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Round robin algorithm for task assignation to specific users based on their capacity

The Next CEO of Stack OverflowRound-robin assignmentScheduling load with a round robin algorithm?Round-robin algorithm in OCamlpriority based round robin algorithm in operating system: is this preempted?Round-robin scheduling algorithmAlgorithms for rebalancing round robin assignmentsCreate a priority based round robin algorithmSQL tasks assignment round robinRound robin algorithm in a loopRound Robin Scheduling Algorithm in JavaScript


I have a list of users along with their capacity of work they can do, and also i have a list of task that need to be assigned to the users as per their capacity using round robin algorithm.

For EX:-

If user1 has capacity of 7 task, user2 has capacity of 3 task,user3 has capacity of 5 task. and total number of task is 10 then it should be equally distributed among the users as below.

  • user 1 has capacity of 7 task and only 4 task is assigned.

  • user 2 has capacity of 3 task and only 3 task is assigned.

  • user 3 has capacity of 5 task and only 3 task is assigned.

I am using the below code snippets, and not sure if this is a perfect solution for assigning the task as per capacity using round robin algorithm. it will be a great help if some can guide and assist to optimize the code.

List of users:-

var userList = new List<User> 
new User userId = "U0", TotalCap=7 ,
new User userId = "U1" , TotalCap=3 ,
new User userId = "U3" , TotalCap=5

List of Task:-

var TaskList = new List<Task> 
new Task TaskId = "T1", TaskDetails="first task" ,
new Task TaskId = "T2" , TaskDetails="2nd task" ,
new Task TaskId = "T3", TaskDetails="3rd task" ,
new Task TaskId = "T4" , TaskDetails="4th task" ,
new Task TaskId = "T5", TaskDetails="5th task" ,
new Task TaskId = "T6" , TaskDetails="6th task" ,
new Task TaskId = "T7" , TaskDetails="7th task",
new Task TaskId = "T8", TaskDetails="8th task" ,
new Task TaskId = "T9", TaskDetails="9th task" ,
new Task TaskId = "T10" , TaskDetails="10th task" ,
new Task TaskId = "T11", TaskDetails="11th task"

Logic for Assigning task to user s per their capacity

List<taskAssignationdetails> objtaskAssignationdetails = new List<taskAssignationdetails>();
int a = 0; int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < TaskList.Count(); ++i)

for (int q = 0; q < userList.Count(); q++)

taskAssignationdetails objnewTask = new taskAssignationdetails();
int count = 0;
var ss = objtaskAssignationdetails.Where(p => p.userId == userList[q].userId).ToList().OrderByDescending(s => s.TotalCap).FirstOrDefault();
if (ss == null) count = 0; else count = ss.TotalCap;

if (userList[q].TotalCap > count)

if (i <= TaskList.Count())
CurrentCap:-" + Convert.ToInt32(a + 1) +


share|improve this question


    I have a list of users along with their capacity of work they can do, and also i have a list of task that need to be assigned to the users as per their capacity using round robin algorithm.

    For EX:-

    If user1 has capacity of 7 task, user2 has capacity of 3 task,user3 has capacity of 5 task. and total number of task is 10 then it should be equally distributed among the users as below.

    • user 1 has capacity of 7 task and only 4 task is assigned.

    • user 2 has capacity of 3 task and only 3 task is assigned.

    • user 3 has capacity of 5 task and only 3 task is assigned.

    I am using the below code snippets, and not sure if this is a perfect solution for assigning the task as per capacity using round robin algorithm. it will be a great help if some can guide and assist to optimize the code.

    List of users:-

    var userList = new List<User> 
    new User userId = "U0", TotalCap=7 ,
    new User userId = "U1" , TotalCap=3 ,
    new User userId = "U3" , TotalCap=5

    List of Task:-

    var TaskList = new List<Task> 
    new Task TaskId = "T1", TaskDetails="first task" ,
    new Task TaskId = "T2" , TaskDetails="2nd task" ,
    new Task TaskId = "T3", TaskDetails="3rd task" ,
    new Task TaskId = "T4" , TaskDetails="4th task" ,
    new Task TaskId = "T5", TaskDetails="5th task" ,
    new Task TaskId = "T6" , TaskDetails="6th task" ,
    new Task TaskId = "T7" , TaskDetails="7th task",
    new Task TaskId = "T8", TaskDetails="8th task" ,
    new Task TaskId = "T9", TaskDetails="9th task" ,
    new Task TaskId = "T10" , TaskDetails="10th task" ,
    new Task TaskId = "T11", TaskDetails="11th task"

    Logic for Assigning task to user s per their capacity

    List<taskAssignationdetails> objtaskAssignationdetails = new List<taskAssignationdetails>();
    int a = 0; int x = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < TaskList.Count(); ++i)

    for (int q = 0; q < userList.Count(); q++)

    taskAssignationdetails objnewTask = new taskAssignationdetails();
    int count = 0;
    var ss = objtaskAssignationdetails.Where(p => p.userId == userList[q].userId).ToList().OrderByDescending(s => s.TotalCap).FirstOrDefault();
    if (ss == null) count = 0; else count = ss.TotalCap;

    if (userList[q].TotalCap > count)

    if (i <= TaskList.Count())
    CurrentCap:-" + Convert.ToInt32(a + 1) +


    share|improve this question




      I have a list of users along with their capacity of work they can do, and also i have a list of task that need to be assigned to the users as per their capacity using round robin algorithm.

      For EX:-

      If user1 has capacity of 7 task, user2 has capacity of 3 task,user3 has capacity of 5 task. and total number of task is 10 then it should be equally distributed among the users as below.

      • user 1 has capacity of 7 task and only 4 task is assigned.

      • user 2 has capacity of 3 task and only 3 task is assigned.

      • user 3 has capacity of 5 task and only 3 task is assigned.

      I am using the below code snippets, and not sure if this is a perfect solution for assigning the task as per capacity using round robin algorithm. it will be a great help if some can guide and assist to optimize the code.

      List of users:-

      var userList = new List<User> 
      new User userId = "U0", TotalCap=7 ,
      new User userId = "U1" , TotalCap=3 ,
      new User userId = "U3" , TotalCap=5

      List of Task:-

      var TaskList = new List<Task> 
      new Task TaskId = "T1", TaskDetails="first task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T2" , TaskDetails="2nd task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T3", TaskDetails="3rd task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T4" , TaskDetails="4th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T5", TaskDetails="5th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T6" , TaskDetails="6th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T7" , TaskDetails="7th task",
      new Task TaskId = "T8", TaskDetails="8th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T9", TaskDetails="9th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T10" , TaskDetails="10th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T11", TaskDetails="11th task"

      Logic for Assigning task to user s per their capacity

      List<taskAssignationdetails> objtaskAssignationdetails = new List<taskAssignationdetails>();
      int a = 0; int x = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < TaskList.Count(); ++i)

      for (int q = 0; q < userList.Count(); q++)

      taskAssignationdetails objnewTask = new taskAssignationdetails();
      int count = 0;
      var ss = objtaskAssignationdetails.Where(p => p.userId == userList[q].userId).ToList().OrderByDescending(s => s.TotalCap).FirstOrDefault();
      if (ss == null) count = 0; else count = ss.TotalCap;

      if (userList[q].TotalCap > count)

      if (i <= TaskList.Count())
      CurrentCap:-" + Convert.ToInt32(a + 1) +


      share|improve this question

      I have a list of users along with their capacity of work they can do, and also i have a list of task that need to be assigned to the users as per their capacity using round robin algorithm.

      For EX:-

      If user1 has capacity of 7 task, user2 has capacity of 3 task,user3 has capacity of 5 task. and total number of task is 10 then it should be equally distributed among the users as below.

      • user 1 has capacity of 7 task and only 4 task is assigned.

      • user 2 has capacity of 3 task and only 3 task is assigned.

      • user 3 has capacity of 5 task and only 3 task is assigned.

      I am using the below code snippets, and not sure if this is a perfect solution for assigning the task as per capacity using round robin algorithm. it will be a great help if some can guide and assist to optimize the code.

      List of users:-

      var userList = new List<User> 
      new User userId = "U0", TotalCap=7 ,
      new User userId = "U1" , TotalCap=3 ,
      new User userId = "U3" , TotalCap=5

      List of Task:-

      var TaskList = new List<Task> 
      new Task TaskId = "T1", TaskDetails="first task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T2" , TaskDetails="2nd task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T3", TaskDetails="3rd task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T4" , TaskDetails="4th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T5", TaskDetails="5th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T6" , TaskDetails="6th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T7" , TaskDetails="7th task",
      new Task TaskId = "T8", TaskDetails="8th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T9", TaskDetails="9th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T10" , TaskDetails="10th task" ,
      new Task TaskId = "T11", TaskDetails="11th task"

      Logic for Assigning task to user s per their capacity

      List<taskAssignationdetails> objtaskAssignationdetails = new List<taskAssignationdetails>();
      int a = 0; int x = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < TaskList.Count(); ++i)

      for (int q = 0; q < userList.Count(); q++)

      taskAssignationdetails objnewTask = new taskAssignationdetails();
      int count = 0;
      var ss = objtaskAssignationdetails.Where(p => p.userId == userList[q].userId).ToList().OrderByDescending(s => s.TotalCap).FirstOrDefault();
      if (ss == null) count = 0; else count = ss.TotalCap;

      if (userList[q].TotalCap > count)

      if (i <= TaskList.Count())
      CurrentCap:-" + Convert.ToInt32(a + 1) +


      c#-4.0 round-robin

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Mar 8 at 14:37








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