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UISlider jumps when updating for AVPlayer

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I try to implement simple player with UISlider to indicate at what time is current audio file.

enter image description here

In code I have added two observers:

 slider.rx.value.subscribe(onNext: value in
let totalTime = Float(CMTimeGetSeconds(self.player.currentItem!.duration))
let seconds = value * totalTime
let time = CMTime(seconds: Double(seconds), preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC))
self.player.seek(to: time)
).disposed(by: bag)
let interval = CMTime(seconds: 0.1, preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC))
player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: nil) [weak self] time in
self?.updateSlider(with: time)

with one private function:

private func updateSlider(with time: CMTime) 
let currentTime = CMTimeGetSeconds(time)
var totalTime = CMTimeGetSeconds(player.currentItem!.duration)
if totalTime.isNaN
totalTime = 0

startLabel.text = Int(currentTime).descriptiveDuration
endLabel.text = Int(totalTime).descriptiveDuration
slider.value = Float(currentTime / totalTime)

When audio plays, everything is fine and slider is pretty much updated. The problem occurs when I try to move slider manually while audio is playing, then it jumps. Why?


I know why actually. Because I update it twice: manually and from player observer, but how to prevent from this behaviour? I have no idea;) please, help.

share|improve this question

  • see this for help : stackoverflow.com/questions/43062870/…

    – Anbu.Karthik
    Mar 8 at 8:46

  • 1

    How about case handling within addPeriodicTimeObserver block to return immediately when slider is being touched?

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 9:13

  • @staticVoidMan how would you like to implement it?;) Please answer your idea and I will try it.

    – Bartłomiej Semańczyk
    Mar 8 at 9:27

  • 1

    @BartłomiejSemańczyk Well, the basic idea is to prevent slider from updating when it is being touched/moved. I will chalk up a sample example :)

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 9:47


I try to implement simple player with UISlider to indicate at what time is current audio file.

enter image description here

In code I have added two observers:

 slider.rx.value.subscribe(onNext: value in
let totalTime = Float(CMTimeGetSeconds(self.player.currentItem!.duration))
let seconds = value * totalTime
let time = CMTime(seconds: Double(seconds), preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC))
self.player.seek(to: time)
).disposed(by: bag)
let interval = CMTime(seconds: 0.1, preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC))
player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: nil) [weak self] time in
self?.updateSlider(with: time)

with one private function:

private func updateSlider(with time: CMTime) 
let currentTime = CMTimeGetSeconds(time)
var totalTime = CMTimeGetSeconds(player.currentItem!.duration)
if totalTime.isNaN
totalTime = 0

startLabel.text = Int(currentTime).descriptiveDuration
endLabel.text = Int(totalTime).descriptiveDuration
slider.value = Float(currentTime / totalTime)

When audio plays, everything is fine and slider is pretty much updated. The problem occurs when I try to move slider manually while audio is playing, then it jumps. Why?


I know why actually. Because I update it twice: manually and from player observer, but how to prevent from this behaviour? I have no idea;) please, help.

share|improve this question

  • see this for help : stackoverflow.com/questions/43062870/…

    – Anbu.Karthik
    Mar 8 at 8:46

  • 1

    How about case handling within addPeriodicTimeObserver block to return immediately when slider is being touched?

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 9:13

  • @staticVoidMan how would you like to implement it?;) Please answer your idea and I will try it.

    – Bartłomiej Semańczyk
    Mar 8 at 9:27

  • 1

    @BartłomiejSemańczyk Well, the basic idea is to prevent slider from updating when it is being touched/moved. I will chalk up a sample example :)

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 9:47




I try to implement simple player with UISlider to indicate at what time is current audio file.

enter image description here

In code I have added two observers:

 slider.rx.value.subscribe(onNext: value in
let totalTime = Float(CMTimeGetSeconds(self.player.currentItem!.duration))
let seconds = value * totalTime
let time = CMTime(seconds: Double(seconds), preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC))
self.player.seek(to: time)
).disposed(by: bag)
let interval = CMTime(seconds: 0.1, preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC))
player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: nil) [weak self] time in
self?.updateSlider(with: time)

with one private function:

private func updateSlider(with time: CMTime) 
let currentTime = CMTimeGetSeconds(time)
var totalTime = CMTimeGetSeconds(player.currentItem!.duration)
if totalTime.isNaN
totalTime = 0

startLabel.text = Int(currentTime).descriptiveDuration
endLabel.text = Int(totalTime).descriptiveDuration
slider.value = Float(currentTime / totalTime)

When audio plays, everything is fine and slider is pretty much updated. The problem occurs when I try to move slider manually while audio is playing, then it jumps. Why?


I know why actually. Because I update it twice: manually and from player observer, but how to prevent from this behaviour? I have no idea;) please, help.

share|improve this question

I try to implement simple player with UISlider to indicate at what time is current audio file.

enter image description here

In code I have added two observers:

 slider.rx.value.subscribe(onNext: value in
let totalTime = Float(CMTimeGetSeconds(self.player.currentItem!.duration))
let seconds = value * totalTime
let time = CMTime(seconds: Double(seconds), preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC))
self.player.seek(to: time)
).disposed(by: bag)
let interval = CMTime(seconds: 0.1, preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC))
player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: nil) [weak self] time in
self?.updateSlider(with: time)

with one private function:

private func updateSlider(with time: CMTime) 
let currentTime = CMTimeGetSeconds(time)
var totalTime = CMTimeGetSeconds(player.currentItem!.duration)
if totalTime.isNaN
totalTime = 0

startLabel.text = Int(currentTime).descriptiveDuration
endLabel.text = Int(totalTime).descriptiveDuration
slider.value = Float(currentTime / totalTime)

When audio plays, everything is fine and slider is pretty much updated. The problem occurs when I try to move slider manually while audio is playing, then it jumps. Why?


I know why actually. Because I update it twice: manually and from player observer, but how to prevent from this behaviour? I have no idea;) please, help.

ios swift avplayer uislider

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Mar 8 at 13:01




asked Mar 8 at 8:17

Bartłomiej SemańczykBartłomiej Semańczyk



  • see this for help : stackoverflow.com/questions/43062870/…

    – Anbu.Karthik
    Mar 8 at 8:46

  • 1

    How about case handling within addPeriodicTimeObserver block to return immediately when slider is being touched?

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 9:13

  • @staticVoidMan how would you like to implement it?;) Please answer your idea and I will try it.

    – Bartłomiej Semańczyk
    Mar 8 at 9:27

  • 1

    @BartłomiejSemańczyk Well, the basic idea is to prevent slider from updating when it is being touched/moved. I will chalk up a sample example :)

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 9:47

  • see this for help : stackoverflow.com/questions/43062870/…

    – Anbu.Karthik
    Mar 8 at 8:46

  • 1

    How about case handling within addPeriodicTimeObserver block to return immediately when slider is being touched?

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 9:13

  • @staticVoidMan how would you like to implement it?;) Please answer your idea and I will try it.

    – Bartłomiej Semańczyk
    Mar 8 at 9:27

  • 1

    @BartłomiejSemańczyk Well, the basic idea is to prevent slider from updating when it is being touched/moved. I will chalk up a sample example :)

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 9:47

see this for help : stackoverflow.com/questions/43062870/…

– Anbu.Karthik
Mar 8 at 8:46

see this for help : stackoverflow.com/questions/43062870/…

– Anbu.Karthik
Mar 8 at 8:46



How about case handling within addPeriodicTimeObserver block to return immediately when slider is being touched?

– staticVoidMan
Mar 8 at 9:13

How about case handling within addPeriodicTimeObserver block to return immediately when slider is being touched?

– staticVoidMan
Mar 8 at 9:13

@staticVoidMan how would you like to implement it?;) Please answer your idea and I will try it.

– Bartłomiej Semańczyk
Mar 8 at 9:27

@staticVoidMan how would you like to implement it?;) Please answer your idea and I will try it.

– Bartłomiej Semańczyk
Mar 8 at 9:27



@BartłomiejSemańczyk Well, the basic idea is to prevent slider from updating when it is being touched/moved. I will chalk up a sample example :)

– staticVoidMan
Mar 8 at 9:47

@BartłomiejSemańczyk Well, the basic idea is to prevent slider from updating when it is being touched/moved. I will chalk up a sample example :)

– staticVoidMan
Mar 8 at 9:47

1 Answer





One simple way to go about this would be to prevent addPeriodicTimeObserver from calling self?.updateSlider(with: time) when the slider is being touched.

This can be determined via the UISliders isTracking property:


A Boolean value indicating whether the control is currently tracking
touch events.

While tracking of a touch event is in progress, the control sets the
value of this property to true. When tracking ends or is cancelled for
any reason, it sets this property to false.

Ref: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicontrol/1618210-istracking

This is present in all UIControl elements which you can use in this way:

player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: nil) [weak self] time in
//check if slider is being touched/tracked
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return

//if slider is not being touched, then update the slider from here
self?.updateSlider(with: time)

Generic Example:

@IBOutlet var slider: UISlider!
func startSlider()
slider.value = 0
slider.maximumValue = 10

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.1, repeats: true) [weak self] (timer) in
print("Slider at: (self?.slider.value)")
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return
self?.updateSlider(to: self!.slider.value + 0.1)

private func updateSlider(to value: Float)
slider.value = value

I'm sure there are other (better) ways out there but I haven't done much in RxSwift (yet).

I hope this is good enough for now.

share|improve this answer

  • @BartłomiejSemańczyk I've updated the answer. Stuff is easier. No need for the previous implementation. My bad, I hardly use it so forgot :P

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 10:48

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1 Answer











One simple way to go about this would be to prevent addPeriodicTimeObserver from calling self?.updateSlider(with: time) when the slider is being touched.

This can be determined via the UISliders isTracking property:


A Boolean value indicating whether the control is currently tracking
touch events.

While tracking of a touch event is in progress, the control sets the
value of this property to true. When tracking ends or is cancelled for
any reason, it sets this property to false.

Ref: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicontrol/1618210-istracking

This is present in all UIControl elements which you can use in this way:

player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: nil) [weak self] time in
//check if slider is being touched/tracked
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return

//if slider is not being touched, then update the slider from here
self?.updateSlider(with: time)

Generic Example:

@IBOutlet var slider: UISlider!
func startSlider()
slider.value = 0
slider.maximumValue = 10

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.1, repeats: true) [weak self] (timer) in
print("Slider at: (self?.slider.value)")
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return
self?.updateSlider(to: self!.slider.value + 0.1)

private func updateSlider(to value: Float)
slider.value = value

I'm sure there are other (better) ways out there but I haven't done much in RxSwift (yet).

I hope this is good enough for now.

share|improve this answer

  • @BartłomiejSemańczyk I've updated the answer. Stuff is easier. No need for the previous implementation. My bad, I hardly use it so forgot :P

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 10:48


One simple way to go about this would be to prevent addPeriodicTimeObserver from calling self?.updateSlider(with: time) when the slider is being touched.

This can be determined via the UISliders isTracking property:


A Boolean value indicating whether the control is currently tracking
touch events.

While tracking of a touch event is in progress, the control sets the
value of this property to true. When tracking ends or is cancelled for
any reason, it sets this property to false.

Ref: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicontrol/1618210-istracking

This is present in all UIControl elements which you can use in this way:

player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: nil) [weak self] time in
//check if slider is being touched/tracked
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return

//if slider is not being touched, then update the slider from here
self?.updateSlider(with: time)

Generic Example:

@IBOutlet var slider: UISlider!
func startSlider()
slider.value = 0
slider.maximumValue = 10

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.1, repeats: true) [weak self] (timer) in
print("Slider at: (self?.slider.value)")
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return
self?.updateSlider(to: self!.slider.value + 0.1)

private func updateSlider(to value: Float)
slider.value = value

I'm sure there are other (better) ways out there but I haven't done much in RxSwift (yet).

I hope this is good enough for now.

share|improve this answer

  • @BartłomiejSemańczyk I've updated the answer. Stuff is easier. No need for the previous implementation. My bad, I hardly use it so forgot :P

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 10:48




One simple way to go about this would be to prevent addPeriodicTimeObserver from calling self?.updateSlider(with: time) when the slider is being touched.

This can be determined via the UISliders isTracking property:


A Boolean value indicating whether the control is currently tracking
touch events.

While tracking of a touch event is in progress, the control sets the
value of this property to true. When tracking ends or is cancelled for
any reason, it sets this property to false.

Ref: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicontrol/1618210-istracking

This is present in all UIControl elements which you can use in this way:

player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: nil) [weak self] time in
//check if slider is being touched/tracked
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return

//if slider is not being touched, then update the slider from here
self?.updateSlider(with: time)

Generic Example:

@IBOutlet var slider: UISlider!
func startSlider()
slider.value = 0
slider.maximumValue = 10

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.1, repeats: true) [weak self] (timer) in
print("Slider at: (self?.slider.value)")
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return
self?.updateSlider(to: self!.slider.value + 0.1)

private func updateSlider(to value: Float)
slider.value = value

I'm sure there are other (better) ways out there but I haven't done much in RxSwift (yet).

I hope this is good enough for now.

share|improve this answer

One simple way to go about this would be to prevent addPeriodicTimeObserver from calling self?.updateSlider(with: time) when the slider is being touched.

This can be determined via the UISliders isTracking property:


A Boolean value indicating whether the control is currently tracking
touch events.

While tracking of a touch event is in progress, the control sets the
value of this property to true. When tracking ends or is cancelled for
any reason, it sets this property to false.

Ref: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicontrol/1618210-istracking

This is present in all UIControl elements which you can use in this way:

player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: nil) [weak self] time in
//check if slider is being touched/tracked
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return

//if slider is not being touched, then update the slider from here
self?.updateSlider(with: time)

Generic Example:

@IBOutlet var slider: UISlider!
func startSlider()
slider.value = 0
slider.maximumValue = 10

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.1, repeats: true) [weak self] (timer) in
print("Slider at: (self?.slider.value)")
guard self?.slider.isTracking == false else return
self?.updateSlider(to: self!.slider.value + 0.1)

private func updateSlider(to value: Float)
slider.value = value

I'm sure there are other (better) ways out there but I haven't done much in RxSwift (yet).

I hope this is good enough for now.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Mar 8 at 10:47

answered Mar 8 at 10:06




  • @BartłomiejSemańczyk I've updated the answer. Stuff is easier. No need for the previous implementation. My bad, I hardly use it so forgot :P

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 10:48

  • @BartłomiejSemańczyk I've updated the answer. Stuff is easier. No need for the previous implementation. My bad, I hardly use it so forgot :P

    – staticVoidMan
    Mar 8 at 10:48

@BartłomiejSemańczyk I've updated the answer. Stuff is easier. No need for the previous implementation. My bad, I hardly use it so forgot :P

– staticVoidMan
Mar 8 at 10:48

@BartłomiejSemańczyk I've updated the answer. Stuff is easier. No need for the previous implementation. My bad, I hardly use it so forgot :P

– staticVoidMan
Mar 8 at 10:48

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