Proper usage of EnableDelayedExpansion in ASCII Converting Batch scriptseparating variable with a symbol into different partsGet list of passed arguments in Windows batch script (.bat)In cmd.exe, how can you get one variable to escape the setlocal command?Batch Script to run a computer testWant six instances of command prompt window to be running at any point of time unless all the 100 commands are completedBatch script for creating an array and store values and coBatch Script To Extract Lines Between Specified WordsBatch file that moves all movies to a specific folder file needs renamed%%G from For Loop changing from index to %G usingWindows batch script ends unexpectedlyReturn value of a function to a function in batch script

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Proper usage of EnableDelayedExpansion in ASCII Converting Batch script

separating variable with a symbol into different partsGet list of passed arguments in Windows batch script (.bat)In cmd.exe, how can you get one variable to escape the setlocal command?Batch Script to run a computer testWant six instances of command prompt window to be running at any point of time unless all the 100 commands are completedBatch script for creating an array and store values and coBatch Script To Extract Lines Between Specified WordsBatch file that moves all movies to a specific folder file needs renamed%%G from For Loop changing from index to %G usingWindows batch script ends unexpectedlyReturn value of a function to a function in batch script


Primary Question:

How should the posted batch script, combined.bat, be changed so that I can have correct output for both OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B at the same runtime? (Knowledge of EnableDelayedExpansion usage/scope is required to provide a correct solution)


I combined batch scripts from the two following links:

and created the following batch script (let me refer to this as combined.bat):

combined.bat is meant to be an ASCII Dec to ASCII Char converter.

@echo off
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: define characters from 32 to 126
set alphabet= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

set testVar=64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64
echo INPUT = %testVar%

set resultA=

call :CHR 64
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 65
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 66
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 67
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 68
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 69
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 70
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 64
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
echo OUTPUT_A = %resultA%

set char=randomValueJustToInitFill
call :split "%testVar%" "_" array

set resultB=
:: Loop through the resulting array
for /L %%I in (0, 1, %array.ubound%) do (
call :CHR !array[%%I]!
echo array[%%I] = !array[%%I]! = !char!
set resultB=!resultB!!char!
echo OUTPUT_B = !resultB!
goto :EOF

:: valid range should be from 32 to 126 inclusive
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
if %1 LSS 32 goto :EOF
if %1 GTR 126 goto :EOF

:: call function
call :ASCII %1 chr

:: print result, using ^ to escape special characters
:: such as <, > and |
REM echo.^%chr%
set char=^%chr%

:: end the script
goto :EOF

:: sub-routine
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: get the index
set /a var=%1-32
:: retrieve letter
set character=!alphabet:~%var%,1!
:: end the routine and return result as second parameter (out)
endlocal & set %2=^%character%
@EXIT /B 0

:: split subroutine
:split <string_to_split> <split_delimiter> <array_to_populate>
:: populates <array_to_populate>
:: creates arrayname.length (number of elements in array)
:: creates arrayname.ubound (upper index of array)

set "_data=%~1"

:: replace delimiter with " " and enclose in quotes
set _data="!_data:%~2=" "!"

:: remove empty "" (comment this out if you need to keep empty elements)
set "_data=%_data:""=%"

:: initialize array.length=0, array.ubound=-1
set /a "%~3.length=0, %~3.ubound=-1"

for %%I in (%_data%) do (
set "%~3[!%~3.length!]=%%~I"
set /a "%~3.length+=1, %~3.ubound+=1"
@EXIT /B 0

when running combined.bat, it yields the following:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64

OUTPUT_A = Z[]_`aZ

array[0] = 64 = Z
array[1] = 65 = [
array[2] = 66 =
array[3] = 67 = ]
array[4] = 68 = _
array[5] = 69 = `
array[6] = 70 = a
array[7] = 64 = Z
OUTPUT_B = Z[]_`aZ

OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B are both not correct. It is offset by 26. I made an educated guess that this is caused by line 2 of combined.bat, @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion.

So when I comment out line 2 by changing it to REM @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion, edited combined.bat yields the following:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64


array[0] = !array[0]! = !char!
array[1] = !array[1]! = !char!
OUTPUT_B = !resultB!

As you can see, OUTPUT_A is now correct. However, the batch code for OUTPUT_B does not work properly anymore. I tried tinkering around with the script for a bit (i.e. placing EnableDelayedExpansion in different locations, etc.). I am still unable to get the script to yield correct output for both OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B at the same runtime.

When providing a solution, please elaborate in respect to the script changes made to combined.bat.

share|improve this question

  • Well, you are right, the line setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion is problematic here, because in the assignment set alphabet= there is an exclamation mark which is consumed by delayed expansion; try to put ^^! instead of !, and also ^^^^ instead of ^, in order to escape the ! as well as the ^ from both expansion phases (normal % and delayed !). I did not check the rest of the code though...

    – aschipfl
    Mar 7 at 22:16

  • set errorlevel=0 may ruin further use of builtin errorlevel variable. Suggest removal, especially as you are setting and not using the variable anywhere.

    – michael_heath
    Mar 8 at 1:45

  • @aschipfl I made the changes you suggested and it almost fixed everything.Thank you. The ! / 33 conversion is still not working though. Trying to figure it out atm. @michael_heath I got rid of the errorlevel vars since I don't use them, as you suggested, in the original question

    – Hybr13
    Mar 8 at 16:12

  • I suggested to use ^^^^ instead of ^, but actually ^^ needs to be used instead because of the preceding ", which prevents such characters to be recognised as escape characters first; sorry for that! I did not check the other error you mentioned, but you have it solved yourself meanwhile anyway...

    – aschipfl
    Mar 8 at 18:20

  • @aschipfl I noticed while trying to get everything working. Nonetheless, thanks!! Your comment definitely helped me get everything working in a shorter period of time.

    – Hybr13
    Mar 8 at 18:35


Primary Question:

How should the posted batch script, combined.bat, be changed so that I can have correct output for both OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B at the same runtime? (Knowledge of EnableDelayedExpansion usage/scope is required to provide a correct solution)


I combined batch scripts from the two following links:

and created the following batch script (let me refer to this as combined.bat):

combined.bat is meant to be an ASCII Dec to ASCII Char converter.

@echo off
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: define characters from 32 to 126
set alphabet= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

set testVar=64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64
echo INPUT = %testVar%

set resultA=

call :CHR 64
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 65
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 66
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 67
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 68
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 69
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 70
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 64
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
echo OUTPUT_A = %resultA%

set char=randomValueJustToInitFill
call :split "%testVar%" "_" array

set resultB=
:: Loop through the resulting array
for /L %%I in (0, 1, %array.ubound%) do (
call :CHR !array[%%I]!
echo array[%%I] = !array[%%I]! = !char!
set resultB=!resultB!!char!
echo OUTPUT_B = !resultB!
goto :EOF

:: valid range should be from 32 to 126 inclusive
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
if %1 LSS 32 goto :EOF
if %1 GTR 126 goto :EOF

:: call function
call :ASCII %1 chr

:: print result, using ^ to escape special characters
:: such as <, > and |
REM echo.^%chr%
set char=^%chr%

:: end the script
goto :EOF

:: sub-routine
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: get the index
set /a var=%1-32
:: retrieve letter
set character=!alphabet:~%var%,1!
:: end the routine and return result as second parameter (out)
endlocal & set %2=^%character%
@EXIT /B 0

:: split subroutine
:split <string_to_split> <split_delimiter> <array_to_populate>
:: populates <array_to_populate>
:: creates arrayname.length (number of elements in array)
:: creates arrayname.ubound (upper index of array)

set "_data=%~1"

:: replace delimiter with " " and enclose in quotes
set _data="!_data:%~2=" "!"

:: remove empty "" (comment this out if you need to keep empty elements)
set "_data=%_data:""=%"

:: initialize array.length=0, array.ubound=-1
set /a "%~3.length=0, %~3.ubound=-1"

for %%I in (%_data%) do (
set "%~3[!%~3.length!]=%%~I"
set /a "%~3.length+=1, %~3.ubound+=1"
@EXIT /B 0

when running combined.bat, it yields the following:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64

OUTPUT_A = Z[]_`aZ

array[0] = 64 = Z
array[1] = 65 = [
array[2] = 66 =
array[3] = 67 = ]
array[4] = 68 = _
array[5] = 69 = `
array[6] = 70 = a
array[7] = 64 = Z
OUTPUT_B = Z[]_`aZ

OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B are both not correct. It is offset by 26. I made an educated guess that this is caused by line 2 of combined.bat, @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion.

So when I comment out line 2 by changing it to REM @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion, edited combined.bat yields the following:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64


array[0] = !array[0]! = !char!
array[1] = !array[1]! = !char!
OUTPUT_B = !resultB!

As you can see, OUTPUT_A is now correct. However, the batch code for OUTPUT_B does not work properly anymore. I tried tinkering around with the script for a bit (i.e. placing EnableDelayedExpansion in different locations, etc.). I am still unable to get the script to yield correct output for both OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B at the same runtime.

When providing a solution, please elaborate in respect to the script changes made to combined.bat.

share|improve this question

  • Well, you are right, the line setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion is problematic here, because in the assignment set alphabet= there is an exclamation mark which is consumed by delayed expansion; try to put ^^! instead of !, and also ^^^^ instead of ^, in order to escape the ! as well as the ^ from both expansion phases (normal % and delayed !). I did not check the rest of the code though...

    – aschipfl
    Mar 7 at 22:16

  • set errorlevel=0 may ruin further use of builtin errorlevel variable. Suggest removal, especially as you are setting and not using the variable anywhere.

    – michael_heath
    Mar 8 at 1:45

  • @aschipfl I made the changes you suggested and it almost fixed everything.Thank you. The ! / 33 conversion is still not working though. Trying to figure it out atm. @michael_heath I got rid of the errorlevel vars since I don't use them, as you suggested, in the original question

    – Hybr13
    Mar 8 at 16:12

  • I suggested to use ^^^^ instead of ^, but actually ^^ needs to be used instead because of the preceding ", which prevents such characters to be recognised as escape characters first; sorry for that! I did not check the other error you mentioned, but you have it solved yourself meanwhile anyway...

    – aschipfl
    Mar 8 at 18:20

  • @aschipfl I noticed while trying to get everything working. Nonetheless, thanks!! Your comment definitely helped me get everything working in a shorter period of time.

    – Hybr13
    Mar 8 at 18:35




Primary Question:

How should the posted batch script, combined.bat, be changed so that I can have correct output for both OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B at the same runtime? (Knowledge of EnableDelayedExpansion usage/scope is required to provide a correct solution)


I combined batch scripts from the two following links:

and created the following batch script (let me refer to this as combined.bat):

combined.bat is meant to be an ASCII Dec to ASCII Char converter.

@echo off
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: define characters from 32 to 126
set alphabet= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

set testVar=64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64
echo INPUT = %testVar%

set resultA=

call :CHR 64
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 65
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 66
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 67
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 68
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 69
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 70
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 64
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
echo OUTPUT_A = %resultA%

set char=randomValueJustToInitFill
call :split "%testVar%" "_" array

set resultB=
:: Loop through the resulting array
for /L %%I in (0, 1, %array.ubound%) do (
call :CHR !array[%%I]!
echo array[%%I] = !array[%%I]! = !char!
set resultB=!resultB!!char!
echo OUTPUT_B = !resultB!
goto :EOF

:: valid range should be from 32 to 126 inclusive
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
if %1 LSS 32 goto :EOF
if %1 GTR 126 goto :EOF

:: call function
call :ASCII %1 chr

:: print result, using ^ to escape special characters
:: such as <, > and |
REM echo.^%chr%
set char=^%chr%

:: end the script
goto :EOF

:: sub-routine
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: get the index
set /a var=%1-32
:: retrieve letter
set character=!alphabet:~%var%,1!
:: end the routine and return result as second parameter (out)
endlocal & set %2=^%character%
@EXIT /B 0

:: split subroutine
:split <string_to_split> <split_delimiter> <array_to_populate>
:: populates <array_to_populate>
:: creates arrayname.length (number of elements in array)
:: creates arrayname.ubound (upper index of array)

set "_data=%~1"

:: replace delimiter with " " and enclose in quotes
set _data="!_data:%~2=" "!"

:: remove empty "" (comment this out if you need to keep empty elements)
set "_data=%_data:""=%"

:: initialize array.length=0, array.ubound=-1
set /a "%~3.length=0, %~3.ubound=-1"

for %%I in (%_data%) do (
set "%~3[!%~3.length!]=%%~I"
set /a "%~3.length+=1, %~3.ubound+=1"
@EXIT /B 0

when running combined.bat, it yields the following:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64

OUTPUT_A = Z[]_`aZ

array[0] = 64 = Z
array[1] = 65 = [
array[2] = 66 =
array[3] = 67 = ]
array[4] = 68 = _
array[5] = 69 = `
array[6] = 70 = a
array[7] = 64 = Z
OUTPUT_B = Z[]_`aZ

OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B are both not correct. It is offset by 26. I made an educated guess that this is caused by line 2 of combined.bat, @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion.

So when I comment out line 2 by changing it to REM @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion, edited combined.bat yields the following:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64


array[0] = !array[0]! = !char!
array[1] = !array[1]! = !char!
OUTPUT_B = !resultB!

As you can see, OUTPUT_A is now correct. However, the batch code for OUTPUT_B does not work properly anymore. I tried tinkering around with the script for a bit (i.e. placing EnableDelayedExpansion in different locations, etc.). I am still unable to get the script to yield correct output for both OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B at the same runtime.

When providing a solution, please elaborate in respect to the script changes made to combined.bat.

share|improve this question

Primary Question:

How should the posted batch script, combined.bat, be changed so that I can have correct output for both OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B at the same runtime? (Knowledge of EnableDelayedExpansion usage/scope is required to provide a correct solution)


I combined batch scripts from the two following links:

and created the following batch script (let me refer to this as combined.bat):

combined.bat is meant to be an ASCII Dec to ASCII Char converter.

@echo off
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: define characters from 32 to 126
set alphabet= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

set testVar=64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64
echo INPUT = %testVar%

set resultA=

call :CHR 64
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 65
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 66
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 67
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 68
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 69
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 70
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
call :CHR 64
set resultA=%resultA%%char%
echo OUTPUT_A = %resultA%

set char=randomValueJustToInitFill
call :split "%testVar%" "_" array

set resultB=
:: Loop through the resulting array
for /L %%I in (0, 1, %array.ubound%) do (
call :CHR !array[%%I]!
echo array[%%I] = !array[%%I]! = !char!
set resultB=!resultB!!char!
echo OUTPUT_B = !resultB!
goto :EOF

:: valid range should be from 32 to 126 inclusive
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
if %1 LSS 32 goto :EOF
if %1 GTR 126 goto :EOF

:: call function
call :ASCII %1 chr

:: print result, using ^ to escape special characters
:: such as <, > and |
REM echo.^%chr%
set char=^%chr%

:: end the script
goto :EOF

:: sub-routine
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: get the index
set /a var=%1-32
:: retrieve letter
set character=!alphabet:~%var%,1!
:: end the routine and return result as second parameter (out)
endlocal & set %2=^%character%
@EXIT /B 0

:: split subroutine
:split <string_to_split> <split_delimiter> <array_to_populate>
:: populates <array_to_populate>
:: creates arrayname.length (number of elements in array)
:: creates arrayname.ubound (upper index of array)

set "_data=%~1"

:: replace delimiter with " " and enclose in quotes
set _data="!_data:%~2=" "!"

:: remove empty "" (comment this out if you need to keep empty elements)
set "_data=%_data:""=%"

:: initialize array.length=0, array.ubound=-1
set /a "%~3.length=0, %~3.ubound=-1"

for %%I in (%_data%) do (
set "%~3[!%~3.length!]=%%~I"
set /a "%~3.length+=1, %~3.ubound+=1"
@EXIT /B 0

when running combined.bat, it yields the following:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64

OUTPUT_A = Z[]_`aZ

array[0] = 64 = Z
array[1] = 65 = [
array[2] = 66 =
array[3] = 67 = ]
array[4] = 68 = _
array[5] = 69 = `
array[6] = 70 = a
array[7] = 64 = Z
OUTPUT_B = Z[]_`aZ

OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B are both not correct. It is offset by 26. I made an educated guess that this is caused by line 2 of combined.bat, @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion.

So when I comment out line 2 by changing it to REM @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion, edited combined.bat yields the following:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64


array[0] = !array[0]! = !char!
array[1] = !array[1]! = !char!
OUTPUT_B = !resultB!

As you can see, OUTPUT_A is now correct. However, the batch code for OUTPUT_B does not work properly anymore. I tried tinkering around with the script for a bit (i.e. placing EnableDelayedExpansion in different locations, etc.). I am still unable to get the script to yield correct output for both OUTPUT_A and OUTPUT_B at the same runtime.

When providing a solution, please elaborate in respect to the script changes made to combined.bat.

batch-file windows-10 ascii

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Mar 8 at 15:24


asked Mar 7 at 21:43




  • Well, you are right, the line setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion is problematic here, because in the assignment set alphabet= there is an exclamation mark which is consumed by delayed expansion; try to put ^^! instead of !, and also ^^^^ instead of ^, in order to escape the ! as well as the ^ from both expansion phases (normal % and delayed !). I did not check the rest of the code though...

    – aschipfl
    Mar 7 at 22:16

  • set errorlevel=0 may ruin further use of builtin errorlevel variable. Suggest removal, especially as you are setting and not using the variable anywhere.

    – michael_heath
    Mar 8 at 1:45

  • @aschipfl I made the changes you suggested and it almost fixed everything.Thank you. The ! / 33 conversion is still not working though. Trying to figure it out atm. @michael_heath I got rid of the errorlevel vars since I don't use them, as you suggested, in the original question

    – Hybr13
    Mar 8 at 16:12

  • I suggested to use ^^^^ instead of ^, but actually ^^ needs to be used instead because of the preceding ", which prevents such characters to be recognised as escape characters first; sorry for that! I did not check the other error you mentioned, but you have it solved yourself meanwhile anyway...

    – aschipfl
    Mar 8 at 18:20

  • @aschipfl I noticed while trying to get everything working. Nonetheless, thanks!! Your comment definitely helped me get everything working in a shorter period of time.

    – Hybr13
    Mar 8 at 18:35

  • Well, you are right, the line setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion is problematic here, because in the assignment set alphabet= there is an exclamation mark which is consumed by delayed expansion; try to put ^^! instead of !, and also ^^^^ instead of ^, in order to escape the ! as well as the ^ from both expansion phases (normal % and delayed !). I did not check the rest of the code though...

    – aschipfl
    Mar 7 at 22:16

  • set errorlevel=0 may ruin further use of builtin errorlevel variable. Suggest removal, especially as you are setting and not using the variable anywhere.

    – michael_heath
    Mar 8 at 1:45

  • @aschipfl I made the changes you suggested and it almost fixed everything.Thank you. The ! / 33 conversion is still not working though. Trying to figure it out atm. @michael_heath I got rid of the errorlevel vars since I don't use them, as you suggested, in the original question

    – Hybr13
    Mar 8 at 16:12

  • I suggested to use ^^^^ instead of ^, but actually ^^ needs to be used instead because of the preceding ", which prevents such characters to be recognised as escape characters first; sorry for that! I did not check the other error you mentioned, but you have it solved yourself meanwhile anyway...

    – aschipfl
    Mar 8 at 18:20

  • @aschipfl I noticed while trying to get everything working. Nonetheless, thanks!! Your comment definitely helped me get everything working in a shorter period of time.

    – Hybr13
    Mar 8 at 18:35

Well, you are right, the line setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion is problematic here, because in the assignment set alphabet= there is an exclamation mark which is consumed by delayed expansion; try to put ^^! instead of !, and also ^^^^ instead of ^, in order to escape the ! as well as the ^ from both expansion phases (normal % and delayed !). I did not check the rest of the code though...

– aschipfl
Mar 7 at 22:16

Well, you are right, the line setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion is problematic here, because in the assignment set alphabet= there is an exclamation mark which is consumed by delayed expansion; try to put ^^! instead of !, and also ^^^^ instead of ^, in order to escape the ! as well as the ^ from both expansion phases (normal % and delayed !). I did not check the rest of the code though...

– aschipfl
Mar 7 at 22:16

set errorlevel=0 may ruin further use of builtin errorlevel variable. Suggest removal, especially as you are setting and not using the variable anywhere.

– michael_heath
Mar 8 at 1:45

set errorlevel=0 may ruin further use of builtin errorlevel variable. Suggest removal, especially as you are setting and not using the variable anywhere.

– michael_heath
Mar 8 at 1:45

@aschipfl I made the changes you suggested and it almost fixed everything.Thank you. The ! / 33 conversion is still not working though. Trying to figure it out atm. @michael_heath I got rid of the errorlevel vars since I don't use them, as you suggested, in the original question

– Hybr13
Mar 8 at 16:12

@aschipfl I made the changes you suggested and it almost fixed everything.Thank you. The ! / 33 conversion is still not working though. Trying to figure it out atm. @michael_heath I got rid of the errorlevel vars since I don't use them, as you suggested, in the original question

– Hybr13
Mar 8 at 16:12

I suggested to use ^^^^ instead of ^, but actually ^^ needs to be used instead because of the preceding ", which prevents such characters to be recognised as escape characters first; sorry for that! I did not check the other error you mentioned, but you have it solved yourself meanwhile anyway...

– aschipfl
Mar 8 at 18:20

I suggested to use ^^^^ instead of ^, but actually ^^ needs to be used instead because of the preceding ", which prevents such characters to be recognised as escape characters first; sorry for that! I did not check the other error you mentioned, but you have it solved yourself meanwhile anyway...

– aschipfl
Mar 8 at 18:20

@aschipfl I noticed while trying to get everything working. Nonetheless, thanks!! Your comment definitely helped me get everything working in a shorter period of time.

– Hybr13
Mar 8 at 18:35

@aschipfl I noticed while trying to get everything working. Nonetheless, thanks!! Your comment definitely helped me get everything working in a shorter period of time.

– Hybr13
Mar 8 at 18:35

1 Answer





Figured it all out and posted the solution script, as well as the script output.

I changed alphabet so that the ! is now ^^!, and the ^ is now ^^^. This fixed a majority of the issues. However, there was still a bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s. In order to fix that, I had to make a change to the :CHR and :ASCII functions. The significant script edits for the solution are listed at the bottom of this post.

Solution - ASCII Converting Batch Script (with all bug fixes):

@echo off
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: define characters from 32 to 126
set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

set testVar=64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126
echo INPUT = %testVar%

set resultA=

call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 65
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 66
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 67
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 68
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 69
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 70
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 32
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 33
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 34
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 126
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
echo OUTPUT_A = !resultA!

set char=randomValueJustToInitFill
call :split "%testVar%" "_" array

set resultB=
:: Loop through the resulting array
for /L %%I in (0, 1, %array.ubound%) do (
call :CHR !array[%%I]!
echo array[%%I] = !array[%%I]! = !char!
set resultB=!resultB!!char!
echo OUTPUT_B = !resultB!
goto :EOF

:: valid range should be from 32 to 126 inclusive
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
if %1 LSS 32 goto :EOF
if %1 GTR 126 goto :EOF

:: call function
call :ASCII %1 chr

:: print result, using ^ to escape special characters
:: such as <, > and |
set char=!chr!

:: end the script
goto :EOF

:: sub-routine
:: get the index
set /a var=%1-32
:: retrieve letter
set character=!alphabet:~%var%,1!
:: end the routine and return result as second parameter (out)
set %2=!character!
@EXIT /B 0

:: split subroutine
:split <string_to_split> <split_delimiter> <array_to_populate>
:: populates <array_to_populate>
:: creates arrayname.length (number of elements in array)
:: creates arrayname.ubound (upper index of array)

set "_data=%~1"

:: replace delimiter with " " and enclose in quotes
set _data="!_data:%~2=" "!"

:: remove empty "" (comment this out if you need to keep empty elements)
set "_data=%_data:""=%"

:: initialize array.length=0, array.ubound=-1
set /a "%~3.length=0, %~3.ubound=-1"

for %%I in (%_data%) do (
set "%~3[!%~3.length!]=%%~I"
set /a "%~3.length+=1, %~3.ubound+=1"
@EXIT /B 0

Output of Solution Script:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126


array[0] = 64 = @
array[1] = 65 = A
array[2] = 66 = B
array[3] = 67 = C
array[4] = 68 = D
array[5] = 69 = E
array[6] = 70 = F
array[7] = 64 = @
array[8] = 32 =
array[9] = 33 = !
array[10] = 34 = "
array[11] = 126 = ~

Changes to the alphabet variable:

The following fixed a good bulk of the problem.


set alphabet= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"


set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

Changes to :CHR and :ASCII functions:

The following fixed the bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s.

  • Got rid of the local setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion and endlocal & specific to the :ASCII function.

  • Using set %2=!character! instead of set %2=^%character%.

  • Using set char=!chr! instead of set char=^%chr%.

share|improve this answer

  • I suggest you take a look at this batch file example and this one too.

    – Compo
    Mar 8 at 19:00

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1 Answer




1 Answer











Figured it all out and posted the solution script, as well as the script output.

I changed alphabet so that the ! is now ^^!, and the ^ is now ^^^. This fixed a majority of the issues. However, there was still a bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s. In order to fix that, I had to make a change to the :CHR and :ASCII functions. The significant script edits for the solution are listed at the bottom of this post.

Solution - ASCII Converting Batch Script (with all bug fixes):

@echo off
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: define characters from 32 to 126
set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

set testVar=64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126
echo INPUT = %testVar%

set resultA=

call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 65
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 66
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 67
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 68
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 69
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 70
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 32
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 33
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 34
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 126
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
echo OUTPUT_A = !resultA!

set char=randomValueJustToInitFill
call :split "%testVar%" "_" array

set resultB=
:: Loop through the resulting array
for /L %%I in (0, 1, %array.ubound%) do (
call :CHR !array[%%I]!
echo array[%%I] = !array[%%I]! = !char!
set resultB=!resultB!!char!
echo OUTPUT_B = !resultB!
goto :EOF

:: valid range should be from 32 to 126 inclusive
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
if %1 LSS 32 goto :EOF
if %1 GTR 126 goto :EOF

:: call function
call :ASCII %1 chr

:: print result, using ^ to escape special characters
:: such as <, > and |
set char=!chr!

:: end the script
goto :EOF

:: sub-routine
:: get the index
set /a var=%1-32
:: retrieve letter
set character=!alphabet:~%var%,1!
:: end the routine and return result as second parameter (out)
set %2=!character!
@EXIT /B 0

:: split subroutine
:split <string_to_split> <split_delimiter> <array_to_populate>
:: populates <array_to_populate>
:: creates arrayname.length (number of elements in array)
:: creates arrayname.ubound (upper index of array)

set "_data=%~1"

:: replace delimiter with " " and enclose in quotes
set _data="!_data:%~2=" "!"

:: remove empty "" (comment this out if you need to keep empty elements)
set "_data=%_data:""=%"

:: initialize array.length=0, array.ubound=-1
set /a "%~3.length=0, %~3.ubound=-1"

for %%I in (%_data%) do (
set "%~3[!%~3.length!]=%%~I"
set /a "%~3.length+=1, %~3.ubound+=1"
@EXIT /B 0

Output of Solution Script:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126


array[0] = 64 = @
array[1] = 65 = A
array[2] = 66 = B
array[3] = 67 = C
array[4] = 68 = D
array[5] = 69 = E
array[6] = 70 = F
array[7] = 64 = @
array[8] = 32 =
array[9] = 33 = !
array[10] = 34 = "
array[11] = 126 = ~

Changes to the alphabet variable:

The following fixed a good bulk of the problem.


set alphabet= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"


set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

Changes to :CHR and :ASCII functions:

The following fixed the bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s.

  • Got rid of the local setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion and endlocal & specific to the :ASCII function.

  • Using set %2=!character! instead of set %2=^%character%.

  • Using set char=!chr! instead of set char=^%chr%.

share|improve this answer

  • I suggest you take a look at this batch file example and this one too.

    – Compo
    Mar 8 at 19:00


Figured it all out and posted the solution script, as well as the script output.

I changed alphabet so that the ! is now ^^!, and the ^ is now ^^^. This fixed a majority of the issues. However, there was still a bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s. In order to fix that, I had to make a change to the :CHR and :ASCII functions. The significant script edits for the solution are listed at the bottom of this post.

Solution - ASCII Converting Batch Script (with all bug fixes):

@echo off
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: define characters from 32 to 126
set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

set testVar=64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126
echo INPUT = %testVar%

set resultA=

call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 65
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 66
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 67
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 68
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 69
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 70
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 32
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 33
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 34
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 126
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
echo OUTPUT_A = !resultA!

set char=randomValueJustToInitFill
call :split "%testVar%" "_" array

set resultB=
:: Loop through the resulting array
for /L %%I in (0, 1, %array.ubound%) do (
call :CHR !array[%%I]!
echo array[%%I] = !array[%%I]! = !char!
set resultB=!resultB!!char!
echo OUTPUT_B = !resultB!
goto :EOF

:: valid range should be from 32 to 126 inclusive
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
if %1 LSS 32 goto :EOF
if %1 GTR 126 goto :EOF

:: call function
call :ASCII %1 chr

:: print result, using ^ to escape special characters
:: such as <, > and |
set char=!chr!

:: end the script
goto :EOF

:: sub-routine
:: get the index
set /a var=%1-32
:: retrieve letter
set character=!alphabet:~%var%,1!
:: end the routine and return result as second parameter (out)
set %2=!character!
@EXIT /B 0

:: split subroutine
:split <string_to_split> <split_delimiter> <array_to_populate>
:: populates <array_to_populate>
:: creates arrayname.length (number of elements in array)
:: creates arrayname.ubound (upper index of array)

set "_data=%~1"

:: replace delimiter with " " and enclose in quotes
set _data="!_data:%~2=" "!"

:: remove empty "" (comment this out if you need to keep empty elements)
set "_data=%_data:""=%"

:: initialize array.length=0, array.ubound=-1
set /a "%~3.length=0, %~3.ubound=-1"

for %%I in (%_data%) do (
set "%~3[!%~3.length!]=%%~I"
set /a "%~3.length+=1, %~3.ubound+=1"
@EXIT /B 0

Output of Solution Script:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126


array[0] = 64 = @
array[1] = 65 = A
array[2] = 66 = B
array[3] = 67 = C
array[4] = 68 = D
array[5] = 69 = E
array[6] = 70 = F
array[7] = 64 = @
array[8] = 32 =
array[9] = 33 = !
array[10] = 34 = "
array[11] = 126 = ~

Changes to the alphabet variable:

The following fixed a good bulk of the problem.


set alphabet= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"


set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

Changes to :CHR and :ASCII functions:

The following fixed the bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s.

  • Got rid of the local setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion and endlocal & specific to the :ASCII function.

  • Using set %2=!character! instead of set %2=^%character%.

  • Using set char=!chr! instead of set char=^%chr%.

share|improve this answer

  • I suggest you take a look at this batch file example and this one too.

    – Compo
    Mar 8 at 19:00




Figured it all out and posted the solution script, as well as the script output.

I changed alphabet so that the ! is now ^^!, and the ^ is now ^^^. This fixed a majority of the issues. However, there was still a bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s. In order to fix that, I had to make a change to the :CHR and :ASCII functions. The significant script edits for the solution are listed at the bottom of this post.

Solution - ASCII Converting Batch Script (with all bug fixes):

@echo off
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: define characters from 32 to 126
set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

set testVar=64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126
echo INPUT = %testVar%

set resultA=

call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 65
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 66
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 67
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 68
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 69
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 70
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 32
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 33
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 34
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 126
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
echo OUTPUT_A = !resultA!

set char=randomValueJustToInitFill
call :split "%testVar%" "_" array

set resultB=
:: Loop through the resulting array
for /L %%I in (0, 1, %array.ubound%) do (
call :CHR !array[%%I]!
echo array[%%I] = !array[%%I]! = !char!
set resultB=!resultB!!char!
echo OUTPUT_B = !resultB!
goto :EOF

:: valid range should be from 32 to 126 inclusive
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
if %1 LSS 32 goto :EOF
if %1 GTR 126 goto :EOF

:: call function
call :ASCII %1 chr

:: print result, using ^ to escape special characters
:: such as <, > and |
set char=!chr!

:: end the script
goto :EOF

:: sub-routine
:: get the index
set /a var=%1-32
:: retrieve letter
set character=!alphabet:~%var%,1!
:: end the routine and return result as second parameter (out)
set %2=!character!
@EXIT /B 0

:: split subroutine
:split <string_to_split> <split_delimiter> <array_to_populate>
:: populates <array_to_populate>
:: creates arrayname.length (number of elements in array)
:: creates arrayname.ubound (upper index of array)

set "_data=%~1"

:: replace delimiter with " " and enclose in quotes
set _data="!_data:%~2=" "!"

:: remove empty "" (comment this out if you need to keep empty elements)
set "_data=%_data:""=%"

:: initialize array.length=0, array.ubound=-1
set /a "%~3.length=0, %~3.ubound=-1"

for %%I in (%_data%) do (
set "%~3[!%~3.length!]=%%~I"
set /a "%~3.length+=1, %~3.ubound+=1"
@EXIT /B 0

Output of Solution Script:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126


array[0] = 64 = @
array[1] = 65 = A
array[2] = 66 = B
array[3] = 67 = C
array[4] = 68 = D
array[5] = 69 = E
array[6] = 70 = F
array[7] = 64 = @
array[8] = 32 =
array[9] = 33 = !
array[10] = 34 = "
array[11] = 126 = ~

Changes to the alphabet variable:

The following fixed a good bulk of the problem.


set alphabet= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"


set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

Changes to :CHR and :ASCII functions:

The following fixed the bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s.

  • Got rid of the local setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion and endlocal & specific to the :ASCII function.

  • Using set %2=!character! instead of set %2=^%character%.

  • Using set char=!chr! instead of set char=^%chr%.

share|improve this answer

Figured it all out and posted the solution script, as well as the script output.

I changed alphabet so that the ! is now ^^!, and the ^ is now ^^^. This fixed a majority of the issues. However, there was still a bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s. In order to fix that, I had to make a change to the :CHR and :ASCII functions. The significant script edits for the solution are listed at the bottom of this post.

Solution - ASCII Converting Batch Script (with all bug fixes):

@echo off
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: define characters from 32 to 126
set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

set testVar=64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126
echo INPUT = %testVar%

set resultA=

call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 65
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 66
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 67
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 68
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 69
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 70
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 64
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 32
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 33
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 34
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
call :CHR 126
set resultA=!resultA!!char!
echo OUTPUT_A = !resultA!

set char=randomValueJustToInitFill
call :split "%testVar%" "_" array

set resultB=
:: Loop through the resulting array
for /L %%I in (0, 1, %array.ubound%) do (
call :CHR !array[%%I]!
echo array[%%I] = !array[%%I]! = !char!
set resultB=!resultB!!char!
echo OUTPUT_B = !resultB!
goto :EOF

:: valid range should be from 32 to 126 inclusive
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
if %1 LSS 32 goto :EOF
if %1 GTR 126 goto :EOF

:: call function
call :ASCII %1 chr

:: print result, using ^ to escape special characters
:: such as <, > and |
set char=!chr!

:: end the script
goto :EOF

:: sub-routine
:: get the index
set /a var=%1-32
:: retrieve letter
set character=!alphabet:~%var%,1!
:: end the routine and return result as second parameter (out)
set %2=!character!
@EXIT /B 0

:: split subroutine
:split <string_to_split> <split_delimiter> <array_to_populate>
:: populates <array_to_populate>
:: creates arrayname.length (number of elements in array)
:: creates arrayname.ubound (upper index of array)

set "_data=%~1"

:: replace delimiter with " " and enclose in quotes
set _data="!_data:%~2=" "!"

:: remove empty "" (comment this out if you need to keep empty elements)
set "_data=%_data:""=%"

:: initialize array.length=0, array.ubound=-1
set /a "%~3.length=0, %~3.ubound=-1"

for %%I in (%_data%) do (
set "%~3[!%~3.length!]=%%~I"
set /a "%~3.length+=1, %~3.ubound+=1"
@EXIT /B 0

Output of Solution Script:

INPUT = 64_65_66_67_68_69_70_64_32_33_34_126


array[0] = 64 = @
array[1] = 65 = A
array[2] = 66 = B
array[3] = 67 = C
array[4] = 68 = D
array[5] = 69 = E
array[6] = 70 = F
array[7] = 64 = @
array[8] = 32 =
array[9] = 33 = !
array[10] = 34 = "
array[11] = 126 = ~

Changes to the alphabet variable:

The following fixed a good bulk of the problem.


set alphabet= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"


set alphabet= ^^!"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^^^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"

Changes to :CHR and :ASCII functions:

The following fixed the bug where 33s were not converting correctly to !s.

  • Got rid of the local setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion and endlocal & specific to the :ASCII function.

  • Using set %2=!character! instead of set %2=^%character%.

  • Using set char=!chr! instead of set char=^%chr%.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Mar 8 at 17:01

answered Mar 8 at 15:31




  • I suggest you take a look at this batch file example and this one too.

    – Compo
    Mar 8 at 19:00

  • I suggest you take a look at this batch file example and this one too.

    – Compo
    Mar 8 at 19:00

I suggest you take a look at this batch file example and this one too.

– Compo
Mar 8 at 19:00

I suggest you take a look at this batch file example and this one too.

– Compo
Mar 8 at 19:00

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