How to duplicate the behavior of predefined length/2 in SWI-Prolog?2019 Community Moderator ElectionProlog Noob : Constraint Programming library or syntax issue in SWI-PrologSWI Prolog does not terminateSwi-Prolog asserta errorbinary sudoku in swi prologConstraint programming in SWI-PrologSWI Prolog stuck with odd behaviorSWI-Prolog CLPFDConstraint - SWI- Prolog QueriesHow to find the unique shortest path for a weighted directed graph with SWI Prolog?Breaking between/3 based “loop” in SWI-Prolog while maintaining choice points that follow it

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How to duplicate the behavior of predefined length/2 in SWI-Prolog?

2019 Community Moderator ElectionProlog Noob : Constraint Programming library or syntax issue in SWI-PrologSWI Prolog does not terminateSwi-Prolog asserta errorbinary sudoku in swi prologConstraint programming in SWI-PrologSWI Prolog stuck with odd behaviorSWI-Prolog CLPFDConstraint - SWI- Prolog QueriesHow to find the unique shortest path for a weighted directed graph with SWI Prolog?Breaking between/3 based “loop” in SWI-Prolog while maintaining choice points that follow it


I'm trying to duplicate the behavior of the standard length/2 predicate. In particular, I want my predicate to work for bounded and unbounded arguments, like in the example below:

% Case 1
?- length(X, Y).
X = [],
Y = 0 ;
X = [_G4326],
Y = 1 ;
X = [_G4326, _G4329],
Y = 2 ;
X = [_G4326, _G4329, _G4332],
Y = 3 .

% Case 2
?- length([a,b,c], X).
X = 3.

% Case 3
?- length(X, 4).
X = [_G4314, _G4317, _G4320, _G4323].

% Case 4
?- length([a,b,c,d,e], 5).

The plain&simple implementation:

my_length([], 0).
my_length([_|T], N) :- my_length(T, X), N is 1+X.

has some problems. In Case 3, after producing the correct answer, it goes into an infinite loop. Could this predicate be transformed into a deterministic one? Or non-deterministic that halts with false?

YES! But using red cut. See:

After some time, I've managed to code a set of predicates, that mimic the behavior of the build-in length/2. my_len_tail is deterministic and works correct in all Cases 1-4. Could it be done simpler?

my_len_tail(List, Len) :- var(Len)->my_len_tailv(List, 0, Len);
my_len_tailnv(List, 0, Len).

my_len_tailv([], Acc, Acc).
my_len_tailv([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_tailv(T, M, Len).

my_len_tailnv([], Acc, Acc) :- !. % green!
my_len_tailnv([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_tailnv(T, M, Len).

As @DanielLyons suggested in the comments, one can use clpfd to defer less than check. But it still leaves one problem: in Case 3 (my_len_clp(X, 3)) the predicate is nondeterministic. How it could be fixed?

my_len_clp(List, Len) :- my_len_clp(List, 0, Len).

my_len_clp([], Acc, Acc).
my_len_clp([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_clp(T, M, Len).

It can be fixed using zcompare/3 from the CLP(FD) library. See:

share|improve this question

  • It will be especially interesting if someone can provide a solution without resorting to vendor extensions or clp(fd).

    – Daniel Lyons
    Feb 27 '13 at 20:19

  • Thanks for the suggestion @DanielLyons . I've updated my post. But the problem remains open.

    – damisan
    Feb 27 '13 at 20:45

  • 2

    +1 for my_len_clp/3 which happens to be remarkably efficient!

    – false
    Feb 28 '13 at 13:41


I'm trying to duplicate the behavior of the standard length/2 predicate. In particular, I want my predicate to work for bounded and unbounded arguments, like in the example below:

% Case 1
?- length(X, Y).
X = [],
Y = 0 ;
X = [_G4326],
Y = 1 ;
X = [_G4326, _G4329],
Y = 2 ;
X = [_G4326, _G4329, _G4332],
Y = 3 .

% Case 2
?- length([a,b,c], X).
X = 3.

% Case 3
?- length(X, 4).
X = [_G4314, _G4317, _G4320, _G4323].

% Case 4
?- length([a,b,c,d,e], 5).

The plain&simple implementation:

my_length([], 0).
my_length([_|T], N) :- my_length(T, X), N is 1+X.

has some problems. In Case 3, after producing the correct answer, it goes into an infinite loop. Could this predicate be transformed into a deterministic one? Or non-deterministic that halts with false?

YES! But using red cut. See:

After some time, I've managed to code a set of predicates, that mimic the behavior of the build-in length/2. my_len_tail is deterministic and works correct in all Cases 1-4. Could it be done simpler?

my_len_tail(List, Len) :- var(Len)->my_len_tailv(List, 0, Len);
my_len_tailnv(List, 0, Len).

my_len_tailv([], Acc, Acc).
my_len_tailv([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_tailv(T, M, Len).

my_len_tailnv([], Acc, Acc) :- !. % green!
my_len_tailnv([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_tailnv(T, M, Len).

As @DanielLyons suggested in the comments, one can use clpfd to defer less than check. But it still leaves one problem: in Case 3 (my_len_clp(X, 3)) the predicate is nondeterministic. How it could be fixed?

my_len_clp(List, Len) :- my_len_clp(List, 0, Len).

my_len_clp([], Acc, Acc).
my_len_clp([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_clp(T, M, Len).

It can be fixed using zcompare/3 from the CLP(FD) library. See:

share|improve this question

  • It will be especially interesting if someone can provide a solution without resorting to vendor extensions or clp(fd).

    – Daniel Lyons
    Feb 27 '13 at 20:19

  • Thanks for the suggestion @DanielLyons . I've updated my post. But the problem remains open.

    – damisan
    Feb 27 '13 at 20:45

  • 2

    +1 for my_len_clp/3 which happens to be remarkably efficient!

    – false
    Feb 28 '13 at 13:41





I'm trying to duplicate the behavior of the standard length/2 predicate. In particular, I want my predicate to work for bounded and unbounded arguments, like in the example below:

% Case 1
?- length(X, Y).
X = [],
Y = 0 ;
X = [_G4326],
Y = 1 ;
X = [_G4326, _G4329],
Y = 2 ;
X = [_G4326, _G4329, _G4332],
Y = 3 .

% Case 2
?- length([a,b,c], X).
X = 3.

% Case 3
?- length(X, 4).
X = [_G4314, _G4317, _G4320, _G4323].

% Case 4
?- length([a,b,c,d,e], 5).

The plain&simple implementation:

my_length([], 0).
my_length([_|T], N) :- my_length(T, X), N is 1+X.

has some problems. In Case 3, after producing the correct answer, it goes into an infinite loop. Could this predicate be transformed into a deterministic one? Or non-deterministic that halts with false?

YES! But using red cut. See:

After some time, I've managed to code a set of predicates, that mimic the behavior of the build-in length/2. my_len_tail is deterministic and works correct in all Cases 1-4. Could it be done simpler?

my_len_tail(List, Len) :- var(Len)->my_len_tailv(List, 0, Len);
my_len_tailnv(List, 0, Len).

my_len_tailv([], Acc, Acc).
my_len_tailv([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_tailv(T, M, Len).

my_len_tailnv([], Acc, Acc) :- !. % green!
my_len_tailnv([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_tailnv(T, M, Len).

As @DanielLyons suggested in the comments, one can use clpfd to defer less than check. But it still leaves one problem: in Case 3 (my_len_clp(X, 3)) the predicate is nondeterministic. How it could be fixed?

my_len_clp(List, Len) :- my_len_clp(List, 0, Len).

my_len_clp([], Acc, Acc).
my_len_clp([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_clp(T, M, Len).

It can be fixed using zcompare/3 from the CLP(FD) library. See:

share|improve this question

I'm trying to duplicate the behavior of the standard length/2 predicate. In particular, I want my predicate to work for bounded and unbounded arguments, like in the example below:

% Case 1
?- length(X, Y).
X = [],
Y = 0 ;
X = [_G4326],
Y = 1 ;
X = [_G4326, _G4329],
Y = 2 ;
X = [_G4326, _G4329, _G4332],
Y = 3 .

% Case 2
?- length([a,b,c], X).
X = 3.

% Case 3
?- length(X, 4).
X = [_G4314, _G4317, _G4320, _G4323].

% Case 4
?- length([a,b,c,d,e], 5).

The plain&simple implementation:

my_length([], 0).
my_length([_|T], N) :- my_length(T, X), N is 1+X.

has some problems. In Case 3, after producing the correct answer, it goes into an infinite loop. Could this predicate be transformed into a deterministic one? Or non-deterministic that halts with false?

YES! But using red cut. See:

After some time, I've managed to code a set of predicates, that mimic the behavior of the build-in length/2. my_len_tail is deterministic and works correct in all Cases 1-4. Could it be done simpler?

my_len_tail(List, Len) :- var(Len)->my_len_tailv(List, 0, Len);
my_len_tailnv(List, 0, Len).

my_len_tailv([], Acc, Acc).
my_len_tailv([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_tailv(T, M, Len).

my_len_tailnv([], Acc, Acc) :- !. % green!
my_len_tailnv([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_tailnv(T, M, Len).

As @DanielLyons suggested in the comments, one can use clpfd to defer less than check. But it still leaves one problem: in Case 3 (my_len_clp(X, 3)) the predicate is nondeterministic. How it could be fixed?

my_len_clp(List, Len) :- my_len_clp(List, 0, Len).

my_len_clp([], Acc, Acc).
my_len_clp([_|T], Acc, Len) :-
M is Acc+1,
my_len_clp(T, M, Len).

It can be fixed using zcompare/3 from the CLP(FD) library. See:

prolog clpfd

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edited yesterday




asked Feb 27 '13 at 19:21




  • It will be especially interesting if someone can provide a solution without resorting to vendor extensions or clp(fd).

    – Daniel Lyons
    Feb 27 '13 at 20:19

  • Thanks for the suggestion @DanielLyons . I've updated my post. But the problem remains open.

    – damisan
    Feb 27 '13 at 20:45

  • 2

    +1 for my_len_clp/3 which happens to be remarkably efficient!

    – false
    Feb 28 '13 at 13:41

  • It will be especially interesting if someone can provide a solution without resorting to vendor extensions or clp(fd).

    – Daniel Lyons
    Feb 27 '13 at 20:19

  • Thanks for the suggestion @DanielLyons . I've updated my post. But the problem remains open.

    – damisan
    Feb 27 '13 at 20:45

  • 2

    +1 for my_len_clp/3 which happens to be remarkably efficient!

    – false
    Feb 28 '13 at 13:41

It will be especially interesting if someone can provide a solution without resorting to vendor extensions or clp(fd).

– Daniel Lyons
Feb 27 '13 at 20:19

It will be especially interesting if someone can provide a solution without resorting to vendor extensions or clp(fd).

– Daniel Lyons
Feb 27 '13 at 20:19

Thanks for the suggestion @DanielLyons . I've updated my post. But the problem remains open.

– damisan
Feb 27 '13 at 20:45

Thanks for the suggestion @DanielLyons . I've updated my post. But the problem remains open.

– damisan
Feb 27 '13 at 20:45



+1 for my_len_clp/3 which happens to be remarkably efficient!

– false
Feb 28 '13 at 13:41

+1 for my_len_clp/3 which happens to be remarkably efficient!

– false
Feb 28 '13 at 13:41

6 Answers





In SWI-Prolog, the nondeterminism issue can be solved with CLP(FD)'s zcompare/3, which reifies the inequality to a term that can be used for indexing:

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

my_length(Ls, L) :-
zcompare(C, 0, L),
my_length(Ls, C, 0, L).

my_length([], =, L, L).
my_length([_|Ls], <, L0, L) :-
L1 #= L0 + 1,
zcompare(C, L1, L),
my_length(Ls, C, L1, L).

Your example is now deterministic (since recent versions of SWI-Prolog perform just-in-time indexing):

?- my_length(Ls, 3).
Ls = [_G356, _G420, _G484].

All serious Prolog implementations ship with CLP(FD), and it makes perfect sense to use it here. Ask your vendor to also implement zcompare/3 or a better alternative if it is not already available.

share|improve this answer

  • It does make sense to use it here, but it is didactically interesting to know how one solves this sort of problem without it.

    – Daniel Lyons
    Feb 27 '13 at 22:07

  • I find this application more explicative than the documentation entry.

    – CapelliC
    Feb 27 '13 at 22:10

  • CLP(FD) is definitely useful! I've done a trace/1 of a query my_length(X,1). The call tree was ~30 levels deep and there was a lot of unfication steps. As usual, we have speed/power tradeoff. Is L1 #= L0 + 1 somehow better than L1 is L0 + 1 in this case?

    – damisan
    Feb 27 '13 at 23:12

  • 3

    A general note: When teaching about predicates that involve integers, it is in my opinion didactically best to use finite domain constraints since they are true relations that can be used in all directions. Without constraints, you would have to introduce non-monotonic predicates for handling integers. L1 #= L0 + 1 gives you a more general predicate than using is/2, try for example the most general query my_length(Ls, C, L0, L) with both versions. The speed difference is easy to measure (it is typically negligible in serious applications) and you gain a lot of generality.

    – mat
    Feb 27 '13 at 23:17

  • 1

    One remark about zcompare(C, 0, L) above: this involves the creation of a frozen goal that immediately thereafter will be executed. It is such example that make me think to prefer a nondeterminate solution.

    – false
    Feb 28 '13 at 13:40


For a set of test cases, please refer to this table and to the current definition in the prologue. There are many more odd cases to consider.

Defining length/2 with var/nonvar, is/2 and the like is not entirely trivial, because (is)/2 and arithmetic comparison is so limited. That is, they produce very frequently instantiation_errors instead of succeeding accordingly. Just to illustrate that point: It is trivial to define length_sx/2 using successor-arithmetics.

length_sx([], 0).
length_sx([_E|Es], s(X)) :-
length_sx(Es, X).

This definition is pretty perfect. It even fails for length_sx(L, L). Alas, successor arithmetics is not supported efficiently. That is, an integer i requires O(i) space and not O(log i) as one would expect.

The definition I would have preferred is:

length_fd([_E|Es], L0) :-
L0 #> 0,
L1 #= L0-1,
length_fd(Es, L1).

Which is the most direct translation. It is quite efficient with a known length, but otherwise the overhead of constraints behind shows. Also, there is this asymmetry:

?- length_fd(L,0+0).

?- length_fd(L,0+1).
L = [_G919] ;

However, your definition using library(clpfd) is particularly elegant and efficient even for more elaborate cases.. It isn't as fast as the built-in length...

?- time(( length_fd(L,N),N=1000 )).
% 29,171,112 inferences, 4.110 CPU in 4.118 seconds (100% CPU, 7097691 Lips)
L = [_G67, _G98, _G123, _G159, _G195, _G231, _G267, _G303, _G339|...],
N = 1000 .

?- time(( my_len_clp(L,N),N=10000 )).
% 1,289,977 inferences, 0.288 CPU in 0.288 seconds (100% CPU, 4484310 Lips)
L = [_G67, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91, _G94, _G97, _G100|...],
N = 10000 .

?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000 )).
% 30,003 inferences, 0.006 CPU in 0.006 seconds (100% CPU, 4685643 Lips)
L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
N = 10000 .

... but then it is able to handle constraints correctly:

?- N in 1..2, my_len_clp(L,N).
N = 1,
L = [_G1439] ;
N = 2,
L = [_G1439, _G1494] ;

?- N in 1..2, length(L,N).
N = 1,
L = [_G1445] ;
N = 2,
L = [_G1445, _G1448] ;

share|improve this answer


    I am not especially confident in this answer but my thinking is no, you have to do some extra work to make Prolog do the right thing for length/2, which is a real shame because it's such a great "tutorial" predicate in the simplest presentation.

    I submit as proof, the source code to this function in SWI-Prolog and the source in GNU Prolog. Neither of these is a terse, cute trick, and it looks to me like they both work by testing the arguments and then deferring processing to different internal functions depending on which argument is instantiated.

    I would love to be wrong about this though. I have often wondered why it is, for instance, so easy to write member/2 which does the right thing but so hard to write length/2 which does. Prolog isn't great at arithmetic, but is it really that bad? Here's hoping someone else comes along with a better answer.

    share|improve this answer

    • As for member/2: Its implementation is not that easy to describe as you suggest. Here is the current definition. To cover its meaning the format of definitions built-in of predicates had to be changed, and a very contrived notion of a list prefix was needed. Easy? I would say not.

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 14:04

    • 1

      Arithmetics based on expression evaluation as in (is)/2 is a very ad-hoc addition to the Prolog language. If you want it pure, either us s(X)-notation or constraints.

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 14:08

    • @false I'm not sure I'm following you. The member/2 definition is less code to write and less work to understand than a non-clpfd definition of length/2. Even with clpfd, it's longer and more complex than the naive definition of member/2. What knowledge must you possess to understand member/2 that you don't also need for length/2?

      – Daniel Lyons
      Feb 28 '13 at 14:55

    • Look at the definition of member/2 above: You claim that member(a,[a|nonlist]) is easy to understand? length/2 does not have such odd properties at all, which by no means implies that it is easy to define.

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 14:58

    • 1

      member/2 requires an odd notion and length/2 does not require such an odd notion at all. So length/2 is easier to define/specify. But it is much more difficult to implement, because (is/2) is so incomplete.

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 15:03


    (I've tried to edit @false's response, but it was rejected)

    my_len_tail/2 is faster (in terms of both the number of inferences and actual time) than buldin length/2 when generating a list, but has problem with N in 1..2 constraint.

    ?- time(( my_len_tail(L,N),N=10000000 )).
    % 20,000,002 inferences, 2.839 CPU in 3.093 seconds (92% CPU, 7044193 Lips)
    L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
    N = 10000000 .

    ?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000000 )).
    % 30,000,004 inferences, 3.557 CPU in 3.809 seconds (93% CPU, 8434495 Lips)
    L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
    N = 10000000 .

    share|improve this answer

    • 1

      ? you need to compare things on the very same machine.

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 17:30

    • Either your machine as faster or your clock is coarser. Try the query with N = 100000 for both my_len_tail and length

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 18:02

    • By "faster" I meant the number of inferences (the same on different machines), not the actual time. I've edited my post.

      – damisan
      Feb 28 '13 at 19:48

    • Misunderstanding: I compared my_len_clp vs. length. You compare my_len_tail and length!

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 20:17

    • 1

      W.r.t "faster": The different number of inferences here is due to one version using (is)/2 and the other using succ/2. succ/2 counts as an inference but (is)/2 does not. So that is pretty arbitrary and unrelated to actual execution.

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 22:27


    This works for all your test cases (but it has red cut):

    my_length([], 0).
    my_length([_|T], N) :-
    ( integer(N) ->
    N > 0,
    my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X, !
    my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X

    share|improve this answer

    • Nice. It seems, that your solution uses basically the same idea as mine my_len_tail: test if we have fully instantiated length and if so, abort after first choice at a checkpoint.

      – damisan
      Feb 27 '13 at 22:33

    • But in case my_len([1,2,3], X) PROLOG tries to unify 3 times with second predicate (and fail every time). To fix that problem, I used a "trampoline" to choose the right flavor of the length function at the first unification. Could you give some examples where one should prefer ground/1 over nonvar/1 (in this function)?

      – damisan
      Feb 27 '13 at 22:38

    • nonvar/1 is probably better here, but integer/1 is even better. And N > 0 should be added to the second clause.

      – Sergey Dymchenko
      Feb 28 '13 at 1:12

    • 3

      -1: my_length([_|_],0). does not terminate.

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 13:36

    • false, yes, that's why I told "N > 0 should be added to the second clause" in my previous comment.

      – Sergey Dymchenko
      Feb 28 '13 at 20:38



    goal_expansion((_lhs_ =:= _rhs_),(when(ground(_rhs_),(_lhs_ is _rhs_)))) .

    :- op(2'1,'yfx','list') .

    _list_ list [size:_size_] :-
    _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_] ,
    _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_,size:_SIZE_] .

    _list_ list [size:0,shrink:false] .

    _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:true] :-
    when(ground(_size_),(_size_ > 0)) .

    [] list [size:0,shrink:false,size:0] .

    [_car_|_cdr_] list [size:_size_,shrink:true,size:_SIZE_] :-
    (_SIZE_ =:= _size_ - 1) ,
    (_size_ =:= _SIZE_ + 1) ,
    _cdr_ list [size:_SIZE_] .


    ?- L list Z .
    L = [],
    Z = [size:0] ? ;
    L = [_A],
    Z = [size:1] ? ;
    L = [_A,_B],
    Z = [size:2] ? ;
    L = [_A,_B,_C],
    Z = [size:3] ?

    ?- L list [size:0] .
    L = [] ? ;
    ?- L list [size:1] .
    L = [_A] ? ;
    ?- L list [size:2] .
    L = [_A,_B] ? ;

    ?- [] list [size:S] .
    S = 0 ? ;
    ?- [a] list [size:S] .
    S = 1 ? ;
    ?- [a,b] list [size:S] .
    S = 2 ? ;
    ?- [a,b,c] list [size:S] .
    S = 3 ? ;

    share|improve this answer

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      6 Answers




      6 Answers











      In SWI-Prolog, the nondeterminism issue can be solved with CLP(FD)'s zcompare/3, which reifies the inequality to a term that can be used for indexing:

      :- use_module(library(clpfd)).

      my_length(Ls, L) :-
      zcompare(C, 0, L),
      my_length(Ls, C, 0, L).

      my_length([], =, L, L).
      my_length([_|Ls], <, L0, L) :-
      L1 #= L0 + 1,
      zcompare(C, L1, L),
      my_length(Ls, C, L1, L).

      Your example is now deterministic (since recent versions of SWI-Prolog perform just-in-time indexing):

      ?- my_length(Ls, 3).
      Ls = [_G356, _G420, _G484].

      All serious Prolog implementations ship with CLP(FD), and it makes perfect sense to use it here. Ask your vendor to also implement zcompare/3 or a better alternative if it is not already available.

      share|improve this answer

      • It does make sense to use it here, but it is didactically interesting to know how one solves this sort of problem without it.

        – Daniel Lyons
        Feb 27 '13 at 22:07

      • I find this application more explicative than the documentation entry.

        – CapelliC
        Feb 27 '13 at 22:10

      • CLP(FD) is definitely useful! I've done a trace/1 of a query my_length(X,1). The call tree was ~30 levels deep and there was a lot of unfication steps. As usual, we have speed/power tradeoff. Is L1 #= L0 + 1 somehow better than L1 is L0 + 1 in this case?

        – damisan
        Feb 27 '13 at 23:12

      • 3

        A general note: When teaching about predicates that involve integers, it is in my opinion didactically best to use finite domain constraints since they are true relations that can be used in all directions. Without constraints, you would have to introduce non-monotonic predicates for handling integers. L1 #= L0 + 1 gives you a more general predicate than using is/2, try for example the most general query my_length(Ls, C, L0, L) with both versions. The speed difference is easy to measure (it is typically negligible in serious applications) and you gain a lot of generality.

        – mat
        Feb 27 '13 at 23:17

      • 1

        One remark about zcompare(C, 0, L) above: this involves the creation of a frozen goal that immediately thereafter will be executed. It is such example that make me think to prefer a nondeterminate solution.

        – false
        Feb 28 '13 at 13:40


      In SWI-Prolog, the nondeterminism issue can be solved with CLP(FD)'s zcompare/3, which reifies the inequality to a term that can be used for indexing:

      :- use_module(library(clpfd)).

      my_length(Ls, L) :-
      zcompare(C, 0, L),
      my_length(Ls, C, 0, L).

      my_length([], =, L, L).
      my_length([_|Ls], <, L0, L) :-
      L1 #= L0 + 1,
      zcompare(C, L1, L),
      my_length(Ls, C, L1, L).

      Your example is now deterministic (since recent versions of SWI-Prolog perform just-in-time indexing):

      ?- my_length(Ls, 3).
      Ls = [_G356, _G420, _G484].

      All serious Prolog implementations ship with CLP(FD), and it makes perfect sense to use it here. Ask your vendor to also implement zcompare/3 or a better alternative if it is not already available.

      share|improve this answer

      • It does make sense to use it here, but it is didactically interesting to know how one solves this sort of problem without it.

        – Daniel Lyons
        Feb 27 '13 at 22:07

      • I find this application more explicative than the documentation entry.

        – CapelliC
        Feb 27 '13 at 22:10

      • CLP(FD) is definitely useful! I've done a trace/1 of a query my_length(X,1). The call tree was ~30 levels deep and there was a lot of unfication steps. As usual, we have speed/power tradeoff. Is L1 #= L0 + 1 somehow better than L1 is L0 + 1 in this case?

        – damisan
        Feb 27 '13 at 23:12

      • 3

        A general note: When teaching about predicates that involve integers, it is in my opinion didactically best to use finite domain constraints since they are true relations that can be used in all directions. Without constraints, you would have to introduce non-monotonic predicates for handling integers. L1 #= L0 + 1 gives you a more general predicate than using is/2, try for example the most general query my_length(Ls, C, L0, L) with both versions. The speed difference is easy to measure (it is typically negligible in serious applications) and you gain a lot of generality.

        – mat
        Feb 27 '13 at 23:17

      • 1

        One remark about zcompare(C, 0, L) above: this involves the creation of a frozen goal that immediately thereafter will be executed. It is such example that make me think to prefer a nondeterminate solution.

        – false
        Feb 28 '13 at 13:40




      In SWI-Prolog, the nondeterminism issue can be solved with CLP(FD)'s zcompare/3, which reifies the inequality to a term that can be used for indexing:

      :- use_module(library(clpfd)).

      my_length(Ls, L) :-
      zcompare(C, 0, L),
      my_length(Ls, C, 0, L).

      my_length([], =, L, L).
      my_length([_|Ls], <, L0, L) :-
      L1 #= L0 + 1,
      zcompare(C, L1, L),
      my_length(Ls, C, L1, L).

      Your example is now deterministic (since recent versions of SWI-Prolog perform just-in-time indexing):

      ?- my_length(Ls, 3).
      Ls = [_G356, _G420, _G484].

      All serious Prolog implementations ship with CLP(FD), and it makes perfect sense to use it here. Ask your vendor to also implement zcompare/3 or a better alternative if it is not already available.

      share|improve this answer

      In SWI-Prolog, the nondeterminism issue can be solved with CLP(FD)'s zcompare/3, which reifies the inequality to a term that can be used for indexing:

      :- use_module(library(clpfd)).

      my_length(Ls, L) :-
      zcompare(C, 0, L),
      my_length(Ls, C, 0, L).

      my_length([], =, L, L).
      my_length([_|Ls], <, L0, L) :-
      L1 #= L0 + 1,
      zcompare(C, L1, L),
      my_length(Ls, C, L1, L).

      Your example is now deterministic (since recent versions of SWI-Prolog perform just-in-time indexing):

      ?- my_length(Ls, 3).
      Ls = [_G356, _G420, _G484].

      All serious Prolog implementations ship with CLP(FD), and it makes perfect sense to use it here. Ask your vendor to also implement zcompare/3 or a better alternative if it is not already available.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      answered Feb 27 '13 at 21:50




      • It does make sense to use it here, but it is didactically interesting to know how one solves this sort of problem without it.

        – Daniel Lyons
        Feb 27 '13 at 22:07

      • I find this application more explicative than the documentation entry.

        – CapelliC
        Feb 27 '13 at 22:10

      • CLP(FD) is definitely useful! I've done a trace/1 of a query my_length(X,1). The call tree was ~30 levels deep and there was a lot of unfication steps. As usual, we have speed/power tradeoff. Is L1 #= L0 + 1 somehow better than L1 is L0 + 1 in this case?

        – damisan
        Feb 27 '13 at 23:12

      • 3

        A general note: When teaching about predicates that involve integers, it is in my opinion didactically best to use finite domain constraints since they are true relations that can be used in all directions. Without constraints, you would have to introduce non-monotonic predicates for handling integers. L1 #= L0 + 1 gives you a more general predicate than using is/2, try for example the most general query my_length(Ls, C, L0, L) with both versions. The speed difference is easy to measure (it is typically negligible in serious applications) and you gain a lot of generality.

        – mat
        Feb 27 '13 at 23:17

      • 1

        One remark about zcompare(C, 0, L) above: this involves the creation of a frozen goal that immediately thereafter will be executed. It is such example that make me think to prefer a nondeterminate solution.

        – false
        Feb 28 '13 at 13:40

      • It does make sense to use it here, but it is didactically interesting to know how one solves this sort of problem without it.

        – Daniel Lyons
        Feb 27 '13 at 22:07

      • I find this application more explicative than the documentation entry.

        – CapelliC
        Feb 27 '13 at 22:10

      • CLP(FD) is definitely useful! I've done a trace/1 of a query my_length(X,1). The call tree was ~30 levels deep and there was a lot of unfication steps. As usual, we have speed/power tradeoff. Is L1 #= L0 + 1 somehow better than L1 is L0 + 1 in this case?

        – damisan
        Feb 27 '13 at 23:12

      • 3

        A general note: When teaching about predicates that involve integers, it is in my opinion didactically best to use finite domain constraints since they are true relations that can be used in all directions. Without constraints, you would have to introduce non-monotonic predicates for handling integers. L1 #= L0 + 1 gives you a more general predicate than using is/2, try for example the most general query my_length(Ls, C, L0, L) with both versions. The speed difference is easy to measure (it is typically negligible in serious applications) and you gain a lot of generality.

        – mat
        Feb 27 '13 at 23:17

      • 1

        One remark about zcompare(C, 0, L) above: this involves the creation of a frozen goal that immediately thereafter will be executed. It is such example that make me think to prefer a nondeterminate solution.

        – false
        Feb 28 '13 at 13:40

      It does make sense to use it here, but it is didactically interesting to know how one solves this sort of problem without it.

      – Daniel Lyons
      Feb 27 '13 at 22:07

      It does make sense to use it here, but it is didactically interesting to know how one solves this sort of problem without it.

      – Daniel Lyons
      Feb 27 '13 at 22:07

      I find this application more explicative than the documentation entry.

      – CapelliC
      Feb 27 '13 at 22:10

      I find this application more explicative than the documentation entry.

      – CapelliC
      Feb 27 '13 at 22:10

      CLP(FD) is definitely useful! I've done a trace/1 of a query my_length(X,1). The call tree was ~30 levels deep and there was a lot of unfication steps. As usual, we have speed/power tradeoff. Is L1 #= L0 + 1 somehow better than L1 is L0 + 1 in this case?

      – damisan
      Feb 27 '13 at 23:12

      CLP(FD) is definitely useful! I've done a trace/1 of a query my_length(X,1). The call tree was ~30 levels deep and there was a lot of unfication steps. As usual, we have speed/power tradeoff. Is L1 #= L0 + 1 somehow better than L1 is L0 + 1 in this case?

      – damisan
      Feb 27 '13 at 23:12



      A general note: When teaching about predicates that involve integers, it is in my opinion didactically best to use finite domain constraints since they are true relations that can be used in all directions. Without constraints, you would have to introduce non-monotonic predicates for handling integers. L1 #= L0 + 1 gives you a more general predicate than using is/2, try for example the most general query my_length(Ls, C, L0, L) with both versions. The speed difference is easy to measure (it is typically negligible in serious applications) and you gain a lot of generality.

      – mat
      Feb 27 '13 at 23:17

      A general note: When teaching about predicates that involve integers, it is in my opinion didactically best to use finite domain constraints since they are true relations that can be used in all directions. Without constraints, you would have to introduce non-monotonic predicates for handling integers. L1 #= L0 + 1 gives you a more general predicate than using is/2, try for example the most general query my_length(Ls, C, L0, L) with both versions. The speed difference is easy to measure (it is typically negligible in serious applications) and you gain a lot of generality.

      – mat
      Feb 27 '13 at 23:17



      One remark about zcompare(C, 0, L) above: this involves the creation of a frozen goal that immediately thereafter will be executed. It is such example that make me think to prefer a nondeterminate solution.

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 13:40

      One remark about zcompare(C, 0, L) above: this involves the creation of a frozen goal that immediately thereafter will be executed. It is such example that make me think to prefer a nondeterminate solution.

      – false
      Feb 28 '13 at 13:40


      For a set of test cases, please refer to this table and to the current definition in the prologue. There are many more odd cases to consider.

      Defining length/2 with var/nonvar, is/2 and the like is not entirely trivial, because (is)/2 and arithmetic comparison is so limited. That is, they produce very frequently instantiation_errors instead of succeeding accordingly. Just to illustrate that point: It is trivial to define length_sx/2 using successor-arithmetics.

      length_sx([], 0).
      length_sx([_E|Es], s(X)) :-
      length_sx(Es, X).

      This definition is pretty perfect. It even fails for length_sx(L, L). Alas, successor arithmetics is not supported efficiently. That is, an integer i requires O(i) space and not O(log i) as one would expect.

      The definition I would have preferred is:

      length_fd([_E|Es], L0) :-
      L0 #> 0,
      L1 #= L0-1,
      length_fd(Es, L1).

      Which is the most direct translation. It is quite efficient with a known length, but otherwise the overhead of constraints behind shows. Also, there is this asymmetry:

      ?- length_fd(L,0+0).

      ?- length_fd(L,0+1).
      L = [_G919] ;

      However, your definition using library(clpfd) is particularly elegant and efficient even for more elaborate cases.. It isn't as fast as the built-in length...

      ?- time(( length_fd(L,N),N=1000 )).
      % 29,171,112 inferences, 4.110 CPU in 4.118 seconds (100% CPU, 7097691 Lips)
      L = [_G67, _G98, _G123, _G159, _G195, _G231, _G267, _G303, _G339|...],
      N = 1000 .

      ?- time(( my_len_clp(L,N),N=10000 )).
      % 1,289,977 inferences, 0.288 CPU in 0.288 seconds (100% CPU, 4484310 Lips)
      L = [_G67, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91, _G94, _G97, _G100|...],
      N = 10000 .

      ?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000 )).
      % 30,003 inferences, 0.006 CPU in 0.006 seconds (100% CPU, 4685643 Lips)
      L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
      N = 10000 .

      ... but then it is able to handle constraints correctly:

      ?- N in 1..2, my_len_clp(L,N).
      N = 1,
      L = [_G1439] ;
      N = 2,
      L = [_G1439, _G1494] ;

      ?- N in 1..2, length(L,N).
      N = 1,
      L = [_G1445] ;
      N = 2,
      L = [_G1445, _G1448] ;

      share|improve this answer


        For a set of test cases, please refer to this table and to the current definition in the prologue. There are many more odd cases to consider.

        Defining length/2 with var/nonvar, is/2 and the like is not entirely trivial, because (is)/2 and arithmetic comparison is so limited. That is, they produce very frequently instantiation_errors instead of succeeding accordingly. Just to illustrate that point: It is trivial to define length_sx/2 using successor-arithmetics.

        length_sx([], 0).
        length_sx([_E|Es], s(X)) :-
        length_sx(Es, X).

        This definition is pretty perfect. It even fails for length_sx(L, L). Alas, successor arithmetics is not supported efficiently. That is, an integer i requires O(i) space and not O(log i) as one would expect.

        The definition I would have preferred is:

        length_fd([_E|Es], L0) :-
        L0 #> 0,
        L1 #= L0-1,
        length_fd(Es, L1).

        Which is the most direct translation. It is quite efficient with a known length, but otherwise the overhead of constraints behind shows. Also, there is this asymmetry:

        ?- length_fd(L,0+0).

        ?- length_fd(L,0+1).
        L = [_G919] ;

        However, your definition using library(clpfd) is particularly elegant and efficient even for more elaborate cases.. It isn't as fast as the built-in length...

        ?- time(( length_fd(L,N),N=1000 )).
        % 29,171,112 inferences, 4.110 CPU in 4.118 seconds (100% CPU, 7097691 Lips)
        L = [_G67, _G98, _G123, _G159, _G195, _G231, _G267, _G303, _G339|...],
        N = 1000 .

        ?- time(( my_len_clp(L,N),N=10000 )).
        % 1,289,977 inferences, 0.288 CPU in 0.288 seconds (100% CPU, 4484310 Lips)
        L = [_G67, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91, _G94, _G97, _G100|...],
        N = 10000 .

        ?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000 )).
        % 30,003 inferences, 0.006 CPU in 0.006 seconds (100% CPU, 4685643 Lips)
        L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
        N = 10000 .

        ... but then it is able to handle constraints correctly:

        ?- N in 1..2, my_len_clp(L,N).
        N = 1,
        L = [_G1439] ;
        N = 2,
        L = [_G1439, _G1494] ;

        ?- N in 1..2, length(L,N).
        N = 1,
        L = [_G1445] ;
        N = 2,
        L = [_G1445, _G1448] ;

        share|improve this answer




          For a set of test cases, please refer to this table and to the current definition in the prologue. There are many more odd cases to consider.

          Defining length/2 with var/nonvar, is/2 and the like is not entirely trivial, because (is)/2 and arithmetic comparison is so limited. That is, they produce very frequently instantiation_errors instead of succeeding accordingly. Just to illustrate that point: It is trivial to define length_sx/2 using successor-arithmetics.

          length_sx([], 0).
          length_sx([_E|Es], s(X)) :-
          length_sx(Es, X).

          This definition is pretty perfect. It even fails for length_sx(L, L). Alas, successor arithmetics is not supported efficiently. That is, an integer i requires O(i) space and not O(log i) as one would expect.

          The definition I would have preferred is:

          length_fd([_E|Es], L0) :-
          L0 #> 0,
          L1 #= L0-1,
          length_fd(Es, L1).

          Which is the most direct translation. It is quite efficient with a known length, but otherwise the overhead of constraints behind shows. Also, there is this asymmetry:

          ?- length_fd(L,0+0).

          ?- length_fd(L,0+1).
          L = [_G919] ;

          However, your definition using library(clpfd) is particularly elegant and efficient even for more elaborate cases.. It isn't as fast as the built-in length...

          ?- time(( length_fd(L,N),N=1000 )).
          % 29,171,112 inferences, 4.110 CPU in 4.118 seconds (100% CPU, 7097691 Lips)
          L = [_G67, _G98, _G123, _G159, _G195, _G231, _G267, _G303, _G339|...],
          N = 1000 .

          ?- time(( my_len_clp(L,N),N=10000 )).
          % 1,289,977 inferences, 0.288 CPU in 0.288 seconds (100% CPU, 4484310 Lips)
          L = [_G67, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91, _G94, _G97, _G100|...],
          N = 10000 .

          ?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000 )).
          % 30,003 inferences, 0.006 CPU in 0.006 seconds (100% CPU, 4685643 Lips)
          L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
          N = 10000 .

          ... but then it is able to handle constraints correctly:

          ?- N in 1..2, my_len_clp(L,N).
          N = 1,
          L = [_G1439] ;
          N = 2,
          L = [_G1439, _G1494] ;

          ?- N in 1..2, length(L,N).
          N = 1,
          L = [_G1445] ;
          N = 2,
          L = [_G1445, _G1448] ;

          share|improve this answer

          For a set of test cases, please refer to this table and to the current definition in the prologue. There are many more odd cases to consider.

          Defining length/2 with var/nonvar, is/2 and the like is not entirely trivial, because (is)/2 and arithmetic comparison is so limited. That is, they produce very frequently instantiation_errors instead of succeeding accordingly. Just to illustrate that point: It is trivial to define length_sx/2 using successor-arithmetics.

          length_sx([], 0).
          length_sx([_E|Es], s(X)) :-
          length_sx(Es, X).

          This definition is pretty perfect. It even fails for length_sx(L, L). Alas, successor arithmetics is not supported efficiently. That is, an integer i requires O(i) space and not O(log i) as one would expect.

          The definition I would have preferred is:

          length_fd([_E|Es], L0) :-
          L0 #> 0,
          L1 #= L0-1,
          length_fd(Es, L1).

          Which is the most direct translation. It is quite efficient with a known length, but otherwise the overhead of constraints behind shows. Also, there is this asymmetry:

          ?- length_fd(L,0+0).

          ?- length_fd(L,0+1).
          L = [_G919] ;

          However, your definition using library(clpfd) is particularly elegant and efficient even for more elaborate cases.. It isn't as fast as the built-in length...

          ?- time(( length_fd(L,N),N=1000 )).
          % 29,171,112 inferences, 4.110 CPU in 4.118 seconds (100% CPU, 7097691 Lips)
          L = [_G67, _G98, _G123, _G159, _G195, _G231, _G267, _G303, _G339|...],
          N = 1000 .

          ?- time(( my_len_clp(L,N),N=10000 )).
          % 1,289,977 inferences, 0.288 CPU in 0.288 seconds (100% CPU, 4484310 Lips)
          L = [_G67, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91, _G94, _G97, _G100|...],
          N = 10000 .

          ?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000 )).
          % 30,003 inferences, 0.006 CPU in 0.006 seconds (100% CPU, 4685643 Lips)
          L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
          N = 10000 .

          ... but then it is able to handle constraints correctly:

          ?- N in 1..2, my_len_clp(L,N).
          N = 1,
          L = [_G1439] ;
          N = 2,
          L = [_G1439, _G1494] ;

          ?- N in 1..2, length(L,N).
          N = 1,
          L = [_G1445] ;
          N = 2,
          L = [_G1445, _G1448] ;

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited May 23 '17 at 12:25




          answered Feb 28 '13 at 16:14





              I am not especially confident in this answer but my thinking is no, you have to do some extra work to make Prolog do the right thing for length/2, which is a real shame because it's such a great "tutorial" predicate in the simplest presentation.

              I submit as proof, the source code to this function in SWI-Prolog and the source in GNU Prolog. Neither of these is a terse, cute trick, and it looks to me like they both work by testing the arguments and then deferring processing to different internal functions depending on which argument is instantiated.

              I would love to be wrong about this though. I have often wondered why it is, for instance, so easy to write member/2 which does the right thing but so hard to write length/2 which does. Prolog isn't great at arithmetic, but is it really that bad? Here's hoping someone else comes along with a better answer.

              share|improve this answer

              • As for member/2: Its implementation is not that easy to describe as you suggest. Here is the current definition. To cover its meaning the format of definitions built-in of predicates had to be changed, and a very contrived notion of a list prefix was needed. Easy? I would say not.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:04

              • 1

                Arithmetics based on expression evaluation as in (is)/2 is a very ad-hoc addition to the Prolog language. If you want it pure, either us s(X)-notation or constraints.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:08

              • @false I'm not sure I'm following you. The member/2 definition is less code to write and less work to understand than a non-clpfd definition of length/2. Even with clpfd, it's longer and more complex than the naive definition of member/2. What knowledge must you possess to understand member/2 that you don't also need for length/2?

                – Daniel Lyons
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:55

              • Look at the definition of member/2 above: You claim that member(a,[a|nonlist]) is easy to understand? length/2 does not have such odd properties at all, which by no means implies that it is easy to define.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:58

              • 1

                member/2 requires an odd notion and length/2 does not require such an odd notion at all. So length/2 is easier to define/specify. But it is much more difficult to implement, because (is/2) is so incomplete.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 15:03


              I am not especially confident in this answer but my thinking is no, you have to do some extra work to make Prolog do the right thing for length/2, which is a real shame because it's such a great "tutorial" predicate in the simplest presentation.

              I submit as proof, the source code to this function in SWI-Prolog and the source in GNU Prolog. Neither of these is a terse, cute trick, and it looks to me like they both work by testing the arguments and then deferring processing to different internal functions depending on which argument is instantiated.

              I would love to be wrong about this though. I have often wondered why it is, for instance, so easy to write member/2 which does the right thing but so hard to write length/2 which does. Prolog isn't great at arithmetic, but is it really that bad? Here's hoping someone else comes along with a better answer.

              share|improve this answer

              • As for member/2: Its implementation is not that easy to describe as you suggest. Here is the current definition. To cover its meaning the format of definitions built-in of predicates had to be changed, and a very contrived notion of a list prefix was needed. Easy? I would say not.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:04

              • 1

                Arithmetics based on expression evaluation as in (is)/2 is a very ad-hoc addition to the Prolog language. If you want it pure, either us s(X)-notation or constraints.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:08

              • @false I'm not sure I'm following you. The member/2 definition is less code to write and less work to understand than a non-clpfd definition of length/2. Even with clpfd, it's longer and more complex than the naive definition of member/2. What knowledge must you possess to understand member/2 that you don't also need for length/2?

                – Daniel Lyons
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:55

              • Look at the definition of member/2 above: You claim that member(a,[a|nonlist]) is easy to understand? length/2 does not have such odd properties at all, which by no means implies that it is easy to define.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:58

              • 1

                member/2 requires an odd notion and length/2 does not require such an odd notion at all. So length/2 is easier to define/specify. But it is much more difficult to implement, because (is/2) is so incomplete.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 15:03




              I am not especially confident in this answer but my thinking is no, you have to do some extra work to make Prolog do the right thing for length/2, which is a real shame because it's such a great "tutorial" predicate in the simplest presentation.

              I submit as proof, the source code to this function in SWI-Prolog and the source in GNU Prolog. Neither of these is a terse, cute trick, and it looks to me like they both work by testing the arguments and then deferring processing to different internal functions depending on which argument is instantiated.

              I would love to be wrong about this though. I have often wondered why it is, for instance, so easy to write member/2 which does the right thing but so hard to write length/2 which does. Prolog isn't great at arithmetic, but is it really that bad? Here's hoping someone else comes along with a better answer.

              share|improve this answer

              I am not especially confident in this answer but my thinking is no, you have to do some extra work to make Prolog do the right thing for length/2, which is a real shame because it's such a great "tutorial" predicate in the simplest presentation.

              I submit as proof, the source code to this function in SWI-Prolog and the source in GNU Prolog. Neither of these is a terse, cute trick, and it looks to me like they both work by testing the arguments and then deferring processing to different internal functions depending on which argument is instantiated.

              I would love to be wrong about this though. I have often wondered why it is, for instance, so easy to write member/2 which does the right thing but so hard to write length/2 which does. Prolog isn't great at arithmetic, but is it really that bad? Here's hoping someone else comes along with a better answer.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Jul 3 '18 at 18:22




              answered Feb 27 '13 at 21:03

              Daniel LyonsDaniel Lyons



              • As for member/2: Its implementation is not that easy to describe as you suggest. Here is the current definition. To cover its meaning the format of definitions built-in of predicates had to be changed, and a very contrived notion of a list prefix was needed. Easy? I would say not.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:04

              • 1

                Arithmetics based on expression evaluation as in (is)/2 is a very ad-hoc addition to the Prolog language. If you want it pure, either us s(X)-notation or constraints.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:08

              • @false I'm not sure I'm following you. The member/2 definition is less code to write and less work to understand than a non-clpfd definition of length/2. Even with clpfd, it's longer and more complex than the naive definition of member/2. What knowledge must you possess to understand member/2 that you don't also need for length/2?

                – Daniel Lyons
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:55

              • Look at the definition of member/2 above: You claim that member(a,[a|nonlist]) is easy to understand? length/2 does not have such odd properties at all, which by no means implies that it is easy to define.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:58

              • 1

                member/2 requires an odd notion and length/2 does not require such an odd notion at all. So length/2 is easier to define/specify. But it is much more difficult to implement, because (is/2) is so incomplete.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 15:03

              • As for member/2: Its implementation is not that easy to describe as you suggest. Here is the current definition. To cover its meaning the format of definitions built-in of predicates had to be changed, and a very contrived notion of a list prefix was needed. Easy? I would say not.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:04

              • 1

                Arithmetics based on expression evaluation as in (is)/2 is a very ad-hoc addition to the Prolog language. If you want it pure, either us s(X)-notation or constraints.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:08

              • @false I'm not sure I'm following you. The member/2 definition is less code to write and less work to understand than a non-clpfd definition of length/2. Even with clpfd, it's longer and more complex than the naive definition of member/2. What knowledge must you possess to understand member/2 that you don't also need for length/2?

                – Daniel Lyons
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:55

              • Look at the definition of member/2 above: You claim that member(a,[a|nonlist]) is easy to understand? length/2 does not have such odd properties at all, which by no means implies that it is easy to define.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 14:58

              • 1

                member/2 requires an odd notion and length/2 does not require such an odd notion at all. So length/2 is easier to define/specify. But it is much more difficult to implement, because (is/2) is so incomplete.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 15:03

              As for member/2: Its implementation is not that easy to describe as you suggest. Here is the current definition. To cover its meaning the format of definitions built-in of predicates had to be changed, and a very contrived notion of a list prefix was needed. Easy? I would say not.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 14:04

              As for member/2: Its implementation is not that easy to describe as you suggest. Here is the current definition. To cover its meaning the format of definitions built-in of predicates had to be changed, and a very contrived notion of a list prefix was needed. Easy? I would say not.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 14:04



              Arithmetics based on expression evaluation as in (is)/2 is a very ad-hoc addition to the Prolog language. If you want it pure, either us s(X)-notation or constraints.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 14:08

              Arithmetics based on expression evaluation as in (is)/2 is a very ad-hoc addition to the Prolog language. If you want it pure, either us s(X)-notation or constraints.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 14:08

              @false I'm not sure I'm following you. The member/2 definition is less code to write and less work to understand than a non-clpfd definition of length/2. Even with clpfd, it's longer and more complex than the naive definition of member/2. What knowledge must you possess to understand member/2 that you don't also need for length/2?

              – Daniel Lyons
              Feb 28 '13 at 14:55

              @false I'm not sure I'm following you. The member/2 definition is less code to write and less work to understand than a non-clpfd definition of length/2. Even with clpfd, it's longer and more complex than the naive definition of member/2. What knowledge must you possess to understand member/2 that you don't also need for length/2?

              – Daniel Lyons
              Feb 28 '13 at 14:55

              Look at the definition of member/2 above: You claim that member(a,[a|nonlist]) is easy to understand? length/2 does not have such odd properties at all, which by no means implies that it is easy to define.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 14:58

              Look at the definition of member/2 above: You claim that member(a,[a|nonlist]) is easy to understand? length/2 does not have such odd properties at all, which by no means implies that it is easy to define.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 14:58



              member/2 requires an odd notion and length/2 does not require such an odd notion at all. So length/2 is easier to define/specify. But it is much more difficult to implement, because (is/2) is so incomplete.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 15:03

              member/2 requires an odd notion and length/2 does not require such an odd notion at all. So length/2 is easier to define/specify. But it is much more difficult to implement, because (is/2) is so incomplete.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 15:03


              (I've tried to edit @false's response, but it was rejected)

              my_len_tail/2 is faster (in terms of both the number of inferences and actual time) than buldin length/2 when generating a list, but has problem with N in 1..2 constraint.

              ?- time(( my_len_tail(L,N),N=10000000 )).
              % 20,000,002 inferences, 2.839 CPU in 3.093 seconds (92% CPU, 7044193 Lips)
              L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
              N = 10000000 .

              ?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000000 )).
              % 30,000,004 inferences, 3.557 CPU in 3.809 seconds (93% CPU, 8434495 Lips)
              L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
              N = 10000000 .

              share|improve this answer

              • 1

                ? you need to compare things on the very same machine.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 17:30

              • Either your machine as faster or your clock is coarser. Try the query with N = 100000 for both my_len_tail and length

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 18:02

              • By "faster" I meant the number of inferences (the same on different machines), not the actual time. I've edited my post.

                – damisan
                Feb 28 '13 at 19:48

              • Misunderstanding: I compared my_len_clp vs. length. You compare my_len_tail and length!

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 20:17

              • 1

                W.r.t "faster": The different number of inferences here is due to one version using (is)/2 and the other using succ/2. succ/2 counts as an inference but (is)/2 does not. So that is pretty arbitrary and unrelated to actual execution.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 22:27


              (I've tried to edit @false's response, but it was rejected)

              my_len_tail/2 is faster (in terms of both the number of inferences and actual time) than buldin length/2 when generating a list, but has problem with N in 1..2 constraint.

              ?- time(( my_len_tail(L,N),N=10000000 )).
              % 20,000,002 inferences, 2.839 CPU in 3.093 seconds (92% CPU, 7044193 Lips)
              L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
              N = 10000000 .

              ?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000000 )).
              % 30,000,004 inferences, 3.557 CPU in 3.809 seconds (93% CPU, 8434495 Lips)
              L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
              N = 10000000 .

              share|improve this answer

              • 1

                ? you need to compare things on the very same machine.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 17:30

              • Either your machine as faster or your clock is coarser. Try the query with N = 100000 for both my_len_tail and length

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 18:02

              • By "faster" I meant the number of inferences (the same on different machines), not the actual time. I've edited my post.

                – damisan
                Feb 28 '13 at 19:48

              • Misunderstanding: I compared my_len_clp vs. length. You compare my_len_tail and length!

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 20:17

              • 1

                W.r.t "faster": The different number of inferences here is due to one version using (is)/2 and the other using succ/2. succ/2 counts as an inference but (is)/2 does not. So that is pretty arbitrary and unrelated to actual execution.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 22:27




              (I've tried to edit @false's response, but it was rejected)

              my_len_tail/2 is faster (in terms of both the number of inferences and actual time) than buldin length/2 when generating a list, but has problem with N in 1..2 constraint.

              ?- time(( my_len_tail(L,N),N=10000000 )).
              % 20,000,002 inferences, 2.839 CPU in 3.093 seconds (92% CPU, 7044193 Lips)
              L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
              N = 10000000 .

              ?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000000 )).
              % 30,000,004 inferences, 3.557 CPU in 3.809 seconds (93% CPU, 8434495 Lips)
              L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
              N = 10000000 .

              share|improve this answer

              (I've tried to edit @false's response, but it was rejected)

              my_len_tail/2 is faster (in terms of both the number of inferences and actual time) than buldin length/2 when generating a list, but has problem with N in 1..2 constraint.

              ?- time(( my_len_tail(L,N),N=10000000 )).
              % 20,000,002 inferences, 2.839 CPU in 3.093 seconds (92% CPU, 7044193 Lips)
              L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
              N = 10000000 .

              ?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000000 )).
              % 30,000,004 inferences, 3.557 CPU in 3.809 seconds (93% CPU, 8434495 Lips)
              L = [_G67, _G70, _G73, _G76, _G79, _G82, _G85, _G88, _G91|...],
              N = 10000000 .

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited May 23 '17 at 12:16




              answered Feb 28 '13 at 16:44




              • 1

                ? you need to compare things on the very same machine.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 17:30

              • Either your machine as faster or your clock is coarser. Try the query with N = 100000 for both my_len_tail and length

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 18:02

              • By "faster" I meant the number of inferences (the same on different machines), not the actual time. I've edited my post.

                – damisan
                Feb 28 '13 at 19:48

              • Misunderstanding: I compared my_len_clp vs. length. You compare my_len_tail and length!

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 20:17

              • 1

                W.r.t "faster": The different number of inferences here is due to one version using (is)/2 and the other using succ/2. succ/2 counts as an inference but (is)/2 does not. So that is pretty arbitrary and unrelated to actual execution.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 22:27

              • 1

                ? you need to compare things on the very same machine.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 17:30

              • Either your machine as faster or your clock is coarser. Try the query with N = 100000 for both my_len_tail and length

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 18:02

              • By "faster" I meant the number of inferences (the same on different machines), not the actual time. I've edited my post.

                – damisan
                Feb 28 '13 at 19:48

              • Misunderstanding: I compared my_len_clp vs. length. You compare my_len_tail and length!

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 20:17

              • 1

                W.r.t "faster": The different number of inferences here is due to one version using (is)/2 and the other using succ/2. succ/2 counts as an inference but (is)/2 does not. So that is pretty arbitrary and unrelated to actual execution.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 22:27



              ? you need to compare things on the very same machine.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 17:30

              ? you need to compare things on the very same machine.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 17:30

              Either your machine as faster or your clock is coarser. Try the query with N = 100000 for both my_len_tail and length

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 18:02

              Either your machine as faster or your clock is coarser. Try the query with N = 100000 for both my_len_tail and length

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 18:02

              By "faster" I meant the number of inferences (the same on different machines), not the actual time. I've edited my post.

              – damisan
              Feb 28 '13 at 19:48

              By "faster" I meant the number of inferences (the same on different machines), not the actual time. I've edited my post.

              – damisan
              Feb 28 '13 at 19:48

              Misunderstanding: I compared my_len_clp vs. length. You compare my_len_tail and length!

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 20:17

              Misunderstanding: I compared my_len_clp vs. length. You compare my_len_tail and length!

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 20:17



              W.r.t "faster": The different number of inferences here is due to one version using (is)/2 and the other using succ/2. succ/2 counts as an inference but (is)/2 does not. So that is pretty arbitrary and unrelated to actual execution.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 22:27

              W.r.t "faster": The different number of inferences here is due to one version using (is)/2 and the other using succ/2. succ/2 counts as an inference but (is)/2 does not. So that is pretty arbitrary and unrelated to actual execution.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 22:27


              This works for all your test cases (but it has red cut):

              my_length([], 0).
              my_length([_|T], N) :-
              ( integer(N) ->
              N > 0,
              my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X, !
              my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X

              share|improve this answer

              • Nice. It seems, that your solution uses basically the same idea as mine my_len_tail: test if we have fully instantiated length and if so, abort after first choice at a checkpoint.

                – damisan
                Feb 27 '13 at 22:33

              • But in case my_len([1,2,3], X) PROLOG tries to unify 3 times with second predicate (and fail every time). To fix that problem, I used a "trampoline" to choose the right flavor of the length function at the first unification. Could you give some examples where one should prefer ground/1 over nonvar/1 (in this function)?

                – damisan
                Feb 27 '13 at 22:38

              • nonvar/1 is probably better here, but integer/1 is even better. And N > 0 should be added to the second clause.

                – Sergey Dymchenko
                Feb 28 '13 at 1:12

              • 3

                -1: my_length([_|_],0). does not terminate.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 13:36

              • false, yes, that's why I told "N > 0 should be added to the second clause" in my previous comment.

                – Sergey Dymchenko
                Feb 28 '13 at 20:38


              This works for all your test cases (but it has red cut):

              my_length([], 0).
              my_length([_|T], N) :-
              ( integer(N) ->
              N > 0,
              my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X, !
              my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X

              share|improve this answer

              • Nice. It seems, that your solution uses basically the same idea as mine my_len_tail: test if we have fully instantiated length and if so, abort after first choice at a checkpoint.

                – damisan
                Feb 27 '13 at 22:33

              • But in case my_len([1,2,3], X) PROLOG tries to unify 3 times with second predicate (and fail every time). To fix that problem, I used a "trampoline" to choose the right flavor of the length function at the first unification. Could you give some examples where one should prefer ground/1 over nonvar/1 (in this function)?

                – damisan
                Feb 27 '13 at 22:38

              • nonvar/1 is probably better here, but integer/1 is even better. And N > 0 should be added to the second clause.

                – Sergey Dymchenko
                Feb 28 '13 at 1:12

              • 3

                -1: my_length([_|_],0). does not terminate.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 13:36

              • false, yes, that's why I told "N > 0 should be added to the second clause" in my previous comment.

                – Sergey Dymchenko
                Feb 28 '13 at 20:38




              This works for all your test cases (but it has red cut):

              my_length([], 0).
              my_length([_|T], N) :-
              ( integer(N) ->
              N > 0,
              my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X, !
              my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X

              share|improve this answer

              This works for all your test cases (but it has red cut):

              my_length([], 0).
              my_length([_|T], N) :-
              ( integer(N) ->
              N > 0,
              my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X, !
              my_length(T, X), N is 1 + X

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Feb 28 '13 at 20:44

              answered Feb 27 '13 at 21:43

              Sergey DymchenkoSergey Dymchenko



              • Nice. It seems, that your solution uses basically the same idea as mine my_len_tail: test if we have fully instantiated length and if so, abort after first choice at a checkpoint.

                – damisan
                Feb 27 '13 at 22:33

              • But in case my_len([1,2,3], X) PROLOG tries to unify 3 times with second predicate (and fail every time). To fix that problem, I used a "trampoline" to choose the right flavor of the length function at the first unification. Could you give some examples where one should prefer ground/1 over nonvar/1 (in this function)?

                – damisan
                Feb 27 '13 at 22:38

              • nonvar/1 is probably better here, but integer/1 is even better. And N > 0 should be added to the second clause.

                – Sergey Dymchenko
                Feb 28 '13 at 1:12

              • 3

                -1: my_length([_|_],0). does not terminate.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 13:36

              • false, yes, that's why I told "N > 0 should be added to the second clause" in my previous comment.

                – Sergey Dymchenko
                Feb 28 '13 at 20:38

              • Nice. It seems, that your solution uses basically the same idea as mine my_len_tail: test if we have fully instantiated length and if so, abort after first choice at a checkpoint.

                – damisan
                Feb 27 '13 at 22:33

              • But in case my_len([1,2,3], X) PROLOG tries to unify 3 times with second predicate (and fail every time). To fix that problem, I used a "trampoline" to choose the right flavor of the length function at the first unification. Could you give some examples where one should prefer ground/1 over nonvar/1 (in this function)?

                – damisan
                Feb 27 '13 at 22:38

              • nonvar/1 is probably better here, but integer/1 is even better. And N > 0 should be added to the second clause.

                – Sergey Dymchenko
                Feb 28 '13 at 1:12

              • 3

                -1: my_length([_|_],0). does not terminate.

                – false
                Feb 28 '13 at 13:36

              • false, yes, that's why I told "N > 0 should be added to the second clause" in my previous comment.

                – Sergey Dymchenko
                Feb 28 '13 at 20:38

              Nice. It seems, that your solution uses basically the same idea as mine my_len_tail: test if we have fully instantiated length and if so, abort after first choice at a checkpoint.

              – damisan
              Feb 27 '13 at 22:33

              Nice. It seems, that your solution uses basically the same idea as mine my_len_tail: test if we have fully instantiated length and if so, abort after first choice at a checkpoint.

              – damisan
              Feb 27 '13 at 22:33

              But in case my_len([1,2,3], X) PROLOG tries to unify 3 times with second predicate (and fail every time). To fix that problem, I used a "trampoline" to choose the right flavor of the length function at the first unification. Could you give some examples where one should prefer ground/1 over nonvar/1 (in this function)?

              – damisan
              Feb 27 '13 at 22:38

              But in case my_len([1,2,3], X) PROLOG tries to unify 3 times with second predicate (and fail every time). To fix that problem, I used a "trampoline" to choose the right flavor of the length function at the first unification. Could you give some examples where one should prefer ground/1 over nonvar/1 (in this function)?

              – damisan
              Feb 27 '13 at 22:38

              nonvar/1 is probably better here, but integer/1 is even better. And N > 0 should be added to the second clause.

              – Sergey Dymchenko
              Feb 28 '13 at 1:12

              nonvar/1 is probably better here, but integer/1 is even better. And N > 0 should be added to the second clause.

              – Sergey Dymchenko
              Feb 28 '13 at 1:12



              -1: my_length([_|_],0). does not terminate.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 13:36

              -1: my_length([_|_],0). does not terminate.

              – false
              Feb 28 '13 at 13:36

              false, yes, that's why I told "N > 0 should be added to the second clause" in my previous comment.

              – Sergey Dymchenko
              Feb 28 '13 at 20:38

              false, yes, that's why I told "N > 0 should be added to the second clause" in my previous comment.

              – Sergey Dymchenko
              Feb 28 '13 at 20:38



              goal_expansion((_lhs_ =:= _rhs_),(when(ground(_rhs_),(_lhs_ is _rhs_)))) .

              :- op(2'1,'yfx','list') .

              _list_ list [size:_size_] :-
              _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_] ,
              _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_,size:_SIZE_] .

              _list_ list [size:0,shrink:false] .

              _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:true] :-
              when(ground(_size_),(_size_ > 0)) .

              [] list [size:0,shrink:false,size:0] .

              [_car_|_cdr_] list [size:_size_,shrink:true,size:_SIZE_] :-
              (_SIZE_ =:= _size_ - 1) ,
              (_size_ =:= _SIZE_ + 1) ,
              _cdr_ list [size:_SIZE_] .


              ?- L list Z .
              L = [],
              Z = [size:0] ? ;
              L = [_A],
              Z = [size:1] ? ;
              L = [_A,_B],
              Z = [size:2] ? ;
              L = [_A,_B,_C],
              Z = [size:3] ?

              ?- L list [size:0] .
              L = [] ? ;
              ?- L list [size:1] .
              L = [_A] ? ;
              ?- L list [size:2] .
              L = [_A,_B] ? ;

              ?- [] list [size:S] .
              S = 0 ? ;
              ?- [a] list [size:S] .
              S = 1 ? ;
              ?- [a,b] list [size:S] .
              S = 2 ? ;
              ?- [a,b,c] list [size:S] .
              S = 3 ? ;

              share|improve this answer



                goal_expansion((_lhs_ =:= _rhs_),(when(ground(_rhs_),(_lhs_ is _rhs_)))) .

                :- op(2'1,'yfx','list') .

                _list_ list [size:_size_] :-
                _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_] ,
                _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_,size:_SIZE_] .

                _list_ list [size:0,shrink:false] .

                _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:true] :-
                when(ground(_size_),(_size_ > 0)) .

                [] list [size:0,shrink:false,size:0] .

                [_car_|_cdr_] list [size:_size_,shrink:true,size:_SIZE_] :-
                (_SIZE_ =:= _size_ - 1) ,
                (_size_ =:= _SIZE_ + 1) ,
                _cdr_ list [size:_SIZE_] .


                ?- L list Z .
                L = [],
                Z = [size:0] ? ;
                L = [_A],
                Z = [size:1] ? ;
                L = [_A,_B],
                Z = [size:2] ? ;
                L = [_A,_B,_C],
                Z = [size:3] ?

                ?- L list [size:0] .
                L = [] ? ;
                ?- L list [size:1] .
                L = [_A] ? ;
                ?- L list [size:2] .
                L = [_A,_B] ? ;

                ?- [] list [size:S] .
                S = 0 ? ;
                ?- [a] list [size:S] .
                S = 1 ? ;
                ?- [a,b] list [size:S] .
                S = 2 ? ;
                ?- [a,b,c] list [size:S] .
                S = 3 ? ;

                share|improve this answer





                  goal_expansion((_lhs_ =:= _rhs_),(when(ground(_rhs_),(_lhs_ is _rhs_)))) .

                  :- op(2'1,'yfx','list') .

                  _list_ list [size:_size_] :-
                  _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_] ,
                  _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_,size:_SIZE_] .

                  _list_ list [size:0,shrink:false] .

                  _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:true] :-
                  when(ground(_size_),(_size_ > 0)) .

                  [] list [size:0,shrink:false,size:0] .

                  [_car_|_cdr_] list [size:_size_,shrink:true,size:_SIZE_] :-
                  (_SIZE_ =:= _size_ - 1) ,
                  (_size_ =:= _SIZE_ + 1) ,
                  _cdr_ list [size:_SIZE_] .


                  ?- L list Z .
                  L = [],
                  Z = [size:0] ? ;
                  L = [_A],
                  Z = [size:1] ? ;
                  L = [_A,_B],
                  Z = [size:2] ? ;
                  L = [_A,_B,_C],
                  Z = [size:3] ?

                  ?- L list [size:0] .
                  L = [] ? ;
                  ?- L list [size:1] .
                  L = [_A] ? ;
                  ?- L list [size:2] .
                  L = [_A,_B] ? ;

                  ?- [] list [size:S] .
                  S = 0 ? ;
                  ?- [a] list [size:S] .
                  S = 1 ? ;
                  ?- [a,b] list [size:S] .
                  S = 2 ? ;
                  ?- [a,b,c] list [size:S] .
                  S = 3 ? ;

                  share|improve this answer


                  goal_expansion((_lhs_ =:= _rhs_),(when(ground(_rhs_),(_lhs_ is _rhs_)))) .

                  :- op(2'1,'yfx','list') .

                  _list_ list [size:_size_] :-
                  _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_] ,
                  _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:_shrink_,size:_SIZE_] .

                  _list_ list [size:0,shrink:false] .

                  _list_ list [size:_size_,shrink:true] :-
                  when(ground(_size_),(_size_ > 0)) .

                  [] list [size:0,shrink:false,size:0] .

                  [_car_|_cdr_] list [size:_size_,shrink:true,size:_SIZE_] :-
                  (_SIZE_ =:= _size_ - 1) ,
                  (_size_ =:= _SIZE_ + 1) ,
                  _cdr_ list [size:_SIZE_] .


                  ?- L list Z .
                  L = [],
                  Z = [size:0] ? ;
                  L = [_A],
                  Z = [size:1] ? ;
                  L = [_A,_B],
                  Z = [size:2] ? ;
                  L = [_A,_B,_C],
                  Z = [size:3] ?

                  ?- L list [size:0] .
                  L = [] ? ;
                  ?- L list [size:1] .
                  L = [_A] ? ;
                  ?- L list [size:2] .
                  L = [_A,_B] ? ;

                  ?- [] list [size:S] .
                  S = 0 ? ;
                  ?- [a] list [size:S] .
                  S = 1 ? ;
                  ?- [a,b] list [size:S] .
                  S = 2 ? ;
                  ?- [a,b,c] list [size:S] .
                  S = 3 ? ;

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Mar 7 at 15:31




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