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How to get the all the channels in Slack workspace with conversation.list API?

2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow do I get started with Node.jsHow do you get a list of the names of all files present in a directory in Node.js?How do I get the path to the current script with Node.js?How to get GET (query string) variables in Express.js on Node.js?Slack URL to open a channel from browserSlack clean all messages (~8K) in a channelHow to set slack reminder for private channelSlack API to get applications installed in a workspaceSlack API : Ability to view all recently added users to Slack ChannelSlack API to get available workspaces


When I paginate through next_cursor, I get a different number of channels every time I hit the URL through NodeJS function.

Once the total channels fetched is 7488 another time it is 300. It differs every time I run the program.


The issue is due to the rate limit of slack. conversation.list comes under tier 2 rate limit. That is only maximum 20 requests per minute.

function fetchData(){
function getResponse(url)

let tempData = '';

https.get(url, (resp) =>

resp.on('data', (chunk) =>
tempData += chunk;

resp.on('end', () =>
tempData = JSON.parse(tempData);

if (tempData.response_metadata && tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor)
if(tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor === '')
return resultData;

let cursorIndex = url.indexOf('cursor');
let newUrl = url.slice(0,cursorIndex);
let token = apiConstants.SLACK_API['ACCESS_TOKEN'];
let nextCursor = tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor.slice(0,tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor.length-1);
nextCursor = nextCursor + "%3D";
newUrl = newUrl + 'cursor=' + nextCursor + '&token='+ token;

return resultData;

catch(err) console.log(err);

share|improve this question

New contributor

Swaathi is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • I think it would be helpful if you'd add the relevant part of your code in full - not just one line / URL.

    – Erik Kalkoken
    Mar 7 at 10:51


When I paginate through next_cursor, I get a different number of channels every time I hit the URL through NodeJS function.

Once the total channels fetched is 7488 another time it is 300. It differs every time I run the program.


The issue is due to the rate limit of slack. conversation.list comes under tier 2 rate limit. That is only maximum 20 requests per minute.

function fetchData(){
function getResponse(url)

let tempData = '';

https.get(url, (resp) =>

resp.on('data', (chunk) =>
tempData += chunk;

resp.on('end', () =>
tempData = JSON.parse(tempData);

if (tempData.response_metadata && tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor)
if(tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor === '')
return resultData;

let cursorIndex = url.indexOf('cursor');
let newUrl = url.slice(0,cursorIndex);
let token = apiConstants.SLACK_API['ACCESS_TOKEN'];
let nextCursor = tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor.slice(0,tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor.length-1);
nextCursor = nextCursor + "%3D";
newUrl = newUrl + 'cursor=' + nextCursor + '&token='+ token;

return resultData;

catch(err) console.log(err);

share|improve this question

New contributor

Swaathi is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • I think it would be helpful if you'd add the relevant part of your code in full - not just one line / URL.

    – Erik Kalkoken
    Mar 7 at 10:51




When I paginate through next_cursor, I get a different number of channels every time I hit the URL through NodeJS function.

Once the total channels fetched is 7488 another time it is 300. It differs every time I run the program.


The issue is due to the rate limit of slack. conversation.list comes under tier 2 rate limit. That is only maximum 20 requests per minute.

function fetchData(){
function getResponse(url)

let tempData = '';

https.get(url, (resp) =>

resp.on('data', (chunk) =>
tempData += chunk;

resp.on('end', () =>
tempData = JSON.parse(tempData);

if (tempData.response_metadata && tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor)
if(tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor === '')
return resultData;

let cursorIndex = url.indexOf('cursor');
let newUrl = url.slice(0,cursorIndex);
let token = apiConstants.SLACK_API['ACCESS_TOKEN'];
let nextCursor = tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor.slice(0,tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor.length-1);
nextCursor = nextCursor + "%3D";
newUrl = newUrl + 'cursor=' + nextCursor + '&token='+ token;

return resultData;

catch(err) console.log(err);

share|improve this question

New contributor

Swaathi is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

When I paginate through next_cursor, I get a different number of channels every time I hit the URL through NodeJS function.

Once the total channels fetched is 7488 another time it is 300. It differs every time I run the program.


The issue is due to the rate limit of slack. conversation.list comes under tier 2 rate limit. That is only maximum 20 requests per minute.

function fetchData(){
function getResponse(url)

let tempData = '';

https.get(url, (resp) =>

resp.on('data', (chunk) =>
tempData += chunk;

resp.on('end', () =>
tempData = JSON.parse(tempData);

if (tempData.response_metadata && tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor)
if(tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor === '')
return resultData;

let cursorIndex = url.indexOf('cursor');
let newUrl = url.slice(0,cursorIndex);
let token = apiConstants.SLACK_API['ACCESS_TOKEN'];
let nextCursor = tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor.slice(0,tempData.response_metadata.next_cursor.length-1);
nextCursor = nextCursor + "%3D";
newUrl = newUrl + 'cursor=' + nextCursor + '&token='+ token;

return resultData;

catch(err) console.log(err);

node.js slack slack-api

share|improve this question

New contributor

Swaathi is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

share|improve this question

New contributor

Swaathi is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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share|improve this question

edited Mar 7 at 17:48


New contributor

Swaathi is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked Mar 7 at 10:09




New contributor

Swaathi is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

Swaathi is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Swaathi is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • I think it would be helpful if you'd add the relevant part of your code in full - not just one line / URL.

    – Erik Kalkoken
    Mar 7 at 10:51

  • I think it would be helpful if you'd add the relevant part of your code in full - not just one line / URL.

    – Erik Kalkoken
    Mar 7 at 10:51

I think it would be helpful if you'd add the relevant part of your code in full - not just one line / URL.

– Erik Kalkoken
Mar 7 at 10:51

I think it would be helpful if you'd add the relevant part of your code in full - not just one line / URL.

– Erik Kalkoken
Mar 7 at 10:51

1 Answer





One way to do this reliably would be to use the Node Slack SDK's WebClient, which has automatic pagination on cursor-paginated methods (like conversations.list). It also automatically handles rate limits by queuing requests for the amount of time the responses from Slack indicate. Disclaimer: I work at Slack and contribute to this package.

The documentation covers the details of the automatic pagination support: The first example could be used to get the complete list of channels if you simply replace web.conversations.history() with web.conversations.list().

We don't recommend using this technique anymore, because its very rare that you actually need the whole list. In fact, automatic pagination will be removed in the next major version (v5.0.0) which will be released soon. But if this is really what you want to do (as indicated in your question), then you should look to the second example in that section. I've copied it below:

const WebClient = require('@slack/client');

// An access token (from your Slack app or custom integration - xoxp, or xoxb)
const token = process.env.SLACK_TOKEN;

const web = new WebClient(token);

async function getAllChannels(options)
async function pageLoaded(accumulatedChannels, res)
// Merge the previous result with the results in the current page
const mergedChannels = accumulatedChannels.concat(res.channels);

// When a `next_cursor` exists, recursively call this function to get the next page.
if (res.response_metadata && res.response_metadata.next_cursor && res.response_metadata.next_cursor !== '')
// Make a copy of options
const pageOptions = ...options ;
// Add the `cursor` argument
pageOptions.cursor = res.response_metadata.next_cursor;

return pageLoaded(mergedChannels, await web.conversations.list(pageOptions));

// Otherwise, we're done and can return the result
return mergedChannels;

return pageLoaded([], await web.conversations.list(options));

(async () =>
const allChannels = await getAllChannels( exclude_archived: true, types: 'public_channel' );

PS. In version v5.0.0, we're planning to include a helper method that will make this much simpler. For now, the second example is the most forward-compatible way, and I recommend that you refactor it to use the helper once v5.0.0 is released.

share|improve this answer

    Your Answer

    StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function ()
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    var channelOptions =
    tags: "".split(" "),
    id: "1"
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    StackExchange.using("externalEditor", function()
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    heartbeatType: 'answer',
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    StackExchange.openid.initPostLogin('.new-post-login', '', 'question_page');


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    1 Answer




    1 Answer











    One way to do this reliably would be to use the Node Slack SDK's WebClient, which has automatic pagination on cursor-paginated methods (like conversations.list). It also automatically handles rate limits by queuing requests for the amount of time the responses from Slack indicate. Disclaimer: I work at Slack and contribute to this package.

    The documentation covers the details of the automatic pagination support: The first example could be used to get the complete list of channels if you simply replace web.conversations.history() with web.conversations.list().

    We don't recommend using this technique anymore, because its very rare that you actually need the whole list. In fact, automatic pagination will be removed in the next major version (v5.0.0) which will be released soon. But if this is really what you want to do (as indicated in your question), then you should look to the second example in that section. I've copied it below:

    const WebClient = require('@slack/client');

    // An access token (from your Slack app or custom integration - xoxp, or xoxb)
    const token = process.env.SLACK_TOKEN;

    const web = new WebClient(token);

    async function getAllChannels(options)
    async function pageLoaded(accumulatedChannels, res)
    // Merge the previous result with the results in the current page
    const mergedChannels = accumulatedChannels.concat(res.channels);

    // When a `next_cursor` exists, recursively call this function to get the next page.
    if (res.response_metadata && res.response_metadata.next_cursor && res.response_metadata.next_cursor !== '')
    // Make a copy of options
    const pageOptions = ...options ;
    // Add the `cursor` argument
    pageOptions.cursor = res.response_metadata.next_cursor;

    return pageLoaded(mergedChannels, await web.conversations.list(pageOptions));

    // Otherwise, we're done and can return the result
    return mergedChannels;

    return pageLoaded([], await web.conversations.list(options));

    (async () =>
    const allChannels = await getAllChannels( exclude_archived: true, types: 'public_channel' );

    PS. In version v5.0.0, we're planning to include a helper method that will make this much simpler. For now, the second example is the most forward-compatible way, and I recommend that you refactor it to use the helper once v5.0.0 is released.

    share|improve this answer


      One way to do this reliably would be to use the Node Slack SDK's WebClient, which has automatic pagination on cursor-paginated methods (like conversations.list). It also automatically handles rate limits by queuing requests for the amount of time the responses from Slack indicate. Disclaimer: I work at Slack and contribute to this package.

      The documentation covers the details of the automatic pagination support: The first example could be used to get the complete list of channels if you simply replace web.conversations.history() with web.conversations.list().

      We don't recommend using this technique anymore, because its very rare that you actually need the whole list. In fact, automatic pagination will be removed in the next major version (v5.0.0) which will be released soon. But if this is really what you want to do (as indicated in your question), then you should look to the second example in that section. I've copied it below:

      const WebClient = require('@slack/client');

      // An access token (from your Slack app or custom integration - xoxp, or xoxb)
      const token = process.env.SLACK_TOKEN;

      const web = new WebClient(token);

      async function getAllChannels(options)
      async function pageLoaded(accumulatedChannels, res)
      // Merge the previous result with the results in the current page
      const mergedChannels = accumulatedChannels.concat(res.channels);

      // When a `next_cursor` exists, recursively call this function to get the next page.
      if (res.response_metadata && res.response_metadata.next_cursor && res.response_metadata.next_cursor !== '')
      // Make a copy of options
      const pageOptions = ...options ;
      // Add the `cursor` argument
      pageOptions.cursor = res.response_metadata.next_cursor;

      return pageLoaded(mergedChannels, await web.conversations.list(pageOptions));

      // Otherwise, we're done and can return the result
      return mergedChannels;

      return pageLoaded([], await web.conversations.list(options));

      (async () =>
      const allChannels = await getAllChannels( exclude_archived: true, types: 'public_channel' );

      PS. In version v5.0.0, we're planning to include a helper method that will make this much simpler. For now, the second example is the most forward-compatible way, and I recommend that you refactor it to use the helper once v5.0.0 is released.

      share|improve this answer




        One way to do this reliably would be to use the Node Slack SDK's WebClient, which has automatic pagination on cursor-paginated methods (like conversations.list). It also automatically handles rate limits by queuing requests for the amount of time the responses from Slack indicate. Disclaimer: I work at Slack and contribute to this package.

        The documentation covers the details of the automatic pagination support: The first example could be used to get the complete list of channels if you simply replace web.conversations.history() with web.conversations.list().

        We don't recommend using this technique anymore, because its very rare that you actually need the whole list. In fact, automatic pagination will be removed in the next major version (v5.0.0) which will be released soon. But if this is really what you want to do (as indicated in your question), then you should look to the second example in that section. I've copied it below:

        const WebClient = require('@slack/client');

        // An access token (from your Slack app or custom integration - xoxp, or xoxb)
        const token = process.env.SLACK_TOKEN;

        const web = new WebClient(token);

        async function getAllChannels(options)
        async function pageLoaded(accumulatedChannels, res)
        // Merge the previous result with the results in the current page
        const mergedChannels = accumulatedChannels.concat(res.channels);

        // When a `next_cursor` exists, recursively call this function to get the next page.
        if (res.response_metadata && res.response_metadata.next_cursor && res.response_metadata.next_cursor !== '')
        // Make a copy of options
        const pageOptions = ...options ;
        // Add the `cursor` argument
        pageOptions.cursor = res.response_metadata.next_cursor;

        return pageLoaded(mergedChannels, await web.conversations.list(pageOptions));

        // Otherwise, we're done and can return the result
        return mergedChannels;

        return pageLoaded([], await web.conversations.list(options));

        (async () =>
        const allChannels = await getAllChannels( exclude_archived: true, types: 'public_channel' );

        PS. In version v5.0.0, we're planning to include a helper method that will make this much simpler. For now, the second example is the most forward-compatible way, and I recommend that you refactor it to use the helper once v5.0.0 is released.

        share|improve this answer

        One way to do this reliably would be to use the Node Slack SDK's WebClient, which has automatic pagination on cursor-paginated methods (like conversations.list). It also automatically handles rate limits by queuing requests for the amount of time the responses from Slack indicate. Disclaimer: I work at Slack and contribute to this package.

        The documentation covers the details of the automatic pagination support: The first example could be used to get the complete list of channels if you simply replace web.conversations.history() with web.conversations.list().

        We don't recommend using this technique anymore, because its very rare that you actually need the whole list. In fact, automatic pagination will be removed in the next major version (v5.0.0) which will be released soon. But if this is really what you want to do (as indicated in your question), then you should look to the second example in that section. I've copied it below:

        const WebClient = require('@slack/client');

        // An access token (from your Slack app or custom integration - xoxp, or xoxb)
        const token = process.env.SLACK_TOKEN;

        const web = new WebClient(token);

        async function getAllChannels(options)
        async function pageLoaded(accumulatedChannels, res)
        // Merge the previous result with the results in the current page
        const mergedChannels = accumulatedChannels.concat(res.channels);

        // When a `next_cursor` exists, recursively call this function to get the next page.
        if (res.response_metadata && res.response_metadata.next_cursor && res.response_metadata.next_cursor !== '')
        // Make a copy of options
        const pageOptions = ...options ;
        // Add the `cursor` argument
        pageOptions.cursor = res.response_metadata.next_cursor;

        return pageLoaded(mergedChannels, await web.conversations.list(pageOptions));

        // Otherwise, we're done and can return the result
        return mergedChannels;

        return pageLoaded([], await web.conversations.list(options));

        (async () =>
        const allChannels = await getAllChannels( exclude_archived: true, types: 'public_channel' );

        PS. In version v5.0.0, we're planning to include a helper method that will make this much simpler. For now, the second example is the most forward-compatible way, and I recommend that you refactor it to use the helper once v5.0.0 is released.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Mar 10 at 2:26




            Swaathi is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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            Swaathi is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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