How to create two one-to-one relations with same entity in Entity Framework Core [duplicate]Entity Framework Code First - two Foreign Keys from same tableModelling folder structure in Entity Framework CoreHow to setup entity relations in Entity Framework CoreError when trying to insert entity using .NET Core, Entity Framework and SQL Server on AzureGetting SqlException for a foreign key when building database on initThe collection argument 'foreignKeyPropertyNames' must contain at least one elementConventions.Remove<OneToManyCascadeDeleteConvention>() in EF Core?EF Core - self referencing entityWhat is the permission needed for a SQL Server login to change a tables name?EF Core 2.0 Trouble 'Cascading' Inserts for Related Entities When Updating Principle EntityEF trying to create new entry instead of relation

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How to create two one-to-one relations with same entity in Entity Framework Core [duplicate]

Entity Framework Code First - two Foreign Keys from same tableModelling folder structure in Entity Framework CoreHow to setup entity relations in Entity Framework CoreError when trying to insert entity using .NET Core, Entity Framework and SQL Server on AzureGetting SqlException for a foreign key when building database on initThe collection argument 'foreignKeyPropertyNames' must contain at least one elementConventions.Remove<OneToManyCascadeDeleteConvention>() in EF Core?EF Core - self referencing entityWhat is the permission needed for a SQL Server login to change a tables name?EF Core 2.0 Trouble 'Cascading' Inserts for Related Entities When Updating Principle EntityEF trying to create new entry instead of relation

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This question already has an answer here:

  • Entity Framework Code First - two Foreign Keys from same table

    5 answers

I'm getting stuck when using code-first in EF Core 2.2.

I have an entity called: AirSensor which I need to have two one-to-one relations to TemperatureSensors, as the AirSensor is capable of read Temperature and dew point temperature.

Therefore my code is here:

public class AirSensor

public long AirSensorId get; set;
public TemperatureSensor TemperatureSensor get; set;
public HumiditySensor Humidity get; set;
public Enthalpy EnthalpyCalc get; set;
public TemperatureSensor DewPointTemperatureSensor get; set;

public long TemperatureSensorId get; set;
public long HumiditySensorId get; set;
public long EnthalpyId get; set;
public long DewPointTemperatureSensorId get; set;

And Temperature Entity is:

public class TemperatureSensor

public long TemperatureSensorId get; set;
public string Name get; set;
public float CurrentValue get; set;
public DateTime LastUpdated get; set;
public ICollection<TemperatureMeasurement> Measurements get; set;

When I add the migration everything is ok, but when updating the database it fails:

Failed executing DbCommand (17ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']

ALTER TABLE [AirSensors] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_AirSensors_TemperatureSensors_DewPointSensorId] FOREIGN KEY ([DewPointSensorId]) REFERENCES [TemperatureSensors] ([TemperatureSensorId]) ON DELETE CASCADE;
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Si especifica la restricción FOREIGN KEY 'FK_AirSensors_TemperatureSensors_DewPointSensorId' en la tabla 'AirSensors', podrían producirse ciclos o múltiples rutas en cascada. Especifique ON DELETE NO ACTION o UPDATE NO ACTION, o bien modifique otras restricciones FOREIGN KEY.

However, I don't see the problem here, I just want to have two separate one-to-one relations.

What am I missing?

Many thanks in advance!

share|improve this question

marked as duplicate by Community Mar 12 at 6:44

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • Are you doing any custom mapping in your dbcontext? You likely have to explicitly mark your ForeignKeys on the AirSensor class.

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 18:55

  • No custom mapping. But the funny thing is that it works with just one relation one to one

    – cjbs
    Mar 8 at 18:59

  • 1

    see this question, particularly the fluent API mapping within OnModelCreating:…

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 19:02

  • let me know if that does it or if you need further help

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 19:33


This question already has an answer here:

  • Entity Framework Code First - two Foreign Keys from same table

    5 answers

I'm getting stuck when using code-first in EF Core 2.2.

I have an entity called: AirSensor which I need to have two one-to-one relations to TemperatureSensors, as the AirSensor is capable of read Temperature and dew point temperature.

Therefore my code is here:

public class AirSensor

public long AirSensorId get; set;
public TemperatureSensor TemperatureSensor get; set;
public HumiditySensor Humidity get; set;
public Enthalpy EnthalpyCalc get; set;
public TemperatureSensor DewPointTemperatureSensor get; set;

public long TemperatureSensorId get; set;
public long HumiditySensorId get; set;
public long EnthalpyId get; set;
public long DewPointTemperatureSensorId get; set;

And Temperature Entity is:

public class TemperatureSensor

public long TemperatureSensorId get; set;
public string Name get; set;
public float CurrentValue get; set;
public DateTime LastUpdated get; set;
public ICollection<TemperatureMeasurement> Measurements get; set;

When I add the migration everything is ok, but when updating the database it fails:

Failed executing DbCommand (17ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']

ALTER TABLE [AirSensors] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_AirSensors_TemperatureSensors_DewPointSensorId] FOREIGN KEY ([DewPointSensorId]) REFERENCES [TemperatureSensors] ([TemperatureSensorId]) ON DELETE CASCADE;
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Si especifica la restricción FOREIGN KEY 'FK_AirSensors_TemperatureSensors_DewPointSensorId' en la tabla 'AirSensors', podrían producirse ciclos o múltiples rutas en cascada. Especifique ON DELETE NO ACTION o UPDATE NO ACTION, o bien modifique otras restricciones FOREIGN KEY.

However, I don't see the problem here, I just want to have two separate one-to-one relations.

What am I missing?

Many thanks in advance!

share|improve this question

marked as duplicate by Community Mar 12 at 6:44

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • Are you doing any custom mapping in your dbcontext? You likely have to explicitly mark your ForeignKeys on the AirSensor class.

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 18:55

  • No custom mapping. But the funny thing is that it works with just one relation one to one

    – cjbs
    Mar 8 at 18:59

  • 1

    see this question, particularly the fluent API mapping within OnModelCreating:…

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 19:02

  • let me know if that does it or if you need further help

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 19:33




This question already has an answer here:

  • Entity Framework Code First - two Foreign Keys from same table

    5 answers

I'm getting stuck when using code-first in EF Core 2.2.

I have an entity called: AirSensor which I need to have two one-to-one relations to TemperatureSensors, as the AirSensor is capable of read Temperature and dew point temperature.

Therefore my code is here:

public class AirSensor

public long AirSensorId get; set;
public TemperatureSensor TemperatureSensor get; set;
public HumiditySensor Humidity get; set;
public Enthalpy EnthalpyCalc get; set;
public TemperatureSensor DewPointTemperatureSensor get; set;

public long TemperatureSensorId get; set;
public long HumiditySensorId get; set;
public long EnthalpyId get; set;
public long DewPointTemperatureSensorId get; set;

And Temperature Entity is:

public class TemperatureSensor

public long TemperatureSensorId get; set;
public string Name get; set;
public float CurrentValue get; set;
public DateTime LastUpdated get; set;
public ICollection<TemperatureMeasurement> Measurements get; set;

When I add the migration everything is ok, but when updating the database it fails:

Failed executing DbCommand (17ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']

ALTER TABLE [AirSensors] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_AirSensors_TemperatureSensors_DewPointSensorId] FOREIGN KEY ([DewPointSensorId]) REFERENCES [TemperatureSensors] ([TemperatureSensorId]) ON DELETE CASCADE;
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Si especifica la restricción FOREIGN KEY 'FK_AirSensors_TemperatureSensors_DewPointSensorId' en la tabla 'AirSensors', podrían producirse ciclos o múltiples rutas en cascada. Especifique ON DELETE NO ACTION o UPDATE NO ACTION, o bien modifique otras restricciones FOREIGN KEY.

However, I don't see the problem here, I just want to have two separate one-to-one relations.

What am I missing?

Many thanks in advance!

share|improve this question

This question already has an answer here:

  • Entity Framework Code First - two Foreign Keys from same table

    5 answers

I'm getting stuck when using code-first in EF Core 2.2.

I have an entity called: AirSensor which I need to have two one-to-one relations to TemperatureSensors, as the AirSensor is capable of read Temperature and dew point temperature.

Therefore my code is here:

public class AirSensor

public long AirSensorId get; set;
public TemperatureSensor TemperatureSensor get; set;
public HumiditySensor Humidity get; set;
public Enthalpy EnthalpyCalc get; set;
public TemperatureSensor DewPointTemperatureSensor get; set;

public long TemperatureSensorId get; set;
public long HumiditySensorId get; set;
public long EnthalpyId get; set;
public long DewPointTemperatureSensorId get; set;

And Temperature Entity is:

public class TemperatureSensor

public long TemperatureSensorId get; set;
public string Name get; set;
public float CurrentValue get; set;
public DateTime LastUpdated get; set;
public ICollection<TemperatureMeasurement> Measurements get; set;

When I add the migration everything is ok, but when updating the database it fails:

Failed executing DbCommand (17ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']

ALTER TABLE [AirSensors] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_AirSensors_TemperatureSensors_DewPointSensorId] FOREIGN KEY ([DewPointSensorId]) REFERENCES [TemperatureSensors] ([TemperatureSensorId]) ON DELETE CASCADE;
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Si especifica la restricción FOREIGN KEY 'FK_AirSensors_TemperatureSensors_DewPointSensorId' en la tabla 'AirSensors', podrían producirse ciclos o múltiples rutas en cascada. Especifique ON DELETE NO ACTION o UPDATE NO ACTION, o bien modifique otras restricciones FOREIGN KEY.

However, I don't see the problem here, I just want to have two separate one-to-one relations.

What am I missing?

Many thanks in advance!

This question already has an answer here:

  • Entity Framework Code First - two Foreign Keys from same table

    5 answers entity-framework-core ef-core-2.2

share|improve this question

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share|improve this question

edited Mar 9 at 2:36




asked Mar 8 at 18:18




marked as duplicate by Community Mar 12 at 6:44

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

marked as duplicate by Community Mar 12 at 6:44

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • Are you doing any custom mapping in your dbcontext? You likely have to explicitly mark your ForeignKeys on the AirSensor class.

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 18:55

  • No custom mapping. But the funny thing is that it works with just one relation one to one

    – cjbs
    Mar 8 at 18:59

  • 1

    see this question, particularly the fluent API mapping within OnModelCreating:…

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 19:02

  • let me know if that does it or if you need further help

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 19:33

  • Are you doing any custom mapping in your dbcontext? You likely have to explicitly mark your ForeignKeys on the AirSensor class.

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 18:55

  • No custom mapping. But the funny thing is that it works with just one relation one to one

    – cjbs
    Mar 8 at 18:59

  • 1

    see this question, particularly the fluent API mapping within OnModelCreating:…

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 19:02

  • let me know if that does it or if you need further help

    – jcruz
    Mar 8 at 19:33

Are you doing any custom mapping in your dbcontext? You likely have to explicitly mark your ForeignKeys on the AirSensor class.

– jcruz
Mar 8 at 18:55

Are you doing any custom mapping in your dbcontext? You likely have to explicitly mark your ForeignKeys on the AirSensor class.

– jcruz
Mar 8 at 18:55

No custom mapping. But the funny thing is that it works with just one relation one to one

– cjbs
Mar 8 at 18:59

No custom mapping. But the funny thing is that it works with just one relation one to one

– cjbs
Mar 8 at 18:59



see this question, particularly the fluent API mapping within OnModelCreating:…

– jcruz
Mar 8 at 19:02

see this question, particularly the fluent API mapping within OnModelCreating:…

– jcruz
Mar 8 at 19:02

let me know if that does it or if you need further help

– jcruz
Mar 8 at 19:33

let me know if that does it or if you need further help

– jcruz
Mar 8 at 19:33

1 Answer





Configure AirSensor with Fluent API as follows:

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)


modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.TemperatureSensor)
.WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.TemperatureSensorId)

modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensor)
.WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensorId)

Now it will work as expected!

share|improve this answer

    1 Answer




    1 Answer











    Configure AirSensor with Fluent API as follows:

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)


    modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.TemperatureSensor)
    .WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.TemperatureSensorId)

    modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensor)
    .WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensorId)

    Now it will work as expected!

    share|improve this answer


      Configure AirSensor with Fluent API as follows:

      protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)


      modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.TemperatureSensor)
      .WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.TemperatureSensorId)

      modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensor)
      .WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensorId)

      Now it will work as expected!

      share|improve this answer




        Configure AirSensor with Fluent API as follows:

        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)


        modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.TemperatureSensor)
        .WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.TemperatureSensorId)

        modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensor)
        .WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensorId)

        Now it will work as expected!

        share|improve this answer

        Configure AirSensor with Fluent API as follows:

        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)


        modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.TemperatureSensor)
        .WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.TemperatureSensorId)

        modelBuilder.Entity<AirSensor>().HasOne(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensor)
        .WithOne().HasForeignKey<AirSensor>(ars => ars.DewPointTemperatureSensorId)

        Now it will work as expected!

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Mar 9 at 2:32




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