JNA, Mapping and pointers references The Next CEO of Stack OverflowIs Java “pass-by-reference” or “pass-by-value”?How do I efficiently iterate over each entry in a Java Map?What are the differences between a pointer variable and a reference variable in C++?What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?Sort a Map<Key, Value> by valuesPointer of array of pointers that point to structuresJNA arrays and Pointerhow to get JNA read back function's string resultdeclaration of reference and pointer in c++Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?

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JNA, Mapping and pointers references

The Next CEO of Stack OverflowIs Java “pass-by-reference” or “pass-by-value”?How do I efficiently iterate over each entry in a Java Map?What are the differences between a pointer variable and a reference variable in C++?What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?Sort a Map<Key, Value> by valuesPointer of array of pointers that point to structuresJNA arrays and Pointerhow to get JNA read back function's string resultdeclaration of reference and pointer in c++Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?


I need to use DLL inside my Java application. DLL is exporting some set of functions, authors called it "Direct DLL API". I'm trying to define in java equivalent of following function declaration:

int XcCompress( HXCEEDCMP hComp, const BYTE* pcSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, BYTE** ppcCompressed, DWORD* pdwCompressedSize, BOOL bEndOfData );

Inside my interface that extends Library I declared it as follows:

int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Pointer[] ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, boolean bEndOfData);

Problem is everytime I get an error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access

So basically I'm stuck at this point.

HXCEEDCMP hComp - is suppose to store handler to the function, and works fine as WString for init DLL / destroying DLL functions so I kept it like this.

The header reference "creature" is:


const BYTE* pcSource - is the source data for compression, inside my code I instantiate it this way:

private static Pointer setByteArrayPointer(String dataToCompress) 
Pointer pointer = new Memory(1024);
pointer.write(0, dataToCompress.getBytes(), 0,

return pointer;

DWORD dwSourceSize - for this im getting reserved Memory size in this way:

String testData = "ABCDABCDABCDAAD";
Pointer source = setByteArrayPointer(testData);

(int) ((Memory)source).size()

BYTE** ppcCompressed - function should populate ppcCompressed reference after work is done. I assume I made a mistake there, by doing it in this way:

Pointer[] compressed = new Pointer(1024), new Pointer(1024);

DWORD* pdwCompressedSize - returned by function size of compressed data. I map it in this way:

IntByReference intByReference = new IntByReference();

Not sure if it is good idea aswell..

BOOL bEndOfData - i need to set it to true.

So finally my method call, which returns an error looks like this:

xceedApiDll.XcCompress(handle, source, (int) ((Memory)source).size(), compressed, intByReference, true);

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

share|improve this question

  • I think the main problem is your use of Pointer(1024) for the compressed value. Use Memory(1024) to allocate native memory. Also BOOL in Windows maps to int. Any nonzero value is true.

    – Daniel Widdis
    Mar 9 at 4:40

  • Using Memory as array return exception at runtime java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported array argument type: class com.sun.jna.Memory, looks like Memory cannot be used as an array. I used single object instead and mapped BOOL to int so my final method declaration looks as follow: int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Memory ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData); I got still the same error :(

    – soncrash
    Mar 9 at 9:47

  • The docs say that you need to initialize a handle to the XceedZip object first. This is the pointer that you must pass as the HXCEEDCMP argument: xceed.com/wp-content/documentation/xceed-zip-for-activex/…

    – cubrr
    Mar 9 at 22:45

  • The ppcCompressed argument may just be a pointer to the memory block to which the compressed data is written to, i.e. new PointerByReference(memory)

    – cubrr
    Mar 9 at 22:48

  • @cubrr I was reading the docs and I initialized a handle, but I didn't show this inside code. HXCEEDCMP is a WString inside my Java code, despite that it works correctly for XcDestroyXceedCompression it is causing problems after passing it to XcCompression method. For quick test I passed null reference to XcCompress hComp and I dont have Invalid memory access no more. However I'm not sure if data returned by XcCompress / XcDecompress method is correct, looks like I'm getting some random values now.. I try to declare HXCEEDCMP as Pointer, and I agree with PointerByReference

    – soncrash
    Mar 10 at 8:25


I need to use DLL inside my Java application. DLL is exporting some set of functions, authors called it "Direct DLL API". I'm trying to define in java equivalent of following function declaration:

int XcCompress( HXCEEDCMP hComp, const BYTE* pcSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, BYTE** ppcCompressed, DWORD* pdwCompressedSize, BOOL bEndOfData );

Inside my interface that extends Library I declared it as follows:

int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Pointer[] ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, boolean bEndOfData);

Problem is everytime I get an error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access

So basically I'm stuck at this point.

HXCEEDCMP hComp - is suppose to store handler to the function, and works fine as WString for init DLL / destroying DLL functions so I kept it like this.

The header reference "creature" is:


const BYTE* pcSource - is the source data for compression, inside my code I instantiate it this way:

private static Pointer setByteArrayPointer(String dataToCompress) 
Pointer pointer = new Memory(1024);
pointer.write(0, dataToCompress.getBytes(), 0,

return pointer;

DWORD dwSourceSize - for this im getting reserved Memory size in this way:

String testData = "ABCDABCDABCDAAD";
Pointer source = setByteArrayPointer(testData);

(int) ((Memory)source).size()

BYTE** ppcCompressed - function should populate ppcCompressed reference after work is done. I assume I made a mistake there, by doing it in this way:

Pointer[] compressed = new Pointer(1024), new Pointer(1024);

DWORD* pdwCompressedSize - returned by function size of compressed data. I map it in this way:

IntByReference intByReference = new IntByReference();

Not sure if it is good idea aswell..

BOOL bEndOfData - i need to set it to true.

So finally my method call, which returns an error looks like this:

xceedApiDll.XcCompress(handle, source, (int) ((Memory)source).size(), compressed, intByReference, true);

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

share|improve this question

  • I think the main problem is your use of Pointer(1024) for the compressed value. Use Memory(1024) to allocate native memory. Also BOOL in Windows maps to int. Any nonzero value is true.

    – Daniel Widdis
    Mar 9 at 4:40

  • Using Memory as array return exception at runtime java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported array argument type: class com.sun.jna.Memory, looks like Memory cannot be used as an array. I used single object instead and mapped BOOL to int so my final method declaration looks as follow: int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Memory ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData); I got still the same error :(

    – soncrash
    Mar 9 at 9:47

  • The docs say that you need to initialize a handle to the XceedZip object first. This is the pointer that you must pass as the HXCEEDCMP argument: xceed.com/wp-content/documentation/xceed-zip-for-activex/…

    – cubrr
    Mar 9 at 22:45

  • The ppcCompressed argument may just be a pointer to the memory block to which the compressed data is written to, i.e. new PointerByReference(memory)

    – cubrr
    Mar 9 at 22:48

  • @cubrr I was reading the docs and I initialized a handle, but I didn't show this inside code. HXCEEDCMP is a WString inside my Java code, despite that it works correctly for XcDestroyXceedCompression it is causing problems after passing it to XcCompression method. For quick test I passed null reference to XcCompress hComp and I dont have Invalid memory access no more. However I'm not sure if data returned by XcCompress / XcDecompress method is correct, looks like I'm getting some random values now.. I try to declare HXCEEDCMP as Pointer, and I agree with PointerByReference

    – soncrash
    Mar 10 at 8:25




I need to use DLL inside my Java application. DLL is exporting some set of functions, authors called it "Direct DLL API". I'm trying to define in java equivalent of following function declaration:

int XcCompress( HXCEEDCMP hComp, const BYTE* pcSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, BYTE** ppcCompressed, DWORD* pdwCompressedSize, BOOL bEndOfData );

Inside my interface that extends Library I declared it as follows:

int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Pointer[] ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, boolean bEndOfData);

Problem is everytime I get an error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access

So basically I'm stuck at this point.

HXCEEDCMP hComp - is suppose to store handler to the function, and works fine as WString for init DLL / destroying DLL functions so I kept it like this.

The header reference "creature" is:


const BYTE* pcSource - is the source data for compression, inside my code I instantiate it this way:

private static Pointer setByteArrayPointer(String dataToCompress) 
Pointer pointer = new Memory(1024);
pointer.write(0, dataToCompress.getBytes(), 0,

return pointer;

DWORD dwSourceSize - for this im getting reserved Memory size in this way:

String testData = "ABCDABCDABCDAAD";
Pointer source = setByteArrayPointer(testData);

(int) ((Memory)source).size()

BYTE** ppcCompressed - function should populate ppcCompressed reference after work is done. I assume I made a mistake there, by doing it in this way:

Pointer[] compressed = new Pointer(1024), new Pointer(1024);

DWORD* pdwCompressedSize - returned by function size of compressed data. I map it in this way:

IntByReference intByReference = new IntByReference();

Not sure if it is good idea aswell..

BOOL bEndOfData - i need to set it to true.

So finally my method call, which returns an error looks like this:

xceedApiDll.XcCompress(handle, source, (int) ((Memory)source).size(), compressed, intByReference, true);

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

share|improve this question

I need to use DLL inside my Java application. DLL is exporting some set of functions, authors called it "Direct DLL API". I'm trying to define in java equivalent of following function declaration:

int XcCompress( HXCEEDCMP hComp, const BYTE* pcSource, DWORD dwSourceSize, BYTE** ppcCompressed, DWORD* pdwCompressedSize, BOOL bEndOfData );

Inside my interface that extends Library I declared it as follows:

int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Pointer[] ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, boolean bEndOfData);

Problem is everytime I get an error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access

So basically I'm stuck at this point.

HXCEEDCMP hComp - is suppose to store handler to the function, and works fine as WString for init DLL / destroying DLL functions so I kept it like this.

The header reference "creature" is:


const BYTE* pcSource - is the source data for compression, inside my code I instantiate it this way:

private static Pointer setByteArrayPointer(String dataToCompress) 
Pointer pointer = new Memory(1024);
pointer.write(0, dataToCompress.getBytes(), 0,

return pointer;

DWORD dwSourceSize - for this im getting reserved Memory size in this way:

String testData = "ABCDABCDABCDAAD";
Pointer source = setByteArrayPointer(testData);

(int) ((Memory)source).size()

BYTE** ppcCompressed - function should populate ppcCompressed reference after work is done. I assume I made a mistake there, by doing it in this way:

Pointer[] compressed = new Pointer(1024), new Pointer(1024);

DWORD* pdwCompressedSize - returned by function size of compressed data. I map it in this way:

IntByReference intByReference = new IntByReference();

Not sure if it is good idea aswell..

BOOL bEndOfData - i need to set it to true.

So finally my method call, which returns an error looks like this:

xceedApiDll.XcCompress(handle, source, (int) ((Memory)source).size(), compressed, intByReference, true);

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

java api pointers dll jna

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share|improve this question

asked Mar 8 at 19:25




  • I think the main problem is your use of Pointer(1024) for the compressed value. Use Memory(1024) to allocate native memory. Also BOOL in Windows maps to int. Any nonzero value is true.

    – Daniel Widdis
    Mar 9 at 4:40

  • Using Memory as array return exception at runtime java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported array argument type: class com.sun.jna.Memory, looks like Memory cannot be used as an array. I used single object instead and mapped BOOL to int so my final method declaration looks as follow: int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Memory ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData); I got still the same error :(

    – soncrash
    Mar 9 at 9:47

  • The docs say that you need to initialize a handle to the XceedZip object first. This is the pointer that you must pass as the HXCEEDCMP argument: xceed.com/wp-content/documentation/xceed-zip-for-activex/…

    – cubrr
    Mar 9 at 22:45

  • The ppcCompressed argument may just be a pointer to the memory block to which the compressed data is written to, i.e. new PointerByReference(memory)

    – cubrr
    Mar 9 at 22:48

  • @cubrr I was reading the docs and I initialized a handle, but I didn't show this inside code. HXCEEDCMP is a WString inside my Java code, despite that it works correctly for XcDestroyXceedCompression it is causing problems after passing it to XcCompression method. For quick test I passed null reference to XcCompress hComp and I dont have Invalid memory access no more. However I'm not sure if data returned by XcCompress / XcDecompress method is correct, looks like I'm getting some random values now.. I try to declare HXCEEDCMP as Pointer, and I agree with PointerByReference

    – soncrash
    Mar 10 at 8:25

  • I think the main problem is your use of Pointer(1024) for the compressed value. Use Memory(1024) to allocate native memory. Also BOOL in Windows maps to int. Any nonzero value is true.

    – Daniel Widdis
    Mar 9 at 4:40

  • Using Memory as array return exception at runtime java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported array argument type: class com.sun.jna.Memory, looks like Memory cannot be used as an array. I used single object instead and mapped BOOL to int so my final method declaration looks as follow: int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Memory ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData); I got still the same error :(

    – soncrash
    Mar 9 at 9:47

  • The docs say that you need to initialize a handle to the XceedZip object first. This is the pointer that you must pass as the HXCEEDCMP argument: xceed.com/wp-content/documentation/xceed-zip-for-activex/…

    – cubrr
    Mar 9 at 22:45

  • The ppcCompressed argument may just be a pointer to the memory block to which the compressed data is written to, i.e. new PointerByReference(memory)

    – cubrr
    Mar 9 at 22:48

  • @cubrr I was reading the docs and I initialized a handle, but I didn't show this inside code. HXCEEDCMP is a WString inside my Java code, despite that it works correctly for XcDestroyXceedCompression it is causing problems after passing it to XcCompression method. For quick test I passed null reference to XcCompress hComp and I dont have Invalid memory access no more. However I'm not sure if data returned by XcCompress / XcDecompress method is correct, looks like I'm getting some random values now.. I try to declare HXCEEDCMP as Pointer, and I agree with PointerByReference

    – soncrash
    Mar 10 at 8:25

I think the main problem is your use of Pointer(1024) for the compressed value. Use Memory(1024) to allocate native memory. Also BOOL in Windows maps to int. Any nonzero value is true.

– Daniel Widdis
Mar 9 at 4:40

I think the main problem is your use of Pointer(1024) for the compressed value. Use Memory(1024) to allocate native memory. Also BOOL in Windows maps to int. Any nonzero value is true.

– Daniel Widdis
Mar 9 at 4:40

Using Memory as array return exception at runtime java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported array argument type: class com.sun.jna.Memory, looks like Memory cannot be used as an array. I used single object instead and mapped BOOL to int so my final method declaration looks as follow: int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Memory ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData); I got still the same error :(

– soncrash
Mar 9 at 9:47

Using Memory as array return exception at runtime java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported array argument type: class com.sun.jna.Memory, looks like Memory cannot be used as an array. I used single object instead and mapped BOOL to int so my final method declaration looks as follow: int XcCompress(WString hComp, Pointer pcSource, int dwSourceSize, Memory ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData); I got still the same error :(

– soncrash
Mar 9 at 9:47

The docs say that you need to initialize a handle to the XceedZip object first. This is the pointer that you must pass as the HXCEEDCMP argument: xceed.com/wp-content/documentation/xceed-zip-for-activex/…

– cubrr
Mar 9 at 22:45

The docs say that you need to initialize a handle to the XceedZip object first. This is the pointer that you must pass as the HXCEEDCMP argument: xceed.com/wp-content/documentation/xceed-zip-for-activex/…

– cubrr
Mar 9 at 22:45

The ppcCompressed argument may just be a pointer to the memory block to which the compressed data is written to, i.e. new PointerByReference(memory)

– cubrr
Mar 9 at 22:48

The ppcCompressed argument may just be a pointer to the memory block to which the compressed data is written to, i.e. new PointerByReference(memory)

– cubrr
Mar 9 at 22:48

@cubrr I was reading the docs and I initialized a handle, but I didn't show this inside code. HXCEEDCMP is a WString inside my Java code, despite that it works correctly for XcDestroyXceedCompression it is causing problems after passing it to XcCompression method. For quick test I passed null reference to XcCompress hComp and I dont have Invalid memory access no more. However I'm not sure if data returned by XcCompress / XcDecompress method is correct, looks like I'm getting some random values now.. I try to declare HXCEEDCMP as Pointer, and I agree with PointerByReference

– soncrash
Mar 10 at 8:25

@cubrr I was reading the docs and I initialized a handle, but I didn't show this inside code. HXCEEDCMP is a WString inside my Java code, despite that it works correctly for XcDestroyXceedCompression it is causing problems after passing it to XcCompression method. For quick test I passed null reference to XcCompress hComp and I dont have Invalid memory access no more. However I'm not sure if data returned by XcCompress / XcDecompress method is correct, looks like I'm getting some random values now.. I try to declare HXCEEDCMP as Pointer, and I agree with PointerByReference

– soncrash
Mar 10 at 8:25

1 Answer





I think i solved the issue (thanks for comments guys). Maybe for someone using this library it will be useful:

In the end the main problem was with handler declaration and the ppcCompressed value.

I used the following solution which works fine for me:

Method declarations inside java interface:

int XcCompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData);
int XcUncompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcUncompressed, IntByReference pdwUncompressedSize, int bEndOfdata);


private static final XceedFunctions XCEED_DLL_API;

XCEED_DLL_API = Native.load("XceedZipX64", XceedFunctions.class);

private static final String TEST_DATA = "abcabcddd";

//Data pointers
private static Pointer compHandle;
private static byte[] baSource = TEST_DATA.getBytes();
private static PointerByReference pbrCompressed = new PointerByReference();
private static PointerByReference pbrUncompressed = new PointerByReference();
private static IntByReference ibrCompressedSize = new IntByReference();
private static IntByReference ibrUncompressedSize = new IntByReference();

public static void main(String[] args)
boolean isSuccessfulInit = XCEED_DLL_API.XceedZipInitDLL();
compHandle = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCreateXceedCompressionW(new WString("YOUR_LICENCE_KEY_HERE"));
int compressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCompress(compHandle, baSource, baSource.length, pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize, 1);
byte[] compressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize);
System.out.println("Compression result: " + compressionResult + " Data: " + new String(compressed));
int decompressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcUncompress(compHandle, compressed, compressed.length, pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize, 1);
byte[] uncompressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize);
System.out.println("Decompression result: " + decompressionResult + " Data: " + new String(uncompressed));

System.out.println("Free memory and shutdown");
if(compHandle != null)


private static byte[] getDataFromPbr(PointerByReference pbr, IntByReference ibr)
return pbr.getValue().getByteArray(0, ibr.getValue());

Example output:

Compression result: 0 Data: KLJNLJNII yK

Decompression result: 0 Data: abcabcddd

Free memory and shutdown

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer











    I think i solved the issue (thanks for comments guys). Maybe for someone using this library it will be useful:

    In the end the main problem was with handler declaration and the ppcCompressed value.

    I used the following solution which works fine for me:

    Method declarations inside java interface:

    int XcCompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData);
    int XcUncompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcUncompressed, IntByReference pdwUncompressedSize, int bEndOfdata);


    private static final XceedFunctions XCEED_DLL_API;

    XCEED_DLL_API = Native.load("XceedZipX64", XceedFunctions.class);

    private static final String TEST_DATA = "abcabcddd";

    //Data pointers
    private static Pointer compHandle;
    private static byte[] baSource = TEST_DATA.getBytes();
    private static PointerByReference pbrCompressed = new PointerByReference();
    private static PointerByReference pbrUncompressed = new PointerByReference();
    private static IntByReference ibrCompressedSize = new IntByReference();
    private static IntByReference ibrUncompressedSize = new IntByReference();

    public static void main(String[] args)
    boolean isSuccessfulInit = XCEED_DLL_API.XceedZipInitDLL();
    compHandle = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCreateXceedCompressionW(new WString("YOUR_LICENCE_KEY_HERE"));
    int compressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCompress(compHandle, baSource, baSource.length, pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize, 1);
    byte[] compressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize);
    System.out.println("Compression result: " + compressionResult + " Data: " + new String(compressed));
    int decompressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcUncompress(compHandle, compressed, compressed.length, pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize, 1);
    byte[] uncompressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize);
    System.out.println("Decompression result: " + decompressionResult + " Data: " + new String(uncompressed));

    System.out.println("Free memory and shutdown");
    if(compHandle != null)


    private static byte[] getDataFromPbr(PointerByReference pbr, IntByReference ibr)
    return pbr.getValue().getByteArray(0, ibr.getValue());

    Example output:

    Compression result: 0 Data: KLJNLJNII yK

    Decompression result: 0 Data: abcabcddd

    Free memory and shutdown

    share|improve this answer


      I think i solved the issue (thanks for comments guys). Maybe for someone using this library it will be useful:

      In the end the main problem was with handler declaration and the ppcCompressed value.

      I used the following solution which works fine for me:

      Method declarations inside java interface:

      int XcCompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData);
      int XcUncompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcUncompressed, IntByReference pdwUncompressedSize, int bEndOfdata);


      private static final XceedFunctions XCEED_DLL_API;

      XCEED_DLL_API = Native.load("XceedZipX64", XceedFunctions.class);

      private static final String TEST_DATA = "abcabcddd";

      //Data pointers
      private static Pointer compHandle;
      private static byte[] baSource = TEST_DATA.getBytes();
      private static PointerByReference pbrCompressed = new PointerByReference();
      private static PointerByReference pbrUncompressed = new PointerByReference();
      private static IntByReference ibrCompressedSize = new IntByReference();
      private static IntByReference ibrUncompressedSize = new IntByReference();

      public static void main(String[] args)
      boolean isSuccessfulInit = XCEED_DLL_API.XceedZipInitDLL();
      compHandle = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCreateXceedCompressionW(new WString("YOUR_LICENCE_KEY_HERE"));
      int compressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCompress(compHandle, baSource, baSource.length, pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize, 1);
      byte[] compressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize);
      System.out.println("Compression result: " + compressionResult + " Data: " + new String(compressed));
      int decompressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcUncompress(compHandle, compressed, compressed.length, pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize, 1);
      byte[] uncompressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize);
      System.out.println("Decompression result: " + decompressionResult + " Data: " + new String(uncompressed));

      System.out.println("Free memory and shutdown");
      if(compHandle != null)


      private static byte[] getDataFromPbr(PointerByReference pbr, IntByReference ibr)
      return pbr.getValue().getByteArray(0, ibr.getValue());

      Example output:

      Compression result: 0 Data: KLJNLJNII yK

      Decompression result: 0 Data: abcabcddd

      Free memory and shutdown

      share|improve this answer




        I think i solved the issue (thanks for comments guys). Maybe for someone using this library it will be useful:

        In the end the main problem was with handler declaration and the ppcCompressed value.

        I used the following solution which works fine for me:

        Method declarations inside java interface:

        int XcCompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData);
        int XcUncompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcUncompressed, IntByReference pdwUncompressedSize, int bEndOfdata);


        private static final XceedFunctions XCEED_DLL_API;

        XCEED_DLL_API = Native.load("XceedZipX64", XceedFunctions.class);

        private static final String TEST_DATA = "abcabcddd";

        //Data pointers
        private static Pointer compHandle;
        private static byte[] baSource = TEST_DATA.getBytes();
        private static PointerByReference pbrCompressed = new PointerByReference();
        private static PointerByReference pbrUncompressed = new PointerByReference();
        private static IntByReference ibrCompressedSize = new IntByReference();
        private static IntByReference ibrUncompressedSize = new IntByReference();

        public static void main(String[] args)
        boolean isSuccessfulInit = XCEED_DLL_API.XceedZipInitDLL();
        compHandle = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCreateXceedCompressionW(new WString("YOUR_LICENCE_KEY_HERE"));
        int compressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCompress(compHandle, baSource, baSource.length, pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize, 1);
        byte[] compressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize);
        System.out.println("Compression result: " + compressionResult + " Data: " + new String(compressed));
        int decompressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcUncompress(compHandle, compressed, compressed.length, pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize, 1);
        byte[] uncompressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize);
        System.out.println("Decompression result: " + decompressionResult + " Data: " + new String(uncompressed));

        System.out.println("Free memory and shutdown");
        if(compHandle != null)


        private static byte[] getDataFromPbr(PointerByReference pbr, IntByReference ibr)
        return pbr.getValue().getByteArray(0, ibr.getValue());

        Example output:

        Compression result: 0 Data: KLJNLJNII yK

        Decompression result: 0 Data: abcabcddd

        Free memory and shutdown

        share|improve this answer

        I think i solved the issue (thanks for comments guys). Maybe for someone using this library it will be useful:

        In the end the main problem was with handler declaration and the ppcCompressed value.

        I used the following solution which works fine for me:

        Method declarations inside java interface:

        int XcCompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcCompressed, IntByReference pdwCompressedSize, int bEndOfData);
        int XcUncompress(Pointer hComp, byte[] pcSource, int dwSourceSize, PointerByReference ppcUncompressed, IntByReference pdwUncompressedSize, int bEndOfdata);


        private static final XceedFunctions XCEED_DLL_API;

        XCEED_DLL_API = Native.load("XceedZipX64", XceedFunctions.class);

        private static final String TEST_DATA = "abcabcddd";

        //Data pointers
        private static Pointer compHandle;
        private static byte[] baSource = TEST_DATA.getBytes();
        private static PointerByReference pbrCompressed = new PointerByReference();
        private static PointerByReference pbrUncompressed = new PointerByReference();
        private static IntByReference ibrCompressedSize = new IntByReference();
        private static IntByReference ibrUncompressedSize = new IntByReference();

        public static void main(String[] args)
        boolean isSuccessfulInit = XCEED_DLL_API.XceedZipInitDLL();
        compHandle = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCreateXceedCompressionW(new WString("YOUR_LICENCE_KEY_HERE"));
        int compressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcCompress(compHandle, baSource, baSource.length, pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize, 1);
        byte[] compressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrCompressed, ibrCompressedSize);
        System.out.println("Compression result: " + compressionResult + " Data: " + new String(compressed));
        int decompressionResult = XCEED_DLL_API.XcUncompress(compHandle, compressed, compressed.length, pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize, 1);
        byte[] uncompressed = getDataFromPbr(pbrUncompressed, ibrUncompressedSize);
        System.out.println("Decompression result: " + decompressionResult + " Data: " + new String(uncompressed));

        System.out.println("Free memory and shutdown");
        if(compHandle != null)


        private static byte[] getDataFromPbr(PointerByReference pbr, IntByReference ibr)
        return pbr.getValue().getByteArray(0, ibr.getValue());

        Example output:

        Compression result: 0 Data: KLJNLJNII yK

        Decompression result: 0 Data: abcabcddd

        Free memory and shutdown

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Mar 10 at 10:15




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