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How to dinamically change values in labels in a SegmentedControl? Swift 4, iOS
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I have some issues with the implementation of a segmented control.
I come to you (the more experienced people) to get some advice about what I should do in order to fix this. Here I go:
For "current" tab, the "Panel's optimal azimuth" and "Panel's optimal tilt angle" should be "tracking the sun" (a code that I will add later), in other words: those 2 fields must update in real time (again, that code I will do it later). The "Panel's current azimuth" and "Panels current tilt angle" basically change according to the phone's position (I use coreMotion and coreLocation to get them).
The problem is this (images added after the explanation):
For the "current" tab, the fields of "panel's optimal azimuth" and "Panel's optimal tilt angle" must change with time. "Panel's current tilt angle" must show from the beginning
the panel's (phone's) tilting and it doesn't do it (only does it when you select another tab).
The "Panel's Optimal Tilt Angle" must have a fixed (but different) value for
the 3, 6 months and "Year" tabs. "Panel's Optimal Azimuth" is the same for the 3, 6 months and "year" tabs (that code I will add it later as well). Nevertheless, I have problems when I select the "Current" tab, here, the "Panel's optimal Azimuth" gets the value "tracking the sun", and
when I choose another tab, that value remains when it should say "180º". This only happens when the phone is still on a surface, as soon I move the phone, the value changes to 180º in this field. The opposite happens when I go from other tabs to the "current" tab (instead of showing "tracking the sun" it shows "180º", again, this value appears when the phone is moving, but if the phone is still, "tracking the sun" is shown).
Basically the only field that's properly working is the "Panel's current Azimuth" in all the 4 tabs in the segmented control.
Please refer to the images to get a better idea.
What I get in the initial view
What I want in the initial view
What I get if the phone is moving (this is correct for the 3, 6 months and year tabs)
What I get if the phone is still, if I chose the "current" tab while the phone was still and then I selected another tab
Same as previos image
So, the question that I have is: What can I do in order to prevent this? I tried to use a switch-case statement inside an @IBAction corresponding to the segmented control, but it is evident that it doesn't work. Here I
share with you the code that I have used for my project:
import UIKit
import CoreMotion
import CoreLocation
class PVOrientationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate
//MARK: - Constants and Variables
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var segIndex = 0
//MARK: - Outlets, views, actions
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
//MARK: - Action of the Segmented Button.
@IBAction func indexChanged(_ sender: Any)
segIndex = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex
switch segIndex
case 0:
print("Current Tab")
panelOptimalAz.text = "Tracking the Sun"
panelCurrentTilt.text = myDeviceMotion()
case 1:
print("3 months Tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
case 2:
print("6 months Tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
case 3:
print("Year tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
panelOptimalAz.text = "No Optimal Azimuth given"
panelCurrentAz.text = "No Current Azimuth given"
panelCurrentTilt.text = "No Current Tilt given"
panelOptimalTilt.text = "No Optimal Tilt given"
//MARK: - viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
// Azimuth
if (CLLocationManager.headingAvailable())
locationManager.headingFilter = 1
//MARK: - Motion methods
func myDeviceMotion() -> String
var currentTilt:String = "0.0º"
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue()) (motion, error) -> Void in
if let attitude = motion?.attitude
self.panelCurrentTilt.text = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
currentTilt = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
print("Device motion started")
print("Device motion unavailable")
return currentTilt
//MARK: - True heading and panel's heading
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading heading: CLHeading)
let trueHeading = heading.trueHeading
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", trueHeading))º"
//If latitude >= 0, then panel's azimuth = 180º, else, it is 0º
var panelHeading = 0.0
if GlobalData.latit >= 0.0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "180º"
panelHeading = trueHeading - 180.0
if panelHeading < 0
panelHeading += 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
panelHeading += 0.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "0º"
panelHeading = trueHeading + 180.0
if panelHeading > 359.0
panelHeading -= 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
panelHeading += 0.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
Thanks in advance for your time and your advice.
ios swift uisegmentedcontrol segmentedcontrol
add a comment |
I have some issues with the implementation of a segmented control.
I come to you (the more experienced people) to get some advice about what I should do in order to fix this. Here I go:
For "current" tab, the "Panel's optimal azimuth" and "Panel's optimal tilt angle" should be "tracking the sun" (a code that I will add later), in other words: those 2 fields must update in real time (again, that code I will do it later). The "Panel's current azimuth" and "Panels current tilt angle" basically change according to the phone's position (I use coreMotion and coreLocation to get them).
The problem is this (images added after the explanation):
For the "current" tab, the fields of "panel's optimal azimuth" and "Panel's optimal tilt angle" must change with time. "Panel's current tilt angle" must show from the beginning
the panel's (phone's) tilting and it doesn't do it (only does it when you select another tab).
The "Panel's Optimal Tilt Angle" must have a fixed (but different) value for
the 3, 6 months and "Year" tabs. "Panel's Optimal Azimuth" is the same for the 3, 6 months and "year" tabs (that code I will add it later as well). Nevertheless, I have problems when I select the "Current" tab, here, the "Panel's optimal Azimuth" gets the value "tracking the sun", and
when I choose another tab, that value remains when it should say "180º". This only happens when the phone is still on a surface, as soon I move the phone, the value changes to 180º in this field. The opposite happens when I go from other tabs to the "current" tab (instead of showing "tracking the sun" it shows "180º", again, this value appears when the phone is moving, but if the phone is still, "tracking the sun" is shown).
Basically the only field that's properly working is the "Panel's current Azimuth" in all the 4 tabs in the segmented control.
Please refer to the images to get a better idea.
What I get in the initial view
What I want in the initial view
What I get if the phone is moving (this is correct for the 3, 6 months and year tabs)
What I get if the phone is still, if I chose the "current" tab while the phone was still and then I selected another tab
Same as previos image
So, the question that I have is: What can I do in order to prevent this? I tried to use a switch-case statement inside an @IBAction corresponding to the segmented control, but it is evident that it doesn't work. Here I
share with you the code that I have used for my project:
import UIKit
import CoreMotion
import CoreLocation
class PVOrientationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate
//MARK: - Constants and Variables
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var segIndex = 0
//MARK: - Outlets, views, actions
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
//MARK: - Action of the Segmented Button.
@IBAction func indexChanged(_ sender: Any)
segIndex = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex
switch segIndex
case 0:
print("Current Tab")
panelOptimalAz.text = "Tracking the Sun"
panelCurrentTilt.text = myDeviceMotion()
case 1:
print("3 months Tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
case 2:
print("6 months Tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
case 3:
print("Year tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
panelOptimalAz.text = "No Optimal Azimuth given"
panelCurrentAz.text = "No Current Azimuth given"
panelCurrentTilt.text = "No Current Tilt given"
panelOptimalTilt.text = "No Optimal Tilt given"
//MARK: - viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
// Azimuth
if (CLLocationManager.headingAvailable())
locationManager.headingFilter = 1
//MARK: - Motion methods
func myDeviceMotion() -> String
var currentTilt:String = "0.0º"
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue()) (motion, error) -> Void in
if let attitude = motion?.attitude
self.panelCurrentTilt.text = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
currentTilt = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
print("Device motion started")
print("Device motion unavailable")
return currentTilt
//MARK: - True heading and panel's heading
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading heading: CLHeading)
let trueHeading = heading.trueHeading
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", trueHeading))º"
//If latitude >= 0, then panel's azimuth = 180º, else, it is 0º
var panelHeading = 0.0
if GlobalData.latit >= 0.0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "180º"
panelHeading = trueHeading - 180.0
if panelHeading < 0
panelHeading += 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
panelHeading += 0.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "0º"
panelHeading = trueHeading + 180.0
if panelHeading > 359.0
panelHeading -= 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
panelHeading += 0.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
Thanks in advance for your time and your advice.
ios swift uisegmentedcontrol segmentedcontrol
A little confusing... You wantOptimalAz
to display "Tracking the Sun" -- but then you update it to either "180º" or "0º" every time the heading changes? Do you want it to continue to say "Tracking"? Other than that, I don't see any differences in your code when 3 months, 6 months or Year is selected?
– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:19
Additionally, you keep re-starting the motion manager... it only needs to be started once (like the location manager). And, with your current code,func myDeviceMotion()
will always return "0.0º". I assume that's not what you want?
– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:25
Hello DonMag, "Tracking the Sun" is a temporarily substitute for the correct values that I will add later (that code hasn't been done yet). It is 180º if you live in the North Hemisphere (like London) and 0º if you live in the Southern one (i.e. NZ). For now, what I want is that if the tab is on "Current", then it should say "Tracking...", and 180º for the other 3.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:35
For the 2nd comment, no, i don't want that, but I didn't know what to do in order to give the correct values according to the selected tab. Basically I'd need to use an if-else statement inside the switch-case one and call the function in the if-else statement, which I can not do. That "return 0.0" was an inefficient solution to make that field work.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:37
add a comment |
I have some issues with the implementation of a segmented control.
I come to you (the more experienced people) to get some advice about what I should do in order to fix this. Here I go:
For "current" tab, the "Panel's optimal azimuth" and "Panel's optimal tilt angle" should be "tracking the sun" (a code that I will add later), in other words: those 2 fields must update in real time (again, that code I will do it later). The "Panel's current azimuth" and "Panels current tilt angle" basically change according to the phone's position (I use coreMotion and coreLocation to get them).
The problem is this (images added after the explanation):
For the "current" tab, the fields of "panel's optimal azimuth" and "Panel's optimal tilt angle" must change with time. "Panel's current tilt angle" must show from the beginning
the panel's (phone's) tilting and it doesn't do it (only does it when you select another tab).
The "Panel's Optimal Tilt Angle" must have a fixed (but different) value for
the 3, 6 months and "Year" tabs. "Panel's Optimal Azimuth" is the same for the 3, 6 months and "year" tabs (that code I will add it later as well). Nevertheless, I have problems when I select the "Current" tab, here, the "Panel's optimal Azimuth" gets the value "tracking the sun", and
when I choose another tab, that value remains when it should say "180º". This only happens when the phone is still on a surface, as soon I move the phone, the value changes to 180º in this field. The opposite happens when I go from other tabs to the "current" tab (instead of showing "tracking the sun" it shows "180º", again, this value appears when the phone is moving, but if the phone is still, "tracking the sun" is shown).
Basically the only field that's properly working is the "Panel's current Azimuth" in all the 4 tabs in the segmented control.
Please refer to the images to get a better idea.
What I get in the initial view
What I want in the initial view
What I get if the phone is moving (this is correct for the 3, 6 months and year tabs)
What I get if the phone is still, if I chose the "current" tab while the phone was still and then I selected another tab
Same as previos image
So, the question that I have is: What can I do in order to prevent this? I tried to use a switch-case statement inside an @IBAction corresponding to the segmented control, but it is evident that it doesn't work. Here I
share with you the code that I have used for my project:
import UIKit
import CoreMotion
import CoreLocation
class PVOrientationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate
//MARK: - Constants and Variables
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var segIndex = 0
//MARK: - Outlets, views, actions
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
//MARK: - Action of the Segmented Button.
@IBAction func indexChanged(_ sender: Any)
segIndex = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex
switch segIndex
case 0:
print("Current Tab")
panelOptimalAz.text = "Tracking the Sun"
panelCurrentTilt.text = myDeviceMotion()
case 1:
print("3 months Tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
case 2:
print("6 months Tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
case 3:
print("Year tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
panelOptimalAz.text = "No Optimal Azimuth given"
panelCurrentAz.text = "No Current Azimuth given"
panelCurrentTilt.text = "No Current Tilt given"
panelOptimalTilt.text = "No Optimal Tilt given"
//MARK: - viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
// Azimuth
if (CLLocationManager.headingAvailable())
locationManager.headingFilter = 1
//MARK: - Motion methods
func myDeviceMotion() -> String
var currentTilt:String = "0.0º"
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue()) (motion, error) -> Void in
if let attitude = motion?.attitude
self.panelCurrentTilt.text = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
currentTilt = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
print("Device motion started")
print("Device motion unavailable")
return currentTilt
//MARK: - True heading and panel's heading
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading heading: CLHeading)
let trueHeading = heading.trueHeading
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", trueHeading))º"
//If latitude >= 0, then panel's azimuth = 180º, else, it is 0º
var panelHeading = 0.0
if GlobalData.latit >= 0.0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "180º"
panelHeading = trueHeading - 180.0
if panelHeading < 0
panelHeading += 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
panelHeading += 0.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "0º"
panelHeading = trueHeading + 180.0
if panelHeading > 359.0
panelHeading -= 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
panelHeading += 0.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
Thanks in advance for your time and your advice.
ios swift uisegmentedcontrol segmentedcontrol
I have some issues with the implementation of a segmented control.
I come to you (the more experienced people) to get some advice about what I should do in order to fix this. Here I go:
For "current" tab, the "Panel's optimal azimuth" and "Panel's optimal tilt angle" should be "tracking the sun" (a code that I will add later), in other words: those 2 fields must update in real time (again, that code I will do it later). The "Panel's current azimuth" and "Panels current tilt angle" basically change according to the phone's position (I use coreMotion and coreLocation to get them).
The problem is this (images added after the explanation):
For the "current" tab, the fields of "panel's optimal azimuth" and "Panel's optimal tilt angle" must change with time. "Panel's current tilt angle" must show from the beginning
the panel's (phone's) tilting and it doesn't do it (only does it when you select another tab).
The "Panel's Optimal Tilt Angle" must have a fixed (but different) value for
the 3, 6 months and "Year" tabs. "Panel's Optimal Azimuth" is the same for the 3, 6 months and "year" tabs (that code I will add it later as well). Nevertheless, I have problems when I select the "Current" tab, here, the "Panel's optimal Azimuth" gets the value "tracking the sun", and
when I choose another tab, that value remains when it should say "180º". This only happens when the phone is still on a surface, as soon I move the phone, the value changes to 180º in this field. The opposite happens when I go from other tabs to the "current" tab (instead of showing "tracking the sun" it shows "180º", again, this value appears when the phone is moving, but if the phone is still, "tracking the sun" is shown).
Basically the only field that's properly working is the "Panel's current Azimuth" in all the 4 tabs in the segmented control.
Please refer to the images to get a better idea.
What I get in the initial view
What I want in the initial view
What I get if the phone is moving (this is correct for the 3, 6 months and year tabs)
What I get if the phone is still, if I chose the "current" tab while the phone was still and then I selected another tab
Same as previos image
So, the question that I have is: What can I do in order to prevent this? I tried to use a switch-case statement inside an @IBAction corresponding to the segmented control, but it is evident that it doesn't work. Here I
share with you the code that I have used for my project:
import UIKit
import CoreMotion
import CoreLocation
class PVOrientationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate
//MARK: - Constants and Variables
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var segIndex = 0
//MARK: - Outlets, views, actions
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
//MARK: - Action of the Segmented Button.
@IBAction func indexChanged(_ sender: Any)
segIndex = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex
switch segIndex
case 0:
print("Current Tab")
panelOptimalAz.text = "Tracking the Sun"
panelCurrentTilt.text = myDeviceMotion()
case 1:
print("3 months Tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
case 2:
print("6 months Tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
case 3:
print("Year tab")
panelCurrentTilt.text = String(myDeviceMotion())
panelOptimalAz.text = "No Optimal Azimuth given"
panelCurrentAz.text = "No Current Azimuth given"
panelCurrentTilt.text = "No Current Tilt given"
panelOptimalTilt.text = "No Optimal Tilt given"
//MARK: - viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
// Azimuth
if (CLLocationManager.headingAvailable())
locationManager.headingFilter = 1
//MARK: - Motion methods
func myDeviceMotion() -> String
var currentTilt:String = "0.0º"
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue()) (motion, error) -> Void in
if let attitude = motion?.attitude
self.panelCurrentTilt.text = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
currentTilt = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
print("Device motion started")
print("Device motion unavailable")
return currentTilt
//MARK: - True heading and panel's heading
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading heading: CLHeading)
let trueHeading = heading.trueHeading
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", trueHeading))º"
//If latitude >= 0, then panel's azimuth = 180º, else, it is 0º
var panelHeading = 0.0
if GlobalData.latit >= 0.0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "180º"
panelHeading = trueHeading - 180.0
if panelHeading < 0
panelHeading += 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
panelHeading += 0.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "0º"
panelHeading = trueHeading + 180.0
if panelHeading > 359.0
panelHeading -= 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
panelHeading += 0.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
Thanks in advance for your time and your advice.
ios swift uisegmentedcontrol segmentedcontrol
ios swift uisegmentedcontrol segmentedcontrol
edited Mar 7 at 13:26


asked Mar 7 at 12:14


A little confusing... You wantOptimalAz
to display "Tracking the Sun" -- but then you update it to either "180º" or "0º" every time the heading changes? Do you want it to continue to say "Tracking"? Other than that, I don't see any differences in your code when 3 months, 6 months or Year is selected?
– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:19
Additionally, you keep re-starting the motion manager... it only needs to be started once (like the location manager). And, with your current code,func myDeviceMotion()
will always return "0.0º". I assume that's not what you want?
– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:25
Hello DonMag, "Tracking the Sun" is a temporarily substitute for the correct values that I will add later (that code hasn't been done yet). It is 180º if you live in the North Hemisphere (like London) and 0º if you live in the Southern one (i.e. NZ). For now, what I want is that if the tab is on "Current", then it should say "Tracking...", and 180º for the other 3.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:35
For the 2nd comment, no, i don't want that, but I didn't know what to do in order to give the correct values according to the selected tab. Basically I'd need to use an if-else statement inside the switch-case one and call the function in the if-else statement, which I can not do. That "return 0.0" was an inefficient solution to make that field work.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:37
add a comment |
A little confusing... You wantOptimalAz
to display "Tracking the Sun" -- but then you update it to either "180º" or "0º" every time the heading changes? Do you want it to continue to say "Tracking"? Other than that, I don't see any differences in your code when 3 months, 6 months or Year is selected?
– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:19
Additionally, you keep re-starting the motion manager... it only needs to be started once (like the location manager). And, with your current code,func myDeviceMotion()
will always return "0.0º". I assume that's not what you want?
– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:25
Hello DonMag, "Tracking the Sun" is a temporarily substitute for the correct values that I will add later (that code hasn't been done yet). It is 180º if you live in the North Hemisphere (like London) and 0º if you live in the Southern one (i.e. NZ). For now, what I want is that if the tab is on "Current", then it should say "Tracking...", and 180º for the other 3.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:35
For the 2nd comment, no, i don't want that, but I didn't know what to do in order to give the correct values according to the selected tab. Basically I'd need to use an if-else statement inside the switch-case one and call the function in the if-else statement, which I can not do. That "return 0.0" was an inefficient solution to make that field work.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:37
A little confusing... You want
to display "Tracking the Sun" -- but then you update it to either "180º" or "0º" every time the heading changes? Do you want it to continue to say "Tracking"? Other than that, I don't see any differences in your code when 3 months, 6 months or Year is selected?– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:19
A little confusing... You want
to display "Tracking the Sun" -- but then you update it to either "180º" or "0º" every time the heading changes? Do you want it to continue to say "Tracking"? Other than that, I don't see any differences in your code when 3 months, 6 months or Year is selected?– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:19
Additionally, you keep re-starting the motion manager... it only needs to be started once (like the location manager). And, with your current code,
func myDeviceMotion()
will always return "0.0º". I assume that's not what you want?– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:25
Additionally, you keep re-starting the motion manager... it only needs to be started once (like the location manager). And, with your current code,
func myDeviceMotion()
will always return "0.0º". I assume that's not what you want?– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:25
Hello DonMag, "Tracking the Sun" is a temporarily substitute for the correct values that I will add later (that code hasn't been done yet). It is 180º if you live in the North Hemisphere (like London) and 0º if you live in the Southern one (i.e. NZ). For now, what I want is that if the tab is on "Current", then it should say "Tracking...", and 180º for the other 3.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:35
Hello DonMag, "Tracking the Sun" is a temporarily substitute for the correct values that I will add later (that code hasn't been done yet). It is 180º if you live in the North Hemisphere (like London) and 0º if you live in the Southern one (i.e. NZ). For now, what I want is that if the tab is on "Current", then it should say "Tracking...", and 180º for the other 3.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:35
For the 2nd comment, no, i don't want that, but I didn't know what to do in order to give the correct values according to the selected tab. Basically I'd need to use an if-else statement inside the switch-case one and call the function in the if-else statement, which I can not do. That "return 0.0" was an inefficient solution to make that field work.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:37
For the 2nd comment, no, i don't want that, but I didn't know what to do in order to give the correct values according to the selected tab. Basically I'd need to use an if-else statement inside the switch-case one and call the function in the if-else statement, which I can not do. That "return 0.0" was an inefficient solution to make that field work.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:37
add a comment |
1 Answer
label should say "Tracking the Sun" if the current selected segment is "Current", so add an if ()
in didUpdateHeading
to only update that label when the other segments are selected.
Start the motion manager in viewDidLoad()
(along with location manager)... it will continue to run - and continue to update the labels - so no need for a myDeviceMotion()
At the end of viewDidLoad()
, trigger indexChanged()
to initialize the labels (and any other needed tasks / vars) as if the user tapped the "Current" segment.
Give this a try (I think I put enough comments in the code to explain any changes):
import UIKit
import CoreMotion
import CoreLocation
class PVOrientationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
//MARK: - Constants and Variables
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var segIndex = 0
//MARK: - Outlets, views, actions
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
//MARK: - Action of the Segmented Button.
@IBAction func indexChanged(_ sender: Any)
segIndex = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex
switch segIndex
case 0:
print("Current Tab")
panelOptimalAz.text = "Tracking the Sun"
case 1:
print("3 months Tab")
// do something related to 3 months
case 2:
print("6 months Tab")
// do something related to 6 months
case 3:
print("Year tab")
// do something related to Year
panelOptimalAz.text = "No Optimal Azimuth given"
panelCurrentAz.text = "No Current Azimuth given"
panelCurrentTilt.text = "No Current Tilt given"
panelOptimalTilt.text = "No Optimal Tilt given"
//MARK: - viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
// Azimuth
if (CLLocationManager.headingAvailable())
locationManager.headingFilter = 1
// start the motion manager here, since we want it running all the time
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue()) (motion, error) -> Void in
if let attitude = motion?.attitude
self.panelCurrentTilt.text = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
print("Device motion started")
print("Device motion unavailable")
// call segment changed to update on start (as if user tapped seg 0)
//MARK: - Motion methods
// no need for this
// func myDeviceMotion() -> String
// var currentTilt:String = "0.0º"
// return currentTilt
//MARK: - True heading and panel's heading
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading heading: CLHeading)
let trueHeading = heading.trueHeading
//If latitude >= 0, then panel's azimuth = 180º, else, it is 0º
var panelHeading = 0.0
// I don't have your GlobalData object, so
// just hard-coding 1.0 here...
// if GlobalData.latit >= 0.0
if 1.0 >= 0.0
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "180º"
panelHeading = trueHeading - 180.0
if panelHeading < 0
panelHeading += 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "0º"
panelHeading = trueHeading + 180.0
if panelHeading > 359.0
panelHeading -= 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
Thank you DonMag. I will give it a try when I reach my computer. But it seems it may work. I’ll let you know how it goes. Greets.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 14:09
Thanks DonMag, that helped with what it is needed. The labels of a previous tab still appear if I switch to another tab while the phone is still, but that's a minor bug that doesn't represent any threat since the phone hardly will be 100% still for the purposes of this app. Thanks a lot for your help.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 8 at 9:03
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1 Answer
1 Answer
label should say "Tracking the Sun" if the current selected segment is "Current", so add an if ()
in didUpdateHeading
to only update that label when the other segments are selected.
Start the motion manager in viewDidLoad()
(along with location manager)... it will continue to run - and continue to update the labels - so no need for a myDeviceMotion()
At the end of viewDidLoad()
, trigger indexChanged()
to initialize the labels (and any other needed tasks / vars) as if the user tapped the "Current" segment.
Give this a try (I think I put enough comments in the code to explain any changes):
import UIKit
import CoreMotion
import CoreLocation
class PVOrientationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
//MARK: - Constants and Variables
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var segIndex = 0
//MARK: - Outlets, views, actions
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
//MARK: - Action of the Segmented Button.
@IBAction func indexChanged(_ sender: Any)
segIndex = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex
switch segIndex
case 0:
print("Current Tab")
panelOptimalAz.text = "Tracking the Sun"
case 1:
print("3 months Tab")
// do something related to 3 months
case 2:
print("6 months Tab")
// do something related to 6 months
case 3:
print("Year tab")
// do something related to Year
panelOptimalAz.text = "No Optimal Azimuth given"
panelCurrentAz.text = "No Current Azimuth given"
panelCurrentTilt.text = "No Current Tilt given"
panelOptimalTilt.text = "No Optimal Tilt given"
//MARK: - viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
// Azimuth
if (CLLocationManager.headingAvailable())
locationManager.headingFilter = 1
// start the motion manager here, since we want it running all the time
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue()) (motion, error) -> Void in
if let attitude = motion?.attitude
self.panelCurrentTilt.text = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
print("Device motion started")
print("Device motion unavailable")
// call segment changed to update on start (as if user tapped seg 0)
//MARK: - Motion methods
// no need for this
// func myDeviceMotion() -> String
// var currentTilt:String = "0.0º"
// return currentTilt
//MARK: - True heading and panel's heading
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading heading: CLHeading)
let trueHeading = heading.trueHeading
//If latitude >= 0, then panel's azimuth = 180º, else, it is 0º
var panelHeading = 0.0
// I don't have your GlobalData object, so
// just hard-coding 1.0 here...
// if GlobalData.latit >= 0.0
if 1.0 >= 0.0
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "180º"
panelHeading = trueHeading - 180.0
if panelHeading < 0
panelHeading += 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "0º"
panelHeading = trueHeading + 180.0
if panelHeading > 359.0
panelHeading -= 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
Thank you DonMag. I will give it a try when I reach my computer. But it seems it may work. I’ll let you know how it goes. Greets.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 14:09
Thanks DonMag, that helped with what it is needed. The labels of a previous tab still appear if I switch to another tab while the phone is still, but that's a minor bug that doesn't represent any threat since the phone hardly will be 100% still for the purposes of this app. Thanks a lot for your help.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 8 at 9:03
add a comment |
label should say "Tracking the Sun" if the current selected segment is "Current", so add an if ()
in didUpdateHeading
to only update that label when the other segments are selected.
Start the motion manager in viewDidLoad()
(along with location manager)... it will continue to run - and continue to update the labels - so no need for a myDeviceMotion()
At the end of viewDidLoad()
, trigger indexChanged()
to initialize the labels (and any other needed tasks / vars) as if the user tapped the "Current" segment.
Give this a try (I think I put enough comments in the code to explain any changes):
import UIKit
import CoreMotion
import CoreLocation
class PVOrientationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
//MARK: - Constants and Variables
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var segIndex = 0
//MARK: - Outlets, views, actions
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
//MARK: - Action of the Segmented Button.
@IBAction func indexChanged(_ sender: Any)
segIndex = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex
switch segIndex
case 0:
print("Current Tab")
panelOptimalAz.text = "Tracking the Sun"
case 1:
print("3 months Tab")
// do something related to 3 months
case 2:
print("6 months Tab")
// do something related to 6 months
case 3:
print("Year tab")
// do something related to Year
panelOptimalAz.text = "No Optimal Azimuth given"
panelCurrentAz.text = "No Current Azimuth given"
panelCurrentTilt.text = "No Current Tilt given"
panelOptimalTilt.text = "No Optimal Tilt given"
//MARK: - viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
// Azimuth
if (CLLocationManager.headingAvailable())
locationManager.headingFilter = 1
// start the motion manager here, since we want it running all the time
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue()) (motion, error) -> Void in
if let attitude = motion?.attitude
self.panelCurrentTilt.text = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
print("Device motion started")
print("Device motion unavailable")
// call segment changed to update on start (as if user tapped seg 0)
//MARK: - Motion methods
// no need for this
// func myDeviceMotion() -> String
// var currentTilt:String = "0.0º"
// return currentTilt
//MARK: - True heading and panel's heading
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading heading: CLHeading)
let trueHeading = heading.trueHeading
//If latitude >= 0, then panel's azimuth = 180º, else, it is 0º
var panelHeading = 0.0
// I don't have your GlobalData object, so
// just hard-coding 1.0 here...
// if GlobalData.latit >= 0.0
if 1.0 >= 0.0
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "180º"
panelHeading = trueHeading - 180.0
if panelHeading < 0
panelHeading += 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "0º"
panelHeading = trueHeading + 180.0
if panelHeading > 359.0
panelHeading -= 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
Thank you DonMag. I will give it a try when I reach my computer. But it seems it may work. I’ll let you know how it goes. Greets.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 14:09
Thanks DonMag, that helped with what it is needed. The labels of a previous tab still appear if I switch to another tab while the phone is still, but that's a minor bug that doesn't represent any threat since the phone hardly will be 100% still for the purposes of this app. Thanks a lot for your help.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 8 at 9:03
add a comment |
label should say "Tracking the Sun" if the current selected segment is "Current", so add an if ()
in didUpdateHeading
to only update that label when the other segments are selected.
Start the motion manager in viewDidLoad()
(along with location manager)... it will continue to run - and continue to update the labels - so no need for a myDeviceMotion()
At the end of viewDidLoad()
, trigger indexChanged()
to initialize the labels (and any other needed tasks / vars) as if the user tapped the "Current" segment.
Give this a try (I think I put enough comments in the code to explain any changes):
import UIKit
import CoreMotion
import CoreLocation
class PVOrientationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
//MARK: - Constants and Variables
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var segIndex = 0
//MARK: - Outlets, views, actions
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
//MARK: - Action of the Segmented Button.
@IBAction func indexChanged(_ sender: Any)
segIndex = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex
switch segIndex
case 0:
print("Current Tab")
panelOptimalAz.text = "Tracking the Sun"
case 1:
print("3 months Tab")
// do something related to 3 months
case 2:
print("6 months Tab")
// do something related to 6 months
case 3:
print("Year tab")
// do something related to Year
panelOptimalAz.text = "No Optimal Azimuth given"
panelCurrentAz.text = "No Current Azimuth given"
panelCurrentTilt.text = "No Current Tilt given"
panelOptimalTilt.text = "No Optimal Tilt given"
//MARK: - viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
// Azimuth
if (CLLocationManager.headingAvailable())
locationManager.headingFilter = 1
// start the motion manager here, since we want it running all the time
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue()) (motion, error) -> Void in
if let attitude = motion?.attitude
self.panelCurrentTilt.text = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
print("Device motion started")
print("Device motion unavailable")
// call segment changed to update on start (as if user tapped seg 0)
//MARK: - Motion methods
// no need for this
// func myDeviceMotion() -> String
// var currentTilt:String = "0.0º"
// return currentTilt
//MARK: - True heading and panel's heading
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading heading: CLHeading)
let trueHeading = heading.trueHeading
//If latitude >= 0, then panel's azimuth = 180º, else, it is 0º
var panelHeading = 0.0
// I don't have your GlobalData object, so
// just hard-coding 1.0 here...
// if GlobalData.latit >= 0.0
if 1.0 >= 0.0
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "180º"
panelHeading = trueHeading - 180.0
if panelHeading < 0
panelHeading += 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "0º"
panelHeading = trueHeading + 180.0
if panelHeading > 359.0
panelHeading -= 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
label should say "Tracking the Sun" if the current selected segment is "Current", so add an if ()
in didUpdateHeading
to only update that label when the other segments are selected.
Start the motion manager in viewDidLoad()
(along with location manager)... it will continue to run - and continue to update the labels - so no need for a myDeviceMotion()
At the end of viewDidLoad()
, trigger indexChanged()
to initialize the labels (and any other needed tasks / vars) as if the user tapped the "Current" segment.
Give this a try (I think I put enough comments in the code to explain any changes):
import UIKit
import CoreMotion
import CoreLocation
class PVOrientationViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
//MARK: - Constants and Variables
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var segIndex = 0
//MARK: - Outlets, views, actions
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelOptimalTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentAz: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var panelCurrentTilt: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
//MARK: - Action of the Segmented Button.
@IBAction func indexChanged(_ sender: Any)
segIndex = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex
switch segIndex
case 0:
print("Current Tab")
panelOptimalAz.text = "Tracking the Sun"
case 1:
print("3 months Tab")
// do something related to 3 months
case 2:
print("6 months Tab")
// do something related to 6 months
case 3:
print("Year tab")
// do something related to Year
panelOptimalAz.text = "No Optimal Azimuth given"
panelCurrentAz.text = "No Current Azimuth given"
panelCurrentTilt.text = "No Current Tilt given"
panelOptimalTilt.text = "No Optimal Tilt given"
//MARK: - viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad()
locationManager.delegate = self
// Azimuth
if (CLLocationManager.headingAvailable())
locationManager.headingFilter = 1
// start the motion manager here, since we want it running all the time
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue()) (motion, error) -> Void in
if let attitude = motion?.attitude
self.panelCurrentTilt.text = "(String(format:"%.0f", attitude.pitch * 180 / Double.pi))º"
print("Device motion started")
print("Device motion unavailable")
// call segment changed to update on start (as if user tapped seg 0)
//MARK: - Motion methods
// no need for this
// func myDeviceMotion() -> String
// var currentTilt:String = "0.0º"
// return currentTilt
//MARK: - True heading and panel's heading
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateHeading heading: CLHeading)
let trueHeading = heading.trueHeading
//If latitude >= 0, then panel's azimuth = 180º, else, it is 0º
var panelHeading = 0.0
// I don't have your GlobalData object, so
// just hard-coding 1.0 here...
// if GlobalData.latit >= 0.0
if 1.0 >= 0.0
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "180º"
panelHeading = trueHeading - 180.0
if panelHeading < 0
panelHeading += 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
// only update Optimal Az label if "Current" seg is NOT selected
if self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex != 0
self.panelOptimalAz.text = "0º"
panelHeading = trueHeading + 180.0
if panelHeading > 359.0
panelHeading -= 360.0
self.panelCurrentAz.text = "(String(format: "%.0f", panelHeading))º"
answered Mar 7 at 14:02
Thank you DonMag. I will give it a try when I reach my computer. But it seems it may work. I’ll let you know how it goes. Greets.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 14:09
Thanks DonMag, that helped with what it is needed. The labels of a previous tab still appear if I switch to another tab while the phone is still, but that's a minor bug that doesn't represent any threat since the phone hardly will be 100% still for the purposes of this app. Thanks a lot for your help.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 8 at 9:03
add a comment |
Thank you DonMag. I will give it a try when I reach my computer. But it seems it may work. I’ll let you know how it goes. Greets.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 14:09
Thanks DonMag, that helped with what it is needed. The labels of a previous tab still appear if I switch to another tab while the phone is still, but that's a minor bug that doesn't represent any threat since the phone hardly will be 100% still for the purposes of this app. Thanks a lot for your help.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 8 at 9:03
Thank you DonMag. I will give it a try when I reach my computer. But it seems it may work. I’ll let you know how it goes. Greets.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 14:09
Thank you DonMag. I will give it a try when I reach my computer. But it seems it may work. I’ll let you know how it goes. Greets.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 14:09
Thanks DonMag, that helped with what it is needed. The labels of a previous tab still appear if I switch to another tab while the phone is still, but that's a minor bug that doesn't represent any threat since the phone hardly will be 100% still for the purposes of this app. Thanks a lot for your help.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 8 at 9:03
Thanks DonMag, that helped with what it is needed. The labels of a previous tab still appear if I switch to another tab while the phone is still, but that's a minor bug that doesn't represent any threat since the phone hardly will be 100% still for the purposes of this app. Thanks a lot for your help.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 8 at 9:03
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A little confusing... You want
to display "Tracking the Sun" -- but then you update it to either "180º" or "0º" every time the heading changes? Do you want it to continue to say "Tracking"? Other than that, I don't see any differences in your code when 3 months, 6 months or Year is selected?– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:19
Additionally, you keep re-starting the motion manager... it only needs to be started once (like the location manager). And, with your current code,
func myDeviceMotion()
will always return "0.0º". I assume that's not what you want?– DonMag
Mar 7 at 13:25
Hello DonMag, "Tracking the Sun" is a temporarily substitute for the correct values that I will add later (that code hasn't been done yet). It is 180º if you live in the North Hemisphere (like London) and 0º if you live in the Southern one (i.e. NZ). For now, what I want is that if the tab is on "Current", then it should say "Tracking...", and 180º for the other 3.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:35
For the 2nd comment, no, i don't want that, but I didn't know what to do in order to give the correct values according to the selected tab. Basically I'd need to use an if-else statement inside the switch-case one and call the function in the if-else statement, which I can not do. That "return 0.0" was an inefficient solution to make that field work.
– J_A_F_Casillas
Mar 7 at 13:37