How to dinamically render the user data in a component on button click in React2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow do I detect a click outside an element?Trigger a button click with JavaScript on the Enter key in a text boxHow can I know which radio button is selected via jQuery?How to check a radio button with jQuery?How does data binding work in AngularJS?React “after render” code?react-router - pass props to handler componentCan you force a React component to rerender without calling setState?How to conditionally add attributes to React components?Detect click outside React component

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How to dinamically render the user data in a component on button click in React

2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow do I detect a click outside an element?Trigger a button click with JavaScript on the Enter key in a text boxHow can I know which radio button is selected via jQuery?How to check a radio button with jQuery?How does data binding work in AngularJS?React “after render” code?react-router - pass props to handler componentCan you force a React component to rerender without calling setState?How to conditionally add attributes to React components?Detect click outside React component


I'm new in React and got stuck on how can I achieve this.

After the user fills the field CEP from the first card and click on the button 'Gravar Dados', it shows a second card with all the information from the first card.

Template Picture

New Result Picture

What i need is dynamically create another card, under the second card with new info from the first card.

This is what i've done so far..

I have this component DadosPessoais.js wich is the second card in the Template Picture:

return (
<div className="card shadow mt-5" >
<div className="card-header">
<span>Dados Pessoais </span>
<div className="card-body">

<div className="row">

<div className="col-4">

<span>Cep: <strong>this.props.cep</strong></span>
<span>Bairro: <strong>this.props.bairro</strong></span>


<div className="col-5">

<span>Rua: <strong>this.props.rua</strong></span>
<span>Cidade: <strong>this.props.cidade</strong></span>


<div className="col-3">

<span>UF: <strong>this.props.uf</strong></span>



In my Home.js i have a form with onSubmit that calls mostrarDadosPessoais function:



listaDados: this.state.listaDados.concat(

And my input components UserInput, Should it be like this?:

 <div className="col-3">
<UserInput name="Rua" Label="Rua" Id="Rua" value=this.state.rua Disabled />

<div className="col-3">
<UserInput name="Bairro" Label="Bairro" Id="Bairro" value=this.state.bairro Disabled />

<div className="col-3">
<UserInput name="Cidade" Label="Cidade" Id="Cidade" value=this.state.cidade Disabled />

<div className="col-1">
<UserInput name="UF" Label="UF" Id="UF" value=this.state.uf Disabled />

And to show the result card i've done this:

<div className="col-md-4">
this.state.listaDados.length === 0
? null
: => (<DadosPessoais ...lista />))

This is my state:

this.state = 

listaCidade: [],

listaDados: [],

Any ideas on how can i create another component and keep the values from the first one?

Thank you.

share|improve this question


    I'm new in React and got stuck on how can I achieve this.

    After the user fills the field CEP from the first card and click on the button 'Gravar Dados', it shows a second card with all the information from the first card.

    Template Picture

    New Result Picture

    What i need is dynamically create another card, under the second card with new info from the first card.

    This is what i've done so far..

    I have this component DadosPessoais.js wich is the second card in the Template Picture:

    return (
    <div className="card shadow mt-5" >
    <div className="card-header">
    <span>Dados Pessoais </span>
    <div className="card-body">

    <div className="row">

    <div className="col-4">

    <span>Cep: <strong>this.props.cep</strong></span>
    <span>Bairro: <strong>this.props.bairro</strong></span>


    <div className="col-5">

    <span>Rua: <strong>this.props.rua</strong></span>
    <span>Cidade: <strong>this.props.cidade</strong></span>


    <div className="col-3">

    <span>UF: <strong>this.props.uf</strong></span>



    In my Home.js i have a form with onSubmit that calls mostrarDadosPessoais function:



    listaDados: this.state.listaDados.concat(

    And my input components UserInput, Should it be like this?:

     <div className="col-3">
    <UserInput name="Rua" Label="Rua" Id="Rua" value=this.state.rua Disabled />

    <div className="col-3">
    <UserInput name="Bairro" Label="Bairro" Id="Bairro" value=this.state.bairro Disabled />

    <div className="col-3">
    <UserInput name="Cidade" Label="Cidade" Id="Cidade" value=this.state.cidade Disabled />

    <div className="col-1">
    <UserInput name="UF" Label="UF" Id="UF" value=this.state.uf Disabled />

    And to show the result card i've done this:

    <div className="col-md-4">
    this.state.listaDados.length === 0
    ? null
    : => (<DadosPessoais ...lista />))

    This is my state:

    this.state = 

    listaCidade: [],

    listaDados: [],

    Any ideas on how can i create another component and keep the values from the first one?

    Thank you.

    share|improve this question




      I'm new in React and got stuck on how can I achieve this.

      After the user fills the field CEP from the first card and click on the button 'Gravar Dados', it shows a second card with all the information from the first card.

      Template Picture

      New Result Picture

      What i need is dynamically create another card, under the second card with new info from the first card.

      This is what i've done so far..

      I have this component DadosPessoais.js wich is the second card in the Template Picture:

      return (
      <div className="card shadow mt-5" >
      <div className="card-header">
      <span>Dados Pessoais </span>
      <div className="card-body">

      <div className="row">

      <div className="col-4">

      <span>Cep: <strong>this.props.cep</strong></span>
      <span>Bairro: <strong>this.props.bairro</strong></span>


      <div className="col-5">

      <span>Rua: <strong>this.props.rua</strong></span>
      <span>Cidade: <strong>this.props.cidade</strong></span>


      <div className="col-3">

      <span>UF: <strong>this.props.uf</strong></span>



      In my Home.js i have a form with onSubmit that calls mostrarDadosPessoais function:



      listaDados: this.state.listaDados.concat(

      And my input components UserInput, Should it be like this?:

       <div className="col-3">
      <UserInput name="Rua" Label="Rua" Id="Rua" value=this.state.rua Disabled />

      <div className="col-3">
      <UserInput name="Bairro" Label="Bairro" Id="Bairro" value=this.state.bairro Disabled />

      <div className="col-3">
      <UserInput name="Cidade" Label="Cidade" Id="Cidade" value=this.state.cidade Disabled />

      <div className="col-1">
      <UserInput name="UF" Label="UF" Id="UF" value=this.state.uf Disabled />

      And to show the result card i've done this:

      <div className="col-md-4">
      this.state.listaDados.length === 0
      ? null
      : => (<DadosPessoais ...lista />))

      This is my state:

      this.state = 

      listaCidade: [],

      listaDados: [],

      Any ideas on how can i create another component and keep the values from the first one?

      Thank you.

      share|improve this question

      I'm new in React and got stuck on how can I achieve this.

      After the user fills the field CEP from the first card and click on the button 'Gravar Dados', it shows a second card with all the information from the first card.

      Template Picture

      New Result Picture

      What i need is dynamically create another card, under the second card with new info from the first card.

      This is what i've done so far..

      I have this component DadosPessoais.js wich is the second card in the Template Picture:

      return (
      <div className="card shadow mt-5" >
      <div className="card-header">
      <span>Dados Pessoais </span>
      <div className="card-body">

      <div className="row">

      <div className="col-4">

      <span>Cep: <strong>this.props.cep</strong></span>
      <span>Bairro: <strong>this.props.bairro</strong></span>


      <div className="col-5">

      <span>Rua: <strong>this.props.rua</strong></span>
      <span>Cidade: <strong>this.props.cidade</strong></span>


      <div className="col-3">

      <span>UF: <strong>this.props.uf</strong></span>



      In my Home.js i have a form with onSubmit that calls mostrarDadosPessoais function:



      listaDados: this.state.listaDados.concat(

      And my input components UserInput, Should it be like this?:

       <div className="col-3">
      <UserInput name="Rua" Label="Rua" Id="Rua" value=this.state.rua Disabled />

      <div className="col-3">
      <UserInput name="Bairro" Label="Bairro" Id="Bairro" value=this.state.bairro Disabled />

      <div className="col-3">
      <UserInput name="Cidade" Label="Cidade" Id="Cidade" value=this.state.cidade Disabled />

      <div className="col-1">
      <UserInput name="UF" Label="UF" Id="UF" value=this.state.uf Disabled />

      And to show the result card i've done this:

      <div className="col-md-4">
      this.state.listaDados.length === 0
      ? null
      : => (<DadosPessoais ...lista />))

      This is my state:

      this.state = 

      listaCidade: [],

      listaDados: [],

      Any ideas on how can i create another component and keep the values from the first one?

      Thank you.

      javascript reactjs components

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Mar 12 at 0:19

      Vinix Gonzalez

      asked Mar 7 at 18:54

      Vinix GonzalezVinix Gonzalez



          1 Answer





          If I understand well, you need a list of elements, displayed on the right, that will show user-entered data. You need the user to be able to enter many addresses through the form on the left, and you want each address to display on the right.

          I would solve this with a component that contains state for all the elements you need to display in an array that you update on a form submit event, because that's an easy event to work with when you have forms with lots of fields. You can grab the values of the components through the event object e.

          class StateContainer extends Component 
          this.state =
          addresses: [],

          listaDados: this.state.listaDados.concat(
          // etc, etc

          return (
          <form handleSubmit=this.mostrarDadosPessoais>
          /* left-side form */
          <input name="msg" />
          <button type="submit"></button>
          /* right-side list of elements */
          this.state.addresses.length === 0
          ? null
          (address) => (<DadosPessoais ...address />)


          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks Thomas, but i've never used refs before, can you explain how to use in my case? I dont know how can i create a new component if the component was once created.

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 7 at 20:13

          • In your mockup, you have a box with inputs and a box to the right that displays those values. Have you successfully gotten the box on the right to show up? If you have gotten the box on the right to show up, you can use the same technique to make the 'next card' show up - a 'show next' flag in the same element's state.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:14

          • I think I misunderstood your requirements in my first response, I re-read your question and I'm going to update my answer.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:17

          • i've tried your solution but still didnt achieve what i need, i guess i'm doing something wrong, how should i set the state? Now im getting an empty second card, i did this in the mostrarDadosPessoais method: this.setState( listaDados: [ cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf , msg: this.state.listaDados ] )

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 11 at 20:49

          • You can delete msg: this.state.listaDados , then it might work. That was an example I used to avoid typing out all of this -- cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf . Sorry for the misleading example!

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 11 at 20:55

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          If I understand well, you need a list of elements, displayed on the right, that will show user-entered data. You need the user to be able to enter many addresses through the form on the left, and you want each address to display on the right.

          I would solve this with a component that contains state for all the elements you need to display in an array that you update on a form submit event, because that's an easy event to work with when you have forms with lots of fields. You can grab the values of the components through the event object e.

          class StateContainer extends Component 
          this.state =
          addresses: [],

          listaDados: this.state.listaDados.concat(
          // etc, etc

          return (
          <form handleSubmit=this.mostrarDadosPessoais>
          /* left-side form */
          <input name="msg" />
          <button type="submit"></button>
          /* right-side list of elements */
          this.state.addresses.length === 0
          ? null
          (address) => (<DadosPessoais ...address />)


          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks Thomas, but i've never used refs before, can you explain how to use in my case? I dont know how can i create a new component if the component was once created.

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 7 at 20:13

          • In your mockup, you have a box with inputs and a box to the right that displays those values. Have you successfully gotten the box on the right to show up? If you have gotten the box on the right to show up, you can use the same technique to make the 'next card' show up - a 'show next' flag in the same element's state.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:14

          • I think I misunderstood your requirements in my first response, I re-read your question and I'm going to update my answer.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:17

          • i've tried your solution but still didnt achieve what i need, i guess i'm doing something wrong, how should i set the state? Now im getting an empty second card, i did this in the mostrarDadosPessoais method: this.setState( listaDados: [ cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf , msg: this.state.listaDados ] )

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 11 at 20:49

          • You can delete msg: this.state.listaDados , then it might work. That was an example I used to avoid typing out all of this -- cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf . Sorry for the misleading example!

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 11 at 20:55


          If I understand well, you need a list of elements, displayed on the right, that will show user-entered data. You need the user to be able to enter many addresses through the form on the left, and you want each address to display on the right.

          I would solve this with a component that contains state for all the elements you need to display in an array that you update on a form submit event, because that's an easy event to work with when you have forms with lots of fields. You can grab the values of the components through the event object e.

          class StateContainer extends Component 
          this.state =
          addresses: [],

          listaDados: this.state.listaDados.concat(
          // etc, etc

          return (
          <form handleSubmit=this.mostrarDadosPessoais>
          /* left-side form */
          <input name="msg" />
          <button type="submit"></button>
          /* right-side list of elements */
          this.state.addresses.length === 0
          ? null
          (address) => (<DadosPessoais ...address />)


          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks Thomas, but i've never used refs before, can you explain how to use in my case? I dont know how can i create a new component if the component was once created.

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 7 at 20:13

          • In your mockup, you have a box with inputs and a box to the right that displays those values. Have you successfully gotten the box on the right to show up? If you have gotten the box on the right to show up, you can use the same technique to make the 'next card' show up - a 'show next' flag in the same element's state.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:14

          • I think I misunderstood your requirements in my first response, I re-read your question and I'm going to update my answer.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:17

          • i've tried your solution but still didnt achieve what i need, i guess i'm doing something wrong, how should i set the state? Now im getting an empty second card, i did this in the mostrarDadosPessoais method: this.setState( listaDados: [ cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf , msg: this.state.listaDados ] )

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 11 at 20:49

          • You can delete msg: this.state.listaDados , then it might work. That was an example I used to avoid typing out all of this -- cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf . Sorry for the misleading example!

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 11 at 20:55




          If I understand well, you need a list of elements, displayed on the right, that will show user-entered data. You need the user to be able to enter many addresses through the form on the left, and you want each address to display on the right.

          I would solve this with a component that contains state for all the elements you need to display in an array that you update on a form submit event, because that's an easy event to work with when you have forms with lots of fields. You can grab the values of the components through the event object e.

          class StateContainer extends Component 
          this.state =
          addresses: [],

          listaDados: this.state.listaDados.concat(
          // etc, etc

          return (
          <form handleSubmit=this.mostrarDadosPessoais>
          /* left-side form */
          <input name="msg" />
          <button type="submit"></button>
          /* right-side list of elements */
          this.state.addresses.length === 0
          ? null
          (address) => (<DadosPessoais ...address />)


          share|improve this answer

          If I understand well, you need a list of elements, displayed on the right, that will show user-entered data. You need the user to be able to enter many addresses through the form on the left, and you want each address to display on the right.

          I would solve this with a component that contains state for all the elements you need to display in an array that you update on a form submit event, because that's an easy event to work with when you have forms with lots of fields. You can grab the values of the components through the event object e.

          class StateContainer extends Component 
          this.state =
          addresses: [],

          listaDados: this.state.listaDados.concat(
          // etc, etc

          return (
          <form handleSubmit=this.mostrarDadosPessoais>
          /* left-side form */
          <input name="msg" />
          <button type="submit"></button>
          /* right-side list of elements */
          this.state.addresses.length === 0
          ? null
          (address) => (<DadosPessoais ...address />)


          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Mar 11 at 21:06

          answered Mar 7 at 19:14

          Thomas IngallsThomas Ingalls



          • Thanks Thomas, but i've never used refs before, can you explain how to use in my case? I dont know how can i create a new component if the component was once created.

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 7 at 20:13

          • In your mockup, you have a box with inputs and a box to the right that displays those values. Have you successfully gotten the box on the right to show up? If you have gotten the box on the right to show up, you can use the same technique to make the 'next card' show up - a 'show next' flag in the same element's state.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:14

          • I think I misunderstood your requirements in my first response, I re-read your question and I'm going to update my answer.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:17

          • i've tried your solution but still didnt achieve what i need, i guess i'm doing something wrong, how should i set the state? Now im getting an empty second card, i did this in the mostrarDadosPessoais method: this.setState( listaDados: [ cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf , msg: this.state.listaDados ] )

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 11 at 20:49

          • You can delete msg: this.state.listaDados , then it might work. That was an example I used to avoid typing out all of this -- cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf . Sorry for the misleading example!

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 11 at 20:55

          • Thanks Thomas, but i've never used refs before, can you explain how to use in my case? I dont know how can i create a new component if the component was once created.

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 7 at 20:13

          • In your mockup, you have a box with inputs and a box to the right that displays those values. Have you successfully gotten the box on the right to show up? If you have gotten the box on the right to show up, you can use the same technique to make the 'next card' show up - a 'show next' flag in the same element's state.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:14

          • I think I misunderstood your requirements in my first response, I re-read your question and I'm going to update my answer.

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 7 at 22:17

          • i've tried your solution but still didnt achieve what i need, i guess i'm doing something wrong, how should i set the state? Now im getting an empty second card, i did this in the mostrarDadosPessoais method: this.setState( listaDados: [ cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf , msg: this.state.listaDados ] )

            – Vinix Gonzalez
            Mar 11 at 20:49

          • You can delete msg: this.state.listaDados , then it might work. That was an example I used to avoid typing out all of this -- cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf . Sorry for the misleading example!

            – Thomas Ingalls
            Mar 11 at 20:55

          Thanks Thomas, but i've never used refs before, can you explain how to use in my case? I dont know how can i create a new component if the component was once created.

          – Vinix Gonzalez
          Mar 7 at 20:13

          Thanks Thomas, but i've never used refs before, can you explain how to use in my case? I dont know how can i create a new component if the component was once created.

          – Vinix Gonzalez
          Mar 7 at 20:13

          In your mockup, you have a box with inputs and a box to the right that displays those values. Have you successfully gotten the box on the right to show up? If you have gotten the box on the right to show up, you can use the same technique to make the 'next card' show up - a 'show next' flag in the same element's state.

          – Thomas Ingalls
          Mar 7 at 22:14

          In your mockup, you have a box with inputs and a box to the right that displays those values. Have you successfully gotten the box on the right to show up? If you have gotten the box on the right to show up, you can use the same technique to make the 'next card' show up - a 'show next' flag in the same element's state.

          – Thomas Ingalls
          Mar 7 at 22:14

          I think I misunderstood your requirements in my first response, I re-read your question and I'm going to update my answer.

          – Thomas Ingalls
          Mar 7 at 22:17

          I think I misunderstood your requirements in my first response, I re-read your question and I'm going to update my answer.

          – Thomas Ingalls
          Mar 7 at 22:17

          i've tried your solution but still didnt achieve what i need, i guess i'm doing something wrong, how should i set the state? Now im getting an empty second card, i did this in the mostrarDadosPessoais method: this.setState( listaDados: [ cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf , msg: this.state.listaDados ] )

          – Vinix Gonzalez
          Mar 11 at 20:49

          i've tried your solution but still didnt achieve what i need, i guess i'm doing something wrong, how should i set the state? Now im getting an empty second card, i did this in the mostrarDadosPessoais method: this.setState( listaDados: [ cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf , msg: this.state.listaDados ] )

          – Vinix Gonzalez
          Mar 11 at 20:49

          You can delete msg: this.state.listaDados , then it might work. That was an example I used to avoid typing out all of this -- cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf . Sorry for the misleading example!

          – Thomas Ingalls
          Mar 11 at 20:55

          You can delete msg: this.state.listaDados , then it might work. That was an example I used to avoid typing out all of this -- cep: this.state.cep, rua: this.state.rua, bairro: this.state.bairro, cidade: this.state.cidade, uf: this.state.uf . Sorry for the misleading example!

          – Thomas Ingalls
          Mar 11 at 20:55

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