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How to stop fetching duplicate data in Web API 2

2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow to get base URL in Web API controller?How do I unit test web api action method when it returns IHttpActionResult?Why Web Api include properties in response that are not projectedHow to implement oauth2 server in ASP.NET MVC 5 and WEB API 2Web API 2 filtering based on a companyWEB API JSON Serializing Circular ReferencesWeb API 2 and EF attach issueASP.NET Web Api 2.0 with Entity framework throws exception when hosted as Web siteWeb api routing with entity frameworkHow to pause Web API ? Is it even possible?


I want to design RESTfull API where no duplicate data in here.
Here is my context class

public class ReviewDbContext : DbContext

public ReviewDbContext() : base("name=Con")

Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ReviewDbContext, ReviewsCalculateSystem.Models.Migrations.Configuration>("Con"));
this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
//this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)


private void FixEfProviderServicesProblem()

var instance = System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices.Instance;

//Here some entity....

I'm facing this error:

The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'.

And this error is solved to add follow code in my Global.asax file

.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;

reviewerReviewForEachProductById service class

 public JsonResult reviewerReviewForEachProductById(int reviewerId, int productId)

var productReviewInfo = db.ReviewerTaskAsigns.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).Select(x => new x.Product, x.ReviewCollectMargin, x.NumberOfReviewCollect ).FirstOrDefault();
//var reviewList = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).ToList();
return new JsonResult

Data = newproductReviewInfo,
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

When I hit the above service using Postman enter image description here

The above service class I add some extra code to do something and I fetching the above error which I solved

public JsonResult reviewerReviewForEachProductById(int reviewerId, int productId)

var productReviewInfo = db.ReviewerTaskAsigns.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).Select(x => new x.Product, x.ReviewCollectMargin, x.NumberOfReviewCollect ).FirstOrDefault();
var reviewList = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).ToList();
return new JsonResult

Data = new
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

When I hit the above service using postman and I see lot of duplicate data are here

"Admin": null,
"ReviewerTaskAsigns": null,
"Reviews": [

"Reviewer": null,
"ReviewId": 3,
"SwapmeetFbProfileLink": "B1",
"SwapmeetProductLink": "B1",
"SwapmeetReviewLink": "B1",
"OwnReviewLink": null,
"ReviewStatus": true,
"isPay": false,
"ProductId": 4,
"ReviewerId": 1

"ProductId": 4,
"ProductName": "C# Book",
"ProductAsin": "64dFDF45F",
"ProductLink": "",
"CurrentStatus": true,
"NumberOfReviewNeed": 30,
"NumberOfReviewCollect": null,
"ReviewStartDate": "2019-02-08T00:00:00",
"ReviewEndDate": null,
"AdminId": 1
"ReviewCollectMargin": 20,
"NumberOfReviewCollect": 1
"reviewList": [

"Admin": null,
"ReviewerTaskAsigns": null,
"Reviews": [],
"ProductId": 4,
"ProductName": "C# Book",
"ProductAsin": "64dFDF45F",
"ProductLink": "",
"CurrentStatus": true,
"NumberOfReviewNeed": 30,
"NumberOfReviewCollect": null,
"ReviewStartDate": "2019-02-08T00:00:00",
"ReviewEndDate": null,
"AdminId": 1
"Reviewer": null,
"ReviewId": 3,
"SwapmeetFbProfileLink": "B1",
"SwapmeetProductLink": "B1",
"SwapmeetReviewLink": "B1",
"OwnReviewLink": null,
"ReviewStatus": true,
"isPay": false,
"ProductId": 4,
"ReviewerId": 1


Product and Review model class

 public class Product

public int ProductId get; set;
public string ProductName get; set;
public string ProductAsin get; set;
public string ProductLink get; set;
public bool CurrentStatus get; set;
public int NumberOfReviewNeed get; set;
public int? NumberOfReviewCollect get; set;
public DateTime? ReviewStartDate get; set;
public DateTime? ReviewEndDate get; set;
public int AdminId get; set;
public virtual Admin Admin get; set;
public virtual ICollection<Review> Reviews get; set;
public virtual ICollection<ReviewerTaskAsign> ReviewerTaskAsigns get; set;

public class Review

public int ReviewId get; set;
public string SwapmeetFbProfileLink get; set;
public string SwapmeetProductLink get; set;
public string SwapmeetReviewLink get; set;
public string OwnReviewLink get; set;
public bool ReviewStatus get; set;
public bool isPay get; set;
public int ProductId get; set;
public virtual Product Product get; set;
public int ReviewerId get; set;
public virtual Reviewer Reviewer get; set;

How to stop duplicate data fetching?

share|improve this question


    I want to design RESTfull API where no duplicate data in here.
    Here is my context class

    public class ReviewDbContext : DbContext

    public ReviewDbContext() : base("name=Con")

    Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ReviewDbContext, ReviewsCalculateSystem.Models.Migrations.Configuration>("Con"));
    this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
    //this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)


    private void FixEfProviderServicesProblem()

    var instance = System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices.Instance;

    //Here some entity....

    I'm facing this error:

    The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'.

    And this error is solved to add follow code in my Global.asax file

    .ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;

    reviewerReviewForEachProductById service class

     public JsonResult reviewerReviewForEachProductById(int reviewerId, int productId)

    var productReviewInfo = db.ReviewerTaskAsigns.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).Select(x => new x.Product, x.ReviewCollectMargin, x.NumberOfReviewCollect ).FirstOrDefault();
    //var reviewList = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).ToList();
    return new JsonResult

    Data = newproductReviewInfo,
    JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

    When I hit the above service using Postman enter image description here

    The above service class I add some extra code to do something and I fetching the above error which I solved

    public JsonResult reviewerReviewForEachProductById(int reviewerId, int productId)

    var productReviewInfo = db.ReviewerTaskAsigns.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).Select(x => new x.Product, x.ReviewCollectMargin, x.NumberOfReviewCollect ).FirstOrDefault();
    var reviewList = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).ToList();
    return new JsonResult

    Data = new
    JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

    When I hit the above service using postman and I see lot of duplicate data are here

    "Admin": null,
    "ReviewerTaskAsigns": null,
    "Reviews": [

    "Reviewer": null,
    "ReviewId": 3,
    "SwapmeetFbProfileLink": "B1",
    "SwapmeetProductLink": "B1",
    "SwapmeetReviewLink": "B1",
    "OwnReviewLink": null,
    "ReviewStatus": true,
    "isPay": false,
    "ProductId": 4,
    "ReviewerId": 1

    "ProductId": 4,
    "ProductName": "C# Book",
    "ProductAsin": "64dFDF45F",
    "ProductLink": "",
    "CurrentStatus": true,
    "NumberOfReviewNeed": 30,
    "NumberOfReviewCollect": null,
    "ReviewStartDate": "2019-02-08T00:00:00",
    "ReviewEndDate": null,
    "AdminId": 1
    "ReviewCollectMargin": 20,
    "NumberOfReviewCollect": 1
    "reviewList": [

    "Admin": null,
    "ReviewerTaskAsigns": null,
    "Reviews": [],
    "ProductId": 4,
    "ProductName": "C# Book",
    "ProductAsin": "64dFDF45F",
    "ProductLink": "",
    "CurrentStatus": true,
    "NumberOfReviewNeed": 30,
    "NumberOfReviewCollect": null,
    "ReviewStartDate": "2019-02-08T00:00:00",
    "ReviewEndDate": null,
    "AdminId": 1
    "Reviewer": null,
    "ReviewId": 3,
    "SwapmeetFbProfileLink": "B1",
    "SwapmeetProductLink": "B1",
    "SwapmeetReviewLink": "B1",
    "OwnReviewLink": null,
    "ReviewStatus": true,
    "isPay": false,
    "ProductId": 4,
    "ReviewerId": 1


    Product and Review model class

     public class Product

    public int ProductId get; set;
    public string ProductName get; set;
    public string ProductAsin get; set;
    public string ProductLink get; set;
    public bool CurrentStatus get; set;
    public int NumberOfReviewNeed get; set;
    public int? NumberOfReviewCollect get; set;
    public DateTime? ReviewStartDate get; set;
    public DateTime? ReviewEndDate get; set;
    public int AdminId get; set;
    public virtual Admin Admin get; set;
    public virtual ICollection<Review> Reviews get; set;
    public virtual ICollection<ReviewerTaskAsign> ReviewerTaskAsigns get; set;

    public class Review

    public int ReviewId get; set;
    public string SwapmeetFbProfileLink get; set;
    public string SwapmeetProductLink get; set;
    public string SwapmeetReviewLink get; set;
    public string OwnReviewLink get; set;
    public bool ReviewStatus get; set;
    public bool isPay get; set;
    public int ProductId get; set;
    public virtual Product Product get; set;
    public int ReviewerId get; set;
    public virtual Reviewer Reviewer get; set;

    How to stop duplicate data fetching?

    share|improve this question




      I want to design RESTfull API where no duplicate data in here.
      Here is my context class

      public class ReviewDbContext : DbContext

      public ReviewDbContext() : base("name=Con")

      Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ReviewDbContext, ReviewsCalculateSystem.Models.Migrations.Configuration>("Con"));
      this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
      //this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

      protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)


      private void FixEfProviderServicesProblem()

      var instance = System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices.Instance;

      //Here some entity....

      I'm facing this error:

      The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'.

      And this error is solved to add follow code in my Global.asax file

      .ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;

      reviewerReviewForEachProductById service class

       public JsonResult reviewerReviewForEachProductById(int reviewerId, int productId)

      var productReviewInfo = db.ReviewerTaskAsigns.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).Select(x => new x.Product, x.ReviewCollectMargin, x.NumberOfReviewCollect ).FirstOrDefault();
      //var reviewList = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).ToList();
      return new JsonResult

      Data = newproductReviewInfo,
      JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

      When I hit the above service using Postman enter image description here

      The above service class I add some extra code to do something and I fetching the above error which I solved

      public JsonResult reviewerReviewForEachProductById(int reviewerId, int productId)

      var productReviewInfo = db.ReviewerTaskAsigns.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).Select(x => new x.Product, x.ReviewCollectMargin, x.NumberOfReviewCollect ).FirstOrDefault();
      var reviewList = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).ToList();
      return new JsonResult

      Data = new
      JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

      When I hit the above service using postman and I see lot of duplicate data are here

      "Admin": null,
      "ReviewerTaskAsigns": null,
      "Reviews": [

      "Reviewer": null,
      "ReviewId": 3,
      "SwapmeetFbProfileLink": "B1",
      "SwapmeetProductLink": "B1",
      "SwapmeetReviewLink": "B1",
      "OwnReviewLink": null,
      "ReviewStatus": true,
      "isPay": false,
      "ProductId": 4,
      "ReviewerId": 1

      "ProductId": 4,
      "ProductName": "C# Book",
      "ProductAsin": "64dFDF45F",
      "ProductLink": "",
      "CurrentStatus": true,
      "NumberOfReviewNeed": 30,
      "NumberOfReviewCollect": null,
      "ReviewStartDate": "2019-02-08T00:00:00",
      "ReviewEndDate": null,
      "AdminId": 1
      "ReviewCollectMargin": 20,
      "NumberOfReviewCollect": 1
      "reviewList": [

      "Admin": null,
      "ReviewerTaskAsigns": null,
      "Reviews": [],
      "ProductId": 4,
      "ProductName": "C# Book",
      "ProductAsin": "64dFDF45F",
      "ProductLink": "",
      "CurrentStatus": true,
      "NumberOfReviewNeed": 30,
      "NumberOfReviewCollect": null,
      "ReviewStartDate": "2019-02-08T00:00:00",
      "ReviewEndDate": null,
      "AdminId": 1
      "Reviewer": null,
      "ReviewId": 3,
      "SwapmeetFbProfileLink": "B1",
      "SwapmeetProductLink": "B1",
      "SwapmeetReviewLink": "B1",
      "OwnReviewLink": null,
      "ReviewStatus": true,
      "isPay": false,
      "ProductId": 4,
      "ReviewerId": 1


      Product and Review model class

       public class Product

      public int ProductId get; set;
      public string ProductName get; set;
      public string ProductAsin get; set;
      public string ProductLink get; set;
      public bool CurrentStatus get; set;
      public int NumberOfReviewNeed get; set;
      public int? NumberOfReviewCollect get; set;
      public DateTime? ReviewStartDate get; set;
      public DateTime? ReviewEndDate get; set;
      public int AdminId get; set;
      public virtual Admin Admin get; set;
      public virtual ICollection<Review> Reviews get; set;
      public virtual ICollection<ReviewerTaskAsign> ReviewerTaskAsigns get; set;

      public class Review

      public int ReviewId get; set;
      public string SwapmeetFbProfileLink get; set;
      public string SwapmeetProductLink get; set;
      public string SwapmeetReviewLink get; set;
      public string OwnReviewLink get; set;
      public bool ReviewStatus get; set;
      public bool isPay get; set;
      public int ProductId get; set;
      public virtual Product Product get; set;
      public int ReviewerId get; set;
      public virtual Reviewer Reviewer get; set;

      How to stop duplicate data fetching?

      share|improve this question

      I want to design RESTfull API where no duplicate data in here.
      Here is my context class

      public class ReviewDbContext : DbContext

      public ReviewDbContext() : base("name=Con")

      Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ReviewDbContext, ReviewsCalculateSystem.Models.Migrations.Configuration>("Con"));
      this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
      //this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

      protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)


      private void FixEfProviderServicesProblem()

      var instance = System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices.Instance;

      //Here some entity....

      I'm facing this error:

      The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'.

      And this error is solved to add follow code in my Global.asax file

      .ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;

      reviewerReviewForEachProductById service class

       public JsonResult reviewerReviewForEachProductById(int reviewerId, int productId)

      var productReviewInfo = db.ReviewerTaskAsigns.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).Select(x => new x.Product, x.ReviewCollectMargin, x.NumberOfReviewCollect ).FirstOrDefault();
      //var reviewList = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).ToList();
      return new JsonResult

      Data = newproductReviewInfo,
      JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

      When I hit the above service using Postman enter image description here

      The above service class I add some extra code to do something and I fetching the above error which I solved

      public JsonResult reviewerReviewForEachProductById(int reviewerId, int productId)

      var productReviewInfo = db.ReviewerTaskAsigns.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).Select(x => new x.Product, x.ReviewCollectMargin, x.NumberOfReviewCollect ).FirstOrDefault();
      var reviewList = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewerId == reviewerId && x.ProductId == productId).ToList();
      return new JsonResult

      Data = new
      JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

      When I hit the above service using postman and I see lot of duplicate data are here

      "Admin": null,
      "ReviewerTaskAsigns": null,
      "Reviews": [

      "Reviewer": null,
      "ReviewId": 3,
      "SwapmeetFbProfileLink": "B1",
      "SwapmeetProductLink": "B1",
      "SwapmeetReviewLink": "B1",
      "OwnReviewLink": null,
      "ReviewStatus": true,
      "isPay": false,
      "ProductId": 4,
      "ReviewerId": 1

      "ProductId": 4,
      "ProductName": "C# Book",
      "ProductAsin": "64dFDF45F",
      "ProductLink": "",
      "CurrentStatus": true,
      "NumberOfReviewNeed": 30,
      "NumberOfReviewCollect": null,
      "ReviewStartDate": "2019-02-08T00:00:00",
      "ReviewEndDate": null,
      "AdminId": 1
      "ReviewCollectMargin": 20,
      "NumberOfReviewCollect": 1
      "reviewList": [

      "Admin": null,
      "ReviewerTaskAsigns": null,
      "Reviews": [],
      "ProductId": 4,
      "ProductName": "C# Book",
      "ProductAsin": "64dFDF45F",
      "ProductLink": "",
      "CurrentStatus": true,
      "NumberOfReviewNeed": 30,
      "NumberOfReviewCollect": null,
      "ReviewStartDate": "2019-02-08T00:00:00",
      "ReviewEndDate": null,
      "AdminId": 1
      "Reviewer": null,
      "ReviewId": 3,
      "SwapmeetFbProfileLink": "B1",
      "SwapmeetProductLink": "B1",
      "SwapmeetReviewLink": "B1",
      "OwnReviewLink": null,
      "ReviewStatus": true,
      "isPay": false,
      "ProductId": 4,
      "ReviewerId": 1


      Product and Review model class

       public class Product

      public int ProductId get; set;
      public string ProductName get; set;
      public string ProductAsin get; set;
      public string ProductLink get; set;
      public bool CurrentStatus get; set;
      public int NumberOfReviewNeed get; set;
      public int? NumberOfReviewCollect get; set;
      public DateTime? ReviewStartDate get; set;
      public DateTime? ReviewEndDate get; set;
      public int AdminId get; set;
      public virtual Admin Admin get; set;
      public virtual ICollection<Review> Reviews get; set;
      public virtual ICollection<ReviewerTaskAsign> ReviewerTaskAsigns get; set;

      public class Review

      public int ReviewId get; set;
      public string SwapmeetFbProfileLink get; set;
      public string SwapmeetProductLink get; set;
      public string SwapmeetReviewLink get; set;
      public string OwnReviewLink get; set;
      public bool ReviewStatus get; set;
      public bool isPay get; set;
      public int ProductId get; set;
      public virtual Product Product get; set;
      public int ReviewerId get; set;
      public virtual Reviewer Reviewer get; set;

      How to stop duplicate data fetching?


      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Mar 7 at 12:24

      Ahasanul BannaAhasanul Banna







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