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Ninject Binding Generic Interfaces

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I'm trying to use DI to bind a different implementation of my networking class. I've been able to do this successfully using a none generic version of the class. My implementation is as follows:

class MainClass

public static void Main(string[] args)

IKernel kernel;

// Hardcode here but will be managed by build system.
bool runningInProd = false;

if (runningInProd)

kernel = new StandardKernel(new RealNetworkModule());


kernel = new StandardKernel(new FakeNetworkModule());

Session session = kernel.Get<Session>();


public class RealNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


public class FakeNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


Class that uses my IRequestSender:

public class Session

IRequestSender requestSender;

public Session(IRequestSender requestSender)

this.requestSender = requestSender;

public void Authenticate()

Console.WriteLine(requestSender.Send("Hello There"));

The IRequestSender interface:

public interface IRequestSender

string Send(string request);

And the two different implementations:

public class RealRequestSender: IRequestSender

public string Send(string request)

return "RealRequestSender right back at you: " + request;

public class FakeRequestSender: IRequestSender

public string Send(string request)

return "FakeRequestSender right back at you: " + request;

This is very straightforward and it works; however, what I need is for my IRequestSender to use Generic types rather than string for input output:

public interface IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT: class where ResponseT: class

RequestT Send(RequestT request);

And the impl's:

public class FakeRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> : IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT : class where ResponseT : class

public RequestT Send(RequestT request)

throw new NotImplementedException();

public class RealRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> : IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT : class where ResponseT : class

public RequestT Send(RequestT request)

throw new NotImplementedException();

I've come across several examples that address this issue and I've tried to base my implementation on them but I have failed. Here are the two problems that I'm running into:

1) Binding: this is the main problem. Here is what my binding looks like based on solutions I have seen online:

public class RealNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


VSCode gives me the error:

Program.cs(29,29): Error CS0305: Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments (CS0305) (DI)

Based on this error and what I have read online it is still not clear to me what I need to do here.

2) Accessing IRequestSender: the solution to this might be clear once I know how to fix binding. In the original implementation I used [Inject] to get access to the IRequestSender I need in my Sessions class. However now in the generic version I imagine I will not be able to do this. If I were to use RequestSender without DI it would look like:

RequestSender <AuthRequest, AuthResponse> requestSender = new RequestSender<AuthRequest, AuthResponse>();


RequestSender <UserRequest, UserResponse> requestSender = new RequestSender< UserRequest, UserResponse >();

for any number of different types.

So I'm not sure how to go about accessing the RequestSender in this scenario.

share|improve this question

  • I'm not sure if this is your entire problem, but the message Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments is significant... try changing your binding to Bind(typeof(IRequestSender<,>)).To(typeof(RealRequestSender<,>)); (note the commas).

    – xander
    Mar 8 at 2:45

  • Ya that was it. Dumb mistake. Ok that fixes problem 1. Great ty!

    – Przemek Lach
    Mar 8 at 2:48


I'm trying to use DI to bind a different implementation of my networking class. I've been able to do this successfully using a none generic version of the class. My implementation is as follows:

class MainClass

public static void Main(string[] args)

IKernel kernel;

// Hardcode here but will be managed by build system.
bool runningInProd = false;

if (runningInProd)

kernel = new StandardKernel(new RealNetworkModule());


kernel = new StandardKernel(new FakeNetworkModule());

Session session = kernel.Get<Session>();


public class RealNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


public class FakeNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


Class that uses my IRequestSender:

public class Session

IRequestSender requestSender;

public Session(IRequestSender requestSender)

this.requestSender = requestSender;

public void Authenticate()

Console.WriteLine(requestSender.Send("Hello There"));

The IRequestSender interface:

public interface IRequestSender

string Send(string request);

And the two different implementations:

public class RealRequestSender: IRequestSender

public string Send(string request)

return "RealRequestSender right back at you: " + request;

public class FakeRequestSender: IRequestSender

public string Send(string request)

return "FakeRequestSender right back at you: " + request;

This is very straightforward and it works; however, what I need is for my IRequestSender to use Generic types rather than string for input output:

public interface IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT: class where ResponseT: class

RequestT Send(RequestT request);

And the impl's:

public class FakeRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> : IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT : class where ResponseT : class

public RequestT Send(RequestT request)

throw new NotImplementedException();

public class RealRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> : IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT : class where ResponseT : class

public RequestT Send(RequestT request)

throw new NotImplementedException();

I've come across several examples that address this issue and I've tried to base my implementation on them but I have failed. Here are the two problems that I'm running into:

1) Binding: this is the main problem. Here is what my binding looks like based on solutions I have seen online:

public class RealNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


VSCode gives me the error:

Program.cs(29,29): Error CS0305: Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments (CS0305) (DI)

Based on this error and what I have read online it is still not clear to me what I need to do here.

2) Accessing IRequestSender: the solution to this might be clear once I know how to fix binding. In the original implementation I used [Inject] to get access to the IRequestSender I need in my Sessions class. However now in the generic version I imagine I will not be able to do this. If I were to use RequestSender without DI it would look like:

RequestSender <AuthRequest, AuthResponse> requestSender = new RequestSender<AuthRequest, AuthResponse>();


RequestSender <UserRequest, UserResponse> requestSender = new RequestSender< UserRequest, UserResponse >();

for any number of different types.

So I'm not sure how to go about accessing the RequestSender in this scenario.

share|improve this question

  • I'm not sure if this is your entire problem, but the message Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments is significant... try changing your binding to Bind(typeof(IRequestSender<,>)).To(typeof(RealRequestSender<,>)); (note the commas).

    – xander
    Mar 8 at 2:45

  • Ya that was it. Dumb mistake. Ok that fixes problem 1. Great ty!

    – Przemek Lach
    Mar 8 at 2:48




I'm trying to use DI to bind a different implementation of my networking class. I've been able to do this successfully using a none generic version of the class. My implementation is as follows:

class MainClass

public static void Main(string[] args)

IKernel kernel;

// Hardcode here but will be managed by build system.
bool runningInProd = false;

if (runningInProd)

kernel = new StandardKernel(new RealNetworkModule());


kernel = new StandardKernel(new FakeNetworkModule());

Session session = kernel.Get<Session>();


public class RealNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


public class FakeNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


Class that uses my IRequestSender:

public class Session

IRequestSender requestSender;

public Session(IRequestSender requestSender)

this.requestSender = requestSender;

public void Authenticate()

Console.WriteLine(requestSender.Send("Hello There"));

The IRequestSender interface:

public interface IRequestSender

string Send(string request);

And the two different implementations:

public class RealRequestSender: IRequestSender

public string Send(string request)

return "RealRequestSender right back at you: " + request;

public class FakeRequestSender: IRequestSender

public string Send(string request)

return "FakeRequestSender right back at you: " + request;

This is very straightforward and it works; however, what I need is for my IRequestSender to use Generic types rather than string for input output:

public interface IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT: class where ResponseT: class

RequestT Send(RequestT request);

And the impl's:

public class FakeRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> : IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT : class where ResponseT : class

public RequestT Send(RequestT request)

throw new NotImplementedException();

public class RealRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> : IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT : class where ResponseT : class

public RequestT Send(RequestT request)

throw new NotImplementedException();

I've come across several examples that address this issue and I've tried to base my implementation on them but I have failed. Here are the two problems that I'm running into:

1) Binding: this is the main problem. Here is what my binding looks like based on solutions I have seen online:

public class RealNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


VSCode gives me the error:

Program.cs(29,29): Error CS0305: Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments (CS0305) (DI)

Based on this error and what I have read online it is still not clear to me what I need to do here.

2) Accessing IRequestSender: the solution to this might be clear once I know how to fix binding. In the original implementation I used [Inject] to get access to the IRequestSender I need in my Sessions class. However now in the generic version I imagine I will not be able to do this. If I were to use RequestSender without DI it would look like:

RequestSender <AuthRequest, AuthResponse> requestSender = new RequestSender<AuthRequest, AuthResponse>();


RequestSender <UserRequest, UserResponse> requestSender = new RequestSender< UserRequest, UserResponse >();

for any number of different types.

So I'm not sure how to go about accessing the RequestSender in this scenario.

share|improve this question

I'm trying to use DI to bind a different implementation of my networking class. I've been able to do this successfully using a none generic version of the class. My implementation is as follows:

class MainClass

public static void Main(string[] args)

IKernel kernel;

// Hardcode here but will be managed by build system.
bool runningInProd = false;

if (runningInProd)

kernel = new StandardKernel(new RealNetworkModule());


kernel = new StandardKernel(new FakeNetworkModule());

Session session = kernel.Get<Session>();


public class RealNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


public class FakeNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


Class that uses my IRequestSender:

public class Session

IRequestSender requestSender;

public Session(IRequestSender requestSender)

this.requestSender = requestSender;

public void Authenticate()

Console.WriteLine(requestSender.Send("Hello There"));

The IRequestSender interface:

public interface IRequestSender

string Send(string request);

And the two different implementations:

public class RealRequestSender: IRequestSender

public string Send(string request)

return "RealRequestSender right back at you: " + request;

public class FakeRequestSender: IRequestSender

public string Send(string request)

return "FakeRequestSender right back at you: " + request;

This is very straightforward and it works; however, what I need is for my IRequestSender to use Generic types rather than string for input output:

public interface IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT: class where ResponseT: class

RequestT Send(RequestT request);

And the impl's:

public class FakeRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> : IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT : class where ResponseT : class

public RequestT Send(RequestT request)

throw new NotImplementedException();

public class RealRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> : IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT> where RequestT : class where ResponseT : class

public RequestT Send(RequestT request)

throw new NotImplementedException();

I've come across several examples that address this issue and I've tried to base my implementation on them but I have failed. Here are the two problems that I'm running into:

1) Binding: this is the main problem. Here is what my binding looks like based on solutions I have seen online:

public class RealNetworkModule : NinjectModule

public override void Load()


VSCode gives me the error:

Program.cs(29,29): Error CS0305: Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments (CS0305) (DI)

Based on this error and what I have read online it is still not clear to me what I need to do here.

2) Accessing IRequestSender: the solution to this might be clear once I know how to fix binding. In the original implementation I used [Inject] to get access to the IRequestSender I need in my Sessions class. However now in the generic version I imagine I will not be able to do this. If I were to use RequestSender without DI it would look like:

RequestSender <AuthRequest, AuthResponse> requestSender = new RequestSender<AuthRequest, AuthResponse>();


RequestSender <UserRequest, UserResponse> requestSender = new RequestSender< UserRequest, UserResponse >();

for any number of different types.

So I'm not sure how to go about accessing the RequestSender in this scenario.

c# ninject

share|improve this question

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share|improve this question

asked Mar 8 at 2:18

Przemek LachPrzemek Lach



  • I'm not sure if this is your entire problem, but the message Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments is significant... try changing your binding to Bind(typeof(IRequestSender<,>)).To(typeof(RealRequestSender<,>)); (note the commas).

    – xander
    Mar 8 at 2:45

  • Ya that was it. Dumb mistake. Ok that fixes problem 1. Great ty!

    – Przemek Lach
    Mar 8 at 2:48

  • I'm not sure if this is your entire problem, but the message Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments is significant... try changing your binding to Bind(typeof(IRequestSender<,>)).To(typeof(RealRequestSender<,>)); (note the commas).

    – xander
    Mar 8 at 2:45

  • Ya that was it. Dumb mistake. Ok that fixes problem 1. Great ty!

    – Przemek Lach
    Mar 8 at 2:48

I'm not sure if this is your entire problem, but the message Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments is significant... try changing your binding to Bind(typeof(IRequestSender<,>)).To(typeof(RealRequestSender<,>)); (note the commas).

– xander
Mar 8 at 2:45

I'm not sure if this is your entire problem, but the message Using the generic type 'IRequestSender<RequestT, ResponseT>' requires 2 type arguments is significant... try changing your binding to Bind(typeof(IRequestSender<,>)).To(typeof(RealRequestSender<,>)); (note the commas).

– xander
Mar 8 at 2:45

Ya that was it. Dumb mistake. Ok that fixes problem 1. Great ty!

– Przemek Lach
Mar 8 at 2:48

Ya that was it. Dumb mistake. Ok that fixes problem 1. Great ty!

– Przemek Lach
Mar 8 at 2:48

1 Answer





Given your current interface, you'll have to specify the generic type arguments when injecting. Assuming your request and response are both strings, your constructor would look like:

public Session(IRequestSender<string, string> requestSender)

this.requestSender = requestSender;

If you don't want to specify the arguments at creation/injection time, you'll have to change the design a bit. I can't say for certain with the sample code you provided, but it might be possible to remove the generic type args from your interface and place them on the method instead:

public interface IRequestSender

RequestT Send<RequestT, ResponseT>(RequestT request)
where RequestT: class
where ResponseT: class;

With that definition, you'd inject IRequestSender, and then specify the generic type parameters when calling. For example,

string myResponse = requestSender.Send<string, string>("my string");

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    Given your current interface, you'll have to specify the generic type arguments when injecting. Assuming your request and response are both strings, your constructor would look like:

    public Session(IRequestSender<string, string> requestSender)

    this.requestSender = requestSender;

    If you don't want to specify the arguments at creation/injection time, you'll have to change the design a bit. I can't say for certain with the sample code you provided, but it might be possible to remove the generic type args from your interface and place them on the method instead:

    public interface IRequestSender

    RequestT Send<RequestT, ResponseT>(RequestT request)
    where RequestT: class
    where ResponseT: class;

    With that definition, you'd inject IRequestSender, and then specify the generic type parameters when calling. For example,

    string myResponse = requestSender.Send<string, string>("my string");

    share|improve this answer


      Given your current interface, you'll have to specify the generic type arguments when injecting. Assuming your request and response are both strings, your constructor would look like:

      public Session(IRequestSender<string, string> requestSender)

      this.requestSender = requestSender;

      If you don't want to specify the arguments at creation/injection time, you'll have to change the design a bit. I can't say for certain with the sample code you provided, but it might be possible to remove the generic type args from your interface and place them on the method instead:

      public interface IRequestSender

      RequestT Send<RequestT, ResponseT>(RequestT request)
      where RequestT: class
      where ResponseT: class;

      With that definition, you'd inject IRequestSender, and then specify the generic type parameters when calling. For example,

      string myResponse = requestSender.Send<string, string>("my string");

      share|improve this answer




        Given your current interface, you'll have to specify the generic type arguments when injecting. Assuming your request and response are both strings, your constructor would look like:

        public Session(IRequestSender<string, string> requestSender)

        this.requestSender = requestSender;

        If you don't want to specify the arguments at creation/injection time, you'll have to change the design a bit. I can't say for certain with the sample code you provided, but it might be possible to remove the generic type args from your interface and place them on the method instead:

        public interface IRequestSender

        RequestT Send<RequestT, ResponseT>(RequestT request)
        where RequestT: class
        where ResponseT: class;

        With that definition, you'd inject IRequestSender, and then specify the generic type parameters when calling. For example,

        string myResponse = requestSender.Send<string, string>("my string");

        share|improve this answer

        Given your current interface, you'll have to specify the generic type arguments when injecting. Assuming your request and response are both strings, your constructor would look like:

        public Session(IRequestSender<string, string> requestSender)

        this.requestSender = requestSender;

        If you don't want to specify the arguments at creation/injection time, you'll have to change the design a bit. I can't say for certain with the sample code you provided, but it might be possible to remove the generic type args from your interface and place them on the method instead:

        public interface IRequestSender

        RequestT Send<RequestT, ResponseT>(RequestT request)
        where RequestT: class
        where ResponseT: class;

        With that definition, you'd inject IRequestSender, and then specify the generic type parameters when calling. For example,

        string myResponse = requestSender.Send<string, string>("my string");

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Mar 8 at 3:05




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