Javascript : evaluate delta between UTC and Central Europe Time2019 Community Moderator ElectionConvert UTC/GMT time to local time“date_part('epoch', now() at time zone 'UTC')” not the same time as “now() at time zone 'UTC'” in postgresqlHow to convert time correctly across timezones?R - Reading ISO8601 formatWhy are timezones with same offset from UTC are showing different times?Getting a date and time input in Eastern Time and converting to UTC timestamp in JavaConverting UTC to local time doesn't work in javascriptJava Calendar and Time UTC to BSTBehaviour of GregorianCalendar.set() with daylight saving timesCreate time entry in Firestore with UTC 0

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Javascript : evaluate delta between UTC and Central Europe Time

2019 Community Moderator ElectionConvert UTC/GMT time to local time“date_part('epoch', now() at time zone 'UTC')” not the same time as “now() at time zone 'UTC'” in postgresqlHow to convert time correctly across timezones?R - Reading ISO8601 formatWhy are timezones with same offset from UTC are showing different times?Getting a date and time input in Eastern Time and converting to UTC timestamp in JavaConverting UTC to local time doesn't work in javascriptJava Calendar and Time UTC to BSTBehaviour of GregorianCalendar.set() with daylight saving timesCreate time entry in Firestore with UTC 0


I have a server app in Firebase cloud function with webhooks that receive data from a third party API.
In those data, I have times expressed in HH:mm local time (Central Europe Time).
I need to store them in Firestore as a timestamp UTC.

I tried this:

 //Evaluate offset between CET and UTC
const dAujourdhui = new Date(); //07/03/2019 10:39 (UTC)
const nHeureUTC = dAujourdhui.getUTCHours(); //10
const nHeureLocal = dAujourdhui.getHours(); //10
const timeZoneOffset = nHeureUTC - nHeureLocal //0!

// Build a timestamp based on today's date and received time
const currentDateString = dateFormat(dAujourdhui, "yyyy-mm-dd");
var estimatedDateTimeOfArrival = new Date(`$currentDateString $timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI`);

// Add offset to hours
const utcHour = estimatedDateTimeOfArrival.getUTCHours()
estimatedDateTimeOfArrival.setHours(utcHour + timeZoneOffset)

// Save to firestore

As you can see, I'm not able to evaluate the offset between CET and UTC as the code is run in a server set in UTC.

Any idea on how to solve it ?

share|improve this question

  • What exactly do you receive? Please provide an example. Also, you have a dateFormat function - is that coming from a library? Which one? Lastly, when you save to firestore at the end, what are you saving? Do you pass a Date object or a string in a particular format to some API? which one? As you can see, without a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example, it's difficult to provide assistance.

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 7 at 18:41

  • 1

    A couple things from what you provided: 1) When you add the offset to the hour, you're not adjusting for time zones but rather you're picking a different point in time. 2) JavaScript already has a getTimezoneOffset function that does what that first block of code does, but that won't help you here. 3) The offset from UTC may be different depending on the date you apply it to, such as when summer time is in effect. 4) You may end up needing a library such as Luxon or Moment-Timezone, depending on your input string.

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 7 at 18:46

  • Thanks Matt Johnson. Indeed, I figured out that I need to go for an external library. I have been able to solve the problem with 'moment-timezone'

    – Laurent Maquet
    Mar 8 at 8:42


I have a server app in Firebase cloud function with webhooks that receive data from a third party API.
In those data, I have times expressed in HH:mm local time (Central Europe Time).
I need to store them in Firestore as a timestamp UTC.

I tried this:

 //Evaluate offset between CET and UTC
const dAujourdhui = new Date(); //07/03/2019 10:39 (UTC)
const nHeureUTC = dAujourdhui.getUTCHours(); //10
const nHeureLocal = dAujourdhui.getHours(); //10
const timeZoneOffset = nHeureUTC - nHeureLocal //0!

// Build a timestamp based on today's date and received time
const currentDateString = dateFormat(dAujourdhui, "yyyy-mm-dd");
var estimatedDateTimeOfArrival = new Date(`$currentDateString $timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI`);

// Add offset to hours
const utcHour = estimatedDateTimeOfArrival.getUTCHours()
estimatedDateTimeOfArrival.setHours(utcHour + timeZoneOffset)

// Save to firestore

As you can see, I'm not able to evaluate the offset between CET and UTC as the code is run in a server set in UTC.

Any idea on how to solve it ?

share|improve this question

  • What exactly do you receive? Please provide an example. Also, you have a dateFormat function - is that coming from a library? Which one? Lastly, when you save to firestore at the end, what are you saving? Do you pass a Date object or a string in a particular format to some API? which one? As you can see, without a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example, it's difficult to provide assistance.

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 7 at 18:41

  • 1

    A couple things from what you provided: 1) When you add the offset to the hour, you're not adjusting for time zones but rather you're picking a different point in time. 2) JavaScript already has a getTimezoneOffset function that does what that first block of code does, but that won't help you here. 3) The offset from UTC may be different depending on the date you apply it to, such as when summer time is in effect. 4) You may end up needing a library such as Luxon or Moment-Timezone, depending on your input string.

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 7 at 18:46

  • Thanks Matt Johnson. Indeed, I figured out that I need to go for an external library. I have been able to solve the problem with 'moment-timezone'

    – Laurent Maquet
    Mar 8 at 8:42




I have a server app in Firebase cloud function with webhooks that receive data from a third party API.
In those data, I have times expressed in HH:mm local time (Central Europe Time).
I need to store them in Firestore as a timestamp UTC.

I tried this:

 //Evaluate offset between CET and UTC
const dAujourdhui = new Date(); //07/03/2019 10:39 (UTC)
const nHeureUTC = dAujourdhui.getUTCHours(); //10
const nHeureLocal = dAujourdhui.getHours(); //10
const timeZoneOffset = nHeureUTC - nHeureLocal //0!

// Build a timestamp based on today's date and received time
const currentDateString = dateFormat(dAujourdhui, "yyyy-mm-dd");
var estimatedDateTimeOfArrival = new Date(`$currentDateString $timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI`);

// Add offset to hours
const utcHour = estimatedDateTimeOfArrival.getUTCHours()
estimatedDateTimeOfArrival.setHours(utcHour + timeZoneOffset)

// Save to firestore

As you can see, I'm not able to evaluate the offset between CET and UTC as the code is run in a server set in UTC.

Any idea on how to solve it ?

share|improve this question

I have a server app in Firebase cloud function with webhooks that receive data from a third party API.
In those data, I have times expressed in HH:mm local time (Central Europe Time).
I need to store them in Firestore as a timestamp UTC.

I tried this:

 //Evaluate offset between CET and UTC
const dAujourdhui = new Date(); //07/03/2019 10:39 (UTC)
const nHeureUTC = dAujourdhui.getUTCHours(); //10
const nHeureLocal = dAujourdhui.getHours(); //10
const timeZoneOffset = nHeureUTC - nHeureLocal //0!

// Build a timestamp based on today's date and received time
const currentDateString = dateFormat(dAujourdhui, "yyyy-mm-dd");
var estimatedDateTimeOfArrival = new Date(`$currentDateString $timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI`);

// Add offset to hours
const utcHour = estimatedDateTimeOfArrival.getUTCHours()
estimatedDateTimeOfArrival.setHours(utcHour + timeZoneOffset)

// Save to firestore

As you can see, I'm not able to evaluate the offset between CET and UTC as the code is run in a server set in UTC.

Any idea on how to solve it ?

node.js datetime google-cloud-functions timezone-offset

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asked Mar 7 at 11:02

Laurent MaquetLaurent Maquet



  • What exactly do you receive? Please provide an example. Also, you have a dateFormat function - is that coming from a library? Which one? Lastly, when you save to firestore at the end, what are you saving? Do you pass a Date object or a string in a particular format to some API? which one? As you can see, without a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example, it's difficult to provide assistance.

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 7 at 18:41

  • 1

    A couple things from what you provided: 1) When you add the offset to the hour, you're not adjusting for time zones but rather you're picking a different point in time. 2) JavaScript already has a getTimezoneOffset function that does what that first block of code does, but that won't help you here. 3) The offset from UTC may be different depending on the date you apply it to, such as when summer time is in effect. 4) You may end up needing a library such as Luxon or Moment-Timezone, depending on your input string.

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 7 at 18:46

  • Thanks Matt Johnson. Indeed, I figured out that I need to go for an external library. I have been able to solve the problem with 'moment-timezone'

    – Laurent Maquet
    Mar 8 at 8:42

  • What exactly do you receive? Please provide an example. Also, you have a dateFormat function - is that coming from a library? Which one? Lastly, when you save to firestore at the end, what are you saving? Do you pass a Date object or a string in a particular format to some API? which one? As you can see, without a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example, it's difficult to provide assistance.

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 7 at 18:41

  • 1

    A couple things from what you provided: 1) When you add the offset to the hour, you're not adjusting for time zones but rather you're picking a different point in time. 2) JavaScript already has a getTimezoneOffset function that does what that first block of code does, but that won't help you here. 3) The offset from UTC may be different depending on the date you apply it to, such as when summer time is in effect. 4) You may end up needing a library such as Luxon or Moment-Timezone, depending on your input string.

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 7 at 18:46

  • Thanks Matt Johnson. Indeed, I figured out that I need to go for an external library. I have been able to solve the problem with 'moment-timezone'

    – Laurent Maquet
    Mar 8 at 8:42

What exactly do you receive? Please provide an example. Also, you have a dateFormat function - is that coming from a library? Which one? Lastly, when you save to firestore at the end, what are you saving? Do you pass a Date object or a string in a particular format to some API? which one? As you can see, without a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example, it's difficult to provide assistance.

– Matt Johnson
Mar 7 at 18:41

What exactly do you receive? Please provide an example. Also, you have a dateFormat function - is that coming from a library? Which one? Lastly, when you save to firestore at the end, what are you saving? Do you pass a Date object or a string in a particular format to some API? which one? As you can see, without a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example, it's difficult to provide assistance.

– Matt Johnson
Mar 7 at 18:41



A couple things from what you provided: 1) When you add the offset to the hour, you're not adjusting for time zones but rather you're picking a different point in time. 2) JavaScript already has a getTimezoneOffset function that does what that first block of code does, but that won't help you here. 3) The offset from UTC may be different depending on the date you apply it to, such as when summer time is in effect. 4) You may end up needing a library such as Luxon or Moment-Timezone, depending on your input string.

– Matt Johnson
Mar 7 at 18:46

A couple things from what you provided: 1) When you add the offset to the hour, you're not adjusting for time zones but rather you're picking a different point in time. 2) JavaScript already has a getTimezoneOffset function that does what that first block of code does, but that won't help you here. 3) The offset from UTC may be different depending on the date you apply it to, such as when summer time is in effect. 4) You may end up needing a library such as Luxon or Moment-Timezone, depending on your input string.

– Matt Johnson
Mar 7 at 18:46

Thanks Matt Johnson. Indeed, I figured out that I need to go for an external library. I have been able to solve the problem with 'moment-timezone'

– Laurent Maquet
Mar 8 at 8:42

Thanks Matt Johnson. Indeed, I figured out that I need to go for an external library. I have been able to solve the problem with 'moment-timezone'

– Laurent Maquet
Mar 8 at 8:42

1 Answer





Here is a solution I found to solve the problem.
It is based on an external library: 'moment-timezone'

 // Example's initial setup
const dateFormat = require('dateformat')
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI = "14:30" // Format "HH:mm", Paris time

// Construct Date object with today's date and timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI
const currentDate = new Date();
const currentDateString = dateFormat(currentDate, "yyyy-mm-dd");
const estimatedDateTimeOfArrival =`$currentDateString $timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI`, "Europe/Paris").toDate()

// 08/03/2018 13:30 UTC
// Now I have UTC Full Date corresponding to timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI

share|improve this answer

  • Don't tack on the date. You're using the current local date, which may or may not be the same as the current date in the given time zone. Just let Moment do the work:'14:30', 'HH:mm', 'Europe/Paris'). Also, unless you need the output to be a Date object, you're better off calling .toISOString(), or .utc().format(). (The latter would allow you to pass a format string if you want a specific format).

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 8 at 17:08

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1 Answer




1 Answer











Here is a solution I found to solve the problem.
It is based on an external library: 'moment-timezone'

 // Example's initial setup
const dateFormat = require('dateformat')
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI = "14:30" // Format "HH:mm", Paris time

// Construct Date object with today's date and timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI
const currentDate = new Date();
const currentDateString = dateFormat(currentDate, "yyyy-mm-dd");
const estimatedDateTimeOfArrival =`$currentDateString $timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI`, "Europe/Paris").toDate()

// 08/03/2018 13:30 UTC
// Now I have UTC Full Date corresponding to timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI

share|improve this answer

  • Don't tack on the date. You're using the current local date, which may or may not be the same as the current date in the given time zone. Just let Moment do the work:'14:30', 'HH:mm', 'Europe/Paris'). Also, unless you need the output to be a Date object, you're better off calling .toISOString(), or .utc().format(). (The latter would allow you to pass a format string if you want a specific format).

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 8 at 17:08


Here is a solution I found to solve the problem.
It is based on an external library: 'moment-timezone'

 // Example's initial setup
const dateFormat = require('dateformat')
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI = "14:30" // Format "HH:mm", Paris time

// Construct Date object with today's date and timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI
const currentDate = new Date();
const currentDateString = dateFormat(currentDate, "yyyy-mm-dd");
const estimatedDateTimeOfArrival =`$currentDateString $timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI`, "Europe/Paris").toDate()

// 08/03/2018 13:30 UTC
// Now I have UTC Full Date corresponding to timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI

share|improve this answer

  • Don't tack on the date. You're using the current local date, which may or may not be the same as the current date in the given time zone. Just let Moment do the work:'14:30', 'HH:mm', 'Europe/Paris'). Also, unless you need the output to be a Date object, you're better off calling .toISOString(), or .utc().format(). (The latter would allow you to pass a format string if you want a specific format).

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 8 at 17:08




Here is a solution I found to solve the problem.
It is based on an external library: 'moment-timezone'

 // Example's initial setup
const dateFormat = require('dateformat')
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI = "14:30" // Format "HH:mm", Paris time

// Construct Date object with today's date and timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI
const currentDate = new Date();
const currentDateString = dateFormat(currentDate, "yyyy-mm-dd");
const estimatedDateTimeOfArrival =`$currentDateString $timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI`, "Europe/Paris").toDate()

// 08/03/2018 13:30 UTC
// Now I have UTC Full Date corresponding to timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI

share|improve this answer

Here is a solution I found to solve the problem.
It is based on an external library: 'moment-timezone'

 // Example's initial setup
const dateFormat = require('dateformat')
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI = "14:30" // Format "HH:mm", Paris time

// Construct Date object with today's date and timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI
const currentDate = new Date();
const currentDateString = dateFormat(currentDate, "yyyy-mm-dd");
const estimatedDateTimeOfArrival =`$currentDateString $timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI`, "Europe/Paris").toDate()

// 08/03/2018 13:30 UTC
// Now I have UTC Full Date corresponding to timeReceivedFrom3rdPartyAPI

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Mar 8 at 8:56

Laurent MaquetLaurent Maquet



  • Don't tack on the date. You're using the current local date, which may or may not be the same as the current date in the given time zone. Just let Moment do the work:'14:30', 'HH:mm', 'Europe/Paris'). Also, unless you need the output to be a Date object, you're better off calling .toISOString(), or .utc().format(). (The latter would allow you to pass a format string if you want a specific format).

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 8 at 17:08

  • Don't tack on the date. You're using the current local date, which may or may not be the same as the current date in the given time zone. Just let Moment do the work:'14:30', 'HH:mm', 'Europe/Paris'). Also, unless you need the output to be a Date object, you're better off calling .toISOString(), or .utc().format(). (The latter would allow you to pass a format string if you want a specific format).

    – Matt Johnson
    Mar 8 at 17:08

Don't tack on the date. You're using the current local date, which may or may not be the same as the current date in the given time zone. Just let Moment do the work:'14:30', 'HH:mm', 'Europe/Paris'). Also, unless you need the output to be a Date object, you're better off calling .toISOString(), or .utc().format(). (The latter would allow you to pass a format string if you want a specific format).

– Matt Johnson
Mar 8 at 17:08

Don't tack on the date. You're using the current local date, which may or may not be the same as the current date in the given time zone. Just let Moment do the work:'14:30', 'HH:mm', 'Europe/Paris'). Also, unless you need the output to be a Date object, you're better off calling .toISOString(), or .utc().format(). (The latter would allow you to pass a format string if you want a specific format).

– Matt Johnson
Mar 8 at 17:08

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