problem while storing tweets into csv file2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow do I check whether a file exists without exceptions?How do I copy a file in Python?How to output MySQL query results in CSV format?Dealing with commas in a CSV fileSave PL/pgSQL output from PostgreSQL to a CSV fileHow do I list all files of a directory?How to read a file line-by-line into a list?Delete a file or folderPandas writing dataframe to CSV fileTWYTHON . Getting user name from tweets. Generating friends list from username

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problem while storing tweets into csv file

2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow do I check whether a file exists without exceptions?How do I copy a file in Python?How to output MySQL query results in CSV format?Dealing with commas in a CSV fileSave PL/pgSQL output from PostgreSQL to a CSV fileHow do I list all files of a directory?How to read a file line-by-line into a list?Delete a file or folderPandas writing dataframe to CSV fileTWYTHON . Getting user name from tweets. Generating friends list from username


I am working with Python attempting to store tweets (more precisely only their date, user, bio and text) related to a specific keyword in a csv file.
As I am working on the free-to-use API of Twitter, I am limited to 450 tweets every 15 minutes.
So I have coded something which is supposed to store exactly 450 tweets in 15 minutes.

BUT the problem is something goes wrong when extracting the tweets so that at a specific point the same tweet is stored again and again.

Any help would be much appreciated !!
Thanks in advance

import time
from twython import Twython, TwythonError, TwythonStreamer

sfile = "tweets_" + keyword + todays_date + ".csv"
id_list = [last_id]
count = 0
while count < 3*60*60*2: #we set the loop to run for 3hours

# tweet extract method with the last list item as the max_id
print("new crawl, max_id:", id_list[-1])
tweets =, count=2, max_id=id_list[-1])["statuses"]
time.sleep(2) ## 2 seconds rest between api calls (450 allowed within 15min window)

for status in tweets:
id_list.append(status["id"]) ## append tweet id's

if status==tweets[0]:

if status==tweets[1]:
date = status["created_at"].encode('utf-8')
user = status["user"]["screen_name"].encode('utf-8')
bio = status["user"]["description"].encode('utf-8')
text = status["text"].encode('utf-8')

with open(sfile,'a') as sf:
sf.write(str(status["id"])+ "|||" + str(date) + "|||" + str(user) + "|||" + str(bio) + "|||" + str(text) + "n")

count += 1
print(date, text)

share|improve this question

  • I would recommend you stick to a standard comma delimiter for your CSV file. If your tweet contains a comma then the field is normally enclosed with quotes. It is also able to cope with newlines. Python's CSV library will handle all of this for you automatically.

    – Martin Evans
    Mar 8 at 8:55


I am working with Python attempting to store tweets (more precisely only their date, user, bio and text) related to a specific keyword in a csv file.
As I am working on the free-to-use API of Twitter, I am limited to 450 tweets every 15 minutes.
So I have coded something which is supposed to store exactly 450 tweets in 15 minutes.

BUT the problem is something goes wrong when extracting the tweets so that at a specific point the same tweet is stored again and again.

Any help would be much appreciated !!
Thanks in advance

import time
from twython import Twython, TwythonError, TwythonStreamer

sfile = "tweets_" + keyword + todays_date + ".csv"
id_list = [last_id]
count = 0
while count < 3*60*60*2: #we set the loop to run for 3hours

# tweet extract method with the last list item as the max_id
print("new crawl, max_id:", id_list[-1])
tweets =, count=2, max_id=id_list[-1])["statuses"]
time.sleep(2) ## 2 seconds rest between api calls (450 allowed within 15min window)

for status in tweets:
id_list.append(status["id"]) ## append tweet id's

if status==tweets[0]:

if status==tweets[1]:
date = status["created_at"].encode('utf-8')
user = status["user"]["screen_name"].encode('utf-8')
bio = status["user"]["description"].encode('utf-8')
text = status["text"].encode('utf-8')

with open(sfile,'a') as sf:
sf.write(str(status["id"])+ "|||" + str(date) + "|||" + str(user) + "|||" + str(bio) + "|||" + str(text) + "n")

count += 1
print(date, text)

share|improve this question

  • I would recommend you stick to a standard comma delimiter for your CSV file. If your tweet contains a comma then the field is normally enclosed with quotes. It is also able to cope with newlines. Python's CSV library will handle all of this for you automatically.

    – Martin Evans
    Mar 8 at 8:55




I am working with Python attempting to store tweets (more precisely only their date, user, bio and text) related to a specific keyword in a csv file.
As I am working on the free-to-use API of Twitter, I am limited to 450 tweets every 15 minutes.
So I have coded something which is supposed to store exactly 450 tweets in 15 minutes.

BUT the problem is something goes wrong when extracting the tweets so that at a specific point the same tweet is stored again and again.

Any help would be much appreciated !!
Thanks in advance

import time
from twython import Twython, TwythonError, TwythonStreamer

sfile = "tweets_" + keyword + todays_date + ".csv"
id_list = [last_id]
count = 0
while count < 3*60*60*2: #we set the loop to run for 3hours

# tweet extract method with the last list item as the max_id
print("new crawl, max_id:", id_list[-1])
tweets =, count=2, max_id=id_list[-1])["statuses"]
time.sleep(2) ## 2 seconds rest between api calls (450 allowed within 15min window)

for status in tweets:
id_list.append(status["id"]) ## append tweet id's

if status==tweets[0]:

if status==tweets[1]:
date = status["created_at"].encode('utf-8')
user = status["user"]["screen_name"].encode('utf-8')
bio = status["user"]["description"].encode('utf-8')
text = status["text"].encode('utf-8')

with open(sfile,'a') as sf:
sf.write(str(status["id"])+ "|||" + str(date) + "|||" + str(user) + "|||" + str(bio) + "|||" + str(text) + "n")

count += 1
print(date, text)

share|improve this question

I am working with Python attempting to store tweets (more precisely only their date, user, bio and text) related to a specific keyword in a csv file.
As I am working on the free-to-use API of Twitter, I am limited to 450 tweets every 15 minutes.
So I have coded something which is supposed to store exactly 450 tweets in 15 minutes.

BUT the problem is something goes wrong when extracting the tweets so that at a specific point the same tweet is stored again and again.

Any help would be much appreciated !!
Thanks in advance

import time
from twython import Twython, TwythonError, TwythonStreamer

sfile = "tweets_" + keyword + todays_date + ".csv"
id_list = [last_id]
count = 0
while count < 3*60*60*2: #we set the loop to run for 3hours

# tweet extract method with the last list item as the max_id
print("new crawl, max_id:", id_list[-1])
tweets =, count=2, max_id=id_list[-1])["statuses"]
time.sleep(2) ## 2 seconds rest between api calls (450 allowed within 15min window)

for status in tweets:
id_list.append(status["id"]) ## append tweet id's

if status==tweets[0]:

if status==tweets[1]:
date = status["created_at"].encode('utf-8')
user = status["user"]["screen_name"].encode('utf-8')
bio = status["user"]["description"].encode('utf-8')
text = status["text"].encode('utf-8')

with open(sfile,'a') as sf:
sf.write(str(status["id"])+ "|||" + str(date) + "|||" + str(user) + "|||" + str(bio) + "|||" + str(text) + "n")

count += 1
print(date, text)

python csv twitter twython

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edited Mar 7 at 16:03

Etienne Numérogliss Drt

asked Mar 7 at 15:42

Etienne Numérogliss DrtEtienne Numérogliss Drt



  • I would recommend you stick to a standard comma delimiter for your CSV file. If your tweet contains a comma then the field is normally enclosed with quotes. It is also able to cope with newlines. Python's CSV library will handle all of this for you automatically.

    – Martin Evans
    Mar 8 at 8:55

  • I would recommend you stick to a standard comma delimiter for your CSV file. If your tweet contains a comma then the field is normally enclosed with quotes. It is also able to cope with newlines. Python's CSV library will handle all of this for you automatically.

    – Martin Evans
    Mar 8 at 8:55

I would recommend you stick to a standard comma delimiter for your CSV file. If your tweet contains a comma then the field is normally enclosed with quotes. It is also able to cope with newlines. Python's CSV library will handle all of this for you automatically.

– Martin Evans
Mar 8 at 8:55

I would recommend you stick to a standard comma delimiter for your CSV file. If your tweet contains a comma then the field is normally enclosed with quotes. It is also able to cope with newlines. Python's CSV library will handle all of this for you automatically.

– Martin Evans
Mar 8 at 8:55

1 Answer





You should use Python's CSV library to write your CSV files. It takes a list containing all of the items for a row and automatically adds the delimiters for you. If a value contains a comma, it automatically adds quotes for you (which is how CSV files are meant to work). It can even handle newlines inside a value. If you open the resulting file into a spreadsheet application you will see it is correctly read in.

Rather than trying to use time.sleep(), a better approach is to work with absolute times. So the idea is to take your starting time and add three hours to it. You can then keep looping until this finish_time is reached.

The same approach can be made to your API call allocations. Keep a counter holding how many calls you have left and downcount it. If it reaches 0 then stop making calls until the next fifteen minute slot is reached.

timedelta() can be used to add minutes or hours to an existing datetime object. By doing it this way, your times will never slip out of sync.

The following shows a simulation of how you can make things work. You just need to add back your code to get your Tweets:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import csv
import random # just for simulating a random ID

fifteen = timedelta(minutes=15)
finish_time = + timedelta(hours=3)

calls_allowed = 450
calls_remaining = calls_allowed

now =
next_allocation = now + fifteen

todays_date = now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y")
ids_seen = set()

with open(f'tweets_todays_date.csv', 'w', newline='') as f_output:
csv_output = csv.writer(f_output)

while now < finish_time:
now =

if now >= next_allocation:
next_allocation += fifteen
calls_remaining = calls_allowed
print("New call allocation")

if calls_remaining:
calls_remaining -= 1
print(f"Get tweets - calls_remaining calls remaining")

# Simulate a tweet response
id = random.choice(["1111", "2222", "3333", "4444"]) # pick a random ID
date = "01.01.2019"
user = "Fred"
bio = "I am Fred"
text = "Hello, this is a tweetnusing a comma and a newline."

if id not in ids_seen:
csv_output.writerow([id, date, user, bio, text])

As for the problem of keep writing the same Tweets. You could use a set() to hold all of the IDs that you have written. You could then test if a new tweet has already been seen before writing it again.

share|improve this answer

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    StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function ()
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    1 Answer




    1 Answer











    You should use Python's CSV library to write your CSV files. It takes a list containing all of the items for a row and automatically adds the delimiters for you. If a value contains a comma, it automatically adds quotes for you (which is how CSV files are meant to work). It can even handle newlines inside a value. If you open the resulting file into a spreadsheet application you will see it is correctly read in.

    Rather than trying to use time.sleep(), a better approach is to work with absolute times. So the idea is to take your starting time and add three hours to it. You can then keep looping until this finish_time is reached.

    The same approach can be made to your API call allocations. Keep a counter holding how many calls you have left and downcount it. If it reaches 0 then stop making calls until the next fifteen minute slot is reached.

    timedelta() can be used to add minutes or hours to an existing datetime object. By doing it this way, your times will never slip out of sync.

    The following shows a simulation of how you can make things work. You just need to add back your code to get your Tweets:

    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    import time
    import csv
    import random # just for simulating a random ID

    fifteen = timedelta(minutes=15)
    finish_time = + timedelta(hours=3)

    calls_allowed = 450
    calls_remaining = calls_allowed

    now =
    next_allocation = now + fifteen

    todays_date = now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y")
    ids_seen = set()

    with open(f'tweets_todays_date.csv', 'w', newline='') as f_output:
    csv_output = csv.writer(f_output)

    while now < finish_time:
    now =

    if now >= next_allocation:
    next_allocation += fifteen
    calls_remaining = calls_allowed
    print("New call allocation")

    if calls_remaining:
    calls_remaining -= 1
    print(f"Get tweets - calls_remaining calls remaining")

    # Simulate a tweet response
    id = random.choice(["1111", "2222", "3333", "4444"]) # pick a random ID
    date = "01.01.2019"
    user = "Fred"
    bio = "I am Fred"
    text = "Hello, this is a tweetnusing a comma and a newline."

    if id not in ids_seen:
    csv_output.writerow([id, date, user, bio, text])

    As for the problem of keep writing the same Tweets. You could use a set() to hold all of the IDs that you have written. You could then test if a new tweet has already been seen before writing it again.

    share|improve this answer


      You should use Python's CSV library to write your CSV files. It takes a list containing all of the items for a row and automatically adds the delimiters for you. If a value contains a comma, it automatically adds quotes for you (which is how CSV files are meant to work). It can even handle newlines inside a value. If you open the resulting file into a spreadsheet application you will see it is correctly read in.

      Rather than trying to use time.sleep(), a better approach is to work with absolute times. So the idea is to take your starting time and add three hours to it. You can then keep looping until this finish_time is reached.

      The same approach can be made to your API call allocations. Keep a counter holding how many calls you have left and downcount it. If it reaches 0 then stop making calls until the next fifteen minute slot is reached.

      timedelta() can be used to add minutes or hours to an existing datetime object. By doing it this way, your times will never slip out of sync.

      The following shows a simulation of how you can make things work. You just need to add back your code to get your Tweets:

      from datetime import datetime, timedelta
      import time
      import csv
      import random # just for simulating a random ID

      fifteen = timedelta(minutes=15)
      finish_time = + timedelta(hours=3)

      calls_allowed = 450
      calls_remaining = calls_allowed

      now =
      next_allocation = now + fifteen

      todays_date = now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y")
      ids_seen = set()

      with open(f'tweets_todays_date.csv', 'w', newline='') as f_output:
      csv_output = csv.writer(f_output)

      while now < finish_time:
      now =

      if now >= next_allocation:
      next_allocation += fifteen
      calls_remaining = calls_allowed
      print("New call allocation")

      if calls_remaining:
      calls_remaining -= 1
      print(f"Get tweets - calls_remaining calls remaining")

      # Simulate a tweet response
      id = random.choice(["1111", "2222", "3333", "4444"]) # pick a random ID
      date = "01.01.2019"
      user = "Fred"
      bio = "I am Fred"
      text = "Hello, this is a tweetnusing a comma and a newline."

      if id not in ids_seen:
      csv_output.writerow([id, date, user, bio, text])

      As for the problem of keep writing the same Tweets. You could use a set() to hold all of the IDs that you have written. You could then test if a new tweet has already been seen before writing it again.

      share|improve this answer




        You should use Python's CSV library to write your CSV files. It takes a list containing all of the items for a row and automatically adds the delimiters for you. If a value contains a comma, it automatically adds quotes for you (which is how CSV files are meant to work). It can even handle newlines inside a value. If you open the resulting file into a spreadsheet application you will see it is correctly read in.

        Rather than trying to use time.sleep(), a better approach is to work with absolute times. So the idea is to take your starting time and add three hours to it. You can then keep looping until this finish_time is reached.

        The same approach can be made to your API call allocations. Keep a counter holding how many calls you have left and downcount it. If it reaches 0 then stop making calls until the next fifteen minute slot is reached.

        timedelta() can be used to add minutes or hours to an existing datetime object. By doing it this way, your times will never slip out of sync.

        The following shows a simulation of how you can make things work. You just need to add back your code to get your Tweets:

        from datetime import datetime, timedelta
        import time
        import csv
        import random # just for simulating a random ID

        fifteen = timedelta(minutes=15)
        finish_time = + timedelta(hours=3)

        calls_allowed = 450
        calls_remaining = calls_allowed

        now =
        next_allocation = now + fifteen

        todays_date = now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y")
        ids_seen = set()

        with open(f'tweets_todays_date.csv', 'w', newline='') as f_output:
        csv_output = csv.writer(f_output)

        while now < finish_time:
        now =

        if now >= next_allocation:
        next_allocation += fifteen
        calls_remaining = calls_allowed
        print("New call allocation")

        if calls_remaining:
        calls_remaining -= 1
        print(f"Get tweets - calls_remaining calls remaining")

        # Simulate a tweet response
        id = random.choice(["1111", "2222", "3333", "4444"]) # pick a random ID
        date = "01.01.2019"
        user = "Fred"
        bio = "I am Fred"
        text = "Hello, this is a tweetnusing a comma and a newline."

        if id not in ids_seen:
        csv_output.writerow([id, date, user, bio, text])

        As for the problem of keep writing the same Tweets. You could use a set() to hold all of the IDs that you have written. You could then test if a new tweet has already been seen before writing it again.

        share|improve this answer

        You should use Python's CSV library to write your CSV files. It takes a list containing all of the items for a row and automatically adds the delimiters for you. If a value contains a comma, it automatically adds quotes for you (which is how CSV files are meant to work). It can even handle newlines inside a value. If you open the resulting file into a spreadsheet application you will see it is correctly read in.

        Rather than trying to use time.sleep(), a better approach is to work with absolute times. So the idea is to take your starting time and add three hours to it. You can then keep looping until this finish_time is reached.

        The same approach can be made to your API call allocations. Keep a counter holding how many calls you have left and downcount it. If it reaches 0 then stop making calls until the next fifteen minute slot is reached.

        timedelta() can be used to add minutes or hours to an existing datetime object. By doing it this way, your times will never slip out of sync.

        The following shows a simulation of how you can make things work. You just need to add back your code to get your Tweets:

        from datetime import datetime, timedelta
        import time
        import csv
        import random # just for simulating a random ID

        fifteen = timedelta(minutes=15)
        finish_time = + timedelta(hours=3)

        calls_allowed = 450
        calls_remaining = calls_allowed

        now =
        next_allocation = now + fifteen

        todays_date = now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y")
        ids_seen = set()

        with open(f'tweets_todays_date.csv', 'w', newline='') as f_output:
        csv_output = csv.writer(f_output)

        while now < finish_time:
        now =

        if now >= next_allocation:
        next_allocation += fifteen
        calls_remaining = calls_allowed
        print("New call allocation")

        if calls_remaining:
        calls_remaining -= 1
        print(f"Get tweets - calls_remaining calls remaining")

        # Simulate a tweet response
        id = random.choice(["1111", "2222", "3333", "4444"]) # pick a random ID
        date = "01.01.2019"
        user = "Fred"
        bio = "I am Fred"
        text = "Hello, this is a tweetnusing a comma and a newline."

        if id not in ids_seen:
        csv_output.writerow([id, date, user, bio, text])

        As for the problem of keep writing the same Tweets. You could use a set() to hold all of the IDs that you have written. You could then test if a new tweet has already been seen before writing it again.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Mar 8 at 10:52

        answered Mar 8 at 10:02

        Martin EvansMartin Evans



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