default = 100L, lower = 1L),
makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "init_fraction", default = 1, lower = 0),
makeDiscreteLearnerParam(id = "initializer", default = "kmeans++",
values = c("optimal_init", "quantile_init", "kmeans++", "random")),
makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "early_stop_iter", default = 10L, lower = 1L),
makeLogicalLearnerParam(id = "verbose", default = FALSE,
tunable = FALSE),
makeUntypedLearnerParam(id = "CENTROIDS", default = NULL),
makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "tol", default = 1e-04, lower = 0),
makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "tol_optimal_init", default = 0.3, lower = 0),
makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "seed", default = 1L)
par.vals = list(clusters = 2L),
properties = c("numerics", "prob"),
name = "MiniBatchKmeans",
note = "Note", = "MBatchKmeans",
callees = c("MiniBatchKmeans", "predict_MBatchKMeans")

#' @export
trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function(.learner, .task, .subset, .weights = NULL, ...)
ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...)

#' @export
predictLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function(.learner, .model, .newdata, ...)
if (.learner$predict.type == "prob")
pred = ClusterR::predict_MBatchKMeans(data = .newdata,
CENTROIDS = .model$learner.model$centroids,
fuzzy = TRUE, ...)

res = pred$fuzzy_clusters

pred = ClusterR::predict_MBatchKMeans(data = .newdata,
CENTROIDS = .model$learner.model$centroids,
fuzzy = FALSE, ...)

res = as.integer(pred)


The problem (default value of clusters in par.vals above is ignored):

## When defining a value of clusters, it works as expected
lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", clusters = 3L)
# The below commented lines are printed
# $clusters
# [1] 3

## When not providing a value for clusters, default is not used
lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans")
# The below commented lines are printed
# named list()

Any advice on why I am seeing this behavior? I checked other learner's (like cluster.kmeans, cluster.kkmeans etc) code and I see that they are able to successfully define default values in the same format that I have done. Additionally, here is documentation that this is the right way to go.

Here is my code on github, in case it's helpful for reproducing the problem. There is an added test file (in tests/testthat), but that has issues of its own.

Edit 1 - Actual Error Message
Here is the actual error message that I see when trying to train a learner without explicitly providing default value of "clusters":

lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans")
train(lrn, cluster_task)
Error in ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...) :
argument "clusters" is missing, with no default
ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...) at RLearner_cluster_MiniBatchKmeans.R#32
trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans(.learner = structure(list(
id = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", type = "cluster", package = "ClusterR",
properties = c("numerics", "prob"), par.set = structure(list(
pars = list(clusters = structure(list(id = "clusters", ... at trainLearner.R#24
(function (.learner, .task, .subset, .weights = NULL, ...)

)(.learner = structure(list(id = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", ...
7., pars) at train.R#96
fun3(, pars)) at train.R#96
fun2(fun3(, pars))) at train.R#96
learner.model = fun2(fun3(, pars)))
) at train.R#96
force(expr) at helpers.R#93
learner.model = fun2(fun3(, pars)))
)) at train.R#96
train(lrn, cluster_task)

share|improve this question


    I am trying to integrate the MiniBatchKmeans function of package ClusterR to mlr. As per the docs, I have made the following changes:

    1. Created makeRLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

    2. Created trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

    3. Created predictLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

    4. Registered the above S3 methods (as described here)

    At this point, I am able to create the learner, and call train and predict on them. However, the problem occurs when trying to create the learner without any value of "clusters" provided.

    The underlying package (in ClusterR) does not have a default value defined for argument "clusters". As per the mlr approach, I have attempted to provide a default value of "clusters" using par.vals argument. However, this default argument is ignored.

    My code:

    #' @export
    makeRLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function()
    cl = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans",
    package = "ClusterR",
    par.set = makeParamSet(
    makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "clusters", lower = 1L),
    makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "batch_size", default = 10L, lower = 1L),
    makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "num_init", default = 1L, lower = 1L),
    makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "max_iters", default = 100L, lower = 1L),
    makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "init_fraction", default = 1, lower = 0),
    makeDiscreteLearnerParam(id = "initializer", default = "kmeans++",
    values = c("optimal_init", "quantile_init", "kmeans++", "random")),
    makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "early_stop_iter", default = 10L, lower = 1L),
    makeLogicalLearnerParam(id = "verbose", default = FALSE,
    tunable = FALSE),
    makeUntypedLearnerParam(id = "CENTROIDS", default = NULL),
    makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "tol", default = 1e-04, lower = 0),
    makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "tol_optimal_init", default = 0.3, lower = 0),
    makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "seed", default = 1L)
    par.vals = list(clusters = 2L),
    properties = c("numerics", "prob"),
    name = "MiniBatchKmeans",
    note = "Note", = "MBatchKmeans",
    callees = c("MiniBatchKmeans", "predict_MBatchKMeans")

    #' @export
    trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function(.learner, .task, .subset, .weights = NULL, ...)
    ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...)

    #' @export
    predictLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function(.learner, .model, .newdata, ...)
    if (.learner$predict.type == "prob")
    pred = ClusterR::predict_MBatchKMeans(data = .newdata,
    CENTROIDS = .model$learner.model$centroids,
    fuzzy = TRUE, ...)

    res = pred$fuzzy_clusters

    pred = ClusterR::predict_MBatchKMeans(data = .newdata,
    CENTROIDS = .model$learner.model$centroids,
    fuzzy = FALSE, ...)

    res = as.integer(pred)


    The problem (default value of clusters in par.vals above is ignored):

    ## When defining a value of clusters, it works as expected
    lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", clusters = 3L)
    # The below commented lines are printed
    # $clusters
    # [1] 3

    ## When not providing a value for clusters, default is not used
    lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans")
    # The below commented lines are printed
    # named list()

    Any advice on why I am seeing this behavior? I checked other learner's (like cluster.kmeans, cluster.kkmeans etc) code and I see that they are able to successfully define default values in the same format that I have done. Additionally, here is documentation that this is the right way to go.

    Here is my code on github, in case it's helpful for reproducing the problem. There is an added test file (in tests/testthat), but that has issues of its own.

    Edit 1 - Actual Error Message
    Here is the actual error message that I see when trying to train a learner without explicitly providing default value of "clusters":

    lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans")
    train(lrn, cluster_task)
    Error in ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...) :
    argument "clusters" is missing, with no default
    ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...) at RLearner_cluster_MiniBatchKmeans.R#32
    trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans(.learner = structure(list(
    id = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", type = "cluster", package = "ClusterR",
    properties = c("numerics", "prob"), par.set = structure(list(
    pars = list(clusters = structure(list(id = "clusters", ... at trainLearner.R#24
    (function (.learner, .task, .subset, .weights = NULL, ...)

    )(.learner = structure(list(id = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", ...
    7., pars) at train.R#96
    fun3(, pars)) at train.R#96
    fun2(fun3(, pars))) at train.R#96
    learner.model = fun2(fun3(, pars)))
    ) at train.R#96
    force(expr) at helpers.R#93
    learner.model = fun2(fun3(, pars)))
    )) at train.R#96
    train(lrn, cluster_task)

    share|improve this question




      I am trying to integrate the MiniBatchKmeans function of package ClusterR to mlr. As per the docs, I have made the following changes:

      1. Created makeRLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

      2. Created trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

      3. Created predictLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

      4. Registered the above S3 methods (as described here)

      At this point, I am able to create the learner, and call train and predict on them. However, the problem occurs when trying to create the learner without any value of "clusters" provided.

      The underlying package (in ClusterR) does not have a default value defined for argument "clusters". As per the mlr approach, I have attempted to provide a default value of "clusters" using par.vals argument. However, this default argument is ignored.

      My code:

      #' @export
      makeRLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function()
      cl = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans",
      package = "ClusterR",
      par.set = makeParamSet(
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "clusters", lower = 1L),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "batch_size", default = 10L, lower = 1L),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "num_init", default = 1L, lower = 1L),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "max_iters", default = 100L, lower = 1L),
      makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "init_fraction", default = 1, lower = 0),
      makeDiscreteLearnerParam(id = "initializer", default = "kmeans++",
      values = c("optimal_init", "quantile_init", "kmeans++", "random")),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "early_stop_iter", default = 10L, lower = 1L),
      makeLogicalLearnerParam(id = "verbose", default = FALSE,
      tunable = FALSE),
      makeUntypedLearnerParam(id = "CENTROIDS", default = NULL),
      makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "tol", default = 1e-04, lower = 0),
      makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "tol_optimal_init", default = 0.3, lower = 0),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "seed", default = 1L)
      par.vals = list(clusters = 2L),
      properties = c("numerics", "prob"),
      name = "MiniBatchKmeans",
      note = "Note", = "MBatchKmeans",
      callees = c("MiniBatchKmeans", "predict_MBatchKMeans")

      #' @export
      trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function(.learner, .task, .subset, .weights = NULL, ...)
      ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...)

      #' @export
      predictLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function(.learner, .model, .newdata, ...)
      if (.learner$predict.type == "prob")
      pred = ClusterR::predict_MBatchKMeans(data = .newdata,
      CENTROIDS = .model$learner.model$centroids,
      fuzzy = TRUE, ...)

      res = pred$fuzzy_clusters

      pred = ClusterR::predict_MBatchKMeans(data = .newdata,
      CENTROIDS = .model$learner.model$centroids,
      fuzzy = FALSE, ...)

      res = as.integer(pred)


      The problem (default value of clusters in par.vals above is ignored):

      ## When defining a value of clusters, it works as expected
      lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", clusters = 3L)
      # The below commented lines are printed
      # $clusters
      # [1] 3

      ## When not providing a value for clusters, default is not used
      lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans")
      # The below commented lines are printed
      # named list()

      Any advice on why I am seeing this behavior? I checked other learner's (like cluster.kmeans, cluster.kkmeans etc) code and I see that they are able to successfully define default values in the same format that I have done. Additionally, here is documentation that this is the right way to go.

      Here is my code on github, in case it's helpful for reproducing the problem. There is an added test file (in tests/testthat), but that has issues of its own.

      Edit 1 - Actual Error Message
      Here is the actual error message that I see when trying to train a learner without explicitly providing default value of "clusters":

      lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans")
      train(lrn, cluster_task)
      Error in ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...) :
      argument "clusters" is missing, with no default
      ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...) at RLearner_cluster_MiniBatchKmeans.R#32
      trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans(.learner = structure(list(
      id = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", type = "cluster", package = "ClusterR",
      properties = c("numerics", "prob"), par.set = structure(list(
      pars = list(clusters = structure(list(id = "clusters", ... at trainLearner.R#24
      (function (.learner, .task, .subset, .weights = NULL, ...)

      )(.learner = structure(list(id = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", ...
      7., pars) at train.R#96
      fun3(, pars)) at train.R#96
      fun2(fun3(, pars))) at train.R#96
      learner.model = fun2(fun3(, pars)))
      ) at train.R#96
      force(expr) at helpers.R#93
      learner.model = fun2(fun3(, pars)))
      )) at train.R#96
      train(lrn, cluster_task)

      share|improve this question

      I am trying to integrate the MiniBatchKmeans function of package ClusterR to mlr. As per the docs, I have made the following changes:

      1. Created makeRLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

      2. Created trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

      3. Created predictLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans

      4. Registered the above S3 methods (as described here)

      At this point, I am able to create the learner, and call train and predict on them. However, the problem occurs when trying to create the learner without any value of "clusters" provided.

      The underlying package (in ClusterR) does not have a default value defined for argument "clusters". As per the mlr approach, I have attempted to provide a default value of "clusters" using par.vals argument. However, this default argument is ignored.

      My code:

      #' @export
      makeRLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function()
      cl = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans",
      package = "ClusterR",
      par.set = makeParamSet(
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "clusters", lower = 1L),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "batch_size", default = 10L, lower = 1L),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "num_init", default = 1L, lower = 1L),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "max_iters", default = 100L, lower = 1L),
      makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "init_fraction", default = 1, lower = 0),
      makeDiscreteLearnerParam(id = "initializer", default = "kmeans++",
      values = c("optimal_init", "quantile_init", "kmeans++", "random")),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "early_stop_iter", default = 10L, lower = 1L),
      makeLogicalLearnerParam(id = "verbose", default = FALSE,
      tunable = FALSE),
      makeUntypedLearnerParam(id = "CENTROIDS", default = NULL),
      makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "tol", default = 1e-04, lower = 0),
      makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "tol_optimal_init", default = 0.3, lower = 0),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "seed", default = 1L)
      par.vals = list(clusters = 2L),
      properties = c("numerics", "prob"),
      name = "MiniBatchKmeans",
      note = "Note", = "MBatchKmeans",
      callees = c("MiniBatchKmeans", "predict_MBatchKMeans")

      #' @export
      trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function(.learner, .task, .subset, .weights = NULL, ...)
      ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...)

      #' @export
      predictLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans = function(.learner, .model, .newdata, ...)
      if (.learner$predict.type == "prob")
      pred = ClusterR::predict_MBatchKMeans(data = .newdata,
      CENTROIDS = .model$learner.model$centroids,
      fuzzy = TRUE, ...)

      res = pred$fuzzy_clusters

      pred = ClusterR::predict_MBatchKMeans(data = .newdata,
      CENTROIDS = .model$learner.model$centroids,
      fuzzy = FALSE, ...)

      res = as.integer(pred)


      The problem (default value of clusters in par.vals above is ignored):

      ## When defining a value of clusters, it works as expected
      lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", clusters = 3L)
      # The below commented lines are printed
      # $clusters
      # [1] 3

      ## When not providing a value for clusters, default is not used
      lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans")
      # The below commented lines are printed
      # named list()

      Any advice on why I am seeing this behavior? I checked other learner's (like cluster.kmeans, cluster.kkmeans etc) code and I see that they are able to successfully define default values in the same format that I have done. Additionally, here is documentation that this is the right way to go.

      Here is my code on github, in case it's helpful for reproducing the problem. There is an added test file (in tests/testthat), but that has issues of its own.

      Edit 1 - Actual Error Message
      Here is the actual error message that I see when trying to train a learner without explicitly providing default value of "clusters":

      lrn <- makeLearner("cluster.MiniBatchKmeans")
      train(lrn, cluster_task)
      Error in ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...) :
      argument "clusters" is missing, with no default
      ClusterR::MiniBatchKmeans(getTaskData(.task, .subset), ...) at RLearner_cluster_MiniBatchKmeans.R#32
      trainLearner.cluster.MiniBatchKmeans(.learner = structure(list(
      id = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", type = "cluster", package = "ClusterR",
      properties = c("numerics", "prob"), par.set = structure(list(
      pars = list(clusters = structure(list(id = "clusters", ... at trainLearner.R#24
      (function (.learner, .task, .subset, .weights = NULL, ...)

      )(.learner = structure(list(id = "cluster.MiniBatchKmeans", ...
      7., pars) at train.R#96
      fun3(, pars)) at train.R#96
      fun2(fun3(, pars))) at train.R#96
      learner.model = fun2(fun3(, pars)))
      ) at train.R#96
      force(expr) at helpers.R#93
      learner.model = fun2(fun3(, pars)))
      )) at train.R#96
      train(lrn, cluster_task)

      r oop mlr r-s3

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Mar 9 at 4:46


      asked Mar 9 at 3:50




          1 Answer





          The code in your repository works for me -- are you actually getting an error when you run it? The way that you've encoded the default is really more of an override and not a default. You probably want to do

          makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "clusters", lower = 1L, default = 2L),

          and remove the par.vals.

          share|improve this answer

          • Yes, I get an error when trying to call train on this learner (without clusters argument explicitly provided). I have updated the error traceback in my question details.

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 4:47

          • Works for me without error: > train(lrn, makeClusterTask(id = "foo", iris[,-5])) Model for; learner.class=cluster.MiniBatchKmeans Trained on: = foo; obs = 150; features = 4 Hyperparameters: clusters=2

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 4:50

          • Ok, this is driving me crazy. I took a fresh copy and it worked for me. I tried to make the code change you suggested in your answer and it stopped working (same error). Is it somehow related to the registerS3Method call?

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 10:20

          • It could be, depending on how exactly you're testing it. The safest way is to start a new R session each time.

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 21:32

          • As in the package there is no default for the argument clusters it is definitely correct to put a value in par.vals. The default in the parameter description is just "cosmetic". While developing use devtools:load_all() to avoid problems (no guarantee).

            – jakob-r
            Mar 11 at 16:13

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          The code in your repository works for me -- are you actually getting an error when you run it? The way that you've encoded the default is really more of an override and not a default. You probably want to do

          makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "clusters", lower = 1L, default = 2L),

          and remove the par.vals.

          share|improve this answer

          • Yes, I get an error when trying to call train on this learner (without clusters argument explicitly provided). I have updated the error traceback in my question details.

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 4:47

          • Works for me without error: > train(lrn, makeClusterTask(id = "foo", iris[,-5])) Model for; learner.class=cluster.MiniBatchKmeans Trained on: = foo; obs = 150; features = 4 Hyperparameters: clusters=2

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 4:50

          • Ok, this is driving me crazy. I took a fresh copy and it worked for me. I tried to make the code change you suggested in your answer and it stopped working (same error). Is it somehow related to the registerS3Method call?

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 10:20

          • It could be, depending on how exactly you're testing it. The safest way is to start a new R session each time.

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 21:32

          • As in the package there is no default for the argument clusters it is definitely correct to put a value in par.vals. The default in the parameter description is just "cosmetic". While developing use devtools:load_all() to avoid problems (no guarantee).

            – jakob-r
            Mar 11 at 16:13


          The code in your repository works for me -- are you actually getting an error when you run it? The way that you've encoded the default is really more of an override and not a default. You probably want to do

          makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "clusters", lower = 1L, default = 2L),

          and remove the par.vals.

          share|improve this answer

          • Yes, I get an error when trying to call train on this learner (without clusters argument explicitly provided). I have updated the error traceback in my question details.

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 4:47

          • Works for me without error: > train(lrn, makeClusterTask(id = "foo", iris[,-5])) Model for; learner.class=cluster.MiniBatchKmeans Trained on: = foo; obs = 150; features = 4 Hyperparameters: clusters=2

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 4:50

          • Ok, this is driving me crazy. I took a fresh copy and it worked for me. I tried to make the code change you suggested in your answer and it stopped working (same error). Is it somehow related to the registerS3Method call?

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 10:20

          • It could be, depending on how exactly you're testing it. The safest way is to start a new R session each time.

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 21:32

          • As in the package there is no default for the argument clusters it is definitely correct to put a value in par.vals. The default in the parameter description is just "cosmetic". While developing use devtools:load_all() to avoid problems (no guarantee).

            – jakob-r
            Mar 11 at 16:13




          The code in your repository works for me -- are you actually getting an error when you run it? The way that you've encoded the default is really more of an override and not a default. You probably want to do

          makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "clusters", lower = 1L, default = 2L),

          and remove the par.vals.

          share|improve this answer

          The code in your repository works for me -- are you actually getting an error when you run it? The way that you've encoded the default is really more of an override and not a default. You probably want to do

          makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "clusters", lower = 1L, default = 2L),

          and remove the par.vals.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Mar 9 at 4:08

          Lars KotthoffLars Kotthoff



          • Yes, I get an error when trying to call train on this learner (without clusters argument explicitly provided). I have updated the error traceback in my question details.

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 4:47

          • Works for me without error: > train(lrn, makeClusterTask(id = "foo", iris[,-5])) Model for; learner.class=cluster.MiniBatchKmeans Trained on: = foo; obs = 150; features = 4 Hyperparameters: clusters=2

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 4:50

          • Ok, this is driving me crazy. I took a fresh copy and it worked for me. I tried to make the code change you suggested in your answer and it stopped working (same error). Is it somehow related to the registerS3Method call?

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 10:20

          • It could be, depending on how exactly you're testing it. The safest way is to start a new R session each time.

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 21:32

          • As in the package there is no default for the argument clusters it is definitely correct to put a value in par.vals. The default in the parameter description is just "cosmetic". While developing use devtools:load_all() to avoid problems (no guarantee).

            – jakob-r
            Mar 11 at 16:13

          • Yes, I get an error when trying to call train on this learner (without clusters argument explicitly provided). I have updated the error traceback in my question details.

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 4:47

          • Works for me without error: > train(lrn, makeClusterTask(id = "foo", iris[,-5])) Model for; learner.class=cluster.MiniBatchKmeans Trained on: = foo; obs = 150; features = 4 Hyperparameters: clusters=2

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 4:50

          • Ok, this is driving me crazy. I took a fresh copy and it worked for me. I tried to make the code change you suggested in your answer and it stopped working (same error). Is it somehow related to the registerS3Method call?

            – Prasiddhi
            Mar 9 at 10:20

          • It could be, depending on how exactly you're testing it. The safest way is to start a new R session each time.

            – Lars Kotthoff
            Mar 9 at 21:32

          • As in the package there is no default for the argument clusters it is definitely correct to put a value in par.vals. The default in the parameter description is just "cosmetic". While developing use devtools:load_all() to avoid problems (no guarantee).

            – jakob-r
            Mar 11 at 16:13

          Yes, I get an error when trying to call train on this learner (without clusters argument explicitly provided). I have updated the error traceback in my question details.

          – Prasiddhi
          Mar 9 at 4:47

          Yes, I get an error when trying to call train on this learner (without clusters argument explicitly provided). I have updated the error traceback in my question details.

          – Prasiddhi
          Mar 9 at 4:47

          Works for me without error: > train(lrn, makeClusterTask(id = "foo", iris[,-5])) Model for; learner.class=cluster.MiniBatchKmeans Trained on: = foo; obs = 150; features = 4 Hyperparameters: clusters=2

          – Lars Kotthoff
          Mar 9 at 4:50

          Works for me without error: > train(lrn, makeClusterTask(id = "foo", iris[,-5])) Model for; learner.class=cluster.MiniBatchKmeans Trained on: = foo; obs = 150; features = 4 Hyperparameters: clusters=2

          – Lars Kotthoff
          Mar 9 at 4:50

          Ok, this is driving me crazy. I took a fresh copy and it worked for me. I tried to make the code change you suggested in your answer and it stopped working (same error). Is it somehow related to the registerS3Method call?

          – Prasiddhi
          Mar 9 at 10:20

          Ok, this is driving me crazy. I took a fresh copy and it worked for me. I tried to make the code change you suggested in your answer and it stopped working (same error). Is it somehow related to the registerS3Method call?

          – Prasiddhi
          Mar 9 at 10:20

          It could be, depending on how exactly you're testing it. The safest way is to start a new R session each time.

          – Lars Kotthoff
          Mar 9 at 21:32

          It could be, depending on how exactly you're testing it. The safest way is to start a new R session each time.

          – Lars Kotthoff
          Mar 9 at 21:32

          As in the package there is no default for the argument clusters it is definitely correct to put a value in par.vals. The default in the parameter description is just "cosmetic". While developing use devtools:load_all() to avoid problems (no guarantee).

          – jakob-r
          Mar 11 at 16:13

          As in the package there is no default for the argument clusters it is definitely correct to put a value in par.vals. The default in the parameter description is just "cosmetic". While developing use devtools:load_all() to avoid problems (no guarantee).

          – jakob-r
          Mar 11 at 16:13

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