Drupal 8 assign module template to a page2019 Community Moderator ElectionUse 'class' or 'typename' for template parameters?How do I unload (reload) a Python module?Why can templates only be implemented in the header file?Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords?How can I get a list of locally installed Python modules?Drupal 7 theme template file names not workinghow do i migrate custom module from drupal 7.39 to drupal 8.0.5Template for custom page Drupal 8How do I alter a node template from a module in Drupal 8?Use httpClient - Guzzle for Drupal 8 custom module

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Drupal 8 assign module template to a page

2019 Community Moderator ElectionUse 'class' or 'typename' for template parameters?How do I unload (reload) a Python module?Why can templates only be implemented in the header file?Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords?How can I get a list of locally installed Python modules?Drupal 7 theme template file names not workinghow do i migrate custom module from drupal 7.39 to drupal 8.0.5Template for custom page Drupal 8How do I alter a node template from a module in Drupal 8?Use httpClient - Guzzle for Drupal 8 custom module


I am new in drupal and i am creating a module to allow customers to customize card using fabric js. I created a module and inside it i have created a template file inside my_module > templates > page--my_module.html.twig. The issue is that i am not able to view the content of the template on a page.

Here is the code of my my_module.module file


use DrupalCoreRoutingRouteMatchInterface;

* Implements hook_help().
function my_module_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match)
switch ($route_name)
case 'help.page.my_module':
return t('
<h2>Lorem ipsum generator for Drupal.</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... <strong>Just kidding!</strong></p>
<p>Unpack in the <em>modules</em> folder (currently in the root of your Drupal 8 installation) and enable in <strong>/admin/modules</strong>.</p>
<p>Then, visit <strong>/admin/config/development/loremipsum</strong> and enter your own set of phrases to build random-generated text (or go with the default Lorem ipsum).</p>
<p>Last, visit <strong>www.example.com/loremipsum/generate/P/S</strong> where:</p>
<li><em>P</em> is the number of <em>paragraphs</em></li>
<li><em>S</em> is the maximum number of <em>sentences</em></li>
<p>There is also a generator block in which you can choose how many paragraphs and
phrases and it'll do the rest.</p>
<p>If you need, there's also a specific <em>generate lorem ipsum</em> permission.</p>
<p>Most bugs have been ironed out, holes covered, features added. But this module is a work in progress. Please report bugs and suggestions, ok?</p>

* Implements hook_theme() to add the template definition.
function my_module_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path)
return array(
'my_module_template' => array(
'template' => 'page--my_module',
'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),

Here is the code of the controller MyModuleController.php

* @file
* Contains Drupalcard_designerControllerFirstController.

namespace Drupalmy_moduleController;

use DrupalCoreControllerControllerBase;

class MyModuleController extends ControllerBase
public function content()
return array(
'#theme' => 'card_designer_template',
'#test_var' => $this->t('Test Value'),

Here is the code of my_module.routing.yml

path: '/card-design'
_controller: 'Drupalmy_moduleControllerMyModuleController::content'
_title: 'Hello world'
_permission: 'access content'**strong text**

And here is the page--my_module.html.twig file

<p> This is the lotus template with a value of test_var </p>

Now don't know how to assign this my custom template to a page so that i can check the output of the template on a the website.

Can anyone tell me where i am wrong and how i can see the output on a page.

Thanks in advance.

share|improve this question


    I am new in drupal and i am creating a module to allow customers to customize card using fabric js. I created a module and inside it i have created a template file inside my_module > templates > page--my_module.html.twig. The issue is that i am not able to view the content of the template on a page.

    Here is the code of my my_module.module file


    use DrupalCoreRoutingRouteMatchInterface;

    * Implements hook_help().
    function my_module_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match)
    switch ($route_name)
    case 'help.page.my_module':
    return t('
    <h2>Lorem ipsum generator for Drupal.</h2>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... <strong>Just kidding!</strong></p>
    <p>Unpack in the <em>modules</em> folder (currently in the root of your Drupal 8 installation) and enable in <strong>/admin/modules</strong>.</p>
    <p>Then, visit <strong>/admin/config/development/loremipsum</strong> and enter your own set of phrases to build random-generated text (or go with the default Lorem ipsum).</p>
    <p>Last, visit <strong>www.example.com/loremipsum/generate/P/S</strong> where:</p>
    <li><em>P</em> is the number of <em>paragraphs</em></li>
    <li><em>S</em> is the maximum number of <em>sentences</em></li>
    <p>There is also a generator block in which you can choose how many paragraphs and
    phrases and it'll do the rest.</p>
    <p>If you need, there's also a specific <em>generate lorem ipsum</em> permission.</p>
    <p>Most bugs have been ironed out, holes covered, features added. But this module is a work in progress. Please report bugs and suggestions, ok?</p>

    * Implements hook_theme() to add the template definition.
    function my_module_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path)
    return array(
    'my_module_template' => array(
    'template' => 'page--my_module',
    'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),

    Here is the code of the controller MyModuleController.php

    * @file
    * Contains Drupalcard_designerControllerFirstController.

    namespace Drupalmy_moduleController;

    use DrupalCoreControllerControllerBase;

    class MyModuleController extends ControllerBase
    public function content()
    return array(
    '#theme' => 'card_designer_template',
    '#test_var' => $this->t('Test Value'),

    Here is the code of my_module.routing.yml

    path: '/card-design'
    _controller: 'Drupalmy_moduleControllerMyModuleController::content'
    _title: 'Hello world'
    _permission: 'access content'**strong text**

    And here is the page--my_module.html.twig file

    <p> This is the lotus template with a value of test_var </p>

    Now don't know how to assign this my custom template to a page so that i can check the output of the template on a the website.

    Can anyone tell me where i am wrong and how i can see the output on a page.

    Thanks in advance.

    share|improve this question




      I am new in drupal and i am creating a module to allow customers to customize card using fabric js. I created a module and inside it i have created a template file inside my_module > templates > page--my_module.html.twig. The issue is that i am not able to view the content of the template on a page.

      Here is the code of my my_module.module file


      use DrupalCoreRoutingRouteMatchInterface;

      * Implements hook_help().
      function my_module_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match)
      switch ($route_name)
      case 'help.page.my_module':
      return t('
      <h2>Lorem ipsum generator for Drupal.</h2>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... <strong>Just kidding!</strong></p>
      <p>Unpack in the <em>modules</em> folder (currently in the root of your Drupal 8 installation) and enable in <strong>/admin/modules</strong>.</p>
      <p>Then, visit <strong>/admin/config/development/loremipsum</strong> and enter your own set of phrases to build random-generated text (or go with the default Lorem ipsum).</p>
      <p>Last, visit <strong>www.example.com/loremipsum/generate/P/S</strong> where:</p>
      <li><em>P</em> is the number of <em>paragraphs</em></li>
      <li><em>S</em> is the maximum number of <em>sentences</em></li>
      <p>There is also a generator block in which you can choose how many paragraphs and
      phrases and it'll do the rest.</p>
      <p>If you need, there's also a specific <em>generate lorem ipsum</em> permission.</p>
      <p>Most bugs have been ironed out, holes covered, features added. But this module is a work in progress. Please report bugs and suggestions, ok?</p>

      * Implements hook_theme() to add the template definition.
      function my_module_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path)
      return array(
      'my_module_template' => array(
      'template' => 'page--my_module',
      'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),

      Here is the code of the controller MyModuleController.php

      * @file
      * Contains Drupalcard_designerControllerFirstController.

      namespace Drupalmy_moduleController;

      use DrupalCoreControllerControllerBase;

      class MyModuleController extends ControllerBase
      public function content()
      return array(
      '#theme' => 'card_designer_template',
      '#test_var' => $this->t('Test Value'),

      Here is the code of my_module.routing.yml

      path: '/card-design'
      _controller: 'Drupalmy_moduleControllerMyModuleController::content'
      _title: 'Hello world'
      _permission: 'access content'**strong text**

      And here is the page--my_module.html.twig file

      <p> This is the lotus template with a value of test_var </p>

      Now don't know how to assign this my custom template to a page so that i can check the output of the template on a the website.

      Can anyone tell me where i am wrong and how i can see the output on a page.

      Thanks in advance.

      share|improve this question

      I am new in drupal and i am creating a module to allow customers to customize card using fabric js. I created a module and inside it i have created a template file inside my_module > templates > page--my_module.html.twig. The issue is that i am not able to view the content of the template on a page.

      Here is the code of my my_module.module file


      use DrupalCoreRoutingRouteMatchInterface;

      * Implements hook_help().
      function my_module_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match)
      switch ($route_name)
      case 'help.page.my_module':
      return t('
      <h2>Lorem ipsum generator for Drupal.</h2>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... <strong>Just kidding!</strong></p>
      <p>Unpack in the <em>modules</em> folder (currently in the root of your Drupal 8 installation) and enable in <strong>/admin/modules</strong>.</p>
      <p>Then, visit <strong>/admin/config/development/loremipsum</strong> and enter your own set of phrases to build random-generated text (or go with the default Lorem ipsum).</p>
      <p>Last, visit <strong>www.example.com/loremipsum/generate/P/S</strong> where:</p>
      <li><em>P</em> is the number of <em>paragraphs</em></li>
      <li><em>S</em> is the maximum number of <em>sentences</em></li>
      <p>There is also a generator block in which you can choose how many paragraphs and
      phrases and it'll do the rest.</p>
      <p>If you need, there's also a specific <em>generate lorem ipsum</em> permission.</p>
      <p>Most bugs have been ironed out, holes covered, features added. But this module is a work in progress. Please report bugs and suggestions, ok?</p>

      * Implements hook_theme() to add the template definition.
      function my_module_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path)
      return array(
      'my_module_template' => array(
      'template' => 'page--my_module',
      'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),

      Here is the code of the controller MyModuleController.php

      * @file
      * Contains Drupalcard_designerControllerFirstController.

      namespace Drupalmy_moduleController;

      use DrupalCoreControllerControllerBase;

      class MyModuleController extends ControllerBase
      public function content()
      return array(
      '#theme' => 'card_designer_template',
      '#test_var' => $this->t('Test Value'),

      Here is the code of my_module.routing.yml

      path: '/card-design'
      _controller: 'Drupalmy_moduleControllerMyModuleController::content'
      _title: 'Hello world'
      _permission: 'access content'**strong text**

      And here is the page--my_module.html.twig file

      <p> This is the lotus template with a value of test_var </p>

      Now don't know how to assign this my custom template to a page so that i can check the output of the template on a the website.

      Can anyone tell me where i am wrong and how i can see the output on a page.

      Thanks in advance.

      templates module drupal-8

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked yesterday




          1 Answer





          1. In "my_module.routing.yml" fix _permission: 'access content'**strong text**to _permission: 'access content'. I am not sure where did you get **strong text** but it should not be here.

          2. Rename "page--my_module.html.twig" to "page--my-module.html.twig". Twig template names should not have underscores.

          3. In "MyModuleController.php" change '#theme' => 'card_designer_template', to '#theme' => 'page__my_module', because machine name of template must match all others theme naming usages. Please note that page__my_module is using underscores when used in PHP, but when used as name of twig template file, underscores are converted to hyphens => page--my-module.html.twig.

          4. In "my_module.module" Change

          'my_module_template' => array(
          'template' => 'page--my_module',
          'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),


          'page__my_module' => array(
          'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),

          because template machine name must be parent key and variables should be child key. Also "template" key can be removed, because after fix it is defined in parent key as already said.

          1. I am not sure if you have "my_module.info.yml" but is should be something like:

          name: my_module
          type: module
          description: 'My custom module'
          package: 'Custom'
          core: 8.x

          1. I am not sure about your structure but it should be like this:

          enter image description here

          I hope I did not missed anything :) I fixed and tested your code, so if it does not work, let me know and I will fix my answer.

          share|improve this answer

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            1 Answer




            1 Answer











            1. In "my_module.routing.yml" fix _permission: 'access content'**strong text**to _permission: 'access content'. I am not sure where did you get **strong text** but it should not be here.

            2. Rename "page--my_module.html.twig" to "page--my-module.html.twig". Twig template names should not have underscores.

            3. In "MyModuleController.php" change '#theme' => 'card_designer_template', to '#theme' => 'page__my_module', because machine name of template must match all others theme naming usages. Please note that page__my_module is using underscores when used in PHP, but when used as name of twig template file, underscores are converted to hyphens => page--my-module.html.twig.

            4. In "my_module.module" Change

            'my_module_template' => array(
            'template' => 'page--my_module',
            'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),


            'page__my_module' => array(
            'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),

            because template machine name must be parent key and variables should be child key. Also "template" key can be removed, because after fix it is defined in parent key as already said.

            1. I am not sure if you have "my_module.info.yml" but is should be something like:

            name: my_module
            type: module
            description: 'My custom module'
            package: 'Custom'
            core: 8.x

            1. I am not sure about your structure but it should be like this:

            enter image description here

            I hope I did not missed anything :) I fixed and tested your code, so if it does not work, let me know and I will fix my answer.

            share|improve this answer


              1. In "my_module.routing.yml" fix _permission: 'access content'**strong text**to _permission: 'access content'. I am not sure where did you get **strong text** but it should not be here.

              2. Rename "page--my_module.html.twig" to "page--my-module.html.twig". Twig template names should not have underscores.

              3. In "MyModuleController.php" change '#theme' => 'card_designer_template', to '#theme' => 'page__my_module', because machine name of template must match all others theme naming usages. Please note that page__my_module is using underscores when used in PHP, but when used as name of twig template file, underscores are converted to hyphens => page--my-module.html.twig.

              4. In "my_module.module" Change

              'my_module_template' => array(
              'template' => 'page--my_module',
              'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),


              'page__my_module' => array(
              'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),

              because template machine name must be parent key and variables should be child key. Also "template" key can be removed, because after fix it is defined in parent key as already said.

              1. I am not sure if you have "my_module.info.yml" but is should be something like:

              name: my_module
              type: module
              description: 'My custom module'
              package: 'Custom'
              core: 8.x

              1. I am not sure about your structure but it should be like this:

              enter image description here

              I hope I did not missed anything :) I fixed and tested your code, so if it does not work, let me know and I will fix my answer.

              share|improve this answer




                1. In "my_module.routing.yml" fix _permission: 'access content'**strong text**to _permission: 'access content'. I am not sure where did you get **strong text** but it should not be here.

                2. Rename "page--my_module.html.twig" to "page--my-module.html.twig". Twig template names should not have underscores.

                3. In "MyModuleController.php" change '#theme' => 'card_designer_template', to '#theme' => 'page__my_module', because machine name of template must match all others theme naming usages. Please note that page__my_module is using underscores when used in PHP, but when used as name of twig template file, underscores are converted to hyphens => page--my-module.html.twig.

                4. In "my_module.module" Change

                'my_module_template' => array(
                'template' => 'page--my_module',
                'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),


                'page__my_module' => array(
                'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),

                because template machine name must be parent key and variables should be child key. Also "template" key can be removed, because after fix it is defined in parent key as already said.

                1. I am not sure if you have "my_module.info.yml" but is should be something like:

                name: my_module
                type: module
                description: 'My custom module'
                package: 'Custom'
                core: 8.x

                1. I am not sure about your structure but it should be like this:

                enter image description here

                I hope I did not missed anything :) I fixed and tested your code, so if it does not work, let me know and I will fix my answer.

                share|improve this answer

                1. In "my_module.routing.yml" fix _permission: 'access content'**strong text**to _permission: 'access content'. I am not sure where did you get **strong text** but it should not be here.

                2. Rename "page--my_module.html.twig" to "page--my-module.html.twig". Twig template names should not have underscores.

                3. In "MyModuleController.php" change '#theme' => 'card_designer_template', to '#theme' => 'page__my_module', because machine name of template must match all others theme naming usages. Please note that page__my_module is using underscores when used in PHP, but when used as name of twig template file, underscores are converted to hyphens => page--my-module.html.twig.

                4. In "my_module.module" Change

                'my_module_template' => array(
                'template' => 'page--my_module',
                'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),


                'page__my_module' => array(
                'variables' => array('test_var' => NULL),

                because template machine name must be parent key and variables should be child key. Also "template" key can be removed, because after fix it is defined in parent key as already said.

                1. I am not sure if you have "my_module.info.yml" but is should be something like:

                name: my_module
                type: module
                description: 'My custom module'
                package: 'Custom'
                core: 8.x

                1. I am not sure about your structure but it should be like this:

                enter image description here

                I hope I did not missed anything :) I fixed and tested your code, so if it does not work, let me know and I will fix my answer.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited 1 hour ago

                answered 2 hours ago




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