Broken UISearchBar animation embedded in NavigationItem2019 Community Moderator ElectionSuccessive view controllers with search bars in their navigation items cause obscuring of view when animating push and popUISearchController in NavigationItem iOS 11 Apple wayUISearchController with large titles crashes in Tab bar with “Only one palette with a top boundary edge can be active outside of a transition”Dont animate navigationBar transition when push ViewController with SearchController and before in navigation were too a VC with SearchControllerUISearchController / UINavigationBar shows broken animation when used within UINavigationControllerThe first UITableViewCell's accessary arrow is not showingHow do I animate constraint changes?How to detect tableView cell touched or clicked in swiftDirecting to a different ViewController depending on tableView cell clickedExpand and Collapse tableview cellsUpdate or reload UITableView after completion of delete action on detail viewTableView not displaying text with JSON data from API callTextfield values set to empty when coming back from previous view controllerUISearchBar in control segmentsSwift vertical UICollectionView inside UITableView

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Broken UISearchBar animation embedded in NavigationItem

2019 Community Moderator ElectionSuccessive view controllers with search bars in their navigation items cause obscuring of view when animating push and popUISearchController in NavigationItem iOS 11 Apple wayUISearchController with large titles crashes in Tab bar with “Only one palette with a top boundary edge can be active outside of a transition”Dont animate navigationBar transition when push ViewController with SearchController and before in navigation were too a VC with SearchControllerUISearchController / UINavigationBar shows broken animation when used within UINavigationControllerThe first UITableViewCell's accessary arrow is not showingHow do I animate constraint changes?How to detect tableView cell touched or clicked in swiftDirecting to a different ViewController depending on tableView cell clickedExpand and Collapse tableview cellsUpdate or reload UITableView after completion of delete action on detail viewTableView not displaying text with JSON data from API callTextfield values set to empty when coming back from previous view controllerUISearchBar in control segmentsSwift vertical UICollectionView inside UITableView


I am experiencing a problem with the new way of adding search bar to the navigation item.

As you can see in the picture below, there are two UIViewControllers one after the other, and both have the search bar. The problem is the animation, which is ugly when search bar is visible on the first view controller but not on the second one. The area occupied by the search bar stays on the screen and suddenly disappears.


The code is very basic (no other changes in the project were made):

(I write primarily in C#, so there might be errors in this code.)


import UIKit

class ViewController: UITableViewController, UISearchResultsUpdating

override func loadView()

definesPresentationContext = true;

navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true;
navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .automatic;
navigationItem.title = "VC"

tableView.insetsContentViewsToSafeArea = true;
tableView.dataSource = self;

refreshControl = UIRefreshControl();
refreshControl?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.handleRefresh(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.valueChanged)
tableView.refreshControl = refreshControl;

let stvc = UITableViewController();
stvc.tableView.dataSource = self;

let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: stvc);
sc.searchResultsUpdater = self;
navigationItem.searchController = sc;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell1");
if (cell == nil)
cell = UITableViewCell(style: .default, reuseIdentifier: "cell1");

cell?.textLabel?.text = "cell " + String(indexPath.row);
return cell!;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
return 20;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
let vc = ViewController();
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true);

@objc func handleRefresh(_ refreshControl: UIRefreshControl)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(2), execute:

func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController)


import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate

var window: UIWindow?

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool

window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds);
window?.rootViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: ViewController());

UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor =;

return true


share|improve this question

  • Check in device.. It may be simulator issue. Try with viewDidLoad() (instead of loadView() )

    – Krunal
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:47

  • Nope, on device it is the same.

    – BartoszCichecki
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

  • And viewDidLoad has the same result.

    – BartoszCichecki
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:49


I am experiencing a problem with the new way of adding search bar to the navigation item.

As you can see in the picture below, there are two UIViewControllers one after the other, and both have the search bar. The problem is the animation, which is ugly when search bar is visible on the first view controller but not on the second one. The area occupied by the search bar stays on the screen and suddenly disappears.


The code is very basic (no other changes in the project were made):

(I write primarily in C#, so there might be errors in this code.)


import UIKit

class ViewController: UITableViewController, UISearchResultsUpdating

override func loadView()

definesPresentationContext = true;

navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true;
navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .automatic;
navigationItem.title = "VC"

tableView.insetsContentViewsToSafeArea = true;
tableView.dataSource = self;

refreshControl = UIRefreshControl();
refreshControl?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.handleRefresh(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.valueChanged)
tableView.refreshControl = refreshControl;

let stvc = UITableViewController();
stvc.tableView.dataSource = self;

let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: stvc);
sc.searchResultsUpdater = self;
navigationItem.searchController = sc;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell1");
if (cell == nil)
cell = UITableViewCell(style: .default, reuseIdentifier: "cell1");

cell?.textLabel?.text = "cell " + String(indexPath.row);
return cell!;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
return 20;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
let vc = ViewController();
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true);

@objc func handleRefresh(_ refreshControl: UIRefreshControl)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(2), execute:

func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController)


import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate

var window: UIWindow?

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool

window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds);
window?.rootViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: ViewController());

UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor =;

return true


share|improve this question

  • Check in device.. It may be simulator issue. Try with viewDidLoad() (instead of loadView() )

    – Krunal
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:47

  • Nope, on device it is the same.

    – BartoszCichecki
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

  • And viewDidLoad has the same result.

    – BartoszCichecki
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:49





I am experiencing a problem with the new way of adding search bar to the navigation item.

As you can see in the picture below, there are two UIViewControllers one after the other, and both have the search bar. The problem is the animation, which is ugly when search bar is visible on the first view controller but not on the second one. The area occupied by the search bar stays on the screen and suddenly disappears.


The code is very basic (no other changes in the project were made):

(I write primarily in C#, so there might be errors in this code.)


import UIKit

class ViewController: UITableViewController, UISearchResultsUpdating

override func loadView()

definesPresentationContext = true;

navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true;
navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .automatic;
navigationItem.title = "VC"

tableView.insetsContentViewsToSafeArea = true;
tableView.dataSource = self;

refreshControl = UIRefreshControl();
refreshControl?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.handleRefresh(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.valueChanged)
tableView.refreshControl = refreshControl;

let stvc = UITableViewController();
stvc.tableView.dataSource = self;

let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: stvc);
sc.searchResultsUpdater = self;
navigationItem.searchController = sc;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell1");
if (cell == nil)
cell = UITableViewCell(style: .default, reuseIdentifier: "cell1");

cell?.textLabel?.text = "cell " + String(indexPath.row);
return cell!;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
return 20;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
let vc = ViewController();
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true);

@objc func handleRefresh(_ refreshControl: UIRefreshControl)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(2), execute:

func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController)


import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate

var window: UIWindow?

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool

window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds);
window?.rootViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: ViewController());

UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor =;

return true


share|improve this question

I am experiencing a problem with the new way of adding search bar to the navigation item.

As you can see in the picture below, there are two UIViewControllers one after the other, and both have the search bar. The problem is the animation, which is ugly when search bar is visible on the first view controller but not on the second one. The area occupied by the search bar stays on the screen and suddenly disappears.


The code is very basic (no other changes in the project were made):

(I write primarily in C#, so there might be errors in this code.)


import UIKit

class ViewController: UITableViewController, UISearchResultsUpdating

override func loadView()

definesPresentationContext = true;

navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true;
navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .automatic;
navigationItem.title = "VC"

tableView.insetsContentViewsToSafeArea = true;
tableView.dataSource = self;

refreshControl = UIRefreshControl();
refreshControl?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.handleRefresh(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.valueChanged)
tableView.refreshControl = refreshControl;

let stvc = UITableViewController();
stvc.tableView.dataSource = self;

let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: stvc);
sc.searchResultsUpdater = self;
navigationItem.searchController = sc;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell1");
if (cell == nil)
cell = UITableViewCell(style: .default, reuseIdentifier: "cell1");

cell?.textLabel?.text = "cell " + String(indexPath.row);
return cell!;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
return 20;

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
let vc = ViewController();
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true);

@objc func handleRefresh(_ refreshControl: UIRefreshControl)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(2), execute:

func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController)


import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate

var window: UIWindow?

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool

window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds);
window?.rootViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: ViewController());

UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor =;

return true


ios animation uisearchbar ios11

share|improve this question

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share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Feb 21 '18 at 23:33




asked Sep 19 '17 at 13:30




  • Check in device.. It may be simulator issue. Try with viewDidLoad() (instead of loadView() )

    – Krunal
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:47

  • Nope, on device it is the same.

    – BartoszCichecki
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

  • And viewDidLoad has the same result.

    – BartoszCichecki
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

  • Check in device.. It may be simulator issue. Try with viewDidLoad() (instead of loadView() )

    – Krunal
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:47

  • Nope, on device it is the same.

    – BartoszCichecki
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

  • And viewDidLoad has the same result.

    – BartoszCichecki
    Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

Check in device.. It may be simulator issue. Try with viewDidLoad() (instead of loadView() )

– Krunal
Sep 19 '17 at 13:47

Check in device.. It may be simulator issue. Try with viewDidLoad() (instead of loadView() )

– Krunal
Sep 19 '17 at 13:47

Nope, on device it is the same.

– BartoszCichecki
Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

Nope, on device it is the same.

– BartoszCichecki
Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

And viewDidLoad has the same result.

– BartoszCichecki
Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

And viewDidLoad has the same result.

– BartoszCichecki
Sep 19 '17 at 13:49

4 Answers






It looks like Apple still needs to iron out the use of the UISearchBar in the new large title style. If the UIViewController you push to doesn't have its navigationItem.searchController set, the animation works fine. When navigating between two instances of UIViewController that both have a searchController set, you get the issue you describe where the height of the navigation bar jumps.

You can solve (work around) the problem by creating the UISearchController every time viewDidAppear gets called (instead of creating it in loadView) and setting navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewDidDisappear.

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) 

let stvc = UITableViewController()
stvc.tableView.dataSource = self

let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: stvc)
sc.searchResultsUpdater = self
self.navigationItem.searchController = sc

override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool)

self.navigationItem.searchController = nil

The reason for the asynchronous dispatch is that when setting the navigationItem.searchController inline in the viewDidAppear method, an exception is raised:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Only one palette with a top boundary edge can be active outside of a transition. Current active palette is <_UINavigationControllerManagedSearchPalette: 0x7fad67117e80; frame = (0 116; 414 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x60400002c8e0>>'

I know this is only a work around, but hopefully this will help you for now, until Apple solves the issue with navigating between two view controllers that both have a UISearchController set on their navigationItem.

share|improve this answer

  • 3

    iOS 11...nice miss Apple.. 😂

    – Will Von Ullrich
    Sep 26 '17 at 21:00

  • 2

    Still get the same crash when switching between tabs in at TabBarController :( Any tips?

    – Sunkas
    Jul 17 '18 at 14:48

  • @silicon_valley Do you have any idea how to handle the back action - when on the first screen the search bar is under the navigation bar and on the second the search bar is visible and you tap back - you there is the same glitch

    – KoCMoHaBTa
    Oct 25 '18 at 15:15

  • Have you tried setting the navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewWillAppear and viewDidDisappear?

    – silicon_valley
    Oct 27 '18 at 18:09

  • still present on iOS 12

    – Alessandro
    Dec 5 '18 at 10:23


My solution for this problem is to update the constraint that is keeping the UISearchBar visible, when the UIViewController is being dismissed. I was not able to use silicon_valley's solution as even with the asynchronous dispatch I was getting the crash he mentioned. This is admittedly a pretty messy solution but Apple hasn't made this easy.

The code below assumes you have a property containing a UISearchController instance within your UIViewController subclass called searchController

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) 

&& !searchController.isActive
&& !searchController.isEditing
&&$0.viewControllers.last != self) ?? false,
let searchBarSuperview = searchController.searchBar.superview,
let searchBarHeightConstraint = searchBarSuperview.constraints.first(where:
$0.firstAttribute == .height
&& $0.secondItem == nil
&& $0.secondAttribute == .notAnAttribute
&& $0.constant > 0

searchBarHeightConstraint.constant = 0

You can remove the performWithoutAnimation and layoutIfNeeded, and it will still animate; however I found the animation was never triggered the first time, and it doesn't look that great anyway.

I hope Apple fixes this in a later iOS release, the current release is 12.1.4 at the time of writing.

share|improve this answer


    The accepted answer does solve the problem for some situations, but I was experiencing it resulting in the complete removal of the navigationItem in the pushed view controller if the first search bar was active.

    I've come up with another workaround, similar to the answer by stu, but requiring no meddling with constraints. The approach is to determine, at the point of the segue, whether the search bar is visible. If it is, we instruct the destination view controller to make its search bar visible from load. This means that the navigation item animation behaves correctly:

    Search bar correctly animating

    Assuming the two view controllers are called UIViewController1 and UIViewController2, where 1 pushes 2, the code is as follows:

    class ViewController1: UITableViewController 

    override func viewDidLoad()

    let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
    searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
    navigationItem.searchController = searchController

    definesPresentationContext = true

    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?)
    if let viewController2 = segue.destination as? ViewController2, let searchController = navigationItem.searchController

    // If the search bar is visible (but not active, which would make it visible but at the top of the view)
    // in this view controller as we are preparing to segue, instruct the destination view controller that its
    // search bar should be visible from load.
    viewController2.forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = !searchController.isActive && searchController.searchBar.frame.height > 0

    class ViewController2: UITableViewController 

    var forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = false

    override func viewDidLoad()

    let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
    searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
    navigationItem.searchController = searchController

    // If on load we want to force the search bar to be visible, we make it so that it is always visible to start with
    if forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad
    navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)
    // When the view has appeared, we switch back the default behaviour of the search bar being hideable.
    // The search bar will already be visible at this point, thus achieving what we aimed to do (have it
    // visible during the animation).
    navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = true

    share|improve this answer


      I have added this code in viewDidLoad() and it's working, when I moved in b/w of tabs


      share|improve this answer

      • 2

        How can this change something? Did you forget appending = false in your line of code?

        – fl034
        Oct 11 '18 at 8:31

      Your Answer

      StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function ()
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      StackExchange.using("externalEditor", function()
      // Have to fire editor after snippets, if snippets enabled
      if (StackExchange.settings.snippets.snippetsEnabled)
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      Post as a guest

      Required, but never shown

      4 Answers




      4 Answers












      It looks like Apple still needs to iron out the use of the UISearchBar in the new large title style. If the UIViewController you push to doesn't have its navigationItem.searchController set, the animation works fine. When navigating between two instances of UIViewController that both have a searchController set, you get the issue you describe where the height of the navigation bar jumps.

      You can solve (work around) the problem by creating the UISearchController every time viewDidAppear gets called (instead of creating it in loadView) and setting navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewDidDisappear.

      override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) 

      let stvc = UITableViewController()
      stvc.tableView.dataSource = self

      let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: stvc)
      sc.searchResultsUpdater = self
      self.navigationItem.searchController = sc

      override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool)

      self.navigationItem.searchController = nil

      The reason for the asynchronous dispatch is that when setting the navigationItem.searchController inline in the viewDidAppear method, an exception is raised:

      Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Only one palette with a top boundary edge can be active outside of a transition. Current active palette is <_UINavigationControllerManagedSearchPalette: 0x7fad67117e80; frame = (0 116; 414 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x60400002c8e0>>'

      I know this is only a work around, but hopefully this will help you for now, until Apple solves the issue with navigating between two view controllers that both have a UISearchController set on their navigationItem.

      share|improve this answer

      • 3

        iOS 11...nice miss Apple.. 😂

        – Will Von Ullrich
        Sep 26 '17 at 21:00

      • 2

        Still get the same crash when switching between tabs in at TabBarController :( Any tips?

        – Sunkas
        Jul 17 '18 at 14:48

      • @silicon_valley Do you have any idea how to handle the back action - when on the first screen the search bar is under the navigation bar and on the second the search bar is visible and you tap back - you there is the same glitch

        – KoCMoHaBTa
        Oct 25 '18 at 15:15

      • Have you tried setting the navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewWillAppear and viewDidDisappear?

        – silicon_valley
        Oct 27 '18 at 18:09

      • still present on iOS 12

        – Alessandro
        Dec 5 '18 at 10:23



      It looks like Apple still needs to iron out the use of the UISearchBar in the new large title style. If the UIViewController you push to doesn't have its navigationItem.searchController set, the animation works fine. When navigating between two instances of UIViewController that both have a searchController set, you get the issue you describe where the height of the navigation bar jumps.

      You can solve (work around) the problem by creating the UISearchController every time viewDidAppear gets called (instead of creating it in loadView) and setting navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewDidDisappear.

      override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) 

      let stvc = UITableViewController()
      stvc.tableView.dataSource = self

      let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: stvc)
      sc.searchResultsUpdater = self
      self.navigationItem.searchController = sc

      override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool)

      self.navigationItem.searchController = nil

      The reason for the asynchronous dispatch is that when setting the navigationItem.searchController inline in the viewDidAppear method, an exception is raised:

      Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Only one palette with a top boundary edge can be active outside of a transition. Current active palette is <_UINavigationControllerManagedSearchPalette: 0x7fad67117e80; frame = (0 116; 414 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x60400002c8e0>>'

      I know this is only a work around, but hopefully this will help you for now, until Apple solves the issue with navigating between two view controllers that both have a UISearchController set on their navigationItem.

      share|improve this answer

      • 3

        iOS 11...nice miss Apple.. 😂

        – Will Von Ullrich
        Sep 26 '17 at 21:00

      • 2

        Still get the same crash when switching between tabs in at TabBarController :( Any tips?

        – Sunkas
        Jul 17 '18 at 14:48

      • @silicon_valley Do you have any idea how to handle the back action - when on the first screen the search bar is under the navigation bar and on the second the search bar is visible and you tap back - you there is the same glitch

        – KoCMoHaBTa
        Oct 25 '18 at 15:15

      • Have you tried setting the navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewWillAppear and viewDidDisappear?

        – silicon_valley
        Oct 27 '18 at 18:09

      • still present on iOS 12

        – Alessandro
        Dec 5 '18 at 10:23







      It looks like Apple still needs to iron out the use of the UISearchBar in the new large title style. If the UIViewController you push to doesn't have its navigationItem.searchController set, the animation works fine. When navigating between two instances of UIViewController that both have a searchController set, you get the issue you describe where the height of the navigation bar jumps.

      You can solve (work around) the problem by creating the UISearchController every time viewDidAppear gets called (instead of creating it in loadView) and setting navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewDidDisappear.

      override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) 

      let stvc = UITableViewController()
      stvc.tableView.dataSource = self

      let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: stvc)
      sc.searchResultsUpdater = self
      self.navigationItem.searchController = sc

      override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool)

      self.navigationItem.searchController = nil

      The reason for the asynchronous dispatch is that when setting the navigationItem.searchController inline in the viewDidAppear method, an exception is raised:

      Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Only one palette with a top boundary edge can be active outside of a transition. Current active palette is <_UINavigationControllerManagedSearchPalette: 0x7fad67117e80; frame = (0 116; 414 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x60400002c8e0>>'

      I know this is only a work around, but hopefully this will help you for now, until Apple solves the issue with navigating between two view controllers that both have a UISearchController set on their navigationItem.

      share|improve this answer

      It looks like Apple still needs to iron out the use of the UISearchBar in the new large title style. If the UIViewController you push to doesn't have its navigationItem.searchController set, the animation works fine. When navigating between two instances of UIViewController that both have a searchController set, you get the issue you describe where the height of the navigation bar jumps.

      You can solve (work around) the problem by creating the UISearchController every time viewDidAppear gets called (instead of creating it in loadView) and setting navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewDidDisappear.

      override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) 

      let stvc = UITableViewController()
      stvc.tableView.dataSource = self

      let sc = UISearchController(searchResultsController: stvc)
      sc.searchResultsUpdater = self
      self.navigationItem.searchController = sc

      override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool)

      self.navigationItem.searchController = nil

      The reason for the asynchronous dispatch is that when setting the navigationItem.searchController inline in the viewDidAppear method, an exception is raised:

      Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Only one palette with a top boundary edge can be active outside of a transition. Current active palette is <_UINavigationControllerManagedSearchPalette: 0x7fad67117e80; frame = (0 116; 414 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x60400002c8e0>>'

      I know this is only a work around, but hopefully this will help you for now, until Apple solves the issue with navigating between two view controllers that both have a UISearchController set on their navigationItem.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      answered Sep 23 '17 at 18:05




      • 3

        iOS 11...nice miss Apple.. 😂

        – Will Von Ullrich
        Sep 26 '17 at 21:00

      • 2

        Still get the same crash when switching between tabs in at TabBarController :( Any tips?

        – Sunkas
        Jul 17 '18 at 14:48

      • @silicon_valley Do you have any idea how to handle the back action - when on the first screen the search bar is under the navigation bar and on the second the search bar is visible and you tap back - you there is the same glitch

        – KoCMoHaBTa
        Oct 25 '18 at 15:15

      • Have you tried setting the navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewWillAppear and viewDidDisappear?

        – silicon_valley
        Oct 27 '18 at 18:09

      • still present on iOS 12

        – Alessandro
        Dec 5 '18 at 10:23

      • 3

        iOS 11...nice miss Apple.. 😂

        – Will Von Ullrich
        Sep 26 '17 at 21:00

      • 2

        Still get the same crash when switching between tabs in at TabBarController :( Any tips?

        – Sunkas
        Jul 17 '18 at 14:48

      • @silicon_valley Do you have any idea how to handle the back action - when on the first screen the search bar is under the navigation bar and on the second the search bar is visible and you tap back - you there is the same glitch

        – KoCMoHaBTa
        Oct 25 '18 at 15:15

      • Have you tried setting the navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewWillAppear and viewDidDisappear?

        – silicon_valley
        Oct 27 '18 at 18:09

      • still present on iOS 12

        – Alessandro
        Dec 5 '18 at 10:23



      iOS 11...nice miss Apple.. 😂

      – Will Von Ullrich
      Sep 26 '17 at 21:00

      iOS 11...nice miss Apple.. 😂

      – Will Von Ullrich
      Sep 26 '17 at 21:00



      Still get the same crash when switching between tabs in at TabBarController :( Any tips?

      – Sunkas
      Jul 17 '18 at 14:48

      Still get the same crash when switching between tabs in at TabBarController :( Any tips?

      – Sunkas
      Jul 17 '18 at 14:48

      @silicon_valley Do you have any idea how to handle the back action - when on the first screen the search bar is under the navigation bar and on the second the search bar is visible and you tap back - you there is the same glitch

      – KoCMoHaBTa
      Oct 25 '18 at 15:15

      @silicon_valley Do you have any idea how to handle the back action - when on the first screen the search bar is under the navigation bar and on the second the search bar is visible and you tap back - you there is the same glitch

      – KoCMoHaBTa
      Oct 25 '18 at 15:15

      Have you tried setting the navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewWillAppear and viewDidDisappear?

      – silicon_valley
      Oct 27 '18 at 18:09

      Have you tried setting the navigationItem.searchController to nil on viewWillAppear and viewDidDisappear?

      – silicon_valley
      Oct 27 '18 at 18:09

      still present on iOS 12

      – Alessandro
      Dec 5 '18 at 10:23

      still present on iOS 12

      – Alessandro
      Dec 5 '18 at 10:23


      My solution for this problem is to update the constraint that is keeping the UISearchBar visible, when the UIViewController is being dismissed. I was not able to use silicon_valley's solution as even with the asynchronous dispatch I was getting the crash he mentioned. This is admittedly a pretty messy solution but Apple hasn't made this easy.

      The code below assumes you have a property containing a UISearchController instance within your UIViewController subclass called searchController

      override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) 

      && !searchController.isActive
      && !searchController.isEditing
      &&$0.viewControllers.last != self) ?? false,
      let searchBarSuperview = searchController.searchBar.superview,
      let searchBarHeightConstraint = searchBarSuperview.constraints.first(where:
      $0.firstAttribute == .height
      && $0.secondItem == nil
      && $0.secondAttribute == .notAnAttribute
      && $0.constant > 0

      searchBarHeightConstraint.constant = 0

      You can remove the performWithoutAnimation and layoutIfNeeded, and it will still animate; however I found the animation was never triggered the first time, and it doesn't look that great anyway.

      I hope Apple fixes this in a later iOS release, the current release is 12.1.4 at the time of writing.

      share|improve this answer


        My solution for this problem is to update the constraint that is keeping the UISearchBar visible, when the UIViewController is being dismissed. I was not able to use silicon_valley's solution as even with the asynchronous dispatch I was getting the crash he mentioned. This is admittedly a pretty messy solution but Apple hasn't made this easy.

        The code below assumes you have a property containing a UISearchController instance within your UIViewController subclass called searchController

        override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) 

        && !searchController.isActive
        && !searchController.isEditing
        &&$0.viewControllers.last != self) ?? false,
        let searchBarSuperview = searchController.searchBar.superview,
        let searchBarHeightConstraint = searchBarSuperview.constraints.first(where:
        $0.firstAttribute == .height
        && $0.secondItem == nil
        && $0.secondAttribute == .notAnAttribute
        && $0.constant > 0

        searchBarHeightConstraint.constant = 0

        You can remove the performWithoutAnimation and layoutIfNeeded, and it will still animate; however I found the animation was never triggered the first time, and it doesn't look that great anyway.

        I hope Apple fixes this in a later iOS release, the current release is 12.1.4 at the time of writing.

        share|improve this answer




          My solution for this problem is to update the constraint that is keeping the UISearchBar visible, when the UIViewController is being dismissed. I was not able to use silicon_valley's solution as even with the asynchronous dispatch I was getting the crash he mentioned. This is admittedly a pretty messy solution but Apple hasn't made this easy.

          The code below assumes you have a property containing a UISearchController instance within your UIViewController subclass called searchController

          override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) 

          && !searchController.isActive
          && !searchController.isEditing
          &&$0.viewControllers.last != self) ?? false,
          let searchBarSuperview = searchController.searchBar.superview,
          let searchBarHeightConstraint = searchBarSuperview.constraints.first(where:
          $0.firstAttribute == .height
          && $0.secondItem == nil
          && $0.secondAttribute == .notAnAttribute
          && $0.constant > 0

          searchBarHeightConstraint.constant = 0

          You can remove the performWithoutAnimation and layoutIfNeeded, and it will still animate; however I found the animation was never triggered the first time, and it doesn't look that great anyway.

          I hope Apple fixes this in a later iOS release, the current release is 12.1.4 at the time of writing.

          share|improve this answer

          My solution for this problem is to update the constraint that is keeping the UISearchBar visible, when the UIViewController is being dismissed. I was not able to use silicon_valley's solution as even with the asynchronous dispatch I was getting the crash he mentioned. This is admittedly a pretty messy solution but Apple hasn't made this easy.

          The code below assumes you have a property containing a UISearchController instance within your UIViewController subclass called searchController

          override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) 

          && !searchController.isActive
          && !searchController.isEditing
          &&$0.viewControllers.last != self) ?? false,
          let searchBarSuperview = searchController.searchBar.superview,
          let searchBarHeightConstraint = searchBarSuperview.constraints.first(where:
          $0.firstAttribute == .height
          && $0.secondItem == nil
          && $0.secondAttribute == .notAnAttribute
          && $0.constant > 0

          searchBarHeightConstraint.constant = 0

          You can remove the performWithoutAnimation and layoutIfNeeded, and it will still animate; however I found the animation was never triggered the first time, and it doesn't look that great anyway.

          I hope Apple fixes this in a later iOS release, the current release is 12.1.4 at the time of writing.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Mar 5 at 7:25





              The accepted answer does solve the problem for some situations, but I was experiencing it resulting in the complete removal of the navigationItem in the pushed view controller if the first search bar was active.

              I've come up with another workaround, similar to the answer by stu, but requiring no meddling with constraints. The approach is to determine, at the point of the segue, whether the search bar is visible. If it is, we instruct the destination view controller to make its search bar visible from load. This means that the navigation item animation behaves correctly:

              Search bar correctly animating

              Assuming the two view controllers are called UIViewController1 and UIViewController2, where 1 pushes 2, the code is as follows:

              class ViewController1: UITableViewController 

              override func viewDidLoad()

              let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
              searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
              navigationItem.searchController = searchController

              definesPresentationContext = true

              override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?)
              if let viewController2 = segue.destination as? ViewController2, let searchController = navigationItem.searchController

              // If the search bar is visible (but not active, which would make it visible but at the top of the view)
              // in this view controller as we are preparing to segue, instruct the destination view controller that its
              // search bar should be visible from load.
              viewController2.forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = !searchController.isActive && searchController.searchBar.frame.height > 0

              class ViewController2: UITableViewController 

              var forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = false

              override func viewDidLoad()

              let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
              searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
              navigationItem.searchController = searchController

              // If on load we want to force the search bar to be visible, we make it so that it is always visible to start with
              if forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad
              navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false

              override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)
              // When the view has appeared, we switch back the default behaviour of the search bar being hideable.
              // The search bar will already be visible at this point, thus achieving what we aimed to do (have it
              // visible during the animation).
              navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = true

              share|improve this answer


                The accepted answer does solve the problem for some situations, but I was experiencing it resulting in the complete removal of the navigationItem in the pushed view controller if the first search bar was active.

                I've come up with another workaround, similar to the answer by stu, but requiring no meddling with constraints. The approach is to determine, at the point of the segue, whether the search bar is visible. If it is, we instruct the destination view controller to make its search bar visible from load. This means that the navigation item animation behaves correctly:

                Search bar correctly animating

                Assuming the two view controllers are called UIViewController1 and UIViewController2, where 1 pushes 2, the code is as follows:

                class ViewController1: UITableViewController 

                override func viewDidLoad()

                let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
                searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
                navigationItem.searchController = searchController

                definesPresentationContext = true

                override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?)
                if let viewController2 = segue.destination as? ViewController2, let searchController = navigationItem.searchController

                // If the search bar is visible (but not active, which would make it visible but at the top of the view)
                // in this view controller as we are preparing to segue, instruct the destination view controller that its
                // search bar should be visible from load.
                viewController2.forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = !searchController.isActive && searchController.searchBar.frame.height > 0

                class ViewController2: UITableViewController 

                var forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = false

                override func viewDidLoad()

                let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
                searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
                navigationItem.searchController = searchController

                // If on load we want to force the search bar to be visible, we make it so that it is always visible to start with
                if forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad
                navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false

                override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)
                // When the view has appeared, we switch back the default behaviour of the search bar being hideable.
                // The search bar will already be visible at this point, thus achieving what we aimed to do (have it
                // visible during the animation).
                navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = true

                share|improve this answer




                  The accepted answer does solve the problem for some situations, but I was experiencing it resulting in the complete removal of the navigationItem in the pushed view controller if the first search bar was active.

                  I've come up with another workaround, similar to the answer by stu, but requiring no meddling with constraints. The approach is to determine, at the point of the segue, whether the search bar is visible. If it is, we instruct the destination view controller to make its search bar visible from load. This means that the navigation item animation behaves correctly:

                  Search bar correctly animating

                  Assuming the two view controllers are called UIViewController1 and UIViewController2, where 1 pushes 2, the code is as follows:

                  class ViewController1: UITableViewController 

                  override func viewDidLoad()

                  let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
                  searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
                  navigationItem.searchController = searchController

                  definesPresentationContext = true

                  override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?)
                  if let viewController2 = segue.destination as? ViewController2, let searchController = navigationItem.searchController

                  // If the search bar is visible (but not active, which would make it visible but at the top of the view)
                  // in this view controller as we are preparing to segue, instruct the destination view controller that its
                  // search bar should be visible from load.
                  viewController2.forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = !searchController.isActive && searchController.searchBar.frame.height > 0

                  class ViewController2: UITableViewController 

                  var forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = false

                  override func viewDidLoad()

                  let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
                  searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
                  navigationItem.searchController = searchController

                  // If on load we want to force the search bar to be visible, we make it so that it is always visible to start with
                  if forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad
                  navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false

                  override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)
                  // When the view has appeared, we switch back the default behaviour of the search bar being hideable.
                  // The search bar will already be visible at this point, thus achieving what we aimed to do (have it
                  // visible during the animation).
                  navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = true

                  share|improve this answer

                  The accepted answer does solve the problem for some situations, but I was experiencing it resulting in the complete removal of the navigationItem in the pushed view controller if the first search bar was active.

                  I've come up with another workaround, similar to the answer by stu, but requiring no meddling with constraints. The approach is to determine, at the point of the segue, whether the search bar is visible. If it is, we instruct the destination view controller to make its search bar visible from load. This means that the navigation item animation behaves correctly:

                  Search bar correctly animating

                  Assuming the two view controllers are called UIViewController1 and UIViewController2, where 1 pushes 2, the code is as follows:

                  class ViewController1: UITableViewController 

                  override func viewDidLoad()

                  let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
                  searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
                  navigationItem.searchController = searchController

                  definesPresentationContext = true

                  override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?)
                  if let viewController2 = segue.destination as? ViewController2, let searchController = navigationItem.searchController

                  // If the search bar is visible (but not active, which would make it visible but at the top of the view)
                  // in this view controller as we are preparing to segue, instruct the destination view controller that its
                  // search bar should be visible from load.
                  viewController2.forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = !searchController.isActive && searchController.searchBar.frame.height > 0

                  class ViewController2: UITableViewController 

                  var forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad = false

                  override func viewDidLoad()

                  let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
                  searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
                  navigationItem.searchController = searchController

                  // If on load we want to force the search bar to be visible, we make it so that it is always visible to start with
                  if forceSearchBarVisibleOnLoad
                  navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false

                  override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)
                  // When the view has appeared, we switch back the default behaviour of the search bar being hideable.
                  // The search bar will already be visible at this point, thus achieving what we aimed to do (have it
                  // visible during the animation).
                  navigationItem.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = true

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Mar 7 at 12:26

                  Andrew BennetAndrew Bennet




                      I have added this code in viewDidLoad() and it's working, when I moved in b/w of tabs


                      share|improve this answer

                      • 2

                        How can this change something? Did you forget appending = false in your line of code?

                        – fl034
                        Oct 11 '18 at 8:31


                      I have added this code in viewDidLoad() and it's working, when I moved in b/w of tabs


                      share|improve this answer

                      • 2

                        How can this change something? Did you forget appending = false in your line of code?

                        – fl034
                        Oct 11 '18 at 8:31




                      I have added this code in viewDidLoad() and it's working, when I moved in b/w of tabs


                      share|improve this answer

                      I have added this code in viewDidLoad() and it's working, when I moved in b/w of tabs


                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered Jul 17 '18 at 17:50




                      • 2

                        How can this change something? Did you forget appending = false in your line of code?

                        – fl034
                        Oct 11 '18 at 8:31

                      • 2

                        How can this change something? Did you forget appending = false in your line of code?

                        – fl034
                        Oct 11 '18 at 8:31



                      How can this change something? Did you forget appending = false in your line of code?

                      – fl034
                      Oct 11 '18 at 8:31

                      How can this change something? Did you forget appending = false in your line of code?

                      – fl034
                      Oct 11 '18 at 8:31

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