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JSON Array convert to CSV

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I'm trying to convert a JSON response to CSV file but I have a problem about arrays
Here is the conversion code to CSV

$jsonString = file_get_contents("feed.json");
$jsonDecoded = json_decode($jsonString, true);
$json = $jsonDecoded['results'];
jsonToCsv($json, "feed.csv");

function jsonToCsv ($json, $csvFilePath = false, $boolOutputFile = false)

// See if the string contains something
if (empty($json))
die("The JSON string is empty!");

// If passed a string, turn it into an array
if (is_array($json) === false)
$json = json_decode($json, true);

// If a path is included, open that file for handling. Otherwise, use a temp file (for echoing CSV string)
if ($csvFilePath !== false)
$f = fopen($csvFilePath,'w+');
if ($f === false)
die("Couldn't create the file to store the CSV, or the path is invalid. Make sure you're including the full path, INCLUDING the name of the output file (e.g. '../save/path/csvOutput.csv')");

$boolEchoCsv = true;
if ($boolOutputFile === true)
$boolEchoCsv = false;

$strTempFile = 'feed' . date("U") . ".csv";
$f = fopen($strTempFile,"w+");

$firstLineKeys = false;
foreach ($json as $line)
if (empty($firstLineKeys))
$firstLineKeys = array_keys($line);
fputcsv($f, $firstLineKeys);
$firstLineKeys = array_flip($firstLineKeys);

// Using array_merge is important to maintain the order of keys acording to the first element
fputcsv($f, array_merge($firstLineKeys, $line));


// Take the file and put it to a string/file for output (if no save path was included in function arguments)
if ($boolOutputFile === true)
if ($csvFilePath !== false)
$file = $csvFilePath;

$file = $strTempFile;

// Output the file to the browser (for open/save)
if (file_exists($file))
header('Content-Type: text/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file));
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

elseif ($boolEchoCsv === true)
if (($handle = fopen($strTempFile, "r")) !== FALSE)
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE)
echo implode(",",$data);
echo "<br />";


// Delete the temp file


And here is a example of feed.json content



"part_number":"part number",




























"created":"2010-01-16 11:25:02"

"description":"Approved documentation",


"part_number":"part number",































"created":"2010-01-16 11:25:02"

"description":"Approved documentation",



Here is the output of the conversion

DASDSA,1,11,123,brand,,Name,"part number",12.31,RON,description,https://www.url.com,12,10,0,1,12.19,Array,Array,Array,1,Array,Array,10,,11,200,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,1,11,11,1
D3129DKQW,1,456,123,Bluedio,,name,"part number",123,EUR,description,https://url.com,24,1,0,1,12,Array,Array,Array,1,Array,Array,144,,11,200,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,1,77.31,83.19,1

As you can see, there is array instead of values, can someone tell me why?

I tried reset() function but I get only the value from the first column ( part_number_key )

foreach ($json as $line) 
if (empty($firstLineKeys))
$firstLineKeys = array_keys($line); print_r("aici3"); fputcsv($f,
$firstLineKeys); print_r("aici3"); $firstLineKeys = array_flip($firstLineKeys);
$line)); $first = reset($line); print_r($first);

I want to extract all columns but to show only the first row value from every from every column, for example at "images" column I would like to extract just the first url and same for the rest of columns

And one more thing, what is the best method to ignore few columns?

Thanks in advance!

share|improve this question

  • Because the images and characteristics, etc, are arrays. If you want to get the values, you'll have to pull that data out individually as well.

    – aynber
    Mar 7 at 15:42

  • How would the result look for multiple values in the inner array?

    – Nico Haase
    Mar 7 at 15:44

  • @Nico Haase The best way would be to extract the first value but I don't know how...

    – cristi alexandru
    Mar 7 at 15:47

  • Well, that would be $array[0] then or reset($array) - but wouldn't you lose a lot of data then?

    – Nico Haase
    Mar 7 at 15:49

  • @cristialexandru - $first = reset($array);

    – ArtisticPhoenix
    Mar 7 at 15:49


I'm trying to convert a JSON response to CSV file but I have a problem about arrays
Here is the conversion code to CSV

$jsonString = file_get_contents("feed.json");
$jsonDecoded = json_decode($jsonString, true);
$json = $jsonDecoded['results'];
jsonToCsv($json, "feed.csv");

function jsonToCsv ($json, $csvFilePath = false, $boolOutputFile = false)

// See if the string contains something
if (empty($json))
die("The JSON string is empty!");

// If passed a string, turn it into an array
if (is_array($json) === false)
$json = json_decode($json, true);

// If a path is included, open that file for handling. Otherwise, use a temp file (for echoing CSV string)
if ($csvFilePath !== false)
$f = fopen($csvFilePath,'w+');
if ($f === false)
die("Couldn't create the file to store the CSV, or the path is invalid. Make sure you're including the full path, INCLUDING the name of the output file (e.g. '../save/path/csvOutput.csv')");

$boolEchoCsv = true;
if ($boolOutputFile === true)
$boolEchoCsv = false;

$strTempFile = 'feed' . date("U") . ".csv";
$f = fopen($strTempFile,"w+");

$firstLineKeys = false;
foreach ($json as $line)
if (empty($firstLineKeys))
$firstLineKeys = array_keys($line);
fputcsv($f, $firstLineKeys);
$firstLineKeys = array_flip($firstLineKeys);

// Using array_merge is important to maintain the order of keys acording to the first element
fputcsv($f, array_merge($firstLineKeys, $line));


// Take the file and put it to a string/file for output (if no save path was included in function arguments)
if ($boolOutputFile === true)
if ($csvFilePath !== false)
$file = $csvFilePath;

$file = $strTempFile;

// Output the file to the browser (for open/save)
if (file_exists($file))
header('Content-Type: text/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file));
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

elseif ($boolEchoCsv === true)
if (($handle = fopen($strTempFile, "r")) !== FALSE)
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE)
echo implode(",",$data);
echo "<br />";


// Delete the temp file


And here is a example of feed.json content



"part_number":"part number",




























"created":"2010-01-16 11:25:02"

"description":"Approved documentation",


"part_number":"part number",































"created":"2010-01-16 11:25:02"

"description":"Approved documentation",



Here is the output of the conversion

DASDSA,1,11,123,brand,,Name,"part number",12.31,RON,description,https://www.url.com,12,10,0,1,12.19,Array,Array,Array,1,Array,Array,10,,11,200,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,1,11,11,1
D3129DKQW,1,456,123,Bluedio,,name,"part number",123,EUR,description,https://url.com,24,1,0,1,12,Array,Array,Array,1,Array,Array,144,,11,200,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,1,77.31,83.19,1

As you can see, there is array instead of values, can someone tell me why?

I tried reset() function but I get only the value from the first column ( part_number_key )

foreach ($json as $line) 
if (empty($firstLineKeys))
$firstLineKeys = array_keys($line); print_r("aici3"); fputcsv($f,
$firstLineKeys); print_r("aici3"); $firstLineKeys = array_flip($firstLineKeys);
$line)); $first = reset($line); print_r($first);

I want to extract all columns but to show only the first row value from every from every column, for example at "images" column I would like to extract just the first url and same for the rest of columns

And one more thing, what is the best method to ignore few columns?

Thanks in advance!

share|improve this question

  • Because the images and characteristics, etc, are arrays. If you want to get the values, you'll have to pull that data out individually as well.

    – aynber
    Mar 7 at 15:42

  • How would the result look for multiple values in the inner array?

    – Nico Haase
    Mar 7 at 15:44

  • @Nico Haase The best way would be to extract the first value but I don't know how...

    – cristi alexandru
    Mar 7 at 15:47

  • Well, that would be $array[0] then or reset($array) - but wouldn't you lose a lot of data then?

    – Nico Haase
    Mar 7 at 15:49

  • @cristialexandru - $first = reset($array);

    – ArtisticPhoenix
    Mar 7 at 15:49




I'm trying to convert a JSON response to CSV file but I have a problem about arrays
Here is the conversion code to CSV

$jsonString = file_get_contents("feed.json");
$jsonDecoded = json_decode($jsonString, true);
$json = $jsonDecoded['results'];
jsonToCsv($json, "feed.csv");

function jsonToCsv ($json, $csvFilePath = false, $boolOutputFile = false)

// See if the string contains something
if (empty($json))
die("The JSON string is empty!");

// If passed a string, turn it into an array
if (is_array($json) === false)
$json = json_decode($json, true);

// If a path is included, open that file for handling. Otherwise, use a temp file (for echoing CSV string)
if ($csvFilePath !== false)
$f = fopen($csvFilePath,'w+');
if ($f === false)
die("Couldn't create the file to store the CSV, or the path is invalid. Make sure you're including the full path, INCLUDING the name of the output file (e.g. '../save/path/csvOutput.csv')");

$boolEchoCsv = true;
if ($boolOutputFile === true)
$boolEchoCsv = false;

$strTempFile = 'feed' . date("U") . ".csv";
$f = fopen($strTempFile,"w+");

$firstLineKeys = false;
foreach ($json as $line)
if (empty($firstLineKeys))
$firstLineKeys = array_keys($line);
fputcsv($f, $firstLineKeys);
$firstLineKeys = array_flip($firstLineKeys);

// Using array_merge is important to maintain the order of keys acording to the first element
fputcsv($f, array_merge($firstLineKeys, $line));


// Take the file and put it to a string/file for output (if no save path was included in function arguments)
if ($boolOutputFile === true)
if ($csvFilePath !== false)
$file = $csvFilePath;

$file = $strTempFile;

// Output the file to the browser (for open/save)
if (file_exists($file))
header('Content-Type: text/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file));
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

elseif ($boolEchoCsv === true)
if (($handle = fopen($strTempFile, "r")) !== FALSE)
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE)
echo implode(",",$data);
echo "<br />";


// Delete the temp file


And here is a example of feed.json content



"part_number":"part number",




























"created":"2010-01-16 11:25:02"

"description":"Approved documentation",


"part_number":"part number",































"created":"2010-01-16 11:25:02"

"description":"Approved documentation",



Here is the output of the conversion

DASDSA,1,11,123,brand,,Name,"part number",12.31,RON,description,https://www.url.com,12,10,0,1,12.19,Array,Array,Array,1,Array,Array,10,,11,200,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,1,11,11,1
D3129DKQW,1,456,123,Bluedio,,name,"part number",123,EUR,description,https://url.com,24,1,0,1,12,Array,Array,Array,1,Array,Array,144,,11,200,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,1,77.31,83.19,1

As you can see, there is array instead of values, can someone tell me why?

I tried reset() function but I get only the value from the first column ( part_number_key )

foreach ($json as $line) 
if (empty($firstLineKeys))
$firstLineKeys = array_keys($line); print_r("aici3"); fputcsv($f,
$firstLineKeys); print_r("aici3"); $firstLineKeys = array_flip($firstLineKeys);
$line)); $first = reset($line); print_r($first);

I want to extract all columns but to show only the first row value from every from every column, for example at "images" column I would like to extract just the first url and same for the rest of columns

And one more thing, what is the best method to ignore few columns?

Thanks in advance!

share|improve this question

I'm trying to convert a JSON response to CSV file but I have a problem about arrays
Here is the conversion code to CSV

$jsonString = file_get_contents("feed.json");
$jsonDecoded = json_decode($jsonString, true);
$json = $jsonDecoded['results'];
jsonToCsv($json, "feed.csv");

function jsonToCsv ($json, $csvFilePath = false, $boolOutputFile = false)

// See if the string contains something
if (empty($json))
die("The JSON string is empty!");

// If passed a string, turn it into an array
if (is_array($json) === false)
$json = json_decode($json, true);

// If a path is included, open that file for handling. Otherwise, use a temp file (for echoing CSV string)
if ($csvFilePath !== false)
$f = fopen($csvFilePath,'w+');
if ($f === false)
die("Couldn't create the file to store the CSV, or the path is invalid. Make sure you're including the full path, INCLUDING the name of the output file (e.g. '../save/path/csvOutput.csv')");

$boolEchoCsv = true;
if ($boolOutputFile === true)
$boolEchoCsv = false;

$strTempFile = 'feed' . date("U") . ".csv";
$f = fopen($strTempFile,"w+");

$firstLineKeys = false;
foreach ($json as $line)
if (empty($firstLineKeys))
$firstLineKeys = array_keys($line);
fputcsv($f, $firstLineKeys);
$firstLineKeys = array_flip($firstLineKeys);

// Using array_merge is important to maintain the order of keys acording to the first element
fputcsv($f, array_merge($firstLineKeys, $line));


// Take the file and put it to a string/file for output (if no save path was included in function arguments)
if ($boolOutputFile === true)
if ($csvFilePath !== false)
$file = $csvFilePath;

$file = $strTempFile;

// Output the file to the browser (for open/save)
if (file_exists($file))
header('Content-Type: text/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file));
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

elseif ($boolEchoCsv === true)
if (($handle = fopen($strTempFile, "r")) !== FALSE)
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE)
echo implode(",",$data);
echo "<br />";


// Delete the temp file


And here is a example of feed.json content



"part_number":"part number",




























"created":"2010-01-16 11:25:02"

"description":"Approved documentation",


"part_number":"part number",































"created":"2010-01-16 11:25:02"

"description":"Approved documentation",



Here is the output of the conversion

DASDSA,1,11,123,brand,,Name,"part number",12.31,RON,description,https://www.url.com,12,10,0,1,12.19,Array,Array,Array,1,Array,Array,10,,11,200,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,1,11,11,1
D3129DKQW,1,456,123,Bluedio,,name,"part number",123,EUR,description,https://url.com,24,1,0,1,12,Array,Array,Array,1,Array,Array,144,,11,200,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,1,77.31,83.19,1

As you can see, there is array instead of values, can someone tell me why?

I tried reset() function but I get only the value from the first column ( part_number_key )

foreach ($json as $line) 
if (empty($firstLineKeys))
$firstLineKeys = array_keys($line); print_r("aici3"); fputcsv($f,
$firstLineKeys); print_r("aici3"); $firstLineKeys = array_flip($firstLineKeys);
$line)); $first = reset($line); print_r($first);

I want to extract all columns but to show only the first row value from every from every column, for example at "images" column I would like to extract just the first url and same for the rest of columns

And one more thing, what is the best method to ignore few columns?

Thanks in advance!

php arrays json csv

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Mar 8 at 9:35

cristi alexandru

asked Mar 7 at 15:40

cristi alexandrucristi alexandru



  • Because the images and characteristics, etc, are arrays. If you want to get the values, you'll have to pull that data out individually as well.

    – aynber
    Mar 7 at 15:42

  • How would the result look for multiple values in the inner array?

    – Nico Haase
    Mar 7 at 15:44

  • @Nico Haase The best way would be to extract the first value but I don't know how...

    – cristi alexandru
    Mar 7 at 15:47

  • Well, that would be $array[0] then or reset($array) - but wouldn't you lose a lot of data then?

    – Nico Haase
    Mar 7 at 15:49

  • @cristialexandru - $first = reset($array);

    – ArtisticPhoenix
    Mar 7 at 15:49

  • Because the images and characteristics, etc, are arrays. If you want to get the values, you'll have to pull that data out individually as well.

    – aynber
    Mar 7 at 15:42

  • How would the result look for multiple values in the inner array?

    – Nico Haase
    Mar 7 at 15:44

  • @Nico Haase The best way would be to extract the first value but I don't know how...

    – cristi alexandru
    Mar 7 at 15:47

  • Well, that would be $array[0] then or reset($array) - but wouldn't you lose a lot of data then?

    – Nico Haase
    Mar 7 at 15:49

  • @cristialexandru - $first = reset($array);

    – ArtisticPhoenix
    Mar 7 at 15:49

Because the images and characteristics, etc, are arrays. If you want to get the values, you'll have to pull that data out individually as well.

– aynber
Mar 7 at 15:42

Because the images and characteristics, etc, are arrays. If you want to get the values, you'll have to pull that data out individually as well.

– aynber
Mar 7 at 15:42

How would the result look for multiple values in the inner array?

– Nico Haase
Mar 7 at 15:44

How would the result look for multiple values in the inner array?

– Nico Haase
Mar 7 at 15:44

@Nico Haase The best way would be to extract the first value but I don't know how...

– cristi alexandru
Mar 7 at 15:47

@Nico Haase The best way would be to extract the first value but I don't know how...

– cristi alexandru
Mar 7 at 15:47

Well, that would be $array[0] then or reset($array) - but wouldn't you lose a lot of data then?

– Nico Haase
Mar 7 at 15:49

Well, that would be $array[0] then or reset($array) - but wouldn't you lose a lot of data then?

– Nico Haase
Mar 7 at 15:49

@cristialexandru - $first = reset($array);

– ArtisticPhoenix
Mar 7 at 15:49

@cristialexandru - $first = reset($array);

– ArtisticPhoenix
Mar 7 at 15:49





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