Min length for text area in my form2019 Community Moderator ElectionLength of a JavaScript objectJavaScript post request like a form submitjQuery get specific option tag textjQuery Set Cursor Position in Text AreaConvert form data to JavaScript object with jQueryGet selected text from a drop-down list (select box) using jQueryjQuery AJAX submit formJquery Super box automatically loadsJQuery code not runsEditing a text area with a form

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Min length for text area in my form

2019 Community Moderator ElectionLength of a JavaScript objectJavaScript post request like a form submitjQuery get specific option tag textjQuery Set Cursor Position in Text AreaConvert form data to JavaScript object with jQueryGet selected text from a drop-down list (select box) using jQueryjQuery AJAX submit formJquery Super box automatically loadsJQuery code not runsEditing a text area with a form


I need to set a min length and a max length for my text area box on my website. I know for max i can do it in html, but min you cannot. Could someone help me with this? I can do if, else statements but that would be after the form is submitted. I want it to tell the user the length is too short before he/she even submits it. I think jquery would be the best but really unsure.

Code listed below.


<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="index.css" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<title>Daily Dorm News</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css" />
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();
$('form').submit(function (e)
var value;

// "message" pattern : from 3 to 15 alphanumerical chars

value = $('[name="message"]').val();
if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]2,150$/.test(value))
alert('Need to enter at least 3 characters to submit this form.');


<h1> <u>Daily Dorm News</u> <br> The best place to get your latest Dorm news </h1>
<form action="posting_wall.php" method="get">
<div id="container">
Username:<input type="text" name="name" pattern="[A-Za-z0-9]3,15" title="Letters and numbers only, length 3 to 15" required autofocus><br>
E-mail: <input type="email" name="email" maxlength="20" required><br>

<div name="message">
<textarea rows="15" cols="50" name='message' required></textarea>
Date this event took place: <input type="text" name='date' id="datepicker" required> <br>
<input type="reset" value="Reset">
<input type="submit">



share|improve this question


    I need to set a min length and a max length for my text area box on my website. I know for max i can do it in html, but min you cannot. Could someone help me with this? I can do if, else statements but that would be after the form is submitted. I want it to tell the user the length is too short before he/she even submits it. I think jquery would be the best but really unsure.

    Code listed below.


    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="index.css" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <title>Daily Dorm News</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" />
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css" />
    $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();
    $('form').submit(function (e)
    var value;

    // "message" pattern : from 3 to 15 alphanumerical chars

    value = $('[name="message"]').val();
    if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]2,150$/.test(value))
    alert('Need to enter at least 3 characters to submit this form.');


    <h1> <u>Daily Dorm News</u> <br> The best place to get your latest Dorm news </h1>
    <form action="posting_wall.php" method="get">
    <div id="container">
    Username:<input type="text" name="name" pattern="[A-Za-z0-9]3,15" title="Letters and numbers only, length 3 to 15" required autofocus><br>
    E-mail: <input type="email" name="email" maxlength="20" required><br>

    <div name="message">
    <textarea rows="15" cols="50" name='message' required></textarea>
    Date this event took place: <input type="text" name='date' id="datepicker" required> <br>
    <input type="reset" value="Reset">
    <input type="submit">



    share|improve this question




      I need to set a min length and a max length for my text area box on my website. I know for max i can do it in html, but min you cannot. Could someone help me with this? I can do if, else statements but that would be after the form is submitted. I want it to tell the user the length is too short before he/she even submits it. I think jquery would be the best but really unsure.

      Code listed below.

       <!DOCTYPE HTML>

      <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="index.css" />
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
      <title>Daily Dorm News</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" />
      <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
      <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css" />
      $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();
      $('form').submit(function (e)
      var value;

      // "message" pattern : from 3 to 15 alphanumerical chars

      value = $('[name="message"]').val();
      if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]2,150$/.test(value))
      alert('Need to enter at least 3 characters to submit this form.');


      <h1> <u>Daily Dorm News</u> <br> The best place to get your latest Dorm news </h1>
      <form action="posting_wall.php" method="get">
      <div id="container">
      Username:<input type="text" name="name" pattern="[A-Za-z0-9]3,15" title="Letters and numbers only, length 3 to 15" required autofocus><br>
      E-mail: <input type="email" name="email" maxlength="20" required><br>

      <div name="message">
      <textarea rows="15" cols="50" name='message' required></textarea>
      Date this event took place: <input type="text" name='date' id="datepicker" required> <br>
      <input type="reset" value="Reset">
      <input type="submit">



      share|improve this question

      I need to set a min length and a max length for my text area box on my website. I know for max i can do it in html, but min you cannot. Could someone help me with this? I can do if, else statements but that would be after the form is submitted. I want it to tell the user the length is too short before he/she even submits it. I think jquery would be the best but really unsure.

      Code listed below.

       <!DOCTYPE HTML>

      <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="index.css" />
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
      <title>Daily Dorm News</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" />
      <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
      <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css" />
      $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();
      $('form').submit(function (e)
      var value;

      // "message" pattern : from 3 to 15 alphanumerical chars

      value = $('[name="message"]').val();
      if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]2,150$/.test(value))
      alert('Need to enter at least 3 characters to submit this form.');


      <h1> <u>Daily Dorm News</u> <br> The best place to get your latest Dorm news </h1>
      <form action="posting_wall.php" method="get">
      <div id="container">
      Username:<input type="text" name="name" pattern="[A-Za-z0-9]3,15" title="Letters and numbers only, length 3 to 15" required autofocus><br>
      E-mail: <input type="email" name="email" maxlength="20" required><br>

      <div name="message">
      <textarea rows="15" cols="50" name='message' required></textarea>
      Date this event took place: <input type="text" name='date' id="datepicker" required> <br>
      <input type="reset" value="Reset">
      <input type="submit">



      javascript php jquery

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 3 '13 at 20:09


      asked Nov 2 '13 at 18:29




          2 Answers





          Set min-length

          pattern=".5," --> 5 characters minimum

          set both min-length and max-length

          pattern=".5,100" --> 5 characters minimum and 100 maximum .


          <input type="text" name="test" pattern=".20,100" required >

          to support Html5 in every browser use html5shiv

          Updated after OP's comment

          if($('#message').val().length < 3)


          share|improve this answer

          • 1

            like so? "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> "

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:36

          • @Terry yeah ..!!

            – Tushar Gupta
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • hmm i tried, still let me submit eventhough I had only 1 character in the message field

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • use an hml5 validation polyfill to make sure it works in all browsers.

            – dandavis
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:51

          • it does not validate, and does not work. I had it as "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> " but it still let me submit only 1 character. any idea how? I just want it so if you enter less then 3 characters it wont let you post

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:53


          Note that your HTML misses </head>. That said, the "pattern" attribute seems to work :

          <input type="text" required="required" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$" />

          Here is another way of doing this using Javascript. Just put this code into the <head> section, right after $("#datepicker").datepicker(); :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var nameValue = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(nameValue))
          e.preventDefault(); // prevents from submitting


          Here is a demo combining both solutions : http://jsfiddle.net/wared/KbxM8/.

          See also : http://api.jquery.com/submit/

          I've tried something according to your comments :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var value;

          // "message" pattern : from 3 to 15 alphanumerical chars

          value = $('[name="message"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(value.replace(/n/g, '')))
          alert('Wrong value for "message".');

          // "name" pattern : at least 1 digit

          value = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/d+/.test(value))
          alert('Wrong value for "name".');


          share|improve this answer

          • Worked great thank you! Now can I use some form of this to MAKE the user submit atleast 1 numeral in the username field?

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 20:29

          • hold on, I had it working, but now its not. I put [name="name"] as [name="message"] since the name of the text area is message.

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 21:50

          • hmm? I dont get what you mean

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:46

          • I updated the code in the OP to show what I have, must just be a small error,

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:51

          • Nope, still does not have an effect. I tried putting it in the header, and in the form, neither worked. I'll paste the updated code above, just so you can see what I am doing. Hmm, so weird

            – Terry
            Nov 3 '13 at 18:06

          Your Answer

          StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function ()
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          Post as a guest

          Required, but never shown

          2 Answers




          2 Answers











          Set min-length

          pattern=".5," --> 5 characters minimum

          set both min-length and max-length

          pattern=".5,100" --> 5 characters minimum and 100 maximum .


          <input type="text" name="test" pattern=".20,100" required >

          to support Html5 in every browser use html5shiv

          Updated after OP's comment

          if($('#message').val().length < 3)


          share|improve this answer

          • 1

            like so? "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> "

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:36

          • @Terry yeah ..!!

            – Tushar Gupta
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • hmm i tried, still let me submit eventhough I had only 1 character in the message field

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • use an hml5 validation polyfill to make sure it works in all browsers.

            – dandavis
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:51

          • it does not validate, and does not work. I had it as "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> " but it still let me submit only 1 character. any idea how? I just want it so if you enter less then 3 characters it wont let you post

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:53


          Set min-length

          pattern=".5," --> 5 characters minimum

          set both min-length and max-length

          pattern=".5,100" --> 5 characters minimum and 100 maximum .


          <input type="text" name="test" pattern=".20,100" required >

          to support Html5 in every browser use html5shiv

          Updated after OP's comment

          if($('#message').val().length < 3)


          share|improve this answer

          • 1

            like so? "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> "

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:36

          • @Terry yeah ..!!

            – Tushar Gupta
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • hmm i tried, still let me submit eventhough I had only 1 character in the message field

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • use an hml5 validation polyfill to make sure it works in all browsers.

            – dandavis
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:51

          • it does not validate, and does not work. I had it as "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> " but it still let me submit only 1 character. any idea how? I just want it so if you enter less then 3 characters it wont let you post

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:53




          Set min-length

          pattern=".5," --> 5 characters minimum

          set both min-length and max-length

          pattern=".5,100" --> 5 characters minimum and 100 maximum .


          <input type="text" name="test" pattern=".20,100" required >

          to support Html5 in every browser use html5shiv

          Updated after OP's comment

          if($('#message').val().length < 3)


          share|improve this answer

          Set min-length

          pattern=".5," --> 5 characters minimum

          set both min-length and max-length

          pattern=".5,100" --> 5 characters minimum and 100 maximum .


          <input type="text" name="test" pattern=".20,100" required >

          to support Html5 in every browser use html5shiv

          Updated after OP's comment

          if($('#message').val().length < 3)


          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Nov 2 '13 at 18:56

          answered Nov 2 '13 at 18:31

          Tushar GuptaTushar Gupta



          • 1

            like so? "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> "

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:36

          • @Terry yeah ..!!

            – Tushar Gupta
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • hmm i tried, still let me submit eventhough I had only 1 character in the message field

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • use an hml5 validation polyfill to make sure it works in all browsers.

            – dandavis
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:51

          • it does not validate, and does not work. I had it as "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> " but it still let me submit only 1 character. any idea how? I just want it so if you enter less then 3 characters it wont let you post

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:53

          • 1

            like so? "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> "

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:36

          • @Terry yeah ..!!

            – Tushar Gupta
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • hmm i tried, still let me submit eventhough I had only 1 character in the message field

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          • use an hml5 validation polyfill to make sure it works in all browsers.

            – dandavis
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:51

          • it does not validate, and does not work. I had it as "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> " but it still let me submit only 1 character. any idea how? I just want it so if you enter less then 3 characters it wont let you post

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 18:53



          like so? "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> "

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:36

          like so? "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> "

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:36

          @Terry yeah ..!!

          – Tushar Gupta
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          @Terry yeah ..!!

          – Tushar Gupta
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          hmm i tried, still let me submit eventhough I had only 1 character in the message field

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          hmm i tried, still let me submit eventhough I had only 1 character in the message field

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:37

          use an hml5 validation polyfill to make sure it works in all browsers.

          – dandavis
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:51

          use an hml5 validation polyfill to make sure it works in all browsers.

          – dandavis
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:51

          it does not validate, and does not work. I had it as "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> " but it still let me submit only 1 character. any idea how? I just want it so if you enter less then 3 characters it wont let you post

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:53

          it does not validate, and does not work. I had it as "<div class='message'> Post: <br> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name='message' id='message' pattern=".20,100" required></textarea> </div> " but it still let me submit only 1 character. any idea how? I just want it so if you enter less then 3 characters it wont let you post

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 18:53


          Note that your HTML misses </head>. That said, the "pattern" attribute seems to work :

          <input type="text" required="required" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$" />

          Here is another way of doing this using Javascript. Just put this code into the <head> section, right after $("#datepicker").datepicker(); :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var nameValue = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(nameValue))
          e.preventDefault(); // prevents from submitting


          Here is a demo combining both solutions : http://jsfiddle.net/wared/KbxM8/.

          See also : http://api.jquery.com/submit/

          I've tried something according to your comments :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var value;

          // "message" pattern : from 3 to 15 alphanumerical chars

          value = $('[name="message"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(value.replace(/n/g, '')))
          alert('Wrong value for "message".');

          // "name" pattern : at least 1 digit

          value = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/d+/.test(value))
          alert('Wrong value for "name".');


          share|improve this answer

          • Worked great thank you! Now can I use some form of this to MAKE the user submit atleast 1 numeral in the username field?

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 20:29

          • hold on, I had it working, but now its not. I put [name="name"] as [name="message"] since the name of the text area is message.

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 21:50

          • hmm? I dont get what you mean

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:46

          • I updated the code in the OP to show what I have, must just be a small error,

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:51

          • Nope, still does not have an effect. I tried putting it in the header, and in the form, neither worked. I'll paste the updated code above, just so you can see what I am doing. Hmm, so weird

            – Terry
            Nov 3 '13 at 18:06


          Note that your HTML misses </head>. That said, the "pattern" attribute seems to work :

          <input type="text" required="required" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$" />

          Here is another way of doing this using Javascript. Just put this code into the <head> section, right after $("#datepicker").datepicker(); :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var nameValue = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(nameValue))
          e.preventDefault(); // prevents from submitting


          Here is a demo combining both solutions : http://jsfiddle.net/wared/KbxM8/.

          See also : http://api.jquery.com/submit/

          I've tried something according to your comments :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var value;

          // "message" pattern : from 3 to 15 alphanumerical chars

          value = $('[name="message"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(value.replace(/n/g, '')))
          alert('Wrong value for "message".');

          // "name" pattern : at least 1 digit

          value = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/d+/.test(value))
          alert('Wrong value for "name".');


          share|improve this answer

          • Worked great thank you! Now can I use some form of this to MAKE the user submit atleast 1 numeral in the username field?

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 20:29

          • hold on, I had it working, but now its not. I put [name="name"] as [name="message"] since the name of the text area is message.

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 21:50

          • hmm? I dont get what you mean

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:46

          • I updated the code in the OP to show what I have, must just be a small error,

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:51

          • Nope, still does not have an effect. I tried putting it in the header, and in the form, neither worked. I'll paste the updated code above, just so you can see what I am doing. Hmm, so weird

            – Terry
            Nov 3 '13 at 18:06




          Note that your HTML misses </head>. That said, the "pattern" attribute seems to work :

          <input type="text" required="required" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$" />

          Here is another way of doing this using Javascript. Just put this code into the <head> section, right after $("#datepicker").datepicker(); :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var nameValue = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(nameValue))
          e.preventDefault(); // prevents from submitting


          Here is a demo combining both solutions : http://jsfiddle.net/wared/KbxM8/.

          See also : http://api.jquery.com/submit/

          I've tried something according to your comments :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var value;

          // "message" pattern : from 3 to 15 alphanumerical chars

          value = $('[name="message"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(value.replace(/n/g, '')))
          alert('Wrong value for "message".');

          // "name" pattern : at least 1 digit

          value = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/d+/.test(value))
          alert('Wrong value for "name".');


          share|improve this answer

          Note that your HTML misses </head>. That said, the "pattern" attribute seems to work :

          <input type="text" required="required" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$" />

          Here is another way of doing this using Javascript. Just put this code into the <head> section, right after $("#datepicker").datepicker(); :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var nameValue = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(nameValue))
          e.preventDefault(); // prevents from submitting


          Here is a demo combining both solutions : http://jsfiddle.net/wared/KbxM8/.

          See also : http://api.jquery.com/submit/

          I've tried something according to your comments :

          $('form').submit(function (e) 
          var value;

          // "message" pattern : from 3 to 15 alphanumerical chars

          value = $('[name="message"]').val();
          if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]3,15$/.test(value.replace(/n/g, '')))
          alert('Wrong value for "message".');

          // "name" pattern : at least 1 digit

          value = $('[name="name"]').val();
          if (!/d+/.test(value))
          alert('Wrong value for "name".');


          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Nov 4 '13 at 6:49

          answered Nov 2 '13 at 19:07




          • Worked great thank you! Now can I use some form of this to MAKE the user submit atleast 1 numeral in the username field?

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 20:29

          • hold on, I had it working, but now its not. I put [name="name"] as [name="message"] since the name of the text area is message.

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 21:50

          • hmm? I dont get what you mean

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:46

          • I updated the code in the OP to show what I have, must just be a small error,

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:51

          • Nope, still does not have an effect. I tried putting it in the header, and in the form, neither worked. I'll paste the updated code above, just so you can see what I am doing. Hmm, so weird

            – Terry
            Nov 3 '13 at 18:06

          • Worked great thank you! Now can I use some form of this to MAKE the user submit atleast 1 numeral in the username field?

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 20:29

          • hold on, I had it working, but now its not. I put [name="name"] as [name="message"] since the name of the text area is message.

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 21:50

          • hmm? I dont get what you mean

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:46

          • I updated the code in the OP to show what I have, must just be a small error,

            – Terry
            Nov 2 '13 at 23:51

          • Nope, still does not have an effect. I tried putting it in the header, and in the form, neither worked. I'll paste the updated code above, just so you can see what I am doing. Hmm, so weird

            – Terry
            Nov 3 '13 at 18:06

          Worked great thank you! Now can I use some form of this to MAKE the user submit atleast 1 numeral in the username field?

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 20:29

          Worked great thank you! Now can I use some form of this to MAKE the user submit atleast 1 numeral in the username field?

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 20:29

          hold on, I had it working, but now its not. I put [name="name"] as [name="message"] since the name of the text area is message.

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 21:50

          hold on, I had it working, but now its not. I put [name="name"] as [name="message"] since the name of the text area is message.

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 21:50

          hmm? I dont get what you mean

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 23:46

          hmm? I dont get what you mean

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 23:46

          I updated the code in the OP to show what I have, must just be a small error,

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 23:51

          I updated the code in the OP to show what I have, must just be a small error,

          – Terry
          Nov 2 '13 at 23:51

          Nope, still does not have an effect. I tried putting it in the header, and in the form, neither worked. I'll paste the updated code above, just so you can see what I am doing. Hmm, so weird

          – Terry
          Nov 3 '13 at 18:06

          Nope, still does not have an effect. I tried putting it in the header, and in the form, neither worked. I'll paste the updated code above, just so you can see what I am doing. Hmm, so weird

          – Terry
          Nov 3 '13 at 18:06

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