
Ferezneh References Navigation menu34°30′46″N 60°36′48″E / 34.51278°N 60.61333°E / 34.51278; 60.6133334°30′46″N 60°36′48″E / 34.51278°N 60.61333°E / 34.51278; 60.61333this link"Census of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1385 (2006)"the originaleexpanding ite

TaybadTaybadKarizAbqahAsadabad-e DarbandFarmanabadFereznehIilehKaratKuhabadPoshtehQaleh Now-e AbghehRahnehAbbasabadArzancheh-ye SoflaChah-e Mohammadabad QodsDowqarunFeyzabadHajjiabadKalateh-ye HazaratKoshgakMir Aqa BeykMohsenabadOwlyaQumiSardabSefid BalaShamsabadMashhad RizehBidakBohlulabadChahar BorjiKheyrabadKhiabanPasavehPol-e BandQaderabadSamanganShadiSorkh SaraTunahHoseyniJowzeqanKahjahOstayShizanSuran Populated places in Taybad CountyTaybad County geography stubs PersianRomanizedKarat Rural DistrictCentral DistrictTaybad CountyRazavi Khorasan ProvinceIran village in Razavi Khorasan, Iran Ferezneh فرزنه village Ferezneh Coordinates: 34°30′46″N 60°36′48″E  /  34.51278°N 60.61333°E  / 34.51278; 60.61333 Coordinates: 34°30′46″N 60°36′48″E  /  34.51278°N 60.61333°E  / 34.51278; 60.61333 Country   Iran Province Raz...

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