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Transpose Multiple Columns to Row, find what data are changes, maintain old value if no changes

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| Ori_Date | Resubmission_Date | SeqNo | IDNO | PX_Name_OLD | Name_NEW | NameReason | PX_Gender_OLD | Gender_New | GenderReason |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | OldName | NewName | Valid | L | P | Valid |
| 2019-02-01 | 2019-02-03 | AB456 | A26589 | Captain | IronMan | Valid | L | | |

Result I Want

| Ori_Date | Resubmission_Date | SeqNo | IDNo | Col_Chg | From_Value | To_Value | Name | NameReason | Gender | GenderReason |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | Name | OldName | NewName | NewName | Valid | P | NULL |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | Gender | L | P | NewName | NULL | P | Valid |
| 2019-02-01 | 2019-02-03 | AB456 | A26589 | Name | Captain | IronMan | IronMan | Valid | L | NULL |

Query that I wrote:

select Seqno, IDNo, ColName, Vals
isnull(cast(reqid as nvarchar(255)), '') AS Seqno,
isnull(cast(Name collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as Name,
isnull(cast(IDNo collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as IDNo,
isnull(cast(Gender collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as Gender
from #A
where NameReason IS NOT NULL or GenderReason IS NOT NULL
) unpivot_table
vals for colname in (Name, Gender
) unpivot_handle

Whenever there is a value in NameReason/GenderReason, then it will triggered the changes thats why in query i put NameReason or GenderReason IS NOT NULL.

PX = Table1-old value , xx_New = Table 2-new value (if any-but definitely there is an update for some of columns), I joined them together and insert to table #A.

Name column, if there is changes, will take New_Name column.

Gender column, if there no changes, will take PX_Gender aka old value.

With my query, I'm not able to get From_Value, To_Value, and other columns. Any idea how to get the result I want?

Note: Im dealing with 10mil records, 20+ cols, I cannot hardcode it.

share|improve this question

  • I don't understand your desired results. Why is gender both in columns and in an additional row?

    – Gordon Linoff
    Mar 9 at 4:08

  • @GordonLinoff if there is changes show the new result in all rows (under same idno). as you can see from idno:A26589, there is no changes for gender, so desired result is showing old value instead.

    – user3542587
    Mar 9 at 13:02



| Ori_Date | Resubmission_Date | SeqNo | IDNO | PX_Name_OLD | Name_NEW | NameReason | PX_Gender_OLD | Gender_New | GenderReason |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | OldName | NewName | Valid | L | P | Valid |
| 2019-02-01 | 2019-02-03 | AB456 | A26589 | Captain | IronMan | Valid | L | | |

Result I Want

| Ori_Date | Resubmission_Date | SeqNo | IDNo | Col_Chg | From_Value | To_Value | Name | NameReason | Gender | GenderReason |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | Name | OldName | NewName | NewName | Valid | P | NULL |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | Gender | L | P | NewName | NULL | P | Valid |
| 2019-02-01 | 2019-02-03 | AB456 | A26589 | Name | Captain | IronMan | IronMan | Valid | L | NULL |

Query that I wrote:

select Seqno, IDNo, ColName, Vals
isnull(cast(reqid as nvarchar(255)), '') AS Seqno,
isnull(cast(Name collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as Name,
isnull(cast(IDNo collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as IDNo,
isnull(cast(Gender collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as Gender
from #A
where NameReason IS NOT NULL or GenderReason IS NOT NULL
) unpivot_table
vals for colname in (Name, Gender
) unpivot_handle

Whenever there is a value in NameReason/GenderReason, then it will triggered the changes thats why in query i put NameReason or GenderReason IS NOT NULL.

PX = Table1-old value , xx_New = Table 2-new value (if any-but definitely there is an update for some of columns), I joined them together and insert to table #A.

Name column, if there is changes, will take New_Name column.

Gender column, if there no changes, will take PX_Gender aka old value.

With my query, I'm not able to get From_Value, To_Value, and other columns. Any idea how to get the result I want?

Note: Im dealing with 10mil records, 20+ cols, I cannot hardcode it.

share|improve this question

  • I don't understand your desired results. Why is gender both in columns and in an additional row?

    – Gordon Linoff
    Mar 9 at 4:08

  • @GordonLinoff if there is changes show the new result in all rows (under same idno). as you can see from idno:A26589, there is no changes for gender, so desired result is showing old value instead.

    – user3542587
    Mar 9 at 13:02





| Ori_Date | Resubmission_Date | SeqNo | IDNO | PX_Name_OLD | Name_NEW | NameReason | PX_Gender_OLD | Gender_New | GenderReason |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | OldName | NewName | Valid | L | P | Valid |
| 2019-02-01 | 2019-02-03 | AB456 | A26589 | Captain | IronMan | Valid | L | | |

Result I Want

| Ori_Date | Resubmission_Date | SeqNo | IDNo | Col_Chg | From_Value | To_Value | Name | NameReason | Gender | GenderReason |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | Name | OldName | NewName | NewName | Valid | P | NULL |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | Gender | L | P | NewName | NULL | P | Valid |
| 2019-02-01 | 2019-02-03 | AB456 | A26589 | Name | Captain | IronMan | IronMan | Valid | L | NULL |

Query that I wrote:

select Seqno, IDNo, ColName, Vals
isnull(cast(reqid as nvarchar(255)), '') AS Seqno,
isnull(cast(Name collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as Name,
isnull(cast(IDNo collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as IDNo,
isnull(cast(Gender collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as Gender
from #A
where NameReason IS NOT NULL or GenderReason IS NOT NULL
) unpivot_table
vals for colname in (Name, Gender
) unpivot_handle

Whenever there is a value in NameReason/GenderReason, then it will triggered the changes thats why in query i put NameReason or GenderReason IS NOT NULL.

PX = Table1-old value , xx_New = Table 2-new value (if any-but definitely there is an update for some of columns), I joined them together and insert to table #A.

Name column, if there is changes, will take New_Name column.

Gender column, if there no changes, will take PX_Gender aka old value.

With my query, I'm not able to get From_Value, To_Value, and other columns. Any idea how to get the result I want?

Note: Im dealing with 10mil records, 20+ cols, I cannot hardcode it.

share|improve this question


| Ori_Date | Resubmission_Date | SeqNo | IDNO | PX_Name_OLD | Name_NEW | NameReason | PX_Gender_OLD | Gender_New | GenderReason |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | OldName | NewName | Valid | L | P | Valid |
| 2019-02-01 | 2019-02-03 | AB456 | A26589 | Captain | IronMan | Valid | L | | |

Result I Want

| Ori_Date | Resubmission_Date | SeqNo | IDNo | Col_Chg | From_Value | To_Value | Name | NameReason | Gender | GenderReason |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | Name | OldName | NewName | NewName | Valid | P | NULL |
| 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 | A123 | ID123 | Gender | L | P | NewName | NULL | P | Valid |
| 2019-02-01 | 2019-02-03 | AB456 | A26589 | Name | Captain | IronMan | IronMan | Valid | L | NULL |

Query that I wrote:

select Seqno, IDNo, ColName, Vals
isnull(cast(reqid as nvarchar(255)), '') AS Seqno,
isnull(cast(Name collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as Name,
isnull(cast(IDNo collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as IDNo,
isnull(cast(Gender collate database_default as nvarchar(255)), '') as Gender
from #A
where NameReason IS NOT NULL or GenderReason IS NOT NULL
) unpivot_table
vals for colname in (Name, Gender
) unpivot_handle

Whenever there is a value in NameReason/GenderReason, then it will triggered the changes thats why in query i put NameReason or GenderReason IS NOT NULL.

PX = Table1-old value , xx_New = Table 2-new value (if any-but definitely there is an update for some of columns), I joined them together and insert to table #A.

Name column, if there is changes, will take New_Name column.

Gender column, if there no changes, will take PX_Gender aka old value.

With my query, I'm not able to get From_Value, To_Value, and other columns. Any idea how to get the result I want?

Note: Im dealing with 10mil records, 20+ cols, I cannot hardcode it.

sql sql-server

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Mar 9 at 1:25


asked Mar 9 at 1:17




  • I don't understand your desired results. Why is gender both in columns and in an additional row?

    – Gordon Linoff
    Mar 9 at 4:08

  • @GordonLinoff if there is changes show the new result in all rows (under same idno). as you can see from idno:A26589, there is no changes for gender, so desired result is showing old value instead.

    – user3542587
    Mar 9 at 13:02

  • I don't understand your desired results. Why is gender both in columns and in an additional row?

    – Gordon Linoff
    Mar 9 at 4:08

  • @GordonLinoff if there is changes show the new result in all rows (under same idno). as you can see from idno:A26589, there is no changes for gender, so desired result is showing old value instead.

    – user3542587
    Mar 9 at 13:02

I don't understand your desired results. Why is gender both in columns and in an additional row?

– Gordon Linoff
Mar 9 at 4:08

I don't understand your desired results. Why is gender both in columns and in an additional row?

– Gordon Linoff
Mar 9 at 4:08

@GordonLinoff if there is changes show the new result in all rows (under same idno). as you can see from idno:A26589, there is no changes for gender, so desired result is showing old value instead.

– user3542587
Mar 9 at 13:02

@GordonLinoff if there is changes show the new result in all rows (under same idno). as you can see from idno:A26589, there is no changes for gender, so desired result is showing old value instead.

– user3542587
Mar 9 at 13:02

1 Answer





I think you want this:

select a.Ori_Date, a.Resubmission_Date, a.SeqNo, a.IDNO,
from #a a cross apply
(values ('Name', PX_Name_OLD, Name_NEW, NameReason),
('Gender', PX_Gender_OLD, Gender_New, GenderReason)
) v(Col_Chg, From_Value, To_Value, Reason)
where reason is not null;

Note: This does not include all the columns that you have. The additional gender columns seem redundant.

share|improve this answer

  • the result almost there but now i got new problem arise. its show all columns that even without changes. i tried playing around with 'where condition' but still no luck. because i only keep track that if 'reason' column is not null, meaning definitely the column got changes. even if FX_Occupation_old = value: A, in Occupation_new = value: B, but occupationReason is null, then no changes.

    – user3542587
    Mar 9 at 13:07

  • @user3542587 . . . That is based on the where clause. Maybe it should be on the reason instead of the values.

    – Gordon Linoff
    Mar 9 at 13:30

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1 Answer











I think you want this:

select a.Ori_Date, a.Resubmission_Date, a.SeqNo, a.IDNO,
from #a a cross apply
(values ('Name', PX_Name_OLD, Name_NEW, NameReason),
('Gender', PX_Gender_OLD, Gender_New, GenderReason)
) v(Col_Chg, From_Value, To_Value, Reason)
where reason is not null;

Note: This does not include all the columns that you have. The additional gender columns seem redundant.

share|improve this answer

  • the result almost there but now i got new problem arise. its show all columns that even without changes. i tried playing around with 'where condition' but still no luck. because i only keep track that if 'reason' column is not null, meaning definitely the column got changes. even if FX_Occupation_old = value: A, in Occupation_new = value: B, but occupationReason is null, then no changes.

    – user3542587
    Mar 9 at 13:07

  • @user3542587 . . . That is based on the where clause. Maybe it should be on the reason instead of the values.

    – Gordon Linoff
    Mar 9 at 13:30


I think you want this:

select a.Ori_Date, a.Resubmission_Date, a.SeqNo, a.IDNO,
from #a a cross apply
(values ('Name', PX_Name_OLD, Name_NEW, NameReason),
('Gender', PX_Gender_OLD, Gender_New, GenderReason)
) v(Col_Chg, From_Value, To_Value, Reason)
where reason is not null;

Note: This does not include all the columns that you have. The additional gender columns seem redundant.

share|improve this answer

  • the result almost there but now i got new problem arise. its show all columns that even without changes. i tried playing around with 'where condition' but still no luck. because i only keep track that if 'reason' column is not null, meaning definitely the column got changes. even if FX_Occupation_old = value: A, in Occupation_new = value: B, but occupationReason is null, then no changes.

    – user3542587
    Mar 9 at 13:07

  • @user3542587 . . . That is based on the where clause. Maybe it should be on the reason instead of the values.

    – Gordon Linoff
    Mar 9 at 13:30




I think you want this:

select a.Ori_Date, a.Resubmission_Date, a.SeqNo, a.IDNO,
from #a a cross apply
(values ('Name', PX_Name_OLD, Name_NEW, NameReason),
('Gender', PX_Gender_OLD, Gender_New, GenderReason)
) v(Col_Chg, From_Value, To_Value, Reason)
where reason is not null;

Note: This does not include all the columns that you have. The additional gender columns seem redundant.

share|improve this answer

I think you want this:

select a.Ori_Date, a.Resubmission_Date, a.SeqNo, a.IDNO,
from #a a cross apply
(values ('Name', PX_Name_OLD, Name_NEW, NameReason),
('Gender', PX_Gender_OLD, Gender_New, GenderReason)
) v(Col_Chg, From_Value, To_Value, Reason)
where reason is not null;

Note: This does not include all the columns that you have. The additional gender columns seem redundant.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Mar 9 at 13:29

answered Mar 9 at 4:08

Gordon LinoffGordon Linoff



  • the result almost there but now i got new problem arise. its show all columns that even without changes. i tried playing around with 'where condition' but still no luck. because i only keep track that if 'reason' column is not null, meaning definitely the column got changes. even if FX_Occupation_old = value: A, in Occupation_new = value: B, but occupationReason is null, then no changes.

    – user3542587
    Mar 9 at 13:07

  • @user3542587 . . . That is based on the where clause. Maybe it should be on the reason instead of the values.

    – Gordon Linoff
    Mar 9 at 13:30

  • the result almost there but now i got new problem arise. its show all columns that even without changes. i tried playing around with 'where condition' but still no luck. because i only keep track that if 'reason' column is not null, meaning definitely the column got changes. even if FX_Occupation_old = value: A, in Occupation_new = value: B, but occupationReason is null, then no changes.

    – user3542587
    Mar 9 at 13:07

  • @user3542587 . . . That is based on the where clause. Maybe it should be on the reason instead of the values.

    – Gordon Linoff
    Mar 9 at 13:30

the result almost there but now i got new problem arise. its show all columns that even without changes. i tried playing around with 'where condition' but still no luck. because i only keep track that if 'reason' column is not null, meaning definitely the column got changes. even if FX_Occupation_old = value: A, in Occupation_new = value: B, but occupationReason is null, then no changes.

– user3542587
Mar 9 at 13:07

the result almost there but now i got new problem arise. its show all columns that even without changes. i tried playing around with 'where condition' but still no luck. because i only keep track that if 'reason' column is not null, meaning definitely the column got changes. even if FX_Occupation_old = value: A, in Occupation_new = value: B, but occupationReason is null, then no changes.

– user3542587
Mar 9 at 13:07

@user3542587 . . . That is based on the where clause. Maybe it should be on the reason instead of the values.

– Gordon Linoff
Mar 9 at 13:30

@user3542587 . . . That is based on the where clause. Maybe it should be on the reason instead of the values.

– Gordon Linoff
Mar 9 at 13:30

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