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Idiomatic way to structure Rust trait

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I have been writing a Ray Caster in Rust following "The Ray Tracer Challenge", and I've been having a hard time figuring out the proper way to implement polymorphism in Rust. My priorities are that the object can be used in a multi-threaded program, and that seems to be the main problem.

I have two cases on this, but I'll focus on one: a shape. There are different kinds of shapes (sticking with the able suffix I originally called my trait Intersectable). Here was a working trait object implementation, but it didn't work with multi-threading:

pub struct Shape
pub parent: Option<Arc<Shape>>,
pub transform: Matrix4,
pub material: Material,
pub intersectable: Box<Intersectable>,

pub trait Intersectable: Debug + IntersectableClone
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>;

pub trait IntersectableClone
fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>;

impl<T> IntersectableClone for T
T: 'static + Intersectable + Clone,

fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>

impl Clone for Box<Intersectable>
fn clone(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Sphere

impl Intersectable for Sphere
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...sphere specific code

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Plane

impl Intersectable for Plane
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...plane specific code

As a pure struct, with no official polymorphism, I've written a kind of static dispatch that looks like this:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum IntersectableType

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Intersectable
intersectable_type: IntersectableType,

impl Intersectable
pub fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
match self.intersectable_type
IntersectableType::Sphere => self.local_intersect_sphere(ray, object),
IntersectableType::Plane => self.local_intersect_plane(ray, object),
_ => Vec::new(),

fn local_intersect_sphere(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...sphere specific code

fn local_intersect_plane(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...plane specific implementation

This works great, but it feels very non-Rusty. I've hit a few problems with using other implementations:
- Using Box<Intersectable> (when it was a Trait, not a struct), is difficult to clone (I copied How to clone a struct storing a boxed trait object? but didn't love having to use 'static, since that made concurrency impossible).
- Using Arc<Intersectable> seemed to have the same problems as Box, though maybe there is a way to make that work.

Is there a way to do this in Rust that allows me to take advantage of concurrency and not write manual static dispatch like this?

share|improve this question

  • Would you be able to show functional examples of the trait approach you've tried so far, so we can understand the issues you had? It'll be a lot easier than us trying to start from scratch.

    – loganfsmyth
    Mar 9 at 1:25

  • 1

    Yes, I have added the main implementation I had before this one!

    – Josh
    Mar 9 at 1:46

  • Perhaps you could just store a function pointer fn(&Ray, Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection> in your Shape. I believe fn is Clone + Send. It's essentially what you're already doing with dynamic dispatch on empty structs.

    – JayDepp
    Mar 9 at 2:52

  • That is a very interesting concept that I hadn't thought about, I will give it a shot and report back!

    – Josh
    Mar 9 at 6:17


I have been writing a Ray Caster in Rust following "The Ray Tracer Challenge", and I've been having a hard time figuring out the proper way to implement polymorphism in Rust. My priorities are that the object can be used in a multi-threaded program, and that seems to be the main problem.

I have two cases on this, but I'll focus on one: a shape. There are different kinds of shapes (sticking with the able suffix I originally called my trait Intersectable). Here was a working trait object implementation, but it didn't work with multi-threading:

pub struct Shape
pub parent: Option<Arc<Shape>>,
pub transform: Matrix4,
pub material: Material,
pub intersectable: Box<Intersectable>,

pub trait Intersectable: Debug + IntersectableClone
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>;

pub trait IntersectableClone
fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>;

impl<T> IntersectableClone for T
T: 'static + Intersectable + Clone,

fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>

impl Clone for Box<Intersectable>
fn clone(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Sphere

impl Intersectable for Sphere
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...sphere specific code

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Plane

impl Intersectable for Plane
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...plane specific code

As a pure struct, with no official polymorphism, I've written a kind of static dispatch that looks like this:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum IntersectableType

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Intersectable
intersectable_type: IntersectableType,

impl Intersectable
pub fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
match self.intersectable_type
IntersectableType::Sphere => self.local_intersect_sphere(ray, object),
IntersectableType::Plane => self.local_intersect_plane(ray, object),
_ => Vec::new(),

fn local_intersect_sphere(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...sphere specific code

fn local_intersect_plane(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...plane specific implementation

This works great, but it feels very non-Rusty. I've hit a few problems with using other implementations:
- Using Box<Intersectable> (when it was a Trait, not a struct), is difficult to clone (I copied How to clone a struct storing a boxed trait object? but didn't love having to use 'static, since that made concurrency impossible).
- Using Arc<Intersectable> seemed to have the same problems as Box, though maybe there is a way to make that work.

Is there a way to do this in Rust that allows me to take advantage of concurrency and not write manual static dispatch like this?

share|improve this question

  • Would you be able to show functional examples of the trait approach you've tried so far, so we can understand the issues you had? It'll be a lot easier than us trying to start from scratch.

    – loganfsmyth
    Mar 9 at 1:25

  • 1

    Yes, I have added the main implementation I had before this one!

    – Josh
    Mar 9 at 1:46

  • Perhaps you could just store a function pointer fn(&Ray, Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection> in your Shape. I believe fn is Clone + Send. It's essentially what you're already doing with dynamic dispatch on empty structs.

    – JayDepp
    Mar 9 at 2:52

  • That is a very interesting concept that I hadn't thought about, I will give it a shot and report back!

    – Josh
    Mar 9 at 6:17




I have been writing a Ray Caster in Rust following "The Ray Tracer Challenge", and I've been having a hard time figuring out the proper way to implement polymorphism in Rust. My priorities are that the object can be used in a multi-threaded program, and that seems to be the main problem.

I have two cases on this, but I'll focus on one: a shape. There are different kinds of shapes (sticking with the able suffix I originally called my trait Intersectable). Here was a working trait object implementation, but it didn't work with multi-threading:

pub struct Shape
pub parent: Option<Arc<Shape>>,
pub transform: Matrix4,
pub material: Material,
pub intersectable: Box<Intersectable>,

pub trait Intersectable: Debug + IntersectableClone
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>;

pub trait IntersectableClone
fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>;

impl<T> IntersectableClone for T
T: 'static + Intersectable + Clone,

fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>

impl Clone for Box<Intersectable>
fn clone(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Sphere

impl Intersectable for Sphere
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...sphere specific code

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Plane

impl Intersectable for Plane
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...plane specific code

As a pure struct, with no official polymorphism, I've written a kind of static dispatch that looks like this:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum IntersectableType

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Intersectable
intersectable_type: IntersectableType,

impl Intersectable
pub fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
match self.intersectable_type
IntersectableType::Sphere => self.local_intersect_sphere(ray, object),
IntersectableType::Plane => self.local_intersect_plane(ray, object),
_ => Vec::new(),

fn local_intersect_sphere(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...sphere specific code

fn local_intersect_plane(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...plane specific implementation

This works great, but it feels very non-Rusty. I've hit a few problems with using other implementations:
- Using Box<Intersectable> (when it was a Trait, not a struct), is difficult to clone (I copied How to clone a struct storing a boxed trait object? but didn't love having to use 'static, since that made concurrency impossible).
- Using Arc<Intersectable> seemed to have the same problems as Box, though maybe there is a way to make that work.

Is there a way to do this in Rust that allows me to take advantage of concurrency and not write manual static dispatch like this?

share|improve this question

I have been writing a Ray Caster in Rust following "The Ray Tracer Challenge", and I've been having a hard time figuring out the proper way to implement polymorphism in Rust. My priorities are that the object can be used in a multi-threaded program, and that seems to be the main problem.

I have two cases on this, but I'll focus on one: a shape. There are different kinds of shapes (sticking with the able suffix I originally called my trait Intersectable). Here was a working trait object implementation, but it didn't work with multi-threading:

pub struct Shape
pub parent: Option<Arc<Shape>>,
pub transform: Matrix4,
pub material: Material,
pub intersectable: Box<Intersectable>,

pub trait Intersectable: Debug + IntersectableClone
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>;

pub trait IntersectableClone
fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>;

impl<T> IntersectableClone for T
T: 'static + Intersectable + Clone,

fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>

impl Clone for Box<Intersectable>
fn clone(&self) -> Box<Intersectable>

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Sphere

impl Intersectable for Sphere
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...sphere specific code

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Plane

impl Intersectable for Plane
fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...plane specific code

As a pure struct, with no official polymorphism, I've written a kind of static dispatch that looks like this:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum IntersectableType

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Intersectable
intersectable_type: IntersectableType,

impl Intersectable
pub fn local_intersect(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
match self.intersectable_type
IntersectableType::Sphere => self.local_intersect_sphere(ray, object),
IntersectableType::Plane => self.local_intersect_plane(ray, object),
_ => Vec::new(),

fn local_intersect_sphere(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...sphere specific code

fn local_intersect_plane(&self, ray: &Ray, object: Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection>
...plane specific implementation

This works great, but it feels very non-Rusty. I've hit a few problems with using other implementations:
- Using Box<Intersectable> (when it was a Trait, not a struct), is difficult to clone (I copied How to clone a struct storing a boxed trait object? but didn't love having to use 'static, since that made concurrency impossible).
- Using Arc<Intersectable> seemed to have the same problems as Box, though maybe there is a way to make that work.

Is there a way to do this in Rust that allows me to take advantage of concurrency and not write manual static dispatch like this?


share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Mar 9 at 1:49


asked Mar 9 at 1:01




  • Would you be able to show functional examples of the trait approach you've tried so far, so we can understand the issues you had? It'll be a lot easier than us trying to start from scratch.

    – loganfsmyth
    Mar 9 at 1:25

  • 1

    Yes, I have added the main implementation I had before this one!

    – Josh
    Mar 9 at 1:46

  • Perhaps you could just store a function pointer fn(&Ray, Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection> in your Shape. I believe fn is Clone + Send. It's essentially what you're already doing with dynamic dispatch on empty structs.

    – JayDepp
    Mar 9 at 2:52

  • That is a very interesting concept that I hadn't thought about, I will give it a shot and report back!

    – Josh
    Mar 9 at 6:17

  • Would you be able to show functional examples of the trait approach you've tried so far, so we can understand the issues you had? It'll be a lot easier than us trying to start from scratch.

    – loganfsmyth
    Mar 9 at 1:25

  • 1

    Yes, I have added the main implementation I had before this one!

    – Josh
    Mar 9 at 1:46

  • Perhaps you could just store a function pointer fn(&Ray, Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection> in your Shape. I believe fn is Clone + Send. It's essentially what you're already doing with dynamic dispatch on empty structs.

    – JayDepp
    Mar 9 at 2:52

  • That is a very interesting concept that I hadn't thought about, I will give it a shot and report back!

    – Josh
    Mar 9 at 6:17

Would you be able to show functional examples of the trait approach you've tried so far, so we can understand the issues you had? It'll be a lot easier than us trying to start from scratch.

– loganfsmyth
Mar 9 at 1:25

Would you be able to show functional examples of the trait approach you've tried so far, so we can understand the issues you had? It'll be a lot easier than us trying to start from scratch.

– loganfsmyth
Mar 9 at 1:25



Yes, I have added the main implementation I had before this one!

– Josh
Mar 9 at 1:46

Yes, I have added the main implementation I had before this one!

– Josh
Mar 9 at 1:46

Perhaps you could just store a function pointer fn(&Ray, Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection> in your Shape. I believe fn is Clone + Send. It's essentially what you're already doing with dynamic dispatch on empty structs.

– JayDepp
Mar 9 at 2:52

Perhaps you could just store a function pointer fn(&Ray, Arc<Shape>) -> Vec<Intersection> in your Shape. I believe fn is Clone + Send. It's essentially what you're already doing with dynamic dispatch on empty structs.

– JayDepp
Mar 9 at 2:52

That is a very interesting concept that I hadn't thought about, I will give it a shot and report back!

– Josh
Mar 9 at 6:17

That is a very interesting concept that I hadn't thought about, I will give it a shot and report back!

– Josh
Mar 9 at 6:17





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