Using Custom vision exported model with tensorflow JS and input an image2019 Community Moderator ElectionTensorflow: how to save/restore a model?tensorflow tutorial of convolution, scale of logitTensorflow - Reusing model InvalidArgumentErrorTransitioning Tensorflow backed Keras model to CoreMLHow to deploy a Tensorflow trained model for inference for a Windows standalone applicationUse Azure custom-vision trained model with tensorflow.jsError converting delf to tensorflow js webHow can I convert a TensorFlow graph .pb file using tensorflowjs_converter?Why model.predict() from tensorflowjs always return same prediction?Loading of mobilenet v2 works, but pretrained mobilenet v2 fails

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Using Custom vision exported model with tensorflow JS and input an image

2019 Community Moderator ElectionTensorflow: how to save/restore a model?tensorflow tutorial of convolution, scale of logitTensorflow - Reusing model InvalidArgumentErrorTransitioning Tensorflow backed Keras model to CoreMLHow to deploy a Tensorflow trained model for inference for a Windows standalone applicationUse Azure custom-vision trained model with tensorflow.jsError converting delf to tensorflow js webHow can I convert a TensorFlow graph .pb file using tensorflowjs_converter?Why model.predict() from tensorflowjs always return same prediction?Loading of mobilenet v2 works, but pretrained mobilenet v2 fails


I'm new to tensorflow.js and tensorflow

The context : We have trained a model using custom vision to recognized from an image, the hairlength : short, mid, long. This model was exported and we would like to use it in local with tensorflow js. The exported files from custom vision are a *.pb file and a labels.txt file.

I have used tensorflowjs_converter python script, here is the command I have used to convert a frozen model *.pb in a json model :

tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_frozen_model --output_node_names='model_outputs' --output_json OUTPUT_JSON C:pythontf_modelshairlengthmodel.pb C:pythontf_modelsexports

Then I paste this model.json and shards in the assets folder of my angular client. Then I try to load the model and I give him an image to get the prediction but all I get are indexes values that are way out of bound since I only need 0: long, 1: mid, 2: short hairlength. Here is a capture of the console
prediction list

This is the class I have used in my client (typescript) for predictions:

import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

// import HAIRLENGTH_LABELS from './hairlength';
import FrozenModel from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

const MODEL = 'assets/models/hairlength/model.json';
const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs';
const OUTPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs';
const PREPROCESS_DIVISOR = tf.scalar(255 / 2);

export class MobileNetHairLength

private model: FrozenModel;
private labels = ['long', 'mid', 'short'];


async load()
this.model = await tf.loadGraphModel(MODEL);

if (this.model)

* Infer through MobileNet. This does standard ImageNet pre-processing before
* inferring through the model. This method returns named activations as well
* as softmax logits.
* @param input un-preprocessed input Array.
* @return The softmax logits.
const preprocessedInput = tf.div(
tf.sub(input, PREPROCESS_DIVISOR),
const reshapedInput =
preprocessedInput.reshape([1, ...preprocessedInput.shape]);
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression
return this.model.execute([INPUT_NODE_NAME]: reshapedInput, OUTPUT_NODE_NAME);

getTopKClasses(logits, topK: number)
const predictions = tf.tidy(() =>
return tf.softmax(logits);

const values = predictions.dataSync();

let predictionList = [];
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
predictionList.push(value: values[i], index: i);

predictionList = predictionList
.sort((a, b) =>
return b.value - a.value;
.slice(0, topK);

return =>
return label: this.labels[x.index], value: x.value;

And this the class that calls the above one, I just give the canvas element :

import 'babel-polyfill';
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
import MobileNetHairLength from './mobilenet-hairlength';

export class PredictionHairLength


async predict(canvas)
const mobileNet = new MobileNetHairLength();
await mobileNet.load();
const pixels = tf.browser.fromPixels(canvas);

const result = mobileNet.predict(pixels);
const topK = mobileNet.getTopKClasses(result, 3);

topK.forEach(x =>
console.log( `$x.value.toFixed(3): $x.labeln` );


My questions are :

Is the convert python command correct ?

Did I miss something in my client to get the correct indexes ?

Thank you for your time and answers

If you need more informations, I would be glad to give them to you

share|improve this question


    I'm new to tensorflow.js and tensorflow

    The context : We have trained a model using custom vision to recognized from an image, the hairlength : short, mid, long. This model was exported and we would like to use it in local with tensorflow js. The exported files from custom vision are a *.pb file and a labels.txt file.

    I have used tensorflowjs_converter python script, here is the command I have used to convert a frozen model *.pb in a json model :

    tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_frozen_model --output_node_names='model_outputs' --output_json OUTPUT_JSON C:pythontf_modelshairlengthmodel.pb C:pythontf_modelsexports

    Then I paste this model.json and shards in the assets folder of my angular client. Then I try to load the model and I give him an image to get the prediction but all I get are indexes values that are way out of bound since I only need 0: long, 1: mid, 2: short hairlength. Here is a capture of the console
    prediction list

    This is the class I have used in my client (typescript) for predictions:

    import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

    // import HAIRLENGTH_LABELS from './hairlength';
    import FrozenModel from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

    const MODEL = 'assets/models/hairlength/model.json';
    const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs';
    const OUTPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs';
    const PREPROCESS_DIVISOR = tf.scalar(255 / 2);

    export class MobileNetHairLength

    private model: FrozenModel;
    private labels = ['long', 'mid', 'short'];


    async load()
    this.model = await tf.loadGraphModel(MODEL);

    if (this.model)

    * Infer through MobileNet. This does standard ImageNet pre-processing before
    * inferring through the model. This method returns named activations as well
    * as softmax logits.
    * @param input un-preprocessed input Array.
    * @return The softmax logits.
    const preprocessedInput = tf.div(
    tf.sub(input, PREPROCESS_DIVISOR),
    const reshapedInput =
    preprocessedInput.reshape([1, ...preprocessedInput.shape]);
    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression
    return this.model.execute([INPUT_NODE_NAME]: reshapedInput, OUTPUT_NODE_NAME);

    getTopKClasses(logits, topK: number)
    const predictions = tf.tidy(() =>
    return tf.softmax(logits);

    const values = predictions.dataSync();

    let predictionList = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
    predictionList.push(value: values[i], index: i);

    predictionList = predictionList
    .sort((a, b) =>
    return b.value - a.value;
    .slice(0, topK);

    return =>
    return label: this.labels[x.index], value: x.value;

    And this the class that calls the above one, I just give the canvas element :

    import 'babel-polyfill';
    import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
    import MobileNetHairLength from './mobilenet-hairlength';

    export class PredictionHairLength


    async predict(canvas)
    const mobileNet = new MobileNetHairLength();
    await mobileNet.load();
    const pixels = tf.browser.fromPixels(canvas);

    const result = mobileNet.predict(pixels);
    const topK = mobileNet.getTopKClasses(result, 3);

    topK.forEach(x =>
    console.log( `$x.value.toFixed(3): $x.labeln` );


    My questions are :

    Is the convert python command correct ?

    Did I miss something in my client to get the correct indexes ?

    Thank you for your time and answers

    If you need more informations, I would be glad to give them to you

    share|improve this question




      I'm new to tensorflow.js and tensorflow

      The context : We have trained a model using custom vision to recognized from an image, the hairlength : short, mid, long. This model was exported and we would like to use it in local with tensorflow js. The exported files from custom vision are a *.pb file and a labels.txt file.

      I have used tensorflowjs_converter python script, here is the command I have used to convert a frozen model *.pb in a json model :

      tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_frozen_model --output_node_names='model_outputs' --output_json OUTPUT_JSON C:pythontf_modelshairlengthmodel.pb C:pythontf_modelsexports

      Then I paste this model.json and shards in the assets folder of my angular client. Then I try to load the model and I give him an image to get the prediction but all I get are indexes values that are way out of bound since I only need 0: long, 1: mid, 2: short hairlength. Here is a capture of the console
      prediction list

      This is the class I have used in my client (typescript) for predictions:

      import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

      // import HAIRLENGTH_LABELS from './hairlength';
      import FrozenModel from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

      const MODEL = 'assets/models/hairlength/model.json';
      const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs';
      const OUTPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs';
      const PREPROCESS_DIVISOR = tf.scalar(255 / 2);

      export class MobileNetHairLength

      private model: FrozenModel;
      private labels = ['long', 'mid', 'short'];


      async load()
      this.model = await tf.loadGraphModel(MODEL);

      if (this.model)

      * Infer through MobileNet. This does standard ImageNet pre-processing before
      * inferring through the model. This method returns named activations as well
      * as softmax logits.
      * @param input un-preprocessed input Array.
      * @return The softmax logits.
      const preprocessedInput = tf.div(
      tf.sub(input, PREPROCESS_DIVISOR),
      const reshapedInput =
      preprocessedInput.reshape([1, ...preprocessedInput.shape]);
      // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression
      return this.model.execute([INPUT_NODE_NAME]: reshapedInput, OUTPUT_NODE_NAME);

      getTopKClasses(logits, topK: number)
      const predictions = tf.tidy(() =>
      return tf.softmax(logits);

      const values = predictions.dataSync();

      let predictionList = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
      predictionList.push(value: values[i], index: i);

      predictionList = predictionList
      .sort((a, b) =>
      return b.value - a.value;
      .slice(0, topK);

      return =>
      return label: this.labels[x.index], value: x.value;

      And this the class that calls the above one, I just give the canvas element :

      import 'babel-polyfill';
      import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
      import MobileNetHairLength from './mobilenet-hairlength';

      export class PredictionHairLength


      async predict(canvas)
      const mobileNet = new MobileNetHairLength();
      await mobileNet.load();
      const pixels = tf.browser.fromPixels(canvas);

      const result = mobileNet.predict(pixels);
      const topK = mobileNet.getTopKClasses(result, 3);

      topK.forEach(x =>
      console.log( `$x.value.toFixed(3): $x.labeln` );


      My questions are :

      Is the convert python command correct ?

      Did I miss something in my client to get the correct indexes ?

      Thank you for your time and answers

      If you need more informations, I would be glad to give them to you

      share|improve this question

      I'm new to tensorflow.js and tensorflow

      The context : We have trained a model using custom vision to recognized from an image, the hairlength : short, mid, long. This model was exported and we would like to use it in local with tensorflow js. The exported files from custom vision are a *.pb file and a labels.txt file.

      I have used tensorflowjs_converter python script, here is the command I have used to convert a frozen model *.pb in a json model :

      tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_frozen_model --output_node_names='model_outputs' --output_json OUTPUT_JSON C:pythontf_modelshairlengthmodel.pb C:pythontf_modelsexports

      Then I paste this model.json and shards in the assets folder of my angular client. Then I try to load the model and I give him an image to get the prediction but all I get are indexes values that are way out of bound since I only need 0: long, 1: mid, 2: short hairlength. Here is a capture of the console
      prediction list

      This is the class I have used in my client (typescript) for predictions:

      import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

      // import HAIRLENGTH_LABELS from './hairlength';
      import FrozenModel from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

      const MODEL = 'assets/models/hairlength/model.json';
      const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs';
      const OUTPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs';
      const PREPROCESS_DIVISOR = tf.scalar(255 / 2);

      export class MobileNetHairLength

      private model: FrozenModel;
      private labels = ['long', 'mid', 'short'];


      async load()
      this.model = await tf.loadGraphModel(MODEL);

      if (this.model)

      * Infer through MobileNet. This does standard ImageNet pre-processing before
      * inferring through the model. This method returns named activations as well
      * as softmax logits.
      * @param input un-preprocessed input Array.
      * @return The softmax logits.
      const preprocessedInput = tf.div(
      tf.sub(input, PREPROCESS_DIVISOR),
      const reshapedInput =
      preprocessedInput.reshape([1, ...preprocessedInput.shape]);
      // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression
      return this.model.execute([INPUT_NODE_NAME]: reshapedInput, OUTPUT_NODE_NAME);

      getTopKClasses(logits, topK: number)
      const predictions = tf.tidy(() =>
      return tf.softmax(logits);

      const values = predictions.dataSync();

      let predictionList = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
      predictionList.push(value: values[i], index: i);

      predictionList = predictionList
      .sort((a, b) =>
      return b.value - a.value;
      .slice(0, topK);

      return =>
      return label: this.labels[x.index], value: x.value;

      And this the class that calls the above one, I just give the canvas element :

      import 'babel-polyfill';
      import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
      import MobileNetHairLength from './mobilenet-hairlength';

      export class PredictionHairLength


      async predict(canvas)
      const mobileNet = new MobileNetHairLength();
      await mobileNet.load();
      const pixels = tf.browser.fromPixels(canvas);

      const result = mobileNet.predict(pixels);
      const topK = mobileNet.getTopKClasses(result, 3);

      topK.forEach(x =>
      console.log( `$x.value.toFixed(3): $x.labeln` );


      My questions are :

      Is the convert python command correct ?

      Did I miss something in my client to get the correct indexes ?

      Thank you for your time and answers

      If you need more informations, I would be glad to give them to you

      angular tensorflow tensorflow.js tensorflowjs-converter microsoft-custom-vision

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked 17 hours ago




          1 Answer





          I think it's a simple bug in your code: const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs'; should probably be 'model_inputs' or whatever it actually is. Here, you're setting the output to be the input image and then reading it back without predicting anything.

          share|improve this answer

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            1 Answer











            I think it's a simple bug in your code: const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs'; should probably be 'model_inputs' or whatever it actually is. Here, you're setting the output to be the input image and then reading it back without predicting anything.

            share|improve this answer


              I think it's a simple bug in your code: const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs'; should probably be 'model_inputs' or whatever it actually is. Here, you're setting the output to be the input image and then reading it back without predicting anything.

              share|improve this answer




                I think it's a simple bug in your code: const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs'; should probably be 'model_inputs' or whatever it actually is. Here, you're setting the output to be the input image and then reading it back without predicting anything.

                share|improve this answer

                I think it's a simple bug in your code: const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'model_outputs'; should probably be 'model_inputs' or whatever it actually is. Here, you're setting the output to be the input image and then reading it back without predicting anything.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered 9 hours ago

                David SoergelDavid Soergel



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