Add field in Reconciliation (JavaScript) [Odoo 12]2019 Community Moderator ElectionCreate GUID / UUID in JavaScript?How do JavaScript closures work?What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object?Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons?How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?What does “use strict” do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it?How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript?How do I remove a particular element from an array in JavaScript?For-each over an array in JavaScript?

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Add field in Reconciliation (JavaScript) [Odoo 12]

2019 Community Moderator ElectionCreate GUID / UUID in JavaScript?How do JavaScript closures work?What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object?Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons?How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?What does “use strict” do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it?How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript?How do I remove a particular element from an array in JavaScript?For-each over an array in JavaScript?


I would like to add another field in the Reconciliation form. I just manage to add a label in the account_reconciliation.xml but no selection just like the Account field.



<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">
<div class="quick_add">
<div class="btn-group o_reconcile_models" t-if="state.reconcileModels">
<t t-foreach="state.reconcileModels" t-as="reconcileModel">
<button class="btn btn-primary"
t-if="reconcileModel.rule_type === 'writeoff_button' &amp;&amp; (reconcileModel.match_journal_ids.length == 0 || reconcileModel.match_journal_ids.includes(state.st_line.journal_id))"
<t t-esc=""/>
<p t-if="!state.reconcileModels.length" style="color: #bbb;">To speed up reconciliation, define <a style="cursor: pointer;" class="reconcile_model_create">reconciliation models</a>.</p>
<div class="dropdown float-right">
<a data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"><span class="fa fa-cog" role="img" aria-label="Settings"/></a>
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu" aria-label="Presets config">
<a role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item reconcile_model_create" href="#">Create model</a>
<a role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item reconcile_model_edit" href="#">Modify models</a>
<table class="float-left">
<tr class="create_account_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Account</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_tax_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Tax</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_analytic_account_id" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting">
<td class="o_td_label">Analytic Acc.</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags">
<td class="o_td_label">Analytic Tags.</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_withholding_tax_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Withholding Tax</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>


I saw a .js file that inherits Reconciliation and added the new field but it was in Odoo 10 version.

odoo.define('withholding_module.withholding_tax_computation', function (require) {
"use strict";

var core = require('web.core');
var FieldMany2One = core.form_widget_registry.get('many2one');
var _t = core._t;

var accountReconciliation = require('account.reconciliation');
var abstractReconciliation = accountReconciliation.abstractReconciliation;
var abstractReconciliationLine = accountReconciliation.abstractReconciliationLine;
var manualReconciliationLine = accountReconciliation.manualReconciliationLine;

init: function(parent, context)
var form_fields = this.create_form_fields;

form_fields.withholding_tax_id =
id: "withholding_tax_id",
index: 25, // position in the form
corresponding_property: "withholding_tax_id", // a account.move.line field name
label: _t("Withholding Tax"),
required: false,
constructor: FieldMany2One,
relation: "",
string: _t("Withholding Tax"),
type: "many2one",
domain: [['amount', '<', 0.0]],

this.create_form_fields = form_fields;


prepareCreatedMoveLinesForPersisting: function(lines)
var dicts = this._super(lines);

for (var x=0; x<lines.length; x++)
for (var i=0; i<dicts.length; i++)
if (lines[x].label === dicts[i].name)
dicts[i]['withholding_tax_id'] = lines[x].withholding_tax_id;
return dicts;


formCreateInputChanged: function(elt, val)
self = this;
var mv_lines_selected = self.get("mv_lines_selected")

if (elt === self.withholding_tax_id_field && val.newValue !== false)
var withholding_tax_id = self.withholding_tax_id_field.get("value");
var mv_lines_selected = self.get("mv_lines_selected");
var withholding_account_id = self.withholding_tax_id
var line_created_being_edited = self.get("line_created_being_edited");
var mv_lines_amount = 0
self.amount_field.set("value", 0); //Reset Amount Value to Zero

_.each(mv_lines_selected, function(o) //Loop through chosen selected lines
if (o.tax_line_id.length == 0)
mv_lines_amount += o.base_amount;
//mv_lines_amount += (o.account_type === 'receivable') ? o.debit :;


.call("json_friendly_compute_all", [[withholding_tax_id], mv_lines_amount, self.get("currency_id")])
.then(function(data) //compute taxes
var amount_value = self.amount_field.get("value") + Math.abs(tax.amount)
self.amount_field.set("value", amount_value); // set account
self.account_id_field.set("value", tax.account_id) //Set amount field
line_created_being_edited[0].amount = amount_value;
self.label_field.set("value",'Withholding Tax - ' +;


return this._super(elt,val);


It looks like this in a Odoo 10 Community version:


I just manage to create a label. What are the changes needed in reconciliation_model.js file for Odoo 12 version to add the selection? I'm not quite familiar with JavaScript and saw that the .js files from Odoo 10 and Odoo 12 are different. Please help.

Tried adding the field in the view_account_reconcile_model_form directly in the addons/account module but nothing happens.

<record id="view_account_reconcile_model_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">account.reconcile.model.form</field>
<field name="model">account.reconcile.model</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Operation Templates">
<div class="oe_title">
<label for="name" class="oe_edit_only"/>
<h1><field name="name" placeholder="e.g. Bank Fees"/></h1>
<field name="rule_type" widget="radio"/>
<field name="auto_reconcile" attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<group string="Conditions on Bank Statement Line">
<field name="match_journal_ids"
options="'no_create': True"
<field name="match_nature" widget="radio"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<group attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]">
<label for="match_amount"/>
<field name="match_amount" style="width: 30% !important" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label" style="width: 2% !important"> </span> <!-- Make a little space. -->
<field name="match_amount_min" style="width: 30% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', 'in', (False, 'lower'))], 'required': [('match_amount', '!=', False)]"/>
<span class="o_form_label"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', '!=', 'between')]">and</span>
<field name="match_amount_max" style="width: 30% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', 'in', (False, 'greater'))], 'required': [('match_amount', '=', 'between')]"/>
<label for="match_label"/>
<field name="match_label" style="width: 30% !important" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label" style="width: 2% !important"> </span> <!-- Make a little space. -->
<field name="match_label_param" style="width: 68% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_label', '=', False)], 'required': [('match_label', '!=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_same_currency" attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching')]"/>
<label for="match_total_amount"
attrs="'invisible': ['"/>
<div attrs="'invisible': ['">
<field name="match_total_amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<field name="match_total_amount_param" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_total_amount', '=', False)]"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_total_amount', '=', False)]">%</span>
<div class="text-muted" attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', False)]">
This parameter will be bypassed in case of a statement line communication matching exactly existing entries</div>
<group attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]">
<field name="match_partner"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_suggestion')]"/>
<field name="match_partner"
string="Partner Is Set &amp; Matches"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching')]"/>
<label for="match_partner_ids" class="ml16"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_partner_ids" nolabel="1"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<label for="match_partner_category_ids" class="ml16"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_partner_category_ids" nolabel="1"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<group string="Counterpart Values"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), '">
<field name="account_id" domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), '&amp;', '&amp;', ('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', True), ('match_total_amount_param', '!=', 100.0)]"/>
<field name="amount_type"/>
<field name="tax_id"
domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
options="'no_create': True"
context="'append_type_to_tax_name': True"/>
<field name="is_tax_price_included" invisible="1"/>
<field name="tax_amount_type" invisible="1"/>
<field name="force_tax_included"
attrs="'invisible': ['" force_save="1"/>
<field name="analytic_account_id" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"/>
<field name="analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="withholding_tax_id"/>
<field name="company_id" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
<field name="label"/>
<label for="amount"/>
<field name="amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline" attrs="'invisible':[('amount_type','!=','percentage')]">%</span>
<field name="journal_id" domain="[('type', '!=', 'general'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]" widget="selection"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<div class="oe_edit_only"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), '">
<field name="has_second_line" />
<label for="has_second_line" string="Add a second line"/>
<group attrs="'invisible':['">
<field name="second_account_id" string="Account" domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), '&amp;', '&amp;', ('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', True), ('match_total_amount_param', '!=', 100.0)]"/>
<field name="second_amount_type" string="Amount type"/>
<field name="second_tax_id"
domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
context="'append_type_to_tax_name': True"/>
<field name="is_second_tax_price_included" invisible="1"/>
<field name="second_tax_amount_type" invisible="1"/>
<field name="force_second_tax_included"
attrs="'invisible': ['" force_save="1"/>
<field name="second_analytic_account_id" string="Analytic Account" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"/>
<field name="second_analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="second_label" string="Journal Item Label"/>
<label for="second_amount" string="Amount"/>
<field name="second_amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline" attrs="'invisible':[('amount_type','!=','percentage')]">%</span>
<field name="second_journal_id" string="Journal" domain="[('type', '!=', 'general'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]" widget="selection"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>

share|improve this question

  • Are you sure you need to be doing anything with JavaScript in the first place? It looks like you should be able to just inherit the view, view_account_reconcile_model_form, to add your field.

    – travisw
    Mar 7 at 19:23

  • Hi @travisw I tried to add the filed in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' but the field is not added. I added the label in the 'account_reconciliation.xml' (under static folder) for the new field in '<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">'.

    – 7Eleven
    Mar 8 at 5:37

  • Can you update your question with some more information? Use the tree command to show your module structure? Also, include your view XML and your file for your module.

    – travisw
    Mar 8 at 5:41

  • @travisw I didn't modify it from a custom module but directly to the 'account' module to test it first. I'll update the question on how I added the field in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' and the added label. Please check.

    – 7Eleven
    Mar 8 at 6:08

  • @travisw Hi, did you check it Sir?

    – 7Eleven
    2 days ago


I would like to add another field in the Reconciliation form. I just manage to add a label in the account_reconciliation.xml but no selection just like the Account field.



<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">
<div class="quick_add">
<div class="btn-group o_reconcile_models" t-if="state.reconcileModels">
<t t-foreach="state.reconcileModels" t-as="reconcileModel">
<button class="btn btn-primary"
t-if="reconcileModel.rule_type === 'writeoff_button' &amp;&amp; (reconcileModel.match_journal_ids.length == 0 || reconcileModel.match_journal_ids.includes(state.st_line.journal_id))"
<t t-esc=""/>
<p t-if="!state.reconcileModels.length" style="color: #bbb;">To speed up reconciliation, define <a style="cursor: pointer;" class="reconcile_model_create">reconciliation models</a>.</p>
<div class="dropdown float-right">
<a data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"><span class="fa fa-cog" role="img" aria-label="Settings"/></a>
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu" aria-label="Presets config">
<a role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item reconcile_model_create" href="#">Create model</a>
<a role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item reconcile_model_edit" href="#">Modify models</a>
<table class="float-left">
<tr class="create_account_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Account</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_tax_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Tax</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_analytic_account_id" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting">
<td class="o_td_label">Analytic Acc.</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags">
<td class="o_td_label">Analytic Tags.</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_withholding_tax_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Withholding Tax</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>


I saw a .js file that inherits Reconciliation and added the new field but it was in Odoo 10 version.

odoo.define('withholding_module.withholding_tax_computation', function (require) {
"use strict";

var core = require('web.core');
var FieldMany2One = core.form_widget_registry.get('many2one');
var _t = core._t;

var accountReconciliation = require('account.reconciliation');
var abstractReconciliation = accountReconciliation.abstractReconciliation;
var abstractReconciliationLine = accountReconciliation.abstractReconciliationLine;
var manualReconciliationLine = accountReconciliation.manualReconciliationLine;

init: function(parent, context)
var form_fields = this.create_form_fields;

form_fields.withholding_tax_id =
id: "withholding_tax_id",
index: 25, // position in the form
corresponding_property: "withholding_tax_id", // a account.move.line field name
label: _t("Withholding Tax"),
required: false,
constructor: FieldMany2One,
relation: "",
string: _t("Withholding Tax"),
type: "many2one",
domain: [['amount', '<', 0.0]],

this.create_form_fields = form_fields;


prepareCreatedMoveLinesForPersisting: function(lines)
var dicts = this._super(lines);

for (var x=0; x<lines.length; x++)
for (var i=0; i<dicts.length; i++)
if (lines[x].label === dicts[i].name)
dicts[i]['withholding_tax_id'] = lines[x].withholding_tax_id;
return dicts;


formCreateInputChanged: function(elt, val)
self = this;
var mv_lines_selected = self.get("mv_lines_selected")

if (elt === self.withholding_tax_id_field && val.newValue !== false)
var withholding_tax_id = self.withholding_tax_id_field.get("value");
var mv_lines_selected = self.get("mv_lines_selected");
var withholding_account_id = self.withholding_tax_id
var line_created_being_edited = self.get("line_created_being_edited");
var mv_lines_amount = 0
self.amount_field.set("value", 0); //Reset Amount Value to Zero

_.each(mv_lines_selected, function(o) //Loop through chosen selected lines
if (o.tax_line_id.length == 0)
mv_lines_amount += o.base_amount;
//mv_lines_amount += (o.account_type === 'receivable') ? o.debit :;


.call("json_friendly_compute_all", [[withholding_tax_id], mv_lines_amount, self.get("currency_id")])
.then(function(data) //compute taxes
var amount_value = self.amount_field.get("value") + Math.abs(tax.amount)
self.amount_field.set("value", amount_value); // set account
self.account_id_field.set("value", tax.account_id) //Set amount field
line_created_being_edited[0].amount = amount_value;
self.label_field.set("value",'Withholding Tax - ' +;


return this._super(elt,val);


It looks like this in a Odoo 10 Community version:


I just manage to create a label. What are the changes needed in reconciliation_model.js file for Odoo 12 version to add the selection? I'm not quite familiar with JavaScript and saw that the .js files from Odoo 10 and Odoo 12 are different. Please help.

Tried adding the field in the view_account_reconcile_model_form directly in the addons/account module but nothing happens.

<record id="view_account_reconcile_model_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">account.reconcile.model.form</field>
<field name="model">account.reconcile.model</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Operation Templates">
<div class="oe_title">
<label for="name" class="oe_edit_only"/>
<h1><field name="name" placeholder="e.g. Bank Fees"/></h1>
<field name="rule_type" widget="radio"/>
<field name="auto_reconcile" attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<group string="Conditions on Bank Statement Line">
<field name="match_journal_ids"
options="'no_create': True"
<field name="match_nature" widget="radio"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<group attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]">
<label for="match_amount"/>
<field name="match_amount" style="width: 30% !important" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label" style="width: 2% !important"> </span> <!-- Make a little space. -->
<field name="match_amount_min" style="width: 30% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', 'in', (False, 'lower'))], 'required': [('match_amount', '!=', False)]"/>
<span class="o_form_label"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', '!=', 'between')]">and</span>
<field name="match_amount_max" style="width: 30% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', 'in', (False, 'greater'))], 'required': [('match_amount', '=', 'between')]"/>
<label for="match_label"/>
<field name="match_label" style="width: 30% !important" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label" style="width: 2% !important"> </span> <!-- Make a little space. -->
<field name="match_label_param" style="width: 68% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_label', '=', False)], 'required': [('match_label', '!=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_same_currency" attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching')]"/>
<label for="match_total_amount"
attrs="'invisible': ['"/>
<div attrs="'invisible': ['">
<field name="match_total_amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<field name="match_total_amount_param" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_total_amount', '=', False)]"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_total_amount', '=', False)]">%</span>
<div class="text-muted" attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', False)]">
This parameter will be bypassed in case of a statement line communication matching exactly existing entries</div>
<group attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]">
<field name="match_partner"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_suggestion')]"/>
<field name="match_partner"
string="Partner Is Set &amp; Matches"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching')]"/>
<label for="match_partner_ids" class="ml16"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_partner_ids" nolabel="1"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<label for="match_partner_category_ids" class="ml16"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_partner_category_ids" nolabel="1"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<group string="Counterpart Values"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), '">
<field name="account_id" domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), '&amp;', '&amp;', ('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', True), ('match_total_amount_param', '!=', 100.0)]"/>
<field name="amount_type"/>
<field name="tax_id"
domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
options="'no_create': True"
context="'append_type_to_tax_name': True"/>
<field name="is_tax_price_included" invisible="1"/>
<field name="tax_amount_type" invisible="1"/>
<field name="force_tax_included"
attrs="'invisible': ['" force_save="1"/>
<field name="analytic_account_id" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"/>
<field name="analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="withholding_tax_id"/>
<field name="company_id" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
<field name="label"/>
<label for="amount"/>
<field name="amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline" attrs="'invisible':[('amount_type','!=','percentage')]">%</span>
<field name="journal_id" domain="[('type', '!=', 'general'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]" widget="selection"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<div class="oe_edit_only"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), '">
<field name="has_second_line" />
<label for="has_second_line" string="Add a second line"/>
<group attrs="'invisible':['">
<field name="second_account_id" string="Account" domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), '&amp;', '&amp;', ('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', True), ('match_total_amount_param', '!=', 100.0)]"/>
<field name="second_amount_type" string="Amount type"/>
<field name="second_tax_id"
domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
context="'append_type_to_tax_name': True"/>
<field name="is_second_tax_price_included" invisible="1"/>
<field name="second_tax_amount_type" invisible="1"/>
<field name="force_second_tax_included"
attrs="'invisible': ['" force_save="1"/>
<field name="second_analytic_account_id" string="Analytic Account" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"/>
<field name="second_analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="second_label" string="Journal Item Label"/>
<label for="second_amount" string="Amount"/>
<field name="second_amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline" attrs="'invisible':[('amount_type','!=','percentage')]">%</span>
<field name="second_journal_id" string="Journal" domain="[('type', '!=', 'general'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]" widget="selection"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>

share|improve this question

  • Are you sure you need to be doing anything with JavaScript in the first place? It looks like you should be able to just inherit the view, view_account_reconcile_model_form, to add your field.

    – travisw
    Mar 7 at 19:23

  • Hi @travisw I tried to add the filed in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' but the field is not added. I added the label in the 'account_reconciliation.xml' (under static folder) for the new field in '<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">'.

    – 7Eleven
    Mar 8 at 5:37

  • Can you update your question with some more information? Use the tree command to show your module structure? Also, include your view XML and your file for your module.

    – travisw
    Mar 8 at 5:41

  • @travisw I didn't modify it from a custom module but directly to the 'account' module to test it first. I'll update the question on how I added the field in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' and the added label. Please check.

    – 7Eleven
    Mar 8 at 6:08

  • @travisw Hi, did you check it Sir?

    – 7Eleven
    2 days ago




I would like to add another field in the Reconciliation form. I just manage to add a label in the account_reconciliation.xml but no selection just like the Account field.



<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">
<div class="quick_add">
<div class="btn-group o_reconcile_models" t-if="state.reconcileModels">
<t t-foreach="state.reconcileModels" t-as="reconcileModel">
<button class="btn btn-primary"
t-if="reconcileModel.rule_type === 'writeoff_button' &amp;&amp; (reconcileModel.match_journal_ids.length == 0 || reconcileModel.match_journal_ids.includes(state.st_line.journal_id))"
<t t-esc=""/>
<p t-if="!state.reconcileModels.length" style="color: #bbb;">To speed up reconciliation, define <a style="cursor: pointer;" class="reconcile_model_create">reconciliation models</a>.</p>
<div class="dropdown float-right">
<a data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"><span class="fa fa-cog" role="img" aria-label="Settings"/></a>
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu" aria-label="Presets config">
<a role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item reconcile_model_create" href="#">Create model</a>
<a role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item reconcile_model_edit" href="#">Modify models</a>
<table class="float-left">
<tr class="create_account_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Account</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_tax_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Tax</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_analytic_account_id" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting">
<td class="o_td_label">Analytic Acc.</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags">
<td class="o_td_label">Analytic Tags.</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_withholding_tax_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Withholding Tax</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>


I saw a .js file that inherits Reconciliation and added the new field but it was in Odoo 10 version.

odoo.define('withholding_module.withholding_tax_computation', function (require) {
"use strict";

var core = require('web.core');
var FieldMany2One = core.form_widget_registry.get('many2one');
var _t = core._t;

var accountReconciliation = require('account.reconciliation');
var abstractReconciliation = accountReconciliation.abstractReconciliation;
var abstractReconciliationLine = accountReconciliation.abstractReconciliationLine;
var manualReconciliationLine = accountReconciliation.manualReconciliationLine;

init: function(parent, context)
var form_fields = this.create_form_fields;

form_fields.withholding_tax_id =
id: "withholding_tax_id",
index: 25, // position in the form
corresponding_property: "withholding_tax_id", // a account.move.line field name
label: _t("Withholding Tax"),
required: false,
constructor: FieldMany2One,
relation: "",
string: _t("Withholding Tax"),
type: "many2one",
domain: [['amount', '<', 0.0]],

this.create_form_fields = form_fields;


prepareCreatedMoveLinesForPersisting: function(lines)
var dicts = this._super(lines);

for (var x=0; x<lines.length; x++)
for (var i=0; i<dicts.length; i++)
if (lines[x].label === dicts[i].name)
dicts[i]['withholding_tax_id'] = lines[x].withholding_tax_id;
return dicts;


formCreateInputChanged: function(elt, val)
self = this;
var mv_lines_selected = self.get("mv_lines_selected")

if (elt === self.withholding_tax_id_field && val.newValue !== false)
var withholding_tax_id = self.withholding_tax_id_field.get("value");
var mv_lines_selected = self.get("mv_lines_selected");
var withholding_account_id = self.withholding_tax_id
var line_created_being_edited = self.get("line_created_being_edited");
var mv_lines_amount = 0
self.amount_field.set("value", 0); //Reset Amount Value to Zero

_.each(mv_lines_selected, function(o) //Loop through chosen selected lines
if (o.tax_line_id.length == 0)
mv_lines_amount += o.base_amount;
//mv_lines_amount += (o.account_type === 'receivable') ? o.debit :;


.call("json_friendly_compute_all", [[withholding_tax_id], mv_lines_amount, self.get("currency_id")])
.then(function(data) //compute taxes
var amount_value = self.amount_field.get("value") + Math.abs(tax.amount)
self.amount_field.set("value", amount_value); // set account
self.account_id_field.set("value", tax.account_id) //Set amount field
line_created_being_edited[0].amount = amount_value;
self.label_field.set("value",'Withholding Tax - ' +;


return this._super(elt,val);


It looks like this in a Odoo 10 Community version:


I just manage to create a label. What are the changes needed in reconciliation_model.js file for Odoo 12 version to add the selection? I'm not quite familiar with JavaScript and saw that the .js files from Odoo 10 and Odoo 12 are different. Please help.

Tried adding the field in the view_account_reconcile_model_form directly in the addons/account module but nothing happens.

<record id="view_account_reconcile_model_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">account.reconcile.model.form</field>
<field name="model">account.reconcile.model</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Operation Templates">
<div class="oe_title">
<label for="name" class="oe_edit_only"/>
<h1><field name="name" placeholder="e.g. Bank Fees"/></h1>
<field name="rule_type" widget="radio"/>
<field name="auto_reconcile" attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<group string="Conditions on Bank Statement Line">
<field name="match_journal_ids"
options="'no_create': True"
<field name="match_nature" widget="radio"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<group attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]">
<label for="match_amount"/>
<field name="match_amount" style="width: 30% !important" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label" style="width: 2% !important"> </span> <!-- Make a little space. -->
<field name="match_amount_min" style="width: 30% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', 'in', (False, 'lower'))], 'required': [('match_amount', '!=', False)]"/>
<span class="o_form_label"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', '!=', 'between')]">and</span>
<field name="match_amount_max" style="width: 30% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', 'in', (False, 'greater'))], 'required': [('match_amount', '=', 'between')]"/>
<label for="match_label"/>
<field name="match_label" style="width: 30% !important" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label" style="width: 2% !important"> </span> <!-- Make a little space. -->
<field name="match_label_param" style="width: 68% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_label', '=', False)], 'required': [('match_label', '!=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_same_currency" attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching')]"/>
<label for="match_total_amount"
attrs="'invisible': ['"/>
<div attrs="'invisible': ['">
<field name="match_total_amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<field name="match_total_amount_param" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_total_amount', '=', False)]"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_total_amount', '=', False)]">%</span>
<div class="text-muted" attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', False)]">
This parameter will be bypassed in case of a statement line communication matching exactly existing entries</div>
<group attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]">
<field name="match_partner"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_suggestion')]"/>
<field name="match_partner"
string="Partner Is Set &amp; Matches"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching')]"/>
<label for="match_partner_ids" class="ml16"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_partner_ids" nolabel="1"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<label for="match_partner_category_ids" class="ml16"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_partner_category_ids" nolabel="1"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<group string="Counterpart Values"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), '">
<field name="account_id" domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), '&amp;', '&amp;', ('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', True), ('match_total_amount_param', '!=', 100.0)]"/>
<field name="amount_type"/>
<field name="tax_id"
domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
options="'no_create': True"
context="'append_type_to_tax_name': True"/>
<field name="is_tax_price_included" invisible="1"/>
<field name="tax_amount_type" invisible="1"/>
<field name="force_tax_included"
attrs="'invisible': ['" force_save="1"/>
<field name="analytic_account_id" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"/>
<field name="analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="withholding_tax_id"/>
<field name="company_id" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
<field name="label"/>
<label for="amount"/>
<field name="amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline" attrs="'invisible':[('amount_type','!=','percentage')]">%</span>
<field name="journal_id" domain="[('type', '!=', 'general'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]" widget="selection"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<div class="oe_edit_only"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), '">
<field name="has_second_line" />
<label for="has_second_line" string="Add a second line"/>
<group attrs="'invisible':['">
<field name="second_account_id" string="Account" domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), '&amp;', '&amp;', ('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', True), ('match_total_amount_param', '!=', 100.0)]"/>
<field name="second_amount_type" string="Amount type"/>
<field name="second_tax_id"
domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
context="'append_type_to_tax_name': True"/>
<field name="is_second_tax_price_included" invisible="1"/>
<field name="second_tax_amount_type" invisible="1"/>
<field name="force_second_tax_included"
attrs="'invisible': ['" force_save="1"/>
<field name="second_analytic_account_id" string="Analytic Account" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"/>
<field name="second_analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="second_label" string="Journal Item Label"/>
<label for="second_amount" string="Amount"/>
<field name="second_amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline" attrs="'invisible':[('amount_type','!=','percentage')]">%</span>
<field name="second_journal_id" string="Journal" domain="[('type', '!=', 'general'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]" widget="selection"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>

share|improve this question

I would like to add another field in the Reconciliation form. I just manage to add a label in the account_reconciliation.xml but no selection just like the Account field.



<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">
<div class="quick_add">
<div class="btn-group o_reconcile_models" t-if="state.reconcileModels">
<t t-foreach="state.reconcileModels" t-as="reconcileModel">
<button class="btn btn-primary"
t-if="reconcileModel.rule_type === 'writeoff_button' &amp;&amp; (reconcileModel.match_journal_ids.length == 0 || reconcileModel.match_journal_ids.includes(state.st_line.journal_id))"
<t t-esc=""/>
<p t-if="!state.reconcileModels.length" style="color: #bbb;">To speed up reconciliation, define <a style="cursor: pointer;" class="reconcile_model_create">reconciliation models</a>.</p>
<div class="dropdown float-right">
<a data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"><span class="fa fa-cog" role="img" aria-label="Settings"/></a>
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu" aria-label="Presets config">
<a role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item reconcile_model_create" href="#">Create model</a>
<a role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item reconcile_model_edit" href="#">Modify models</a>
<table class="float-left">
<tr class="create_account_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Account</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_tax_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Tax</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_analytic_account_id" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting">
<td class="o_td_label">Analytic Acc.</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags">
<td class="o_td_label">Analytic Tags.</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>
<tr class="create_withholding_tax_id">
<td class="o_td_label">Withholding Tax</td>
<td class="o_td_field"></td>


I saw a .js file that inherits Reconciliation and added the new field but it was in Odoo 10 version.

odoo.define('withholding_module.withholding_tax_computation', function (require) {
"use strict";

var core = require('web.core');
var FieldMany2One = core.form_widget_registry.get('many2one');
var _t = core._t;

var accountReconciliation = require('account.reconciliation');
var abstractReconciliation = accountReconciliation.abstractReconciliation;
var abstractReconciliationLine = accountReconciliation.abstractReconciliationLine;
var manualReconciliationLine = accountReconciliation.manualReconciliationLine;

init: function(parent, context)
var form_fields = this.create_form_fields;

form_fields.withholding_tax_id =
id: "withholding_tax_id",
index: 25, // position in the form
corresponding_property: "withholding_tax_id", // a account.move.line field name
label: _t("Withholding Tax"),
required: false,
constructor: FieldMany2One,
relation: "",
string: _t("Withholding Tax"),
type: "many2one",
domain: [['amount', '<', 0.0]],

this.create_form_fields = form_fields;


prepareCreatedMoveLinesForPersisting: function(lines)
var dicts = this._super(lines);

for (var x=0; x<lines.length; x++)
for (var i=0; i<dicts.length; i++)
if (lines[x].label === dicts[i].name)
dicts[i]['withholding_tax_id'] = lines[x].withholding_tax_id;
return dicts;


formCreateInputChanged: function(elt, val)
self = this;
var mv_lines_selected = self.get("mv_lines_selected")

if (elt === self.withholding_tax_id_field && val.newValue !== false)
var withholding_tax_id = self.withholding_tax_id_field.get("value");
var mv_lines_selected = self.get("mv_lines_selected");
var withholding_account_id = self.withholding_tax_id
var line_created_being_edited = self.get("line_created_being_edited");
var mv_lines_amount = 0
self.amount_field.set("value", 0); //Reset Amount Value to Zero

_.each(mv_lines_selected, function(o) //Loop through chosen selected lines
if (o.tax_line_id.length == 0)
mv_lines_amount += o.base_amount;
//mv_lines_amount += (o.account_type === 'receivable') ? o.debit :;


.call("json_friendly_compute_all", [[withholding_tax_id], mv_lines_amount, self.get("currency_id")])
.then(function(data) //compute taxes
var amount_value = self.amount_field.get("value") + Math.abs(tax.amount)
self.amount_field.set("value", amount_value); // set account
self.account_id_field.set("value", tax.account_id) //Set amount field
line_created_being_edited[0].amount = amount_value;
self.label_field.set("value",'Withholding Tax - ' +;


return this._super(elt,val);


It looks like this in a Odoo 10 Community version:


I just manage to create a label. What are the changes needed in reconciliation_model.js file for Odoo 12 version to add the selection? I'm not quite familiar with JavaScript and saw that the .js files from Odoo 10 and Odoo 12 are different. Please help.

Tried adding the field in the view_account_reconcile_model_form directly in the addons/account module but nothing happens.

<record id="view_account_reconcile_model_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">account.reconcile.model.form</field>
<field name="model">account.reconcile.model</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Operation Templates">
<div class="oe_title">
<label for="name" class="oe_edit_only"/>
<h1><field name="name" placeholder="e.g. Bank Fees"/></h1>
<field name="rule_type" widget="radio"/>
<field name="auto_reconcile" attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<group string="Conditions on Bank Statement Line">
<field name="match_journal_ids"
options="'no_create': True"
<field name="match_nature" widget="radio"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<group attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]">
<label for="match_amount"/>
<field name="match_amount" style="width: 30% !important" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label" style="width: 2% !important"> </span> <!-- Make a little space. -->
<field name="match_amount_min" style="width: 30% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', 'in', (False, 'lower'))], 'required': [('match_amount', '!=', False)]"/>
<span class="o_form_label"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', '!=', 'between')]">and</span>
<field name="match_amount_max" style="width: 30% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_amount', 'in', (False, 'greater'))], 'required': [('match_amount', '=', 'between')]"/>
<label for="match_label"/>
<field name="match_label" style="width: 30% !important" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label" style="width: 2% !important"> </span> <!-- Make a little space. -->
<field name="match_label_param" style="width: 68% !important;" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_label', '=', False)], 'required': [('match_label', '!=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_same_currency" attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching')]"/>
<label for="match_total_amount"
attrs="'invisible': ['"/>
<div attrs="'invisible': ['">
<field name="match_total_amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<field name="match_total_amount_param" class="oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_total_amount', '=', False)]"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_total_amount', '=', False)]">%</span>
<div class="text-muted" attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', False)]">
This parameter will be bypassed in case of a statement line communication matching exactly existing entries</div>
<group attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'writeoff_button')]">
<field name="match_partner"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_suggestion')]"/>
<field name="match_partner"
string="Partner Is Set &amp; Matches"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching')]"/>
<label for="match_partner_ids" class="ml16"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_partner_ids" nolabel="1"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<label for="match_partner_category_ids" class="ml16"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<field name="match_partner_category_ids" nolabel="1"
attrs="'invisible': [('match_partner', '=', False)]"/>
<group string="Counterpart Values"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), '">
<field name="account_id" domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), '&amp;', '&amp;', ('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', True), ('match_total_amount_param', '!=', 100.0)]"/>
<field name="amount_type"/>
<field name="tax_id"
domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
options="'no_create': True"
context="'append_type_to_tax_name': True"/>
<field name="is_tax_price_included" invisible="1"/>
<field name="tax_amount_type" invisible="1"/>
<field name="force_tax_included"
attrs="'invisible': ['" force_save="1"/>
<field name="analytic_account_id" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"/>
<field name="analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="withholding_tax_id"/>
<field name="company_id" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
<field name="label"/>
<label for="amount"/>
<field name="amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline" attrs="'invisible':[('amount_type','!=','percentage')]">%</span>
<field name="journal_id" domain="[('type', '!=', 'general'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]" widget="selection"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>
<div class="oe_edit_only"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), '">
<field name="has_second_line" />
<label for="has_second_line" string="Add a second line"/>
<group attrs="'invisible':['">
<field name="second_account_id" string="Account" domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
attrs="', ('rule_type', '!=', 'invoice_matching'), '&amp;', '&amp;', ('rule_type', '=', 'invoice_matching'), ('match_total_amount', '=', True), ('match_total_amount_param', '!=', 100.0)]"/>
<field name="second_amount_type" string="Amount type"/>
<field name="second_tax_id"
domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
context="'append_type_to_tax_name': True"/>
<field name="is_second_tax_price_included" invisible="1"/>
<field name="second_tax_amount_type" invisible="1"/>
<field name="force_second_tax_included"
attrs="'invisible': ['" force_save="1"/>
<field name="second_analytic_account_id" string="Analytic Account" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"/>
<field name="second_analytic_tag_ids" groups="analytic.group_analytic_tags" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="second_label" string="Journal Item Label"/>
<label for="second_amount" string="Amount"/>
<field name="second_amount" class="oe_inline"/>
<span class="o_form_label oe_inline" attrs="'invisible':[('amount_type','!=','percentage')]">%</span>
<field name="second_journal_id" string="Journal" domain="[('type', '!=', 'general'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]" widget="selection"
attrs="'invisible': [('rule_type', '!=', 'writeoff_button')]"/>

javascript odoo odoo-10 odoo-12 odoo-accounting

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edited Mar 8 at 6:12


asked Mar 7 at 10:55




  • Are you sure you need to be doing anything with JavaScript in the first place? It looks like you should be able to just inherit the view, view_account_reconcile_model_form, to add your field.

    – travisw
    Mar 7 at 19:23

  • Hi @travisw I tried to add the filed in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' but the field is not added. I added the label in the 'account_reconciliation.xml' (under static folder) for the new field in '<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">'.

    – 7Eleven
    Mar 8 at 5:37

  • Can you update your question with some more information? Use the tree command to show your module structure? Also, include your view XML and your file for your module.

    – travisw
    Mar 8 at 5:41

  • @travisw I didn't modify it from a custom module but directly to the 'account' module to test it first. I'll update the question on how I added the field in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' and the added label. Please check.

    – 7Eleven
    Mar 8 at 6:08

  • @travisw Hi, did you check it Sir?

    – 7Eleven
    2 days ago

  • Are you sure you need to be doing anything with JavaScript in the first place? It looks like you should be able to just inherit the view, view_account_reconcile_model_form, to add your field.

    – travisw
    Mar 7 at 19:23

  • Hi @travisw I tried to add the filed in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' but the field is not added. I added the label in the 'account_reconciliation.xml' (under static folder) for the new field in '<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">'.

    – 7Eleven
    Mar 8 at 5:37

  • Can you update your question with some more information? Use the tree command to show your module structure? Also, include your view XML and your file for your module.

    – travisw
    Mar 8 at 5:41

  • @travisw I didn't modify it from a custom module but directly to the 'account' module to test it first. I'll update the question on how I added the field in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' and the added label. Please check.

    – 7Eleven
    Mar 8 at 6:08

  • @travisw Hi, did you check it Sir?

    – 7Eleven
    2 days ago

Are you sure you need to be doing anything with JavaScript in the first place? It looks like you should be able to just inherit the view, view_account_reconcile_model_form, to add your field.

– travisw
Mar 7 at 19:23

Are you sure you need to be doing anything with JavaScript in the first place? It looks like you should be able to just inherit the view, view_account_reconcile_model_form, to add your field.

– travisw
Mar 7 at 19:23

Hi @travisw I tried to add the filed in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' but the field is not added. I added the label in the 'account_reconciliation.xml' (under static folder) for the new field in '<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">'.

– 7Eleven
Mar 8 at 5:37

Hi @travisw I tried to add the filed in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' but the field is not added. I added the label in the 'account_reconciliation.xml' (under static folder) for the new field in '<div t-name="reconciliation.line.create">'.

– 7Eleven
Mar 8 at 5:37

Can you update your question with some more information? Use the tree command to show your module structure? Also, include your view XML and your file for your module.

– travisw
Mar 8 at 5:41

Can you update your question with some more information? Use the tree command to show your module structure? Also, include your view XML and your file for your module.

– travisw
Mar 8 at 5:41

@travisw I didn't modify it from a custom module but directly to the 'account' module to test it first. I'll update the question on how I added the field in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' and the added label. Please check.

– 7Eleven
Mar 8 at 6:08

@travisw I didn't modify it from a custom module but directly to the 'account' module to test it first. I'll update the question on how I added the field in the 'view_account_reconcile_model_form' and the added label. Please check.

– 7Eleven
Mar 8 at 6:08

@travisw Hi, did you check it Sir?

– 7Eleven
2 days ago

@travisw Hi, did you check it Sir?

– 7Eleven
2 days ago





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