VBA - Vlookup Multiple Columns and Fill to End of Rangeexcel replace function in access vbaVBA Lookup with Dynamic RangeShow only selected table column after filter to new worksheetsVBA Sum a Variable Range With Non-Empty Cells and Looping through arrayMultiple Vlookups using VBA in one subTake the date in one worksheet and find the same date in another worksheet column and return the cell reference for that date to use in a loopInsert line after last row of specific textInserting Range into Array in VBA for iterationVLookup between two workbooks combined with ISNA function. Run-time Error '1004': Application defined or object defined errorCombined data from multiple sheets into one sheet

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VBA - Vlookup Multiple Columns and Fill to End of Range

excel replace function in access vbaVBA Lookup with Dynamic RangeShow only selected table column after filter to new worksheetsVBA Sum a Variable Range With Non-Empty Cells and Looping through arrayMultiple Vlookups using VBA in one subTake the date in one worksheet and find the same date in another worksheet column and return the cell reference for that date to use in a loopInsert line after last row of specific textInserting Range into Array in VBA for iterationVLookup between two workbooks combined with ISNA function. Run-time Error '1004': Application defined or object defined errorCombined data from multiple sheets into one sheet


I need to do a Vlookup of an ID on the source sheet to a table in the data sheet. When the Vlookup is done, it needs to return the cell values from 6 different columns.

Here I have a function to get the range:

Function find_Col(header As String) As Range

Dim aCell As Range, rng As Range, def_Header As Range
Dim col As Long, lRow As Long, defCol As Long
Dim colName As String, defColName As String
Dim y As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet

Set y = Workbooks("Template.xlsm")
Set ws1 = y.Sheets("Results")

With ws1

Set def_Header = Cells.Find(what:="ID", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
Set aCell = .Range("B2:Z2").Find(what:=header, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

If Not aCell Is Nothing Then

defCol = def_Header.Column
defColName = Split(.Cells(, defCol).Address, "$")(1)

col = aCell.Column
colName = Split(.Cells(, col).Address, "$")(1)

lRow = Range(defColName & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row - 1

Set myCol = Range(colName & "2")

'This is your range
Set find_Col = Range(myCol.Address & ":" & colName & lRow).Offset(1, 0)

'If not found

MsgBox "Column Not Found"

End If

End With

End Function

Then in my sub, I select the range and do a Vlookup which fills this range:

Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-4],myTable,2,FALSE)"

And this works great.

Then I needed to return more than just one column, so I ended up with the formula:

Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Source Sheet:
enter image description here

Data Sheet:

enter image description here

So, my function returns only the range for one column, which I think I can use in terms of getting a row count then using something like this:

Set myRng = find_Col("Product")

For currentRow = myRng.Rows.count To 1 Step -1

Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Next currentRow

Then perhaps instead of C3 it could look something like this:

C & currentRow --> Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C & currentRow,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

But then I have the issue that only one cell is selected (G3) and from H-L is not. And I have no idea whether this is even a plausible effort.

Ideally of course, I would have cells G3:L3 selected and fill the formula down to the last row.

My brain is just fried from all the thinking and attempts.

share|improve this question

  • Isn't the output ending the same as the source table with all the data? If so... Why don't you just use a excel formula VLOOKUP+MATCH? =VLOOKUP($B2,SHEETDATA!$B:$J,MATCH(G$2,SHEETDATA!$B$2:$J$2,0),0)

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 8:28

  • Where do you use currentRow inside your For...Next statement?

    – Pspl
    Mar 8 at 8:30

  • @Damian Thank you for the reply.. I'm trying to avoid hard-coded cells as much as possible - in the event headers are shifted on the source sheet. Then also, the source sheet number of rows will not always bee the same as the data sheet, it is at the moment for the purpose of this demonstration.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:34

  • @Pspl Than you for the reply. After the code with the For Loop, I included what the possible formula could look like.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:35

  • 1

    @SJR Once again, I do apologize. I had it as find_Header in the question at the end of the function. I have updated it to find_Col

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:43


I need to do a Vlookup of an ID on the source sheet to a table in the data sheet. When the Vlookup is done, it needs to return the cell values from 6 different columns.

Here I have a function to get the range:

Function find_Col(header As String) As Range

Dim aCell As Range, rng As Range, def_Header As Range
Dim col As Long, lRow As Long, defCol As Long
Dim colName As String, defColName As String
Dim y As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet

Set y = Workbooks("Template.xlsm")
Set ws1 = y.Sheets("Results")

With ws1

Set def_Header = Cells.Find(what:="ID", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
Set aCell = .Range("B2:Z2").Find(what:=header, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

If Not aCell Is Nothing Then

defCol = def_Header.Column
defColName = Split(.Cells(, defCol).Address, "$")(1)

col = aCell.Column
colName = Split(.Cells(, col).Address, "$")(1)

lRow = Range(defColName & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row - 1

Set myCol = Range(colName & "2")

'This is your range
Set find_Col = Range(myCol.Address & ":" & colName & lRow).Offset(1, 0)

'If not found

MsgBox "Column Not Found"

End If

End With

End Function

Then in my sub, I select the range and do a Vlookup which fills this range:

Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-4],myTable,2,FALSE)"

And this works great.

Then I needed to return more than just one column, so I ended up with the formula:

Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Source Sheet:
enter image description here

Data Sheet:

enter image description here

So, my function returns only the range for one column, which I think I can use in terms of getting a row count then using something like this:

Set myRng = find_Col("Product")

For currentRow = myRng.Rows.count To 1 Step -1

Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Next currentRow

Then perhaps instead of C3 it could look something like this:

C & currentRow --> Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C & currentRow,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

But then I have the issue that only one cell is selected (G3) and from H-L is not. And I have no idea whether this is even a plausible effort.

Ideally of course, I would have cells G3:L3 selected and fill the formula down to the last row.

My brain is just fried from all the thinking and attempts.

share|improve this question

  • Isn't the output ending the same as the source table with all the data? If so... Why don't you just use a excel formula VLOOKUP+MATCH? =VLOOKUP($B2,SHEETDATA!$B:$J,MATCH(G$2,SHEETDATA!$B$2:$J$2,0),0)

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 8:28

  • Where do you use currentRow inside your For...Next statement?

    – Pspl
    Mar 8 at 8:30

  • @Damian Thank you for the reply.. I'm trying to avoid hard-coded cells as much as possible - in the event headers are shifted on the source sheet. Then also, the source sheet number of rows will not always bee the same as the data sheet, it is at the moment for the purpose of this demonstration.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:34

  • @Pspl Than you for the reply. After the code with the For Loop, I included what the possible formula could look like.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:35

  • 1

    @SJR Once again, I do apologize. I had it as find_Header in the question at the end of the function. I have updated it to find_Col

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:43




I need to do a Vlookup of an ID on the source sheet to a table in the data sheet. When the Vlookup is done, it needs to return the cell values from 6 different columns.

Here I have a function to get the range:

Function find_Col(header As String) As Range

Dim aCell As Range, rng As Range, def_Header As Range
Dim col As Long, lRow As Long, defCol As Long
Dim colName As String, defColName As String
Dim y As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet

Set y = Workbooks("Template.xlsm")
Set ws1 = y.Sheets("Results")

With ws1

Set def_Header = Cells.Find(what:="ID", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
Set aCell = .Range("B2:Z2").Find(what:=header, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

If Not aCell Is Nothing Then

defCol = def_Header.Column
defColName = Split(.Cells(, defCol).Address, "$")(1)

col = aCell.Column
colName = Split(.Cells(, col).Address, "$")(1)

lRow = Range(defColName & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row - 1

Set myCol = Range(colName & "2")

'This is your range
Set find_Col = Range(myCol.Address & ":" & colName & lRow).Offset(1, 0)

'If not found

MsgBox "Column Not Found"

End If

End With

End Function

Then in my sub, I select the range and do a Vlookup which fills this range:

Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-4],myTable,2,FALSE)"

And this works great.

Then I needed to return more than just one column, so I ended up with the formula:

Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Source Sheet:
enter image description here

Data Sheet:

enter image description here

So, my function returns only the range for one column, which I think I can use in terms of getting a row count then using something like this:

Set myRng = find_Col("Product")

For currentRow = myRng.Rows.count To 1 Step -1

Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Next currentRow

Then perhaps instead of C3 it could look something like this:

C & currentRow --> Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C & currentRow,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

But then I have the issue that only one cell is selected (G3) and from H-L is not. And I have no idea whether this is even a plausible effort.

Ideally of course, I would have cells G3:L3 selected and fill the formula down to the last row.

My brain is just fried from all the thinking and attempts.

share|improve this question

I need to do a Vlookup of an ID on the source sheet to a table in the data sheet. When the Vlookup is done, it needs to return the cell values from 6 different columns.

Here I have a function to get the range:

Function find_Col(header As String) As Range

Dim aCell As Range, rng As Range, def_Header As Range
Dim col As Long, lRow As Long, defCol As Long
Dim colName As String, defColName As String
Dim y As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet

Set y = Workbooks("Template.xlsm")
Set ws1 = y.Sheets("Results")

With ws1

Set def_Header = Cells.Find(what:="ID", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
Set aCell = .Range("B2:Z2").Find(what:=header, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

If Not aCell Is Nothing Then

defCol = def_Header.Column
defColName = Split(.Cells(, defCol).Address, "$")(1)

col = aCell.Column
colName = Split(.Cells(, col).Address, "$")(1)

lRow = Range(defColName & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row - 1

Set myCol = Range(colName & "2")

'This is your range
Set find_Col = Range(myCol.Address & ":" & colName & lRow).Offset(1, 0)

'If not found

MsgBox "Column Not Found"

End If

End With

End Function

Then in my sub, I select the range and do a Vlookup which fills this range:

Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-4],myTable,2,FALSE)"

And this works great.

Then I needed to return more than just one column, so I ended up with the formula:

Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Source Sheet:
enter image description here

Data Sheet:

enter image description here

So, my function returns only the range for one column, which I think I can use in terms of getting a row count then using something like this:

Set myRng = find_Col("Product")

For currentRow = myRng.Rows.count To 1 Step -1

Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Next currentRow

Then perhaps instead of C3 it could look something like this:

C & currentRow --> Selection.FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP($C & currentRow,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

But then I have the issue that only one cell is selected (G3) and from H-L is not. And I have no idea whether this is even a plausible effort.

Ideally of course, I would have cells G3:L3 selected and fill the formula down to the last row.

My brain is just fried from all the thinking and attempts.

excel vba

share|improve this question

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share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Mar 8 at 12:38

Eitel Dagnin

asked Mar 8 at 8:23

Eitel DagninEitel Dagnin



  • Isn't the output ending the same as the source table with all the data? If so... Why don't you just use a excel formula VLOOKUP+MATCH? =VLOOKUP($B2,SHEETDATA!$B:$J,MATCH(G$2,SHEETDATA!$B$2:$J$2,0),0)

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 8:28

  • Where do you use currentRow inside your For...Next statement?

    – Pspl
    Mar 8 at 8:30

  • @Damian Thank you for the reply.. I'm trying to avoid hard-coded cells as much as possible - in the event headers are shifted on the source sheet. Then also, the source sheet number of rows will not always bee the same as the data sheet, it is at the moment for the purpose of this demonstration.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:34

  • @Pspl Than you for the reply. After the code with the For Loop, I included what the possible formula could look like.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:35

  • 1

    @SJR Once again, I do apologize. I had it as find_Header in the question at the end of the function. I have updated it to find_Col

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:43

  • Isn't the output ending the same as the source table with all the data? If so... Why don't you just use a excel formula VLOOKUP+MATCH? =VLOOKUP($B2,SHEETDATA!$B:$J,MATCH(G$2,SHEETDATA!$B$2:$J$2,0),0)

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 8:28

  • Where do you use currentRow inside your For...Next statement?

    – Pspl
    Mar 8 at 8:30

  • @Damian Thank you for the reply.. I'm trying to avoid hard-coded cells as much as possible - in the event headers are shifted on the source sheet. Then also, the source sheet number of rows will not always bee the same as the data sheet, it is at the moment for the purpose of this demonstration.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:34

  • @Pspl Than you for the reply. After the code with the For Loop, I included what the possible formula could look like.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:35

  • 1

    @SJR Once again, I do apologize. I had it as find_Header in the question at the end of the function. I have updated it to find_Col

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:43

Isn't the output ending the same as the source table with all the data? If so... Why don't you just use a excel formula VLOOKUP+MATCH? =VLOOKUP($B2,SHEETDATA!$B:$J,MATCH(G$2,SHEETDATA!$B$2:$J$2,0),0)

– Damian
Mar 8 at 8:28

Isn't the output ending the same as the source table with all the data? If so... Why don't you just use a excel formula VLOOKUP+MATCH? =VLOOKUP($B2,SHEETDATA!$B:$J,MATCH(G$2,SHEETDATA!$B$2:$J$2,0),0)

– Damian
Mar 8 at 8:28

Where do you use currentRow inside your For...Next statement?

– Pspl
Mar 8 at 8:30

Where do you use currentRow inside your For...Next statement?

– Pspl
Mar 8 at 8:30

@Damian Thank you for the reply.. I'm trying to avoid hard-coded cells as much as possible - in the event headers are shifted on the source sheet. Then also, the source sheet number of rows will not always bee the same as the data sheet, it is at the moment for the purpose of this demonstration.

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 8:34

@Damian Thank you for the reply.. I'm trying to avoid hard-coded cells as much as possible - in the event headers are shifted on the source sheet. Then also, the source sheet number of rows will not always bee the same as the data sheet, it is at the moment for the purpose of this demonstration.

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 8:34

@Pspl Than you for the reply. After the code with the For Loop, I included what the possible formula could look like.

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 8:35

@Pspl Than you for the reply. After the code with the For Loop, I included what the possible formula could look like.

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 8:35



@SJR Once again, I do apologize. I had it as find_Header in the question at the end of the function. I have updated it to find_Col

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 8:43

@SJR Once again, I do apologize. I had it as find_Header in the question at the end of the function. I have updated it to find_Col

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 8:43

2 Answers





So this should do the trick... I've explained every instance but if you need help understanding just ask:

Option Explicit
Sub FillData1()

Dim ws As Worksheet, wsData As Worksheet, arr As Variant, arrData As Variant
Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, DictIds As Scripting.Dictionary, DictDataHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, _
DictDataIds As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Integer, i As Long, j As Integer

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With

With ThisWorkbook
Set ws = .Sheets("Results")
Set wsData = .Sheets("List")
End With

'Lets suppose your data always starts on row 2 in both sheets and column B will always have the max amount of rows filled
With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arr = .Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

With wsData 'filling the data array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arrData = .Range("A2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

'Now lets put everything into Dictionaries so if the data moves columns or rows won't matter
Set DictHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the main sheet
If Not DictHeaders.Exists(arr(1, i)) Then DictHeaders.Add arr(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arr, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the main sheet
If Not DictIds.Exists(arr(i, DictHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictIds.Add arr(i, 1), i
Next i

Set DictDataHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictDataIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arrData, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataHeaders.Exists(arrData(1, i)) Then DictDataHeaders.Add arrData(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arrData, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataIds.Exists(arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictDataIds.Add arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID")), i
Next i

'Finally will loop through the main array to fill it with the data from the data array
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
For j = 6 To UBound(arr, 2) 'I'm assuming you want to avoid the first columns which are hidden
arr(i, j) = arrData(DictDataIds(arr(i, 1)), DictDataHeaders(arr(1, j)))
Next j
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
.Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value = arr
End With

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With

End Sub

share|improve this answer

  • Wow, thank you for this.. Looking promising! :) I have an error popping up on Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary. This is the error User Defined Type Not Defined

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:54

  • Sorry! you need to check Microsoft Scripting Runtime on your libraries

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 8:55

  • Okay, I found the Scripting Runtime library now I am getting an error on this line: Set DictIds = New Scripting and the error is for New Scripting. The error message is Expected user-defined type, not project

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:02

  • You cant write that fast... Sorry, it's Scripting.Dictionary by the way, are there columns on the main sheet that won't on the data sheet?

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 9:12

  • Yes, there are 5 columns not visible in the question. These 5 columns appear on the source sheet but not on the data sheet.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:19


I don't know if I got the true issue of your goal. However, since your Selection parts in your code should be avoid, why don't make something like the following?

Set myRng = find_Col("Product")

For currentRow = myRng.Rows.count To 1 Step -1

Range(Cells(currentRow, 5), Cells(currentRow, 9)).FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP(RC3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Next currentRow

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you for the answer :) I am getting strange results. Please refer to my question as I have attached a screenshot of the results for your answer.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:11

  • Toy have to adjust the formula yourself. For instance, don't you have to complete the C3 cell address?? With the name of the sheet? The #N/A result simply means Excel isn't finding the text on the table.

    – Pspl
    Mar 8 at 11:26

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2 Answers




2 Answers











So this should do the trick... I've explained every instance but if you need help understanding just ask:

Option Explicit
Sub FillData1()

Dim ws As Worksheet, wsData As Worksheet, arr As Variant, arrData As Variant
Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, DictIds As Scripting.Dictionary, DictDataHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, _
DictDataIds As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Integer, i As Long, j As Integer

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With

With ThisWorkbook
Set ws = .Sheets("Results")
Set wsData = .Sheets("List")
End With

'Lets suppose your data always starts on row 2 in both sheets and column B will always have the max amount of rows filled
With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arr = .Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

With wsData 'filling the data array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arrData = .Range("A2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

'Now lets put everything into Dictionaries so if the data moves columns or rows won't matter
Set DictHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the main sheet
If Not DictHeaders.Exists(arr(1, i)) Then DictHeaders.Add arr(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arr, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the main sheet
If Not DictIds.Exists(arr(i, DictHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictIds.Add arr(i, 1), i
Next i

Set DictDataHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictDataIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arrData, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataHeaders.Exists(arrData(1, i)) Then DictDataHeaders.Add arrData(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arrData, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataIds.Exists(arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictDataIds.Add arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID")), i
Next i

'Finally will loop through the main array to fill it with the data from the data array
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
For j = 6 To UBound(arr, 2) 'I'm assuming you want to avoid the first columns which are hidden
arr(i, j) = arrData(DictDataIds(arr(i, 1)), DictDataHeaders(arr(1, j)))
Next j
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
.Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value = arr
End With

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With

End Sub

share|improve this answer

  • Wow, thank you for this.. Looking promising! :) I have an error popping up on Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary. This is the error User Defined Type Not Defined

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:54

  • Sorry! you need to check Microsoft Scripting Runtime on your libraries

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 8:55

  • Okay, I found the Scripting Runtime library now I am getting an error on this line: Set DictIds = New Scripting and the error is for New Scripting. The error message is Expected user-defined type, not project

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:02

  • You cant write that fast... Sorry, it's Scripting.Dictionary by the way, are there columns on the main sheet that won't on the data sheet?

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 9:12

  • Yes, there are 5 columns not visible in the question. These 5 columns appear on the source sheet but not on the data sheet.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:19


So this should do the trick... I've explained every instance but if you need help understanding just ask:

Option Explicit
Sub FillData1()

Dim ws As Worksheet, wsData As Worksheet, arr As Variant, arrData As Variant
Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, DictIds As Scripting.Dictionary, DictDataHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, _
DictDataIds As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Integer, i As Long, j As Integer

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With

With ThisWorkbook
Set ws = .Sheets("Results")
Set wsData = .Sheets("List")
End With

'Lets suppose your data always starts on row 2 in both sheets and column B will always have the max amount of rows filled
With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arr = .Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

With wsData 'filling the data array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arrData = .Range("A2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

'Now lets put everything into Dictionaries so if the data moves columns or rows won't matter
Set DictHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the main sheet
If Not DictHeaders.Exists(arr(1, i)) Then DictHeaders.Add arr(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arr, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the main sheet
If Not DictIds.Exists(arr(i, DictHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictIds.Add arr(i, 1), i
Next i

Set DictDataHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictDataIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arrData, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataHeaders.Exists(arrData(1, i)) Then DictDataHeaders.Add arrData(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arrData, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataIds.Exists(arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictDataIds.Add arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID")), i
Next i

'Finally will loop through the main array to fill it with the data from the data array
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
For j = 6 To UBound(arr, 2) 'I'm assuming you want to avoid the first columns which are hidden
arr(i, j) = arrData(DictDataIds(arr(i, 1)), DictDataHeaders(arr(1, j)))
Next j
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
.Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value = arr
End With

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With

End Sub

share|improve this answer

  • Wow, thank you for this.. Looking promising! :) I have an error popping up on Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary. This is the error User Defined Type Not Defined

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:54

  • Sorry! you need to check Microsoft Scripting Runtime on your libraries

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 8:55

  • Okay, I found the Scripting Runtime library now I am getting an error on this line: Set DictIds = New Scripting and the error is for New Scripting. The error message is Expected user-defined type, not project

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:02

  • You cant write that fast... Sorry, it's Scripting.Dictionary by the way, are there columns on the main sheet that won't on the data sheet?

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 9:12

  • Yes, there are 5 columns not visible in the question. These 5 columns appear on the source sheet but not on the data sheet.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:19




So this should do the trick... I've explained every instance but if you need help understanding just ask:

Option Explicit
Sub FillData1()

Dim ws As Worksheet, wsData As Worksheet, arr As Variant, arrData As Variant
Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, DictIds As Scripting.Dictionary, DictDataHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, _
DictDataIds As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Integer, i As Long, j As Integer

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With

With ThisWorkbook
Set ws = .Sheets("Results")
Set wsData = .Sheets("List")
End With

'Lets suppose your data always starts on row 2 in both sheets and column B will always have the max amount of rows filled
With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arr = .Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

With wsData 'filling the data array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arrData = .Range("A2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

'Now lets put everything into Dictionaries so if the data moves columns or rows won't matter
Set DictHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the main sheet
If Not DictHeaders.Exists(arr(1, i)) Then DictHeaders.Add arr(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arr, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the main sheet
If Not DictIds.Exists(arr(i, DictHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictIds.Add arr(i, 1), i
Next i

Set DictDataHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictDataIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arrData, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataHeaders.Exists(arrData(1, i)) Then DictDataHeaders.Add arrData(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arrData, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataIds.Exists(arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictDataIds.Add arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID")), i
Next i

'Finally will loop through the main array to fill it with the data from the data array
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
For j = 6 To UBound(arr, 2) 'I'm assuming you want to avoid the first columns which are hidden
arr(i, j) = arrData(DictDataIds(arr(i, 1)), DictDataHeaders(arr(1, j)))
Next j
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
.Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value = arr
End With

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With

End Sub

share|improve this answer

So this should do the trick... I've explained every instance but if you need help understanding just ask:

Option Explicit
Sub FillData1()

Dim ws As Worksheet, wsData As Worksheet, arr As Variant, arrData As Variant
Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, DictIds As Scripting.Dictionary, DictDataHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary, _
DictDataIds As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Integer, i As Long, j As Integer

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With

With ThisWorkbook
Set ws = .Sheets("Results")
Set wsData = .Sheets("List")
End With

'Lets suppose your data always starts on row 2 in both sheets and column B will always have the max amount of rows filled
With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arr = .Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

With wsData 'filling the data array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
arrData = .Range("A2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value
End With

'Now lets put everything into Dictionaries so if the data moves columns or rows won't matter
Set DictHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the main sheet
If Not DictHeaders.Exists(arr(1, i)) Then DictHeaders.Add arr(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arr, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the main sheet
If Not DictIds.Exists(arr(i, DictHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictIds.Add arr(i, 1), i
Next i

Set DictDataHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set DictDataIds = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(arrData, 2) 'this will fill the headers positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataHeaders.Exists(arrData(1, i)) Then DictDataHeaders.Add arrData(1, i), i
Next i
For i = 2 To UBound(arrData, 1) 'this will fill the IDs positions on the data sheet
If Not DictDataIds.Exists(arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID"))) Then DictDataIds.Add arrData(i, DictDataHeaders("KW ID")), i
Next i

'Finally will loop through the main array to fill it with the data from the data array
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
For j = 6 To UBound(arr, 2) 'I'm assuming you want to avoid the first columns which are hidden
arr(i, j) = arrData(DictDataIds(arr(i, 1)), DictDataHeaders(arr(1, j)))
Next j
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

With ws 'filling the first array
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
.Range("B2", .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value = arr
End With

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With

End Sub

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Mar 8 at 11:20

answered Mar 8 at 8:50




  • Wow, thank you for this.. Looking promising! :) I have an error popping up on Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary. This is the error User Defined Type Not Defined

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:54

  • Sorry! you need to check Microsoft Scripting Runtime on your libraries

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 8:55

  • Okay, I found the Scripting Runtime library now I am getting an error on this line: Set DictIds = New Scripting and the error is for New Scripting. The error message is Expected user-defined type, not project

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:02

  • You cant write that fast... Sorry, it's Scripting.Dictionary by the way, are there columns on the main sheet that won't on the data sheet?

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 9:12

  • Yes, there are 5 columns not visible in the question. These 5 columns appear on the source sheet but not on the data sheet.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:19

  • Wow, thank you for this.. Looking promising! :) I have an error popping up on Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary. This is the error User Defined Type Not Defined

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 8:54

  • Sorry! you need to check Microsoft Scripting Runtime on your libraries

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 8:55

  • Okay, I found the Scripting Runtime library now I am getting an error on this line: Set DictIds = New Scripting and the error is for New Scripting. The error message is Expected user-defined type, not project

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:02

  • You cant write that fast... Sorry, it's Scripting.Dictionary by the way, are there columns on the main sheet that won't on the data sheet?

    – Damian
    Mar 8 at 9:12

  • Yes, there are 5 columns not visible in the question. These 5 columns appear on the source sheet but not on the data sheet.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:19

Wow, thank you for this.. Looking promising! :) I have an error popping up on Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary. This is the error User Defined Type Not Defined

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 8:54

Wow, thank you for this.. Looking promising! :) I have an error popping up on Dim DictHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary. This is the error User Defined Type Not Defined

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 8:54

Sorry! you need to check Microsoft Scripting Runtime on your libraries

– Damian
Mar 8 at 8:55

Sorry! you need to check Microsoft Scripting Runtime on your libraries

– Damian
Mar 8 at 8:55

Okay, I found the Scripting Runtime library now I am getting an error on this line: Set DictIds = New Scripting and the error is for New Scripting. The error message is Expected user-defined type, not project

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 9:02

Okay, I found the Scripting Runtime library now I am getting an error on this line: Set DictIds = New Scripting and the error is for New Scripting. The error message is Expected user-defined type, not project

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 9:02

You cant write that fast... Sorry, it's Scripting.Dictionary by the way, are there columns on the main sheet that won't on the data sheet?

– Damian
Mar 8 at 9:12

You cant write that fast... Sorry, it's Scripting.Dictionary by the way, are there columns on the main sheet that won't on the data sheet?

– Damian
Mar 8 at 9:12

Yes, there are 5 columns not visible in the question. These 5 columns appear on the source sheet but not on the data sheet.

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 9:19

Yes, there are 5 columns not visible in the question. These 5 columns appear on the source sheet but not on the data sheet.

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 9:19


I don't know if I got the true issue of your goal. However, since your Selection parts in your code should be avoid, why don't make something like the following?

Set myRng = find_Col("Product")

For currentRow = myRng.Rows.count To 1 Step -1

Range(Cells(currentRow, 5), Cells(currentRow, 9)).FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP(RC3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Next currentRow

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you for the answer :) I am getting strange results. Please refer to my question as I have attached a screenshot of the results for your answer.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:11

  • Toy have to adjust the formula yourself. For instance, don't you have to complete the C3 cell address?? With the name of the sheet? The #N/A result simply means Excel isn't finding the text on the table.

    – Pspl
    Mar 8 at 11:26


I don't know if I got the true issue of your goal. However, since your Selection parts in your code should be avoid, why don't make something like the following?

Set myRng = find_Col("Product")

For currentRow = myRng.Rows.count To 1 Step -1

Range(Cells(currentRow, 5), Cells(currentRow, 9)).FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP(RC3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Next currentRow

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you for the answer :) I am getting strange results. Please refer to my question as I have attached a screenshot of the results for your answer.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:11

  • Toy have to adjust the formula yourself. For instance, don't you have to complete the C3 cell address?? With the name of the sheet? The #N/A result simply means Excel isn't finding the text on the table.

    – Pspl
    Mar 8 at 11:26




I don't know if I got the true issue of your goal. However, since your Selection parts in your code should be avoid, why don't make something like the following?

Set myRng = find_Col("Product")

For currentRow = myRng.Rows.count To 1 Step -1

Range(Cells(currentRow, 5), Cells(currentRow, 9)).FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP(RC3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Next currentRow

share|improve this answer

I don't know if I got the true issue of your goal. However, since your Selection parts in your code should be avoid, why don't make something like the following?

Set myRng = find_Col("Product")

For currentRow = myRng.Rows.count To 1 Step -1

Range(Cells(currentRow, 5), Cells(currentRow, 9)).FormulaArray = "=VLOOKUP(RC3,myTable,2,3,4,5,6,FALSE)"

Next currentRow

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Mar 8 at 8:45




  • Thank you for the answer :) I am getting strange results. Please refer to my question as I have attached a screenshot of the results for your answer.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:11

  • Toy have to adjust the formula yourself. For instance, don't you have to complete the C3 cell address?? With the name of the sheet? The #N/A result simply means Excel isn't finding the text on the table.

    – Pspl
    Mar 8 at 11:26

  • Thank you for the answer :) I am getting strange results. Please refer to my question as I have attached a screenshot of the results for your answer.

    – Eitel Dagnin
    Mar 8 at 9:11

  • Toy have to adjust the formula yourself. For instance, don't you have to complete the C3 cell address?? With the name of the sheet? The #N/A result simply means Excel isn't finding the text on the table.

    – Pspl
    Mar 8 at 11:26

Thank you for the answer :) I am getting strange results. Please refer to my question as I have attached a screenshot of the results for your answer.

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 9:11

Thank you for the answer :) I am getting strange results. Please refer to my question as I have attached a screenshot of the results for your answer.

– Eitel Dagnin
Mar 8 at 9:11

Toy have to adjust the formula yourself. For instance, don't you have to complete the C3 cell address?? With the name of the sheet? The #N/A result simply means Excel isn't finding the text on the table.

– Pspl
Mar 8 at 11:26

Toy have to adjust the formula yourself. For instance, don't you have to complete the C3 cell address?? With the name of the sheet? The #N/A result simply means Excel isn't finding the text on the table.

– Pspl
Mar 8 at 11:26

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